I can extract side effects

Chapter 637 Nerve stents to regenerate the spinal cord

"ALS can be cured!!!"

This news is like a virus, spreading rapidly among ALS people.

At first, the patients couldn't believe it, thinking it was a rumor hyped up by some self-media.

It's not that this kind of thing hasn't happened before. Patients naively thought that their illness could be cured, and happily asked the doctor, but it turned out that the joy was in vain.

"Wolf is coming" has been heard a lot, and everyone is used to letting the bullets fly for a while before seeing any news.

However, when the first batch of patients participating in the clinical trial, Ma Jun and Wang Ping, posted their test results one by one and came forward to speak out.

Almost instantly, everyone believed it.

So Sanqing's customer service hotline was blown up.

It also attracted the attention of the media, and continuously reached the top of the hot search.

There is a lot of enthusiasm, and there are many things to say, especially this is the mysterious-sounding stem cell therapy.

Immediately all kinds of messy speculations were flying all over the sky.

It is said that Sanqing extracts stem cells from the baby's umbilical cord.

It is said that Sanqing buys placenta to squeeze stem cells.

It is also said that Sanqing cloned human embryo slices to extract stem cells.

It is even said that Sanqing bought a large number of dead babies and refined stem cells, which is why the treatment effect is so good.

These rumors are mixed in various self-media popular science on ALS, true and false, hard to detect, and fooled a large number of Jiulouyu netizens.

The Sanqing officials had to issue an announcement to refute the rumors.

"The Phase I clinical trial of our stem cell therapy for ALS is progressing smoothly and has achieved good results."

"The condition of the 25 patients with ALS I to III who participated in the treatment has been brought under control, and they have regained their ability to take care of themselves and walk normally."

"The laboratory uses the patient's own oral mucosal cells, undergoes multiple rounds of differentiation into neural stem cells, injects them into the spinal cord, and finally differentiates into neuron cells to achieve therapeutic effects."

"Currently, this therapy is only suitable for patients in the early and middle stages. Clinical treatment has not yet been carried out for advanced stage patients. Now the quota for the second phase of clinical trials is being actively opened. Welcome everyone to sign up on the Longtu app."

"According to the regulations, the new therapy needs to pass the third phase of clinical verification before it can pass the review and go on the market. The specific time is still unknown, please wait patiently. Thank you for your attention!"

A link to a paper published in the journal Life was also thoughtfully attached at the end of the announcement.

At this moment, the self-media was turned off instantly.

They opened the paper at the speed of light, but got lost in the sea of ​​professional words and experimental data.

After all, Sanqing officials personally said that the patients' own somatic cells were used, and it had nothing to do with human placenta at all, and they couldn't bite the bullet and spread rumors, lest readers throw rotten eggs and their reputation collapsed.

But the thesis is too professional, and this group of science illiterates really can't understand it. They don't know where to start if they want to make it up.

These words and sentences can be recognized separately, but together they are like reading a heavenly book, and they can only stare blankly!

On the contrary, the science popularization masters on station B ushered in a carnival in an instant.

Many up owners are highly educated, at least their knowledge of biology in high school has not returned to zero, so it is not difficult for them to learn about stem cells.

The Up masters worked overtime overnight, and released a series of popular science videos, which made the audience hooked.

Also learned more about ALS and stem cell therapy.

Thanks to the publicity of the ice bucket challenge, coupled with the living celebrity case of Hawking.

ALS has a huge reputation among the people, not to mention that everyone knows it, many people have heard of this disease more or less.

Even film and television dramas are advancing with the times. The protagonists no longer suffer from leukemia and congenital heart disease, and they no longer become vegetative, because all these diseases can be cured.

There were not many terminal illnesses left for the directors. They rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found the trump card of ALS.

Not only is it famous, but there are also celebrity platforms from all walks of life, as well as the natural ice bucket challenge publicity, and it is really a terminal illness that human beings cannot overcome.

So they pressed on the heads of the protagonists one after another.

But only halfway through the show, I heard the sad news that ALS can be cured.

The directors were as if they were struck by lightning on a sunny day, their faces paled in shock, and they couldn't help howling in their hearts.

Now, all the terminal illnesses were given away by Sanqing. In their barren brains, there was really none of the terminal illnesses that could be assigned to the protagonist.

