I can extract side effects

Chapter 521 Global condemnation, fishermen recover

On the TV screen, the hostess was broadcasting the evening news, suddenly paused, and said seriously to the camera.

"Dear viewers, an urgent news will be broadcast next."

"In response to the recent exposure of distant-going fishing vessels to unknown radiation, our investigation team has come up with results."

"The source of the nuclear waste discharge is the Radiation Island Nuclear Power Plant. Our ships have detected severe nuclear radiation in the nearby waters. At least 3 months ago, the nuclear power plant secretly discharged a large amount of nuclear waste water into the ocean, which had a major impact on global seas. .”

"Because the pollution has spread along the Pacific ocean currents, most of the Pacific Ocean will be polluted, and almost all of Southeast Asia will be covered. The result is extremely tragic."

"It is expected that in the next three years, the waters of Eagle Country and Maple Leaf Country will also be polluted, and the entire Pacific Ocean will be completely destroyed."

"Nuclear waste water is extremely harmful to human beings. The best strategy is to find a way to solve it, rather than directly pouring it into the sea and ignore it. This approach is an extremely selfish behavior. For your own benefit, Gave up the interests of everyone in the world."

"We strongly call on the international community to join forces to deal with this matter. Not only must we find a solution to marine nuclear pollution, but we must also stop this heinous act as soon as possible."

"Next, people across the country are asked to pay attention to their health. If you feel unwell, please go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible."

Once the announcement was issued, it caused an uproar in an instant.

People all over the world were shocked by the shameless behavior of Sakura Kingdom, and condemned it one after another.

At the same time, the governments of various countries have also received official letters, knowing the ins and outs of this matter, and immediately began to take actions to actively respond.

Among them, the most annoyed one is Bang Country next door. They are next door to Sakura Country, so they are naturally at the forefront of pollution.

In addition, the countries in the South Pacific that have reacted the most are those who rely on the sea for their food. If the pollution spreads, not only will seafood become inedible, tourism to the islands will also have to stop, and the entire national economy will be plunged into catastrophe.

Soon, environmentalists around the world began to march on the streets, strongly condemning the despicable behavior of the Cherry Blossom Country authorities, demanding that this behavior stop immediately and find ways to deal with the aftermath.

Experts from Eagle Country also stated that this is an anti-human operation in Sakura Country and absolutely cannot be tolerated, calling for an immediate stop to this behavior.

Mao Xiongguo even said that his own submarine is in the waters of the Arctic Circle, very close, and he doesn't mind coming to the door for physical persuasion on behalf of the football league.

Even the people of Cherry Blossom Country gathered together to protest with placards, expressing their strong opposition to the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea.

Suddenly, the Sakura Kingdom was besieged by enemies from both sides, besieged on all sides, and became a global public enemy.

Countries have issued notices one after another, prohibiting the import of any seafood and food from the Sakura country, and anything from the Pacific Ocean will be subject to the most stringent nuclear radiation inspections.

Under the attack of the sales ban, Sakura Country finally panicked, completely stopped the ostrich act of pretending to be dead, held an emergency press conference, and bowed and apologized to the whole world.

Although their apology was very sincere, people around the world did not buy it and continued to swear online.

"If an apology works, what do you need the police for?"

"Nothing was said other than an apology, no sincerity, not even a promise to stop waste removal."

"This is a nuclear war, and Sakura Country is fighting us."

"Why didn't the Eagle Kingdom show up at this time? Where did they die? Are they acquiescing and supporting?"

"Why didn't the ball league's peacekeeping force dispatch immediately to shut down the Fudao Nuclear Power Plant, no, just blow up this damn place."

"The nuclear abolition agreement, the international maritime convention, these things are really a piece of waste paper, without any binding force at all."

"At times like this, we need a powerful force to uphold justice. We must not let the damned Sakura Kingdom continue."

"For the first time I miss Pacific Police so much."

"Thanks to the righteous people for revealing the truth when everyone was kept in the dark."

At this moment, netizens all over the world are standing on the same front, making concerted efforts to express their opposition.

People vented their anger on the Internet, and the more they cursed, the more incompetent and furious they became, so they simply took to the streets, and when they saw the things with the logo of Sakura Country, they started beating, smashing and looting frantically.

Mass disturbances have occurred all over the world, and even developed into a zero-dollar shopping craze sweeping the world in Eagle Country.

The people of Huaxia were also very angry, but they were a little calmer. Although driven by anger, they ran to the streets, but they had no other ideas, they just wanted to smash something from the Sakura Kingdom.

