I can extract side effects

Chapter 518 Antioxidant Miracle

Although I often heard about drug trials, this was the first time for Li Qing to participate in a clinical trial.

He picked up the "Informed Consent Form" and habitually read it carefully.

The above content is very detailed, including the purpose of this clinical study, drug information, entry requirements, project procedures, precautions and research compensation, etc., explained very clearly.

"Clinical trials of new drugs for antioxidative enzyme promoters... Candidates must have been exposed to ionizing radiation in a short period of time..."

"The amount of blood collected in the whole test is about 180ml for males... The time for admission, medication and discharge are respectively... diet and alcohol and tobacco taboos..."

"Eat and stay in the hospital for 6 days, and provide 5,000 yuan in compensation."

When Li Qing saw this, he was immediately happy.

"Hey, it's a good way to earn extra money by taking a vacation. No wonder there are so many professional drug testers."

"It's okay, if you have money, it's much better than lab mice."

The doctor next to him also saw this, and happily came over: "Lao Li, that's not bad, it's higher than our department's bonus."

Another doctor was a little worried: "Didn't it mean that the greater the risk of the drug, the higher the compensation for the trial drug? 5,000 yuan for 6 days, this money is so easy to get? I feel a little scared."

Li Qing pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "There should be no problem. Sanqing's medicine has always had less side effects. It stands to reason that the risk is not great, and the price is high. It should be because it is a new medicine and there is no similar medicine, so the compensation for the trial medicine is not high. As low as generics."

"Hehe, I've come here, so why worry about it? There is no risk at all in testing medicine, you say it is right. Don't think too much, hurry up and sign the handwriting examination."

This is an optimist, he turned to the last page without even looking at it, signed the consent form, and then went straight to the medical examination room.

The routine physical examination ended soon, and all the people in the interventional department met the recruitment requirements and were successfully selected.

After breakfast, everyone lined up one by one, waiting to check in.

The check-in before check-in is very strict. Everyone has to take off their clothes and check their whole body, and even take off their shoes to check if there is anything inside.

As for personal items such as cigarettes, lighters, and water glasses, they are all kept by the clinical building and can only be returned when they leave.

Putting on his gray pajamas and coming to the second floor, Li Qing went directly to the bed, feeling relaxed and extremely comfortable.

He has not had a vacation for more than a year, and this feeling of being idle is strange and comfortable to him.

"Finally, I can temporarily stay away from those endless surgeries."

Li Qing enjoys most of the time here, the temperature of the air conditioner is neither hot nor cold, every meal is three meat and two vegetables, and the time when he does not collect blood can be freely arranged.

Whether it's watching dramas or playing games, or even gathering people to play cards in public areas, no one cares.

Some colleagues used their own laptops to watch movies, directly watching all the inventory accumulated in the hard disk for many years.

There are also those who are obsessed with scoring in the five rows, and it is said that they have already ranked first in the community.

Li Qing did not participate in any of these activities. He had a very regular schedule. He watched the news and watched short videos in the morning, fought with a few poker friends in the afternoon, watched news and TV dramas in the evening, talked to his family for half an hour before going to bed, and was on time at ten o’clock. sleep.

Except that there is an indwelling needle on the arm, and blood is drawn three times a day, which makes people uncomfortable, it is no different from vacationing at home.

From the next day, his energy recovered a lot, and he was not as tired as before he checked in.

For a while he didn't know who to take the credit for living so healthy.

Is it because of good sleep, or the effect of drugs?

Li Qing thought for a while, and felt that he had only taken the medicine for a day, so it should not have such an immediate effect. It seemed that it was because he slept well and was not stressed.

But on the third day, when he looked in the mirror and brushed his teeth, he noticed that the redness and blisters on his forehead and chin had disappeared.

"No way, the effect of regular work and rest is so good." Li Qing couldn't help muttering to himself.

After the blood was collected, he couldn't help asking the staff.

"Well, I want to ask how is the SOD level? Has the white blood cell increased?"

The staff member didn't raise his head, and said casually, "Where did we go? It's only the third day. It's not so obvious. Besides, so what, you don't understand."

Li Qing still wants to work harder: "Well, I am actually a doctor in this hospital, so I can understand."

The staff member raised his head and glanced at him, seeming to remember something, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "This is a double-blind experiment, I can't just say the relevant information."

