I can extract side effects

Chapter 554 Artificial Heart Sample

Kunming, Sanqing Headquarters.

Wearing plastic gloves, Wang Dali carefully used tools to assemble the parts in front of him.

Soon, a pebble-like ellipsoid with a smooth surface appeared in his palm.

Weigh it lightly, you can hardly feel any weight, and the overall look is very light.

Put it on the electronic scale, and the number is accurately displayed on it: 90.16 grams.

Wang Dali nodded, very satisfied with the weight.

"This is the sample of the artificial heart. It has been livered for a year, and it has finally come out of the liver."

He had mixed feelings in his heart. The blueprint of this artificial heart was so complicated, layer upon layer, one after another. He didn't expect that after it was actually made, it turned out to be such a small one that could be held with one hand.

Wang Dali looked around, lifted the artificial heart high, and solemnly announced the success of the research and development of the artificial heart.

"We have worked hard for a year and finally achieved fruitful results, overcoming the difficulty of the artificial heart."

"Look, this is the third-generation permanent total artificial heart, doesn't it look good?"


"It's so fucking beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful!"

Thunderous applause sounded in an instant, and the employees gathered around burst into tears and raised their arms and shouted.

"Then test it quickly."

Wang Dali waved his hand, picked up four special artificial blood vessels with a diameter of 3 cm on the table, and carefully connected them to the artificial heart.

Then he picked up a battery pack that looked like a power bank, and pressed the switch.

"Wait a minute, use wireless charging to charge the battery first."

Taking advantage of the charging time, Wang Dali quickly put four artificial blood vessels on the heart model beside him.

This heart model is 3D printed and connected to a small water tank. The internal structure is exactly the same as the real heart. There are left and right atria, left and right ventricles, aorta, pulmonary artery and other parts. It is just a completely transparent material and has no blood pump function. , and at the same time the blood was replaced with a blue solution.

After a few minutes, the charging was completed, and the artificial heart started up spontaneously with a slight buzzing sound.

Almost instantly, the blue solution poured into the heart model along the blood vessels.

All eyes were fixed on the heart model without blinking.

The whole transparent heart quickly turned azure blue, and under the pump of the artificial heart, the blue liquid kept pouring in and out, forming a complete cycle.

Listening to the sound of rushing water, everyone jumped up excitedly.

"The artificial heart is done!"

Wang Dali grinned more happily than anyone else, but he immediately calmed down and tried to keep himself serious.

"Don't be too happy, everyone, there are still animal experiments."

"After animal experiments, there will be clinical trials. In short, the road is still very long. If there is no clinical success, we must not take it lightly."


Everyone shouted in unison, and instantly dispersed, leaving only Wang Dali alone.

He stared intently at the artificial heart that was functioning normally on the table, with a fascinated expression on his face.

But before he was intoxicated for a long time, he was slapped heavily on the shoulder with a slap.

"Dali, it's ok. You quietly produced a blockbuster product like an artificial heart. This time, I will definitely remember your credit."

Lu Tingfeng walked over with a happy face, and put his big face in front of the heart model. He stared at it for a while, and then asked casually, "How about it, are you sure about the animal experiments and the subsequent clinical trials?"

Wang Dali looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "There shouldn't be any problem, the artificial heart technology is relatively mature at present, but there are some common problems that prevent it from being used for a long time, and it is usually used in the transitional stage of waiting for the heart to be matched. "

"But our products currently don't have these problems. In theory, they can be used until the product's lifespan expires. Of course, you also know that industrial products don't have a long lifespan, at most ten years. When it expires, it must be replaced with a new one.”

Lu Tingfeng nodded, and continued to ask: "What are the specific problems, and how did you solve them?"

Although he is also a science and engineering student, he has been doing business for so many years. He knows a little about technology, but he doesn't go too deep. Curious about the baby, he kept asking questions.

Wang Dali pondered for a moment, organized his words, and spoke one by one.

"There are three common problems. One is the immune response after foreign objects enter the human body. Almost all implantable devices have this problem, even heart transplants are no exception."

He stretched out his fingers, gently stroked the shell of the artificial heart, and explained.

"Our products are made of metal materials inside and high-molecular protein components on the outside. They belong to the human body's own tissues and have excellent biocompatibility. The supporting artificial blood vessel materials have also been clinically proven, so there is no big problem."

"The second and most serious problem is thrombus. This is also well understood. The artificial heart has tubes and cavities, and the blood composition is very complicated. Over time, many cells and garbage will be deposited in the tubes. It will form a thrombus, so most products on the market will be coated with anticoagulant coatings, and patients also need to take anticoagulant drugs for a long time."

"Even so, over time, the problem of blood clots is inevitable, and patients often need to open their chests to remove blood clots, causing a lot of unnecessary pain."

"In our artificial heart, the flow rate in the pump is very high, and the blood flushes the pump very well, so it is difficult to form a thrombus. Moreover, the parts in the pump that are in contact with the blood are made of biological protein materials, which also have anticoagulant effects."

"Thrombosis is often accompanied by hemolysis, which is related to the way blood flows. Foreign objects in the body will generate excessive shear force on the blood, resulting in the destruction of red blood cells, and hemoglobin enters the plasma and triggers hemolysis."

"However, the power of our heart is low, and it can automatically sense and adjust the blood flow to meet the needs of the human body. The force will be much smaller, and it is not easy to cause hemolysis."