But when we walked to the street, everyone looked around, and their hearts were at a loss.

Because you can't see anything from Sakura Country on the street, and everything you can see are all domestic products.

A few years ago, the Sakura Country cars that could be seen everywhere on the streets have long since disappeared, and all of them have been replaced by domestic trams.

As for Sakura Country Cuisine, after the incident was exposed, it was completely closed.

Angry netizens wandered around the streets and alleys. After walking for a long time, the soles of their feet were blistered, but they couldn't find anything related to the Sakura Kingdom.

In the end, they could only gather at the entrances of several roadside cherry blossom restaurants and throw a few eggs on the signboards.

Back home, watching the videos of smashing and looting released by netizens from various countries, Huaxia netizens could only silently post photos of smashing eggs.

While the public is venting their personal anger, professionals are concerned about another matter.

That is, how to deal with this menacing marine nuclear pollution?

There are already victims of nuclear pollution, will there be more in the future?

Can these patients with chronic radiation sickness be completely cured?


Beijing, 307 Hospital.

This place has long been besieged, and countless media reporters are squatting here, waiting for the next big news.

In a special ward, there are more than 50 patients lying down.

They were all ocean-going fishing workers. After returning, they fell ill one after another, and they were rushed to the rescue center of 307.

Dean Sun stood at the entrance of the ward, his face was haggard, and the two big bags under his eyes were very obvious.

During this period of time, he led a medical team and devoted himself to the first aid of patients, and he was very busy.

Fortunately, after appropriate drug treatment, the condition of the patients has been greatly improved.

"Dean Sun, how are the patients doing?"

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and when he looked back, a middle-aged man with a square face had unknowingly come behind him.

Dean Sun smiled: "Group Leader Li, I'm just about to report to you that after active treatment, the patient's residual radioactive elements have been discharged, but the radiation's impact on the body still exists, so continued treatment is needed. "

Li Hua nodded and asked, "When will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Dean Sun pondered for a moment, and said: "They are taking a new medicine from Sanqing, and they need to combine some other medicines for treatment, because it is the first time for the combination medicine, so it's hard to say when, at least it will take a week or two before it can be completed. Fully recovered."

Li Hua breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his serious face: "A week or two is nothing, as long as the victims can be completely cured this time."

With a curious look on his face, he asked, "Is this new Sanqing drug you mentioned, the anti-oxidant catalyst? It works very well against radiation sickness?"

"That's right, that's it. We now call this medicine Radiation Dispelling Ning." Dean Sun explained.

"Actually, to expel the radioactive elements in the patient's body, we currently have some effective drugs, but this can only temporarily make the patient okay, and the free radicals caused by the radiation will continue to wreak havoc in the patient's body, causing a series of chain reactions that break DNA. , genetic mutations, and diseases abound.”

"The damage to the body caused by these changes is long-term and irreversible. Although we are aware of it, there is no good way to solve this problem until the new drug of Sanqing comes out. After a series of clinical trials, it is enough to prove that this drug effective."

Dean Sun looked at the patient in front of him, with confidence and firmness in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Leader Li, don't look at these patients lying on the hospital bed, just wait, half a month later, or a week earlier, these patients will become alive and well, no different from healthy people."

Li Hua chuckled, and said expectantly: "Then I'll wait to see the legendary miracle of Sanqing."

"If it is really effective, it will be a great thing for this marine radiation disaster."

"At least we have a countermeasure, and we are no longer afraid that the people will be hurt."

His eyes gradually turned cold: "At the same time, I also have the biggest hole card to advance some work."


"Sakura Country sent representatives to the capital of Eagle Country to conduct secret negotiations."

"Bang Nation announces the severance of diplomatic relations with Sakura Nation and expels all personnel stationed abroad."

"The countries of Europa strongly condemned the Cherry Blossom Country. The Gaul and Germain countries all made speeches, urging the country to stop the discharge of nuclear wastewater, asking the other party to deal with it, and proposing economic compensation of up to 100 billion U.S. dollars."

"The world's seafood market has suffered a major setback. At present, the Pacific fishery has stagnated, and ocean-going fishing companies in various countries have gone bankrupt."

"Global protests are still ongoing, and conflicts are becoming more and more fierce. Enterprises in Sakura Country have closed their overseas branches one after another and announced that their employees will switch to online work."

"Trace amounts of radioactive substances were detected in non-protocol sea areas, and the country's seafood was included in the banned list."

