I can summon outrageous partners

Chapter 419 418 People in the capital are sick

Chapter 419 418. People in the capital are sick

The moving work lasted several days.

Although they have such hard-core moving capabilities, the relocation process no longer involves everyone lining up to enter the cave. Instead, each building is forced to separate from the ground, and then moved to the cave, and then moved by the people inside.

In the remaining years of the cave, I felt some Tianheng shock. The awakened person of the power system is really suitable for moving bricks on the construction site. The true son of civil engineering, the holy body of ashes.

Compared with normal circumstances, the speed is ridiculously fast, but after the war, Tianheng City has a large population.

Lin Li did not change the situation, but was happy to see this scene - after all, no matter what was moved, it would fill his city treasury.

Moreover, when a locust like him passes through the border, he will leave behind some things that cannot be 'gnawed'. Now that everyone is here, don't leave any behind!

But now with the help of Tianheng City, more things can be moved.

For example, experimental equipment, although few in Tianheng City and Shuguang City combined have knowledge in this area, but well, we can not understand it, but we cannot live without it! move! Moving the experimental equipment is too much trouble! Move directly to the experimental building now!

In short, after a few days, Tianheng City was still built except for the city wall, and the interior was even more ruined than ruins.

Even gray beasts passing through the border cannot have this effect.

It was not without some chaos or mistakes during this period. For example, a total of eight residents tried to leave the city, and three others sent requests for help or even pure intelligence messages to the outside world, but without exception, they were all intercepted by Lin Li, who had already laid out the plan.

At the same time, the people who entered the cave were not as well-behaved as the aborigines. In just a few days, dozens of rule violations occurred.

Lin Li was not polite to them, and made them the first batch of guests to experience Dongtian Prison in Shuguang City. Some of them were serious, and he let them experience the guillotine to scare the monkeys.

Guillotine has received no negative reviews from users so far, and it defaults to positive reviews. Lin Li is very pleased.

At this moment, Dawn City, although it looks a bit messy, is in a state of laughter and laughter.

The city gate is wide open, and there are a lot of buildings and materials densely displayed at the door that have not been found in a suitable location. They have not yet found a suitable location, but these things can be moved slowly in the future.

At this time, a welcome meeting as Yu Nian said was being held inside Shuguang City.

The rebuilt city center, which is more than enough to house more than 4,000 people, is now overcrowded. They are eating peas and other foods special to Dawn City, drinking unlimited juice, and watching the gray beast show brought by Hali Zoo - there is no cruelty to animals, gray beasts They are voluntary.

The unwilling one has turned into a small stone, lying in the warehouse of Dawn City.

Lin Li's stand-in was on the roof of the building, looking at the scene below with a smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Before getting the "realm", although the Dawn City scroll was in Lin Li's hands, Lin Li still had no sense of belonging here, and he didn't think it was his own, and what it did had nothing to do with him.

But now, after Dawn City has completely become his own domain, Lin Li's village rat character makes him feel great satisfaction and achievement as he watches his things "grow".

According to the system prompts, as of now, the population in Dongtian has reached more than 40,000 people, which has increased nearly nine times. The upper limit of the reward mission is 50,000 people. As long as everyone works hard, we can reach it soon.

In addition to the population, the land utilization rate of Shuguang City has also been greatly improved in the past few days.

Demolitions were carried out to make room for demolition, repairs were carried out, and expansions were carried out. The whole city seemed to be glowing with new life, and it truly had the prototype of what a city should be like.

Supplies are not a problem. There is always a shortage of water sources with numerous steel rods. Various juices have already been filled in various large reservoirs in the city. Pure water can also be synthesized and produced, but the price is slightly higher.

In addition to the 5,000 peas that Lin Li can replenish every day, the food that has been brought in from Tianheng City in the past few days and the inventory accumulated in Dawn City is very sufficient.

This is enough for more than 40,000 people to survive for at least a year.

——It is still a nourishing year. If it were purely for survival, the time could be at least doubled.

As long as half a year or even a few months pass, the newly cultivated land can get a round of harvest. With Tianheng City's seed inventory, there is no shortage of seeds with special effects. Yu Nian took his son, the Minister of Agriculture, Mu Mu. The guarantee of spring's head ensures that the inner circulation of the cave will be realized again.

Patrick and Fantasy Martin had a great time at the welcome party, while Tom and Jerry played music for the dance in the square.