Not to mention the terminal illness crisis of film and television dramas, netizens are rejoicing at the moment, discussing enthusiastically on the Internet.

"Great, there is finally a drug for treatment, and I hope it will be on the market as soon as possible to relieve the pain of many patients and families."

"Living in this world, in just a few decades, being healthy, able to eat and drink, and able to run and move is the greatest wealth and happiness."

"Every time I see these terminally ill patients, I feel less anxious, at least I have health."

"Use love to unfreeze life, Sanqing, you are awesome!"

"Give Sanqing a thumbs up, and hope that people with gradual freezing can thaw out as soon as possible."

"My mother died of this disease. It was only 3 years since she was diagnosed and died. It would be great if I had this medicine earlier."

"My dad did the same. He passed away after being sick for five years. Although he can't use the medicine now, I will burn incense sticks for him and tell him the good news."

"My brother is also like this. He can't take care of himself, and his family takes care of him. But now that he knows the news, he is already applying for a clinical trial quota. I wish him good luck."

"Every time I see reports about people with ALS, it reminds me of my mother. She has passed away for 3 years, and I really miss her."

"My dad passed away with this illness. It was really painful to watch. First, he couldn't move his hands, then his feet, and finally his respiratory tract. Slowly he couldn't even speak. gone."

"Hey, my nephew also has this disease. He is already 11 years old. He was diagnosed when he was more than one year old. Now he can be cured. It seems that God has finally shown a miracle."

"This disease is terrible. I don't know the cause of it. There is no warning when it comes on. One of my leaders was a soldier before. He was in good health. Suddenly, he felt weak. Then it was found to be frostbite. He left in a year and was only 45 years old."

"A small part is genetic, and the etiology of most people is unknown. In fact, the medicine of Sanqing can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but it is already the best treatment medicine."

"Under the circumstances under which ALS develops, modern medicine needs to continue to study to find out what is the cause, so that it can be completely cured."

"Looking at the paper given by Sanqing, the disease is considered to be under control. In the future, as long as it is discovered and treated early, it can be delayed forever. If nothing else, at least life is saved. Maybe it can be delayed for three or four years like Hawking. ten years."

"Benefiting the common people, there is nothing good about it."

"I hope there will be more reports and popular science like this in the future, and less star searches and gossip."

"It's great, before you know it, medicine is so advanced, chronic diseases and rare diseases can live with dignity."

"I have a question. Now that the early stage of ALS can be treated, what about the late stage patients? Do you just wait to die?"

"It's hard to say. At present, it can only delay the deterioration of the condition, but it cannot reverse the condition that has already deteriorated."

"With the speed of Sanqing's research and development, it should be able to treat advanced patients soon."

"I hope patients with advanced frostbite can get out of the predicament as soon as possible."

"Come on, Sanqing, it will definitely work, we can see the light."

"There are too many terminal illnesses in this world. I hope that one day, with technological breakthroughs, there will be no terminal illnesses in the world!"

"Have the world's five major terminal illnesses been conquered by Sanqing?"

"Cancer, AIDS, leukemia, ALS, and rheumatoid. The first four can all be treated. Leukemia is still a type of cancer. After all, only rheumatoid is left."

"Is rheumatoid a terminal illness? It feels like many of my relatives have this disease."

"It's an autoimmune disease, and it's actually scarier than you think."

"Terminal illness refers to intractable diseases that cannot be effectively treated without specific medicines. It does not mean that a high mortality rate is considered a terminal illness."

"That's it, that's about the same. I hope that Sanqing will continue to work hard to get rid of rheumatoid and completely eliminate human terminal diseases."

"Wake up upstairs, Sanqing is a pharmaceutical company, not a wishing pool."

"To be honest, there is only one incurable disease left in human beings, and that is the disease of poverty."

"Horrifying, but true."

"It's me. Although I look healthy on the surface, the body under the skin has long been corroded by poverty and riddled with holes."

"Damn it, if Sanqing can cure this incurable disease, I'm willing to enshrine Mr. Wei as my ancestor."

"Don't put so much pressure on Mr. Wei. This disease cannot be solved by him alone. It still depends on everyone's efforts."

"Indeed, it depends on the awareness of the people. A good life can only be won by oneself, and one cannot count on other people's charity."


Sanqing Headquarters, Neuroscience Laboratory.

Chen Yiqing looked at the nerve cell tissue slice under the camera, frowned deeply, and muttered to himself.

