Yes, miss!

Oz has the characteristic of being summoned back by Fischer at any time. He may be an elemental creature himself, so he will basically not be in danger.

So in this case, it's perfect for him to explore the way.

Oz flapped its night wings and flew into the dark cave, and its vision simultaneously appeared in Fischer's eyes.

The uneven cave walls and ground quickly flashed past the crow's eye, and it reached the end of the cave in less than a minute.

Under it, there was a depression that was too dark to be seen, and above it were three small campfire stands.

It must be lit with fire to see below.

Fischer, who saw this place at the same time, told Li Qiuzhi and Irene about the situation inside.

Hmph~ The secret of this place has been revealed. Let's go with this princess!

Fischer stepped on the ground and walked towards the dark cave. One moment, the grass was caressing the black high-heeled short boots, and the next moment, it left shoe prints on the mudstone floor of the cave.

Li Qiuzhi and Aileen followed without hesitation.

She would say this, presumably because she saw no danger through Oz's vision.

After all, the ability of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Judgment, is very trustworthy, but one must understand that her character is a bit ahead for Irene.

Except for some guys who are naive enough to believe it, or people who are familiar with Fischer, most people's thinking is inevitably a little behind.

Everyone can barely communicate normally, and Oz's role in it cannot be ignored.

The light in the cave was relatively dim. After walking four or five meters, Li Qiuzhi found that the cave wall was a little wet, and it seemed that the water element was quite abundant.

Judging from the fact that Mondstadt is covered with green grass all year round, it is normal for the groundwater to be well-hydrated.

As the environment continued to get darker and darker, water stains began to appear on the ground, and the shoes made a sticky sound when stepped on.

Although there was no wind, Li Qiuzhi also felt that the environment in the cave was slightly cooler.

On the top of the cave where no one noticed, a water droplet that had been gathering momentum for a long time passed through the golden hair that could not be concealed even in the dark environment, and touched the snow-white back that was not covered by the black skirt.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling feeling spread from Fischer's spine to every soft skin on his body.


In the suddenly quiet environment, a girl's exclamation rang out. Fischer couldn't help but stop and tremble slightly. Goosebumps immediately appeared on his skin.

Ah, what's wrong, Miss Fischer?

Erin, who was obviously nervous in the dark environment, was startled and thought she was in danger.

No, it's okay. Fischer wiped away the water stains on her back with her left hand wrapped in a black silk long sleeve, and then the gloves were also wet. She sighed slightly, This princess was actually plotted one day.

Well, the water droplets fall silently, so it's really hard to detect.

Eileen learned the situation and said with a little relief.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the top of the cave. On the slightly protruding mountain wall, after a drop of water fell, another drop began to condense.

When he came in, he saw that the cave in the hill was only two or three meters thick from the grass on the surface, and there were no trees or anything. Logically speaking, even if the cave was wet, it would probably not reach this level.

It's not like there's some underground river inside. However, when it rains, the water seeps underground and eventually accumulates into a pool in the cave. It's quite possible.

After a while, Li Qiuzhi and the others saw Oz, the night crow, in front of them. At this time, the light here was already extremely dark.

I could barely see the deeper depression in front of me.

Everyone, there are several small campfire stands next to them. They need to be lit with flames to see clearly in front of them! Oz flew back to Her Royal Highness and reminded him.

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly. He did vaguely see three small campfire stands arranged in a triangle in front of him.

Since there is a campfire stand, it is very likely that someone has been here before.

Although there is a ready-made bonfire stand, it seems good that they don't need to make a new bonfire stand for lighting, but if there are treasures here, they may have been taken away by people who came before.

Let me light them! Erin said with great interest.

In her adventure backpack, there are two or three boxes of matches that are convenient for lighting fires. They can be used in situations like this in the wild.

Well, then I'll leave it to you, Miss Erin! Oz said with a slight nod of his head.

Irene took out the match from her backpack and gently picked it up, scattering sparks, and then the head of the match burned completely.

Before the match went out, he quickly placed the match on the campfire stand. As the fire element came into contact with the wood on the campfire stand, it was slowly ignited.

The fire grew in intensity until it became a raging conflagration.

A campfire stand was enough to barely illuminate the nearby area, so Li Qiuzhi and the others could see clearly what was underneath the depression!

At a height of about five or six meters, the bottom of the depression is slightly tilted, and there are many crystal ores and marcasite growing on the higher side.

At the same time, there were three rock slimes with rock helmets on their heads slowly squirming over there.

On the lower side is a pool of water that occupies half of the pit. There are also three water slimes and some kind of aqua blue ore, which looks very similar to the magic crystal mine, but this does not seem to be...

Is this an ore that contains water elements? Irene said with an excited expression on her face.

Miss Eileen is right. This is the water element ore. With it, it's no wonder this cave is so humid!

Night Crow Oz is well-informed. During the investigation mission with Fischer, he has seen various elemental ores, so he will not admit his mistakes.

After hearing what Irene and Oz said, Li Qiuzhi thought of the quenching rocket made by Wagner. Since he no longer had the ore containing the fire element, production had been temporarily suspended, and as a result, he no longer had the means to cause elemental attacks.

If you bring him some water element ores, can you also make water-quenched arrows, arrows that can cause water element damage?

Li Qiuzhi's eyes brightened slightly, and he said with a little anticipation:

Erin, go and light the other two campfire stands, and then we will defeat the slimes and dig out all the ores!

Well, no problem! Erin nodded lightly.

As all the bonfires were lit, the space was completely lit up.

Fischer's black high-heeled short boots stepped on a moss-covered stone, her feet were slightly raised, and her tight-fitting black stockings showed off the soft curves of her calves.

She also pointed to the sunken area in front and said:

Leave them to my princess!

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