The dance party is also called the Dating Corner. Lin Li and Yu Nian have the same purpose, which is to get married early and have more children based on the instinct between men and women.

But Lin Li was thinking about others, and Yu Nian was thinking about himself.


At this time, Yu Nian, a boy of school age, was surrounded by five girls of school age brought by Wang De, shivering.

These girls of the right age are all taller and stronger than Yu Nian, making him, who is shrouded in shadow in the middle, look pitiful, weak and helpless.

Wang De's eyesight couldn't see Yu Nian's forced smile, and he was still introducing the excellent qualities of these girls. Lin Li's keen ears heard and asked where he was, saying that he would also introduce a few to himself.

Again? Let me go, Brother Wang!

But when Yu Nian heard what was going on, he immediately looked for Brother Lin who could share his 'blessing'. But when he glanced at Lin Li's position on the roof of the building from the corner of his eye, he heard the new rules set by Dawn City in his mind. :

"Anyone who unauthorizedly reveals the location of Lin Li today will dance naked on the spot - this rule only applies to Yu Nian."

"By the way, you can't refuse a girl's invitation to dance, and you can't refuse to dance naked on the spot - this rule only applies to Yu Nian."

"We must embrace this world with love, and tell Wang De loudly that these girls are very suitable to me, please give me more - this rule only applies to Yu Nian."

——Perhaps it was She Du from the Shi Leng dungeon. Lin Li's first reaction to the punishment was to dance.

The highlight in Yu Nian's eyes disappeared, as if he had become a puppet on strings.

But he became the most beautiful scenery on the dance floor, flowing in the arms of countless girls, and he was extremely romantic.

Lin Li just watched with a smile and did not participate in the welcome party - although there were indeed many real beautiful girls there, and there were also some who were interested in him, the cheap city lord who also served as the savior, but it was out of status or curiosity. , not sure.

So if Lin Li really wanted to, he could become a truly romantic person.

One of the reasons why this is not the case is that the main body is still on the road and his attention must be focused on it. The second reason is that Lin Li's vision has become longer-term.

Since you can either find the God Realm on your own, or the God Realm can find you, depending on how the system arranges it, you must go to the God Realm.

Furthermore, according to the descriptions related to Hali and Central City, after becoming a god, he can only ascend alone and cannot take anyone with him from the main world.

In this case, the main world is all floating clouds, and they will be separated when the time comes. You must not take a longer-term view, or a higher point! Not allowed to go to the God Realm to meet a goddess? !

Although he has never met a goddess, and even if he heard about it, he only heard that Zhang Jiji might be a woman, this did not stop Lin Li from fantasizing.

Of course, the goddess had to be normal, not an idiot like Aqua. It was best to be a beautiful goddess.

Lin Li didn't look around the city for too long. Soon, Lin Li shifted his mental focus from the avatar to the real person who was driving.

At this time, Lin Li was on his way to the capital.

He left Tianheng City three days ago. When he left, he specially set up some drones to continue flying in a patrol manner, so that gray beasts or humans could not respond to the empty situation of the city in a short period of time.

Originally, at the speed of the Cockroach Chariot, it would not take three days for Shuguang City to reach the capital city. However, Lin Li considered that the capital city might realize that he would come from this direction, so he took a long detour and changed the direction from another direction. city ​​to the capital.

Because of its geographical location, there seemed to be no gray area around the capital, so when Lin Li got closer, he immediately replaced it with a dump truck that had never been used before as a vehicle, and buried the Dawn City scroll in place. , before moving on.

If Dawn City is dwarfed by Tian Heng City in terms of city size, then Tian Heng City is also the same for the capital city.

From a very far distance, Lin Li could see the towering walls of the capital city protruding from the ground.

When you get closer and see the whole picture, you can feel its majesty even more. The composition alone makes Lin Li a little confused. The general city wall is one piece, but the capital city wall is actually composed of two pieces, the upper and the lower.

The upper piece is supported by unknown forces and is suspended above the lower piece. There is a gap of several meters high in the middle, where various patrol soldiers and weapons can be seen.

The wall must not be an ordinary stone, it has a strange shimmer on it.

Lin Li got out of the car and got closer, once again feeling the tight security of the capital city.

In ordinary cities, such as Shuguang or Tianheng, the city guards only guard the entrance and exit gates, but in the capital, there is an audit checkpoint a few hundred meters away from the city gate, and everyone flows in. This must be reviewed.