"Experiments on rats have shown that stem cell therapy has a significant effect on acute spinal cord injury, but the treatment effect on complete spinal cord injury is not as satisfactory."

"Most of the paralyzed patients have complete spinal cord injuries. They have severe fracture dislocations or penetrating injuries of the vertebrae, which lead to transected spinal cords."

"The process of repairing a spinal cord injury is like building a bridge between the two banks of a river. The difficulty varies depending on the situation."

"For a common spinal cord injury, after the nerve is broken, the distance between each other is like the two banks of a stream, very close."

"In this case, even if there is no stem cell filling, the nerve cells can repair themselves, and they can step over and connect together with a hard effort."

"For a slightly more severe spinal cord injury, the distance between the broken nerves is like a river of tens of meters or tens of meters wide. It is very difficult to connect together relying on its own repairing power."

"At this time, the body's own neural stem cells are very small, and the axons that grow out cannot connect to the other side."

"But the river is not wide, and the water is relatively shallow, so stem cells can be transplanted to solve this problem and build a bridge connecting the two banks."

"The transplanted neural stem cells can differentiate into glial cells, just like filling bridge piers in a shallow river, and then the neuron cells are like the steel bars of the bridge, growing axons to connect with each other, thereby retransmitting information to the opposite bank."

"However, when the spinal cord injury is particularly severe, such as in high paraplegia patients, some parts of their spinal cord have completely ruptured."

"Neurons need to grow to a few millimeters to connect together. A few millimeters seem short, but for micron-sized cells, it is a natural barrier, and there is a lot of scar tissue in the middle, which acts as a physical barrier and prevents the spinal cord. healing."

"It's like a big river, hundreds of meters wide between the two banks, and the current is very turbulent. Just transplanting neural stem cells can no longer build a bridge for people to pass through."

"In this case, what should I do?"

Chen Yiqing got up suddenly, paced back and forth in the laboratory, thinking hard, frowning into a "Chuan", but still couldn't find a way.

"Bridges, build bridges, build roads..." These words kept repeating in his mouth, and they almost turned into a mantra.

Suddenly, he thought of the widest river in China, the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River Bridge that he had seen before, and there was a bang in his mind, and a flash of inspiration flashed like an electric current.

"That's right, build a bridge! Even on a river that is thousands of meters wide like the Yangtze River, humans can build a bridge of more than 6,000 meters to connect the two sides of the river. Naturally, it is not a problem to connect nerves by a few millimeters."

"I thought about it before. The construction of the bridge can not only use stem cells, but also need to use other components."

"A neuron can grow from the brain to the length of the spinal cord. It has grown for many years to form these countless axons and establish a neural network throughout the body."

"Now it is broken and shrinking. The gap in the middle cannot be completely filled by transplanting some neural stem cells."

"Not to mention, neuronal growth is often radial, spreading out from a central point, very unorganized, with no way to guide it at all."

"The transplanted neural stem cells are easy to grow and grow to other places. There is no way to accurately form a straight line and accurately connect the broken ends."

"It's pretty much a stroke of luck trying to get it to grow freely into a fixed position."

"However, I can create a larger and longer nerve scaffold, connect the two ends of the damaged nerve, and then put neural stem cells in the scaffold and let them grow in one direction, and it will be effective."

"In this way, a bridge is artificially built to connect the two banks and allow the nerve signals to flow unimpeded."

After figuring this out, Chen Yiqing was extremely excited.

"Such a nerve scaffold must be a hollow 3D structure, and the design must be very delicate, so as to guide the regenerated neurons to the correct direction and reconnect the damaged ends of the spinal cord."

"The artificial neural scaffold is like a bridge, helping neurons regenerate and bridging the gap between the two."

"In this way, even paralyzed patients can be restored to health."

"It's just that the material for this bracket may not be easy to find."

"To be highly biocompatible, it is best to replace the extracellular matrix to provide support and guidance for the correct growth of neurons."

"Is the collagen material better, or should I choose a high molecular polymer material?"

"What kind of thermal stability and mechanical structure should it have?"

Chen Yiqing searched in his limited material science knowledge base, and a faint sadness welled up in his heart.

"I don't really understand the profound things about these materials!"

"By the way, Nanolab, I have to find them to cooperate!"

He slapped his thigh suddenly, and walked out with bright eyes.

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