"As for the third question, it belongs to our unique skills."

The more Wang Dali spoke, the more excited he became, his cheeks flushed.

"The third is the problem of infection. The artificial hearts on the market are mainly monopolized by Sinkadi. Their Jarvik artificial heart accounts for 95% of the global market, but there has always been a problem."

"That's the problem of energy supply. Due to its large size and weight of up to 900 grams, it requires a lot of energy to run, so their artificial heart has a wire going out from the abdomen, and then connected to an external battery, using a heavy battery The group function cannot be stopped for a moment.”

"In this way, the pump head, tubing, and cables, etc., these foreign objects will lead to infection in patients. Generally, the incidence will be high in the short term after implantation, and the incidence will decrease in the later period, and it will reach a peak in 6 months."

"Actually, infection is not a big problem. There are antibiotics, but when this thing encounters immunosuppressants, it's like a bomb with a bang. It's hard to survive even if you're lucky."

"Fortunately, our power is relatively low, only 3-5W, which is extremely suitable for the human heart's 1.5W power, so we can use wireless charging technology to minimize foreign objects implanted in the body."

"Currently we only have one heart and four tubes, which is enough. There are no messy wires and tubes, and the pump head is wrapped in bio-protein materials. The foreign matter is reduced to the lowest in history, and the risk of infection is naturally very low. Small."

"I guess it's not that they don't want to use wireless charging, but the high power of wireless charging is not suitable. The power of their artificial heart is too high, a full 20W, so it can't be used at all, and the sound is like a bellows when it is running, which is very loud."

"Look at our artificial heart, how quiet it is!"

Lu Tingfeng put his ear close, listened carefully, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's really quiet, at least much quieter than the office air conditioner."

Wang Dali blushed and looked proud: "Of course, this is the power when a person is in a static state, which is probably equivalent to sitting there browsing the web and watching videos. The sound is about 20 decibels, which is about the same as the sound of human breathing. .”

"If a person is sleeping or lying down, the power will be automatically reduced, and the sound will be below 15 decibels, which is almost imperceptible."

"If a person is in a low-load state, such as walking, eating, or daily work, then it is about 25-30 decibels, which is the size of a whisper, and it is very low."

"Only when the human brain is running at high speed and running at high speed, the power will soar, and the sound will reach more than 40 decibels, which is equivalent to the hum of a refrigerator."

"If it is a long-term sports activity, the artificial heart will be fully loaded, the power will reach the highest level, and the sound will reach 60 decibels when people talk. Of course, long-term overloading will definitely shorten the life of the product, and it is easy to cause accidents."

"This is our fully automatic induction blood flow adjustment mode, which is very advanced and far ahead."

Speaking of this, Wang Dali couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

Lu Tingfeng shook his head and couldn't help pouring cold water on it.

"It seems that the mechanical artificial heart can only go so far. It can replace part of the heart's functions to a certain extent, but the chemical and electrical functions are still not enough. Generally speaking, it is still not as fully functional as the biological clone heart."

Wang Dali was silent for a long time before he said speechlessly, "Boss, do you need to say that?"

"Which of the artificial organs can achieve chemical functions? They can only achieve partial physical functions."

"The artificial heart will give you a pacemaker function to allow the blood to circulate, the artificial lung will provide the breathing function, and the artificial kidney will also help dialysis the blood and filter the toxins and impurities in the blood."

"Some chemical functions of the real heart cannot be achieved by the artificial heart. For example, the endothelial cells of the heart can play an anticoagulant role, and also have an immune fusion effect, which can avoid rejection, and can also secrete atrial natriuretic peptide to increase urine output. to adjust the blood volume, how can this endocrine mechanism do it?"

"As for other organs that require chemical reactions and bioelectrical reactions, let alone the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and respiratory tract, which one can be completely replaced by machinery?"

"Don't ask so high, step by step, dreams will always come true, either by physicists or chemists."

Lu Tingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of your pride and complacency, as long as you know it in your heart."

Wang Dali suddenly let out a long sigh, and said with a melancholy expression: "I know it in my heart. Since I started the artificial heart project, I have understood the greatness of biologists and why Frankenstein would act like that in sci-fi movies. s Choice."

"We study physics, knocking and tapping, and in the end we can only create lifeless robots, but biologists are different. They can face the true meaning of life and create real life."

"Especially the stem cell differentiation and cloning technology, if it continues to develop, it can produce human tissues and organs, which is like a scientific bible. Just thinking about it makes people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves."

"Who doesn't want to be a creator these days?"

"Hey, I chose physics instead of chemistry when I was in college, and I don't know if it's right or wrong."

This time it was Lu Tingfeng's turn to be silent. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Dali, sometimes I really envy you. You are a pure technical person, and you have never given up on your technical pursuit."

"Your achievements in the future will definitely be greater than mine. I have been alienated by KPI, and I am no longer pure. From now on, I can only follow you. I hope I can go as far as possible."

"If you want to explore the true meaning of life, you should go to a biologist, chemist, or other physicist, not a professional manager who is full of performance and reports."

Wang Dali smiled and said nothing more.

He looked at Lu Tingfeng in front of him, and suddenly sighed. He felt that time had passed so quickly. In just a few years, he had grown from a new recruit to a leader in technology.

"It turns out that galloping on the plateau of technology will really make people lose the concept of time." He said to himself silently.

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