Judging from Lin Li's naked eyes, not surprisingly, all of the soldiers who were conducting the review were Awakened. Only a quarter of them were not entirely in human form, and most of them were similar to Twenty-Four. Maybe Is it the guiding direction controlled by the capital city?

And the remaining three-quarters have different aura and eyes from ordinary people.

There were only one or two Awakened Guards in the former Dawn City at the entrance of the city hall, and their levels were probably not high, which shows the huge gap between the two places.

And this was not the only one. There were at least four such levels in the scenes that Lin Li could see. There were also various large drones in the sky, watching eagerly.

It seems that the idea of ​​teleporting in is out of the question. Lin Li's physical strength cannot support this kind of distance for the time being, let alone the layers of levels, but the thickness of the city wall makes teleporting difficult.

And according to the warnings given by Yasheng and others, this was just a guard on the surface of the capital.

"There must be more high-level awakened people hiding around. It is too risky to break in by force." Lin Li looked at the rigorously reviewed levels and said to himself.

"Let's borrow an identity." After thinking for a while, Lin Li decided.

I need someone who is about the same height and shape as me, and the ID card needs to be in the style of a wristwatch.

So a young man who had just left the city gate and met the conditions of an unlucky person, on his way to a nearby city, saw a small package that seemed to suddenly appear on the ground with some writing on it.

Curious, he picked it up and read clearly what was written on it.

"Here are 3,000 points, which is what I paid for your name. Accepting it means you agree that your name is mine, Jie Jie Jie."

The young man opened the package and found a stored-value card worth three thousand points in the capital.

"All the words are written wrong, this person is really uneducated." The young man sneered, then played with the stored value card in his hand and said, "As the saying goes, if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you will earn 3,000 points in vain."

Someone hiding in the darkness nodded happily. Now he no longer had any psychological burden and was ready to take action!

In this world, many people have adaptive superstitions, such as the left eye twitching towards wealth and the right eye twitching towards feudal superstition.

"But I believe it."

The sneering young man's tone suddenly changed, and he carefully folded the package again, put it in its original place respectfully, and even bowed: "Hello, I didn't intend to pick it up, and I didn't intend to disturb or offend you. Please don't pester me, Elk God. Bless me and wish you find your favorite seller soon.”

The young man thought for a while and added a 1,000-point stored-value card to it. After correcting the typo, he added a few words: "Sponsor one thousand points. If you can, buy one-third of it and share it with me. Be healthy." Yes, thank you."

Then the young man left with satisfaction.

——Now is the era of war. Who doesn’t know that the best ability of some gray beasts is curses, and there are also people with this kind of direction awakening among humans, and they are not without them in the capital. Who would do it for a mere three thousand points? life.

This person also spends too little of his capital. He is really looking down on people.

After the gloomy Lin Li and others left, he saw the content clearly and fell into silence: "..."

"Why is it different from what I imagined?"

This Capital City stored-value card belonged to Yasheng and the others. Lin Li's original plan was that someone taking advantage of it would take it away, so that he could 'borrow' his ID card and use it with peace of mind.

But now, what does it mean if I make a thousand points?

Why do I feel so humiliated...

After thinking about it, Lin Li modified the text above.

"I'm just buying your name and identity for half a day, not your life, and it won't cause you any real harm. It's a legitimate transaction."

Lin Li then continued to hide in a dark corner waiting for the right person.

So another young man in rich clothes who had just left the city gate came to this road and made the same mistake again.

Curious, he picked it up and read clearly what was written on it.

"What's my identity and what's yours, you want to buy me for only 4,000 points? That's really shabby." The young man sneered again.

He added six thousand to it, rounded it up, and then added some writing on it: "Sponsor six thousand, buy something good, don't owe yourself, don't care who I am, a kind person passing by."

Then he put the package back in its place and left with satisfaction, humming as he left:

"I did another good deed today, and my merits are increased by six thousand."

"It's so annoying. There are too many merits. I will waste some of them later."

Some are happy, some are silent.

Dawn City Cave Sky.

"Grandpa, what's wrong? Why are you here in person? Nothing happened here." Yasheng, who was maintaining the order of the welcome party, looked at the sudden arrival of Lin Li's stand-in and asked strangely.

"Everyone in your capital is sick, right?" Lin Li said through gritted teeth.

Yasheng: "Huh?"

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