"The Mao Bear, the Eagle Country, the Maple Leaf Country, and the Kangaroo Country are all on the verge of a big enemy. They have sent ships to patrol the high seas and check the seawater pollution every day."

"National consumption of freshwater fish has skyrocketed, and investment in aquaculture is booming."

"Patients with seafood poisoning appeared one after another in the coastal areas, and they were rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Their lives are safe now."

"The league held a meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter."

"Sakura Country appealed to the league, saying that it really has no money to deal with nuclear wastewater, and because it knew that countries would strongly oppose it, it had to secretly discharge it into the sea. After all, it is only right and proper to rely on the sea to eat the sea. Wastewater treatment programs would not have caused this to happen, and they deeply regret that it was beyond human power."

"The secretary general of the league was stunned on the spot, saying that he had never seen such a brazen person."

"The ball league meeting voted to punish the Sakura country. 80% of the countries voted in favor, 10% of the countries abstained, and 10% of the countries opposed."

"It is shocking that Eagle Nation voted against it and remained silent throughout the process, as there is reason to believe that some sort of secret agreement appears to have been reached between the two parties."

The marine nuclear pollution incident continued to ferment, and many things happened in just a week or two.

At the beginning, everyone rushed to grab salt, but after a few days, they found that the supermarket had sufficient stocks, so they gave up completely, because table salt was really difficult to consume.

Then the World Health Organization announced the list of anti-radiation drugs, and everyone started to rush to buy this again, but most of the drugs were simply not available, and it was a waste of effort.

In the following time, except for not daring to eat seafood, instead of eating freshwater fish and shrimp, everyone's life seems to have no change.

The only pastime for netizens is to read news on the Internet every day, which makes them numb.

Everyone felt that there was something wrong with Yingguo's reaction, and after careful consideration, there must be some invisible deeds, so they all cursed angrily.

"The ball league can't unanimously approve the punishment for Sakura Country, it's simply unreasonable."

"Isn't it because of the support of Eagle Country that it has the confidence to discharge pollution?"

"Beating a dog depends on the owner. Yingguo didn't nod. I guess there's nothing we can do about it."

"Damn it, that nuclear power plant can produce 100 tons of nuclear wastewater every day. If they continue to discharge, the entire Pacific Ocean will become a dead sea sooner or later."

"Damn it, if I'm killed, they don't even want to live."

When netizens were cursing, suddenly, the official released a news.

"The first batch of victims of ocean nuclear pollution, 32 fishing workers, suffered from chronic radiation sickness due to long-term consumption of contaminated sea fish. After four weeks of treatment in Beijing No. 307 Hospital, they fully recovered today and were officially discharged. "

In the video, several fishermen who have recovered their health appear in front of the camera, smiling shyly, and talking about their physical condition with not very fluent articulation.

"Well, we have already been cured by the doctors. I heard that the sea fish got sick because of the pollution from the nuclear wastewater. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to be cured within a month after taking Radiation Elimination."

What followed were photos of the fishermen when they were admitted to the hospital, dying and extremely weak, in stark contrast to their current health conditions.

The netizens who saw this scene boiled instantly.

They didn't listen carefully to what the fishermen said. They only heard the key word "Radiation Elimination", and they quickly extracted the core of the whole news, and made up a lot of key content in their brains.

"Is that what I mean? In fact, getting radiation sickness is not terrible, as long as you eat the radiation?"

"Fuck, nuclear radiation is also cured by medicine?"

"These fishermen have a simple and honest face, and they will definitely not lie."

"Which pharmaceutical company's drug is this, why haven't I heard of it?"

"I checked, and it doesn't seem to be on the WHO's list of anti-radiation drugs. Is it a new drug?"

"I also read on the Internet that someone has this chronic radiation sickness, but there seems to be no news of a cure yet."

"So, it's a domestic drug?"

"Xiaofuning, it can't be an imported drug after hearing the name."

"If it is a domestic drug, then I have a bold idea. Could this be a new drug developed by Sanqing?"

"Except for Sanqing, there is no other pharmaceutical company with such strength."

"Oh my god, then we'll be saved, and we won't have to worry about this bloody nuclear pollution anymore."

"I just want to know now, where can I buy the radiation-absorbing drug?"

Netizens scratched their hearts one by one, frantically wanting to know the truth.

What is Radiation Elimination Ning, what kind of medicine is it?

Was it developed by Sanqing?

When will it be listed?

Many people picked up their mobile phones and directly dialed Sanqing's customer service number to ask for news about Radiation Elimination.

In just one hour, Sanqing's customer service calls were blown up.

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