I can extract side effects

Chapter 534 All-caliber take-all, from double kills to lore kills

As one of the best hospitals in the country, West China Hospital received the fastest response from Sanqing to the request for clinical trials.

In the past, Sanqing was conducting Phase I and Phase II clinical trials in Kunming City, and only Phase III clinical trials in hospitals in other provinces.

But this time, due to the serious shortage of artificial blood vessels, the supply exceeds the demand, so it has obtained special approval from the superior department, and can carry out the third phase of clinical trials in key cities across the country in advance.

A few days later, medical representatives rushed to Huaxi Hospital with a five-person research team.

In the spacious meeting room, doctors from various departments gathered together and looked curiously at the three refrigerators placed on the table.

With a "click", the refrigerators were opened one by one, revealing the neatly packed artificial blood vessels inside.

The research team leader looked around, smiled slightly, took out one from each box, and began to display them separately.

"These three boxes contain artificial blood vessels of three specifications. They are large-caliber artificial blood vessels above 1 cm, medium-caliber artificial blood vessels of 6-8 mm, and small-caliber artificial blood vessels of less than 6 mm."

"As we all know, large-caliber artificial blood vessels are suitable for arterial and large vessel replacement, medium-caliber artificial blood vessels are suitable for vascular bypass grafting, and the establishment of dialysis blood vessel channels, but so far, no small-caliber artificial blood vessels have been marketed."

"Sanqing's small-caliber artificial blood vessel not only fills the gap in domestic research and development, but is also the world's first clinically successful product. It will be widely used in peripheral blood vessel replacement, heart bypass, and arteriovenous fistula surgery."

"Because large and medium-caliber artificial blood vessels have been applied in total aortic replacement, the treatment effect is very good, and it can completely form a superior replacement for competing products. This is our clinical trial report."

"As for small-caliber blood vessels, we have optimized the materials and added an anticoagulant coating to enhance the strength and toughness of the blood vessels and achieve long-term antithrombotic effects."

"Animal experiments have shown that the long-term effect is also very good. After 16 weeks of safety and effectiveness experiments, the replacement artificial blood vessel was 100% unobstructed, and no blood clots were seen after the operation. Many indicators are better than imported products."

"Our models are also very rich, from 1mm to 36mm, and we can even accept special size, length, and specification customization. It can be said that we can take all the calibers. You only need to make a request, and we will definitely Be as satisfied as possible.”

"I didn't bring many samples this time, only common models. These are some of our technical parameters and clinical data. Please check them out."

After listening to the introduction, the doctors were immediately excited and applauded.

There was bursts of applause in the conference room.

As for the directors of cardiac surgery, hematology, urology and other departments, they all reached out to pick up the samples and observed them carefully.

While watching, they whispered and exchanged their opinions, and then passed them on to the doctors around them.

"It looks really good and feels good in the hand."

"This is a small-caliber blood vessel of 3 mm. It's really thin. It's the first time I've seen such a small blood vessel. It's really exactly the same as a vein."

"Tsk tsk, there are still blood vessels of 1 mm. This is purely a show of skill."

"After the listing, Mai Kewei and Terumo's faces will be swollen."

"Hehe, since you dare to sell out of stock, you have to bear the consequences of customers looking for alternatives."

"Haha, now I'm no longer afraid of being out of stock. I can't wait to use it in surgery."

"I have a patient who is going to undergo heart bypass surgery, but the condition of the blood vessels is not good. I am worrying about the surgical plan. Maybe I can replace this patient with this."

"The patients in the dialysis room are saved." Dr. Tang carefully held a 3mm artificial blood vessel, feeling the high bionic feel that was almost the same as that of a human blood vessel, trembling with excitement.

Half an hour later, the sample was passed around in the hands of everyone and returned to the refrigerator again.

The director of cardiology stood up abruptly, and couldn't hide his excitement and said: "I have several patients who need thoracic artery replacement, and they are all waiting for the arrival of artificial blood vessels. Now I have finally scheduled their operations. .”

The director of the Department of Urology clenched his hands into fists, hammered the table excitedly and said: "There are many elderly people in the dialysis room, some of whom have been in dialysis for more than ten years, and the blood vessels have long been torn and torn. Blood vessels."

The director of the hematology department leaned back and urged in a good mood: "Hey, you are both in such a hurry, so what are we waiting for, let's get started."

