I can summon outrageous partners

Chapter 169 Chapter 168

Chapter 169. 168. Changes in Huaguo Mountain

"What's wrong with you? Why are you still wearing this iron bar on your head?"

Noticing that the iron bucket above Lin Li's head was no longer considered an iron bucket, Lu Xiaoguo wanted to grab it off.

Then he found he couldn't.

After all, this is a piece of equipment that can only be removed by the wearer on his own initiative.

"Wow, Guoli, did you stick it with glue—" Lu Xiaoguo said while pulling it out forcefully, gritted his teeth.

"It fits my head very well, so don't pull it. If you pull it again, my scalp will be torn off by you. I don't want to be an Indian." Lin Li pulled away Lu Xiaoguo's hand from pulling his iron bucket.

"I'm fine, it's just that I was designed by Xiao Guoding. He planted a bomb in Papaya Boy's body. When I went up to check on Papaya Boy's injury, I was blown up. It's a trivial matter."

Lin Li explained.

"Xiao Guoding? Are you a traitor?" Lu Xiaoguo scratched his head when he heard that.

"Perhaps." Lin Li didn't argue with Lu Xiaoguo on this point, and walked towards the two bound prisoners.

"Guobao Mecha, return to its place!"

When he got close to a certain distance, Lin Li silently summoned the Orange Battle Treasure—not for fighting, but simply for protecting himself with a mecha.

"Did you eat anything before you came here?" Lin Li still asked vigilantly.

The two soldiers looked at each other, as if they didn't understand what Lin Li wanted to ask.

"What to eat? Does breakfast count?"

"I had natto stir-fried with garlic for breakfast."

"Then I ate QQ Bibimbap for breakfast."


"It's not important anymore, why did you kill Papaya Boy." Lin Li changed the question, and then added a description:

"My grandfather once told me that although the people in your fruit processing factory behaved excessively, they would never really hurt the villagers. I also believed this at first. Why did they really kill people today?"

Lin Li was very concerned about this, so he used the universal excuse of grandpa again.

"Bah!" Little Soldier No. 1 spit out sugarcane juice at Xiangcheng Zhanbao, and then laughed wildly: "Because the policy has changed, we found that studying medicine can't save fruit! This world needs violence!"

"What kind of sugarcane tree people's behavior?" Lin Li couldn't help complaining, but immediately asked: "The policy has changed? So who gave the order to change, Xiao Guoding?"

"What does Guan Xiaoguo have to do with the trickster? Of course it is our boss—Master Dongfang Qiubai." Xiaobing No. 2 also smiled and replied: "Actually, I have been unhappy for a long time before. Why are we villains? The boss asked us not to hurt the villagers!

What's the point! Now that the ban is finally lifted, our weapons can finally be sharpened and used again! The feeling of really killing people is really great! And the efficiency of juicing in this way is much higher than before, a win-win situation, of course, I mean we win twice. "

Looking at the sugarcane soldier who looked abnormal in front of him, Lin Li frowned fiercely.

It's not that he doesn't fit a villain's subordinates, but that he doesn't fit the villain of "Guobao Special Attack".

The small changes in the system are finally about to show their glory.

"You are the subordinates bought by Xiao Guoding, and you have exposed this." So Lin Li said firmly and coldly, "It's too obvious, too much evidence."

——Of course, there is no evidence for Lin Li or the hammer. He just repeated the same tricks and tried to swindle information.

"Where is the idiot, can't you understand the sugarcane language?"


The two soldiers looked at each other and commented on Lin Li's statement.


Lin Li shrugged his shoulders as they stared at the idiots.

Well, we have come to a conclusion - they really don't know Xiao Guoding.

If Dongfang Qiubai is really the one who issued this order, does that mean that Xiao Guoding has completely controlled the fruit processing factory? Dongfang seeking defeat also obeys him? Or bewitched?

Since everything in the early stage is in line with the original, Lin Li believes that the system, at least at the beginning, has not tampered with this.

"You bastards!" Lu Xiaoguo, who was on the side, was already furious when he heard this, and rushed towards the two of them with a sword in hand.

