Valoran Continent.

Valoran is the largest magical continent in the world, with many regions such as Demacia, Noxus, and Freljord.

Ionia is a large island surrounding the mainland of Valoran, and it belongs to the mainland of Valoran along with the other two large islands, Shadow Island and Bilgewater.

In this world, there are many extraordinary powers, there are star gods, gods, demons, ninjas, etc., from gods to monsters, there are grotesque and bustling.

And those who have extraordinary power are called heroes.

In the Valoran continent, there are very few beings who can be called heroes. So far, there have been no more than 200, and even 150.

Currently, Noxus is invading Ionia. Led by Irelia, the Will of Blades, Ionia fought back, trying to protect her homeland.

Poor Liszt, that’s all he knows.

As a soldier, he really is not qualified to know too many things.

All he needs to know is that Noxus is bad, Ionia is good, he wants to protect Ionia, and that’s enough.

After hearing the pre-war mobilization of the Will of Blades, Liszt followed the large force and rushed to the front line-Noxus landed from the southern part of Ionia and was advancing rapidly towards the center.

They had to keep Noxus out of the Plessy Mountains, otherwise once Noxus broke through this natural barrier, it would be more difficult for Ionia to organize a counterattack.

Liszt wore armor engraved with magic lines, and carried the magic sword, which was also tempered by magic, behind his back, followed the large army, and marched forward in a hurry.

To be honest, most of these soldiers have not undergone rigorous training, but are only temporarily recruited and organized militias from various places.

Ionia has always been peace-loving, and the provinces are very independent, and no one thought that one day they would face war.

As a result, Ionia’s defense force was extremely empty. Under the invasion of Noxus, it was like an irresistible baby. It was quickly occupied by large tracts of land and reduced to a semi-colony.

However, when there is aggression, there is resistance. The sleeping Ionia gradually wakes up, and Irelia, the will of the blade, is born and becomes the military leader of the country, thus sounding the horn of counterattack.

For these soldiers, Irelia is not just a commander, she is a totem, a belief.

Therefore, before this, the performance of the soldiers on the martial arts field is not surprising.

“Gulu Gulu Gulu?” A young soldier next to him said to Liszt.

The soldier was breathing heavily, his face was as pale as a piece of paper, and Liszt couldn’t really hear what he was saying.

“What did you say?” Liszt asked.

“You… what’s your name?” the soldier said with difficulty.

“My name is Liszt, what about you?” Liszt asked.

“My name is Covance, I can’t run, can you help me?” He pointed to the magic epee and supplies behind him.

“Okay.” Based on the principle that helping others means helping yourself, and one more comrade in arms gives more strength, Liszt took what Covance handed over.

He casually hung the magic sword behind his back, picked up the supplies on his back, and continued to run forward at a brisk pace, with light footsteps without breathing a single breath.

“Aren’t you tired?” With Liszt helping him to share the pressure, Covance’s condition improved a lot. He adjusted his breathing, and he was able to keep up with the speed of the army.

“Not tired.”

“Why aren’t you tired?”

“Probably because I’m in good health.”

“There is such a thing.” Covance was surprised. “I heard that some people are gifted and born with the power of runes. You should be such a son of runes.”

“I don’t know.” Liszt scratched his head, looking silly.

He is indeed in good health. From childhood to adulthood, in his memory, there has never been a lack of physical strength.

He ran for another ten miles, his face was not flushed, his heart was not beating, his breathing was still even, it didn’t look like he was marching with a heavy load at all, but it looked like he was lying on a bed.

“Why do you have so many supplies?” Liszt asked, pointing to the huge box on his back.

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“My mother gave it to me, for fear that I would be hungry on the road.” Covance was a little embarrassed, “but it doesn’t matter, I can give you some.”

It didn’t take long for Liszt, who was still walking fast with two sets of equipment and a huge supply box on his back, to successfully attract the attention of the surrounding soldiers.

“Brother, can you hold this sword for me?”

“Dude, let’s help each other. I have beef jerky in my supply. You carry it for me, and I’ll give you beef jerky, how about it?”

“I really can’t walk. If you still have the strength, help me get this shield?”

Liszt did not refuse anyone who came, and took all the orders, and piled all kinds of things on his body.

Everyone’s armor and weapons look different, and most of them are “rune weapons” and “rune armor” passed down from generation to generation in the village.

Said to be rune weapons and rune armors, in fact, they are basically selling dog meat with sheep’s heads. Even if there is really rune power, it has been passed down for so many generations, it should be dissipated.

The equipment on Liszt’s body was bought from the village chief’s collection room. At that time, the village chief snotted and cried, and was so distressed that he almost died immediately.

In the long history of Ionia, there has been very little war, or it can be said that there is no war at all, and since there is no war, there is no supporting facilities for war.

There are no such things as military factories, arsenals, etc.

The consequence of all kinds of strange equipment is that Liszt, who is running forward with all kinds of equipment at this time, has a visual effect of a large hedgehog on a rampage.

As we all know, the bigger the volume, the more noticeable it is.

The bigger the volume, the more people you can attract, and the more people you attract, the bigger the volume becomes.

The Matthew effect is on full display in such an infinite loop.

In the end, Liszt really didn’t have any extra space on his body. All the soldiers worked together to make him a simple large wooden board and found two ropes to tie him around his waist.

Liszt just dragged the hill-like weapon supply, still walking like a fly, and running forward with ease, as if the latter things did not exist at all.

“This can’t be done. No matter how powerful Liszt is, there are limits. We can’t let other people stack things on top of them.”

“Yes, we can’t put Liszt under so much pressure, let’s keep a low profile and don’t let others see it.”

There were hundreds of soldiers who handed over the equipment to Liszt. Realizing this problem at this time, they took action again and leveled the hill to make it less exaggerated as much as possible.

Then, they marched forward around the small hill, using a sea of tactics to surround them tightly, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside from the outside.

Ionia has never experienced war, and these soldiers are all militiamen with low military literacy. At this moment, they are marching in a hurry, and they are already out of breath. Even if they do not fall behind, it is difficult to maintain the formation.

But in this chaotic and hasty marching scene, there is a standard rectangular phalanx, moving forward at high speed, everyone is refreshed and high-spirited…


Except for some tinkling noises from the collision.

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