"Hahaha~" Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the meeting room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After the meeting, the people from Sanqing went to make clinical preparations, and the others went back to their respective departments.

Seeing that it was getting late, Dr. Tang followed and walked towards the Department of Nephrology.

Passing by the dialysis center from a distance, he glanced at the door, and suddenly his heart moved, he turned and walked in.

The dialysis room is still so quiet, like a silent battlefield, every bed is telling the tenacity of life.

Only the nurses kept walking between the beds, monitoring the operation of the machine and observing the condition of the patients.

Dialysis patients, with pale complexions, swollen bodies, dry and cracked lips, some of them stared at the ceiling in a daze, some closed their eyes and rested their minds, silently waiting for the passage of time.

When the kidneys lose their drainage function, they cannot urinate in small amounts multiple times, and every 2 days of urine output must be removed all at once during 4 hours of dialysis.

Every dehydration means that the blood of the whole body flows out of the body one after another, enters the dialysis machine, the filter separates the toxins and water, and then discharges, and the remaining blood returns to the body.

Every cycle of blood flow, from filling to contraction of blood vessels, and then to filling again, is a severe test for blood vessels and heart.

The more water intake, the more prone to high peak fluctuations in blood pressure, the greater the possibility of general weakness, hypotension, muscle cramps, heart failure and other reactions after dialysis.

The water and electrolytes in the body are in a state of disorder for a long time, and various toxins such as creatinine and uremia accumulate in the body for a long time, which makes dialysis patients more thirsty.

They have to control water when they are thirsty, which makes them lose the joy of drinking water forever.

For the rest of their lives, everyone must start to live a budget-conscious life. The amount of water should not exceed 3% in one day, and 5% in two days. An adult man should not drink more than 3 kg of water in 2 days.

3 kg of water is about as much as 6 bottles of common mineral water, which also includes the water in the morning, middle and evening diet.

Rice, vegetables, and fruits contain water, and you should also drink water when you take medicine. Apart from these, you can only drink one bottle of mineral water a day, and if you don’t pay attention, you will overdose.

As a result, dialysis patients are thirsty for a long time, and they spend the rest of their lives like travelers who lost their water bladders, walking in the vast desert, thirsty but unable to drink water.

This feeling will not make people go crazy and crazy like when they are blocked, but it is more like a kind of fine and continuous torture to the spirit, like cutting the flesh slowly and persistently with a soft knife.

What is even more cruel is that hemodialysis requires going to the hospital for 4 hours every one or two days, lying motionless on the bed, which greatly restricts freedom.

As a result, most patients can no longer go to school and work normally, and become marginalized people at a young age. From the hope and pillar of the family, they suddenly become a burden and burden.

Dialysis is like an invisible rope tied to the patient, with neither health nor freedom nor hope.

Dr. Tang looked at the beds one by one, and his eyes fell on the familiar and numb faces. His originally happy mood suddenly became depressed.

It took him a while to return to normal. He walked among the patients, raised his hand and clapped three times, then raised his voice and said.

"Hi everyone, I am Old Tang from the Department of Nephrology. Many of you are my patients. Today I want to bring you some good news."

The eyes of the patients flicked and gathered on him, each one full of curiosity and expectation.

"Remember what I said? I used to say don't be depressed, embrace reality and always have hope for the future."

"Society is changing rapidly, and technology is changing day by day. As long as we continue to develop, miracles will happen to us sooner or later."

"Of course, miracles are not built overnight, but happen slowly, from quantitative change to qualitative change."

"It's the same in medicine. The good news I brought you last time was that there was a drug for treating chronic nephritis. It's been less than a year now, and I've brought you another good news."

"Sanqing Group has successfully developed a small-caliber artificial blood vessel, which can replace your own blood vessels and perform arteriovenous infarcts. Phase III clinical trials are now being carried out in our hospital."

"You are older, those who often suffer from thrombosis, and those who have used artificial blood vessels for internal impotence, you can go to the clinical building next to the inpatient department, apply for clinical trials, and use their artificial blood vessels."

"Don't be afraid of trouble, the test is free and doesn't cost a penny, but it will make your vascular access smoother and less prone to thrombosis."

The more Dr. Tang said, the more excited he became: "Believe me, everyone should apply for clinical trials tomorrow."

