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Chapter 68 Burnt Pot (Please read and collect)

Mondstadt, Lookout Mountain.

There is still a field of grass on the top of the slope, and there is a fault slightly ahead. Below that, there is also a field of grass, with broken gray stone walls rising above it.

Some black smoke stretched out among them, carrying some burnt smell.

Did someone cook something? Let's go down and take a look.

Li Qiuzhi cooks often and is quite familiar with these flavors.

Okay, okay.

Standing at the height of the fault, Sugar's wing-like cloak behind her was gently fluttering in the mountain breeze.

She jumped forward slightly, and the simple wings of the wind suddenly appeared and spread out, like a gliding bird.

The long green hair tied behind the head was lifted up by the oncoming air current in the air, fluttering, and slowly flew towards the broken stone wall.

Li Qiuzhi hasn't learned the Wings of Wind yet, so it's not so convenient when he goes down.

He used the vertical wall of the mountain fault to cushion his landing, jumped down simply, and then trotted to follow Miss Sugar.

Sugar opened her arms to maintain balance, and her legs, wrapped in knee-high stockings, slowly stepped onto the grass naturally and relaxedly. With curiosity, they walked into the ruins of the ruins.

On the grass-colored ground, a paralyzed ruins guard lay on the ground. On its body sat a red girl. The most conspicuous thing was the rabbit ears on her head.

The long dark brown hair hangs down along the back, completely covering the red hood on the clothes.

In front of the girl, there are three wooden sticks tied together at the top, with the bottom slightly separated, and an iron pot hanging in the middle.

A black, mushy unknown object was boiling inside, and strong black gas emerged from the edges, followed by a choking smell.

Amber! ?

Li Qiuzhi and Sartang shouted in confusion at the same time, and then looked at each other.

Sugar also has a position in the Knights, so it is natural for him to know Amber.


Sugar, on the other hand, looked at the young adventurer next to him with some surprise. It seemed that he was no stranger to Amber.

When the red girl heard the voice, her shoulders suddenly shook, and the rabbit ears on her head also trembled.

Amber turned her head stiffly, her fair face slightly embarrassed, and she felt like a little secret had been discovered.

She stood up slightly, put her hands holding long chopsticks on her back, and tried her best to hide the boiler set up behind her.

However, the black smoke rising vertically above the head and the burning wood peeking between the feet are so eye-catching.

It's you, why are you here?

Amber was asking questions, but her eyes drifted to one side. Apparently she was still thinking about her little secret being discovered by her friends.

Ah, I, we came out to collect materials, and suddenly we were... Sutang said hesitantly in a weaker tone, and glanced at the thick black smoke rising behind Amber.

Her fingers poked at each other restlessly, and she lowered her head, suddenly not knowing whether she should say it or not.

Ahem, we can smell the burnt food from dozens of meters away. Li Qiuzhi tried his best to speak tactfully, Also, if your pot continues to boil, it will probably become unusable.


Amber's eyes widened, and she didn't know whether she was surprised by the first sentence or the last sentence.

Afterwards, Amber shrugged her fair face in despair, sat down on the paralyzed ruins guard again, and finally said helplessly: You guys have all discovered it.

It's so obvious, it's hard not to find it, Li Qiuzhi thought to himself.

Everyone who has gone on missions with her knows that Amber is not good at cooking. Well, adventurers who have met her in the wild also know it.

Just like Li Qiuzhi and them now.

After all, the burnt black smoke can be used as smoke.

By the way, Amber, are you here to patrol?

Li Qiuzhi and Shantang helped Amber extinguish the firewood burning under the pot, and used the water Amber brought with her to clean the charred iron pot.

The thing inside could barely be seen to be in the shape of a piece of meat.

You know, right? Didn't the number of wild beasts in Wangfeng Mountain suddenly increase in number some time ago?

Amber took the thing back to God's Eye, and soon returned to her enthusiastic look.

Well, that was more than a month ago.

At that time, the hunter leader Dulav took Li Qiuzhi to hunt in the Wangfeng Mountain and Whispering Forest areas.

Well, after discovering this situation, the Knights went to investigate, and finally found that the reason was that the energy of the earth's veins overflowed from a location in Wangfeng Mountain, causing the nearby plants to grow extremely lush.

With sufficient food, many wild beasts naturally attracted here. After we temporarily solved the problem of energy overflow in the earth's veins, the knights suggested that hunters come here to hunt, and the problem of wild beasts was gradually solved.

Amber sat on the rust-colored steel body, her legs wrapped in tight white over-the-knee boots stretched out, and the metal soles of the high heels reflected wisps of luster.

She leaned forward slightly, placing her dark brown gloved hands on her knees, stroking them boredly.

I see. Now that it's solved, it should be fine, right?

Li Qiuzhi and Sugar also found a place to sit on the paralyzed ruins guard to avoid sitting on the grass-covered ground and getting their clothes wet with dew.

Well, it should have been like this. However, yesterday, a companion of the Knights discovered that a blue leyline flower has grown there, attracting many monsters. Alas, it seems that the previous solution was not complete.

Amber put her legs together and bent her knees slightly, revealing some wrinkles in her white boots. She touched her calves and said.

Is the blue leyline flower the kind of leyline flower called 'Revelation' that can enhance its strength after absorbing its energy?!

Sugar put her left hand on the rust-colored steel and turned slightly sideways, looked at Amber with shining eyes and said excitedly.

If the energy of the earth veins somewhere overflows, it is very likely that rare earth vein flowers will emerge. There are generally two types, one is the hidden gold flower that looks like golden mist.

When the buds of this flower bloom, they will form mola, which is very strange.

The other is the blue flower of revelation, which releases magical energy that can be absorbed by people without side effects, which can strengthen the body and improve strength.

And as an alchemist who specializes in biological alchemy, why wouldn't he be interested in this magical plant?

Is the flower of earth veins a pure energy body, or does it also have genetic properties? If so, can it be grafted on other plants, and will those plants become flowers of earth veins?

Sugar was extremely curious.

Yes, that's it. If you want to see it, Sugar, we can go there together.

A smile appeared on Amber's fair face, and the bunny ears on her head swayed slightly in the mountain breeze.

Thanks to Struggle Power for the 100-coin reward!

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