I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 77 Petrified Ancient Tree

The hero of the night, Diluc, put his right hand wearing a fingerless glove against his chin and thought for a moment, then said calmly:

I'll check it out.

After saying that, he walked over, picked up the West Wind sword and flicked it, turning it into a point of light and dissipating, taking back the Eye of God, leaving only Li Qiuzhi's handsome back before leaving.

Diluc's words made Li Qiuzhi relax.

The attitude in his tone meant that even if he really wanted to seek confirmation, it would be just a simple inquiry, and it would not be like using the underground intelligence network to investigate his details.

After all, a young adventurer who happens to be good at sneaking isn't worth the trouble.

Not to mention he is still a friend of Scout Knight Amber.

Li Qiuzhi returned home and put the elemental potion into his adventure backpack and prepared it. The same was done for the quiver so that the tail fins of the arrows could be exposed from the side of the backpack for easy access.

Unfortunately, the adventure backpack still has its limitations. For example, elemental potions are not so convenient.

When facing enemies, you also need to put down your backpack to access it, just like wound medicine, which is a little troublesome.

There was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't tie it with a belt. If one of the bottles was suddenly smashed, he would have to be hit by flames and lightning first.

When placed in a backpack, there are corresponding buffering and anti-collision measures. As long as you don't drop it on the ground intentionally, you don't need to worry about this problem.

Two more days passed, at the gate of Mondstadt.

Li Qiuzhi waited at the Adventurers Association early, chatting with Miss Catherine who had no one to entertain.

With an elegant yet graceful smile, Catherine told all the anecdotes about the adventurers. Li Qiuzhi couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he heard that everyone's adventure journey was so colorful.

[Katherine has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (120/200)]

After chatting with Catherine for a while, my good feelings improved slightly.

At this time, Her Royal Highness with long blond hair appeared in Li Qiuzhi's field of vision with her servant Oz the Nightcrow, and Bennett also came here shortly afterwards.

Hmph, my attendants, why don't you say hello to me now that you have seen me?

Fischer's hands wrapped in long black thin silk sleeves pressed against the waist of her skirt. She slightly raised her white chin, closed her eyes and said with a proud smile.

Oz, who was flapping his wings in the night, relayed:

The lady said she misses you very much.

Oz, talk too much! Fischer blushed slightly and glared at his dependents.

Well, looking at the blushing look on little Amy's face, it seems that what Oz said is basically true. It seems that there are not many people who can play with Fischer.

The main reason is that as the princess of Youye Pure Land, even though most of her power was weakened when she came to the Teyvat Continent, ordinary people could not become her ministers.

Only those who treat her sincerely are qualified to be regarded as friends by her, at least not those who look weird but are speechless after listening to her self-introduction.

By the way, how have you been these past two days?

Bennett touched the pale blond hair on the back of his head. With a smile on his face, he asked with great interest. Then, before the two of them could answer, he continued:

“I sold the unnecessary materials to the association and used the mola in exchange to buy some new sets of clothes for my dads.

“Then we also held a simple birthday party for them. Although they all said not to go to so much trouble, it was the first time I saw them smiling so happily, hehe!

“Most of the remaining moras were saved for their old age.”

Judging from Bennett's eagerness to share, he did have a very meaningful few days.

Oh, Mr. Bennett has admirable and beautiful qualities!

Nightcrow Oz praised without hesitation

You are worthy of being a warrior of our Youye Pure Land! Fischer nodded, affirming his actions, and then said proudly, In just three days and nights, this princess has traveled to many unknown new places. world!

In the near future, each of them will be included in the territory of Youye Pure Land by this princess!

I heard that the library of the Knights had a new batch of martial arts novels from Liyue, so I ran over there overnight and borrowed them. I have spent all my time reading them these days.

Oz, who was flapping his wings, relayed again.

I see, you are worthy of being your Royal Highness. Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face, You work so hard, I guess the day when You Ye Pure Land will come to the world is not far away!

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gained 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (235/500)]

The expansion of territory is just an inevitable process for us to achieve our ultimate goal! Fischer said with a slight smile on his soft lips.

Ultimate goal? Li Qiuzhi was a little confused.

Hmph, that's shooting down the 'beast of the world' that devours dreams!

Fischer crossed his arms and slightly covered his chest in the triangular one-piece black mesh bottom shirt, making it appear softer and more ups and downs.

Catherine in the adventurer's reception desk couldn't help but smile helplessly as she watched the three of them talking about conquering the world.

Finally, Li Qiuzhi also shared that he had collected materials and prepared some elemental potions the day before. In the next two days, he couldn't take any time off, so he took on some commissions to clean up monsters.

They are all commissions related to slimes and ordinary Qiuqiu people wandering near the business road.

The harvest is average, with only over 800 experience points, not even a thousand. After all, it is not a powerful monster. If you want to have a big harvest, you still have to go to the secret realm.

After the three briefly shared their experiences, they waved goodbye to Catherine and left the city gate again to the Thousand Winds Temple.

There are not many people in the camp, and the exploration of the secret realm seems to have reached an advanced stage. Adventurers are actively exploring inside. It is said that some people have discovered traces of petrified ancient trees in this secret realm.

This aroused the enthusiasm of the adventurers even more. Even some adventurers who were seriously injured and lying down wanted to get up immediately and explore the secret realm again when they heard about it.

Fortunately, they were held down by the logistics and medical staff of the Adventurers Association, otherwise they might not be able to come back intact.

Li Qiuzhi and the other three seemed surprised when they heard the news.

Petrified ancient trees are connected to the earth's veins just like the earth's flowers. They are even more advanced beings. If you find them, you can use the original resin to activate them and obtain treasures derived from the earth's veins.

If you are lucky, you can even encounter the legendary five-star holy relic!

Most adventurers have heard of this kind of thing but have never seen it. If they really get the five-star holy relic, then even if they retire on the spot, they probably won't need to worry about Mora for the rest of their lives.

Without much hesitation, Li Qiuzhi and Bennett, led by Her Royal Highness, entered the secret realm again to participate in the battle for the petrified ancient tree!

Phew, finally finished.

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