"This is the quantitative change brought about by technology. I hope that the good news I will bring to you next time will be a miracle that uremia can be completely cured."

The patients looked at me and I looked at you. They were a little dazed at first, but they immediately reacted and became overjoyed.

They couldn't sit up, so they could only lie on the bed one by one, asking questions in one go.

A smile appeared on Dr. Tang's face, and he patiently solved the problem.

The exhaustion of the patients was swept away, their bodies miraculously gained strength temporarily, their voices became louder, and their faces became radiant.

The noise inside attracted the attention of the people waiting for dialysis outside. Many people stood at the door and kept looking inside.

There were also many acquaintances here, who instantly recognized Dr. Tang and flocked to his side.

With a smile all over his face, Dr. Tang waved at them and opened his mouth angrily.

"I have good news for you"


West China Hospital is not the only hospital that started the Phase III clinical trial ahead of schedule.

Well-known third-level hospitals in first- and second-tier cities such as Yangcheng, Beijing, Haishi, and Shacheng have also taken action.

They have all had in-depth clinical cooperation with Sanqing before, as long as the higher authorities allow, Sanqing will naturally ask for it.

Soon, Sanqing successfully developed a small-caliber artificial blood vessel, solved international problems, and filled the gap in the industry. The news spread everywhere.

However, unlike the large-caliber artificial blood vessel that shocked netizens across the country, this time it was the people in the industry who were shocked.

The domestic equipment manufacturers were very excited, and all of them laughed from ear to ear.

Because this shows the new development direction of artificial blood vessels, biomaterials are undoubtedly more suitable and promising than the old polyester materials.

Especially upstream polyester materials have been monopolized by foreign manufacturers for a long time, and it is difficult for domestic manufacturers to break through the patent blockade and develop new materials by themselves.

Now, Sanqing pointed out the direction of a biological protein material for them, confirming its feasibility.

Then they can be a follower, work hard in this direction, and develop new materials.

Maybe the effect is not as outstanding as that of Sanqing, but if you can take the cost-effective route and form a ladder bidding, it will still be very profitable.

You can even be an OEM or supplier of Sanqing. As long as you are in this industrial chain, you can make more or less money.

After all, the demand for 40,000 artificial blood vessels per year will increase in the future. Sanqing will definitely not be able to swallow them all by himself.

In the past, these tens of thousands of artificial blood vessels were all imported, and they could not drink a mouthful of soup.

Now that the artificial blood vessel has broken the monopoly and has been completely localized, it means that everyone can sit on the table and have a feast.

No matter what, they could get a small piece of this freshly baked big cake, which was much better than before when they could only stare blankly at it.

In stark contrast to the carnival of domestic manufacturers, Terumo and Mai Kewei are both heartbroken.

Faced with this situation, they were all at a loss, unable to deal with it at all.

A new factory has not resumed its production capacity after 5 years of operation, and one was directly knocked down by an iron fist due to quality problems.

The two companies are both doing nothing, taking the blame for themselves, and being in an advantage for a long time, which makes them become slack, make various mistakes, and give up the market by themselves. It is really no wonder to others.

What annoys them even more is that the leading products of these two companies are both large and medium caliber artificial blood vessels.

They couldn't handle small-caliber blood vessels, so they could only look at Sanqing's news, gritted their teeth in hatred, and became furious.

This time, Sanqing has developed large-caliber and medium-caliber artificial blood vessels, and it has already completed the double killing of these two companies.

Once the small-diameter blood vessels below 6 mm came out, it became a lore.

All people in the industry understand that when Sanqing's artificial blood vessel is launched, the entire industry will be completely reshuffled and a wave of bloodbath will be completed.

Imported blood vessels in the domestic market are completely finished, and it is only a matter of time before they are replaced by Sanqing.

As for the overseas market, at the beginning it may be a tripartite confrontation. Slowly, when Sanqing's small-caliber blood vessels show their power, and then drive the overseas market with domestic sales, Sanqing will complete its counterattack in just a few years and become a leading artificial blood vessel enterprise. throne.

"In a few years, when Sanqing also occupies more than 50% of the market in many fields and achieves a monopoly position, what a beautiful and spectacular landscape it will be."

Sitting in the office, Wei Kang imagined this scene, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

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