"We're just doing what villains should do, which is to fulfill our duties." Looking at the sword in Lu Xiaoguo's hand, the two soldiers poked their necks and said.

"Then you must be ready to kill and pay for your life, right?" Lu Xiaoguo pulled out his sincere sword and put it on the neck of one of the soldiers.


"Eh... theoretically speaking, you decent people shouldn't kill people, right?" the soldier who was held by the knife asked in an uncertain tone.

"Should good people be pointed at with swords? Evil people, I hate this the most! Kill him!" Lu Xiaoguo moved the sword a little bit, so the blade passed through the soldier's skin, and the sugarcane juice ran along the sword The body flows slowly.

"Hero, please forgive me, I will never..."

However, before he finished speaking, Lu Xiaoguo didn't give him a chance, the sword in his hand moved sideways immediately, and Xiaobing's head flew out.

Lin Li was a little surprised by the swiftness of his movements.

It seems that the changes are not limited to the 'villains'. After all, Lu Xiaoguo, who is a decent protagonist, shouldn't kill people so quickly and without hesitation.

"Don't...don't kill me!" The remaining soldier saw the corpse of his companion next to him, his body was still tied to him, but his head had already landed on his lap, and his face was pale with fright.

"Don't kill this one, first ask about the situation on the third floor, Lu Xiaoguo." Lin Li intervened.


Lu Xiaoguo took a breath of snot and nodded.

It was obviously a childish and funny action, but coupled with his angry and indifferent eyes at this time, it actually had a somewhat contrasting sense of chill.

In order to survive, the remaining sugarcane soldiers naturally knew everything.

Not far away is the papaya processing factory, and after passing through is the pineapple processing factory, which is the base camp of the traitors and thieves, and the elevator leading to the fourth floor is there.

That's all the soldier knows.

"Two decent adults, I've told you everything I know, can you let me go?!"

"Ask him." Lin Li pointed to Lu Xiaoguo.

Lin Li didn't care about it at all. After all, he knew that Papaya Boy was a bad papaya at heart, so he didn't feel any anger.

Needless to say, it was also aimed at Xiao Guoding.

"I'll give you a chance to live." Lu Xiaoguo said, "Guobao Mecha, return to your place!"

Lu Xiaoguo summoned Xiaoguo Battle Treasure, and then continued to explain to the little soldier: "I will shoot a cannon vertically towards the sky. Whether you can survive this shot depends entirely on luck."

"Okay, okay! I agree!" Xiaobing couldn't wait to agree, as if he thought that the chance of surviving this way was very high.

Lin Li sighed amusedly and helplessly.

If he wanted to be safe from Lu Xiaoguo's attack, he aimed at the most likely position.

After an explosion, Lin Li and Lu Xiaoguo followed the route given by Xiaobing and continued to the papaya processing factory.

"There seems to be a person there." With sharp eyes, Lin Li saw a round arm behind a tree in the distance.

"I'll go and have a look!" Lu Xiaoguo ran forward immediately upon hearing this.

"Caution is a trap." Lin Li reminded.

Lu Xiaoguo had already run to the side of the arm, and then he was stunned.

He looked at the arm for a few seconds, and then his eyes moved from the beginning, from the position of the owner of the arm to his surroundings, without saying a word, but the anger in his eyes was about to turn into substance, and the hand holding the sword of true love was also moving. Stop trembling.

Seeing this, Lin Li immediately followed.

He finally saw the situation clearly.

The owner of the arm has been dead for a long time, and his body is so shriveled that there is no place for a bomb.

——The body no longer contains a drop of papaya juice, only the dry and empty skin is left, like useless garbage, thrown here at will.

The shriveled face was full of pain, and the facial features were severely deformed due to the loss of flesh and blood support. He looked straight at where Lu Xiaoguo was.

But he is not special.

That tree is like a watershed in the world.

In front of the trees, all the years are quiet, the world seems to have not changed, and it is still a harmonious and happy world of Guobao.

However, behind the trees, the grass and trees were dumped in a disorderly manner, the yellow-white liquid was stained everywhere, and there were papaya corpses everywhere.

The road leading to the papaya processing factory is paved.

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