Li Qing stalked: "That's right. I've been feeling very good these past two days, so I'm a little curious. Just tell me about the white blood cell count. I'm sure."

The staff member nodded: "Alright then, let me see, Li Qing, right?"

After operating the computer with both hands, Li Qing's daily inspection results soon appeared on the screen.

"Well, the SOD value is 145 and the white blood cells are 4280. Although it is not high, it is within the normal range."

"Wait, let me see the value when you checked in, so we can compare."

"What? Your SOD was less than 100 before, and your white blood cells were 2800?"

The staff suddenly exclaimed and stared at the screen with an expression of disbelief.

After a while, he stammered and said: "Your value has risen so fast. It has returned from a low value to normal in two days. No wonder you feel in good condition."

"I can't wait to see the results of your blood test today."

Li Qing was also surprised, but he was more delighted. Anyone who can recover to health in a short period of time will be very happy.

The staff member had regained his composure at this time, adjusted his glasses, and explained: "The main reason is that your foundation is poor, so the improvement is more obvious. If you are a normal person, the change may not be so great."

Li Qing couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "At that time, my radiation dose pen exploded, 120 sieverts, and I almost died. Is my condition not bad?"

The staff looked sympathetic: "That's really true, you are from the intervention department, it's really not easy."

Recalling that value, Li Qing was still a little scared, but after thinking about it, he asked again.

"I know that radiation sickness depends on internal or external radiation. Mine is caused by small doses of external radiation. As long as I don't continue to receive radiation, it will slowly heal."

"But it returned to normal values ​​in three days. This is too exaggerated. Is it the result of taking medicine?"

"Looking at it this way, I should be in the experimental group, not the control group?"

Having said that, he was immediately overjoyed and praised:

"Sanqing is a new drug, the effect is really strong, and it's so fast, it's amazing."

"Shhh~" The staff member was startled instantly, and almost covered his mouth: "My Director Li, let's just say, this is a double-blind experiment, so don't make a fuss about it, do you know if I can?"

Li Qing smiled "I understand" and nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut. If I want to say anything, I will be discharged from the hospital."

Walking all the way back to the ward, his steps were extremely brisk, and he couldn't help humming a song.

Colleagues were amazed at his state: "Old Li, are you a middle-aged man rejuvenated?"

"Your face is shining, what's the matter, did you find someone outside behind your sister-in-law's back?"

"Where are you thinking?" Li Qing stared, and immediately showed the majesty of the deputy high: "Try the medicine well, don't think about it."

However, some people immediately guessed: "Old Li, your condition is indeed a bit too good. Is it because you are lucky that you entered the experimental group, and those of us who don't feel it are all taking placebos."

Li Qing glared and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you eat and drink here, sleep enough for 8 hours a day, even if you take a placebo, your body should get better."

But then, he changed the subject and admitted directly: "If you don't tell me, I know that I must have taken the medicine to recover so quickly."

"I'm just telling you guys, don't spread the word, this is a double-blind experiment."

Everyone nodded in unison, just like a row of chickens pecking rice at the same time, and their movements were uniform.

A smug smile appeared on Li Qing's face, he was both satisfied and self-satisfied, and said slowly.

"As you all know, my radiation dose was the highest before I came in. It was 120, and the white blood cells also dropped below 4000, and I am the oldest, so I am indeed a little weak."

"However, I have rested for three days now, and I feel that I have almost recovered. I think it must have something to do with sleep, but it's not big."

"So, I ran to the staff and revealed my identity as the deputy director of the Intervention Department, and only then did I get the results of my blood test in the past few days."

"It turns out that my SOD and white blood cell counts have risen to the normal range."

"Although it's still a little low, I just passed the line, but you know, it's all right. To put it bluntly, even if our director Yao is tired and passed out in the operating room, I can go over immediately, brush my hands, and replace him." He went on stage to do the surgery."

"Hey! It's back to normal?" Everyone gasped at the same time and looked at him in shock.

After a silence, it was like blowing up a hornet's nest, and the crowd became excited.

"Director, that's not possible. I remember that when you first came in, the radiation dose was off the charts. The staff didn't dare to stay by your side for fear of being irradiated by you."

"Even if you rest for a few days, your body will recover slowly, and it's impossible to get better so quickly."

"Is this the horror of the experimental group? Your sister, I hate it so much, why am I in the comfort group."

"The effect is so obvious, even blind people can see it. What kind of double-blindness is this? Just let us all take the medicine together."

"No, I have to go to the staff to make sure. I think I've been in a good state these days. It's impossible for me to take placebos."

"I also want to know the results of my test, otherwise my heart will be like ants crawling, always itchy and uncomfortable."

"Let's go together."

I don't know who yelled, and everyone ran away without a trace, and Li Qing was left alone in the whole ward.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

I only know that my mouth feels good for a while, but when the blood is collected in the afternoon, I guess I will have a headache.

The next experiment was no longer a secret.

Because the performance of the subjects who took the medicine is too obvious, their physical fitness has been greatly improved, and their health is extremely healthy.

These medical staff in the interventional department are very tired due to working overtime all the year round, and all of them are in a sub-health state, with more or less minor ailments.

Due to long-term exposure to rays, my skin is prone to allergies, and my hair is also prone to fall out. No matter how thick my hair was when I was young, I could lose a lot of hair when I took a bath at night. Now my hair falls less.

In addition, due to long-term weight bearing and standing, they also have problems such as varicose veins and intervertebral disc herniation.

These are the damages that have been done to the body over the years, and even if you take a week or two of rest, it is difficult to fully recover.

But now, these little problems are gradually disappearing.

Whether it's the test results or the doctors' own feelings, I feel refreshed, my waist is no longer sore, my back is no longer painful, my face is no longer acne, new hair has grown on my forehead, and my skin has become smooth. A lot, not as rough as before.

However, those who took no medicine and only took a placebo, although they had a good rest and regained their energy, they still had a lot of backaches when they either lay down or sat every day.

In this way, the contrast between the two is too sharp, and the experimental group and the control group will completely lose their meaning.

The Sanqing clinical research team is also very happy.

The previous clinical phase I was done on healthy people. They also selected young college students, each of whom was alive and well. Except for the difference in the SOD test data, it is really impossible to see that the drug has any special effect.

Although there are some patients in the second clinical phase, there are more elderly people, and the detection of the rise and fall of the SOD value is also performed. No matter how healthy the elderly are, their performance is limited.

Who would have thought that the effect would be so good when replaced by these traumatized middle-aged people.

It was as if he had been injected with chicken blood, all kinds of body data gradually increased, and the contrast was full.

Now, the statistical data is much easier, and the experimental results have become extraordinarily beautiful.

The days passed quickly, and after a few days, the subjects left the clinical building one after another.

They will return to the interventional department to do some daily work. As long as they do not enter the operating room, the possibility of radiation exposure in the department is still relatively small, and it will not have much impact on the body.

A week later, the second cycle of drug testing will continue.

In this way, after the two cycles of drug trials are over, and he has completely recovered, he can come back to continue the operation and replace Director Yao, the hard-working scalper.

During the middle week, Director Yao had already heard about the miraculous effects of antioxidant drugs, and his mouth was watering with envy.

After he was replaced, he didn't even go home, and went directly from the operating room to the clinical building.

It's just that the number of people was much smaller this time, and the registration personnel already had experience, so they directly handed over a letter of knowledge.

Director Yao didn't even look at it, he just signed the paper and went to the medical examination.

After the physical examination, I found some more familiar faces.

"Director Yao, are you here?" A bald man with a strong physique strode towards him.

Director Yao took a closer look, smiled all over his face, stretched out his hand from a distance, and greeted him.

"Hey, isn't this Director Fang of the Interventional Department of the City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Why, are these people from your department?"

"That's right, it's not that the effect of your department's experimental medicine is so good that it has spread all over the world." Lao Fang laughed boldly: "I quickly brought these bastards from the department over here."

"I reckon that brothers from the interventional departments of other city hospitals will also come in a few days, and there may be some radiation sickness patients from the province. They all have to come, and there will be more people by then."

Director Yao rubbed his hands excitedly: "Oh, the more you talk about it, the more I look forward to it."

Lao Fang suddenly lowered his voice, pointed to his bright forehead, and said mysteriously: "Old Yao, to tell you the truth, my hair has been bald for several years, and it has never grown back. This time it is for this reason." here."

"Hehe, me too." Director Yao raised his eyebrows and nodded in sympathy.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything in silence.

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