I can extract side effects

Chapter 493 Looking around

As July approaches, the candidates for the Endoscopy World Cup from various countries have been finalized and announced on the official website.

It instantly attracted the attention of digestive surgeons around the world. Players from major medical countries such as Huaxia, Eagle Country, Sakura Country, and Europa had more than 50,000 hits on their surgery videos within a day.

Most of these players have achieved great success and come from top hospitals, many of them are even chief physicians.

Therefore, members logged on to the website one after another and started heated discussions under the video.

However, under the Huaxia player's surgery video, the commentary style is a bit strange.

Some comments in English and other languages ​​are all in awe.

"OMG, Huaxia's doctor did such a good job, I can't take my eyes off it."

"The wound is very clean, and the amount of bleeding is surprisingly small. Forgive me for asking? Is this surgery performed on a living person?"

"Wow, from Haishi Ruiji Hospital, the famous Zhou's hospital, it seems that he is another excellent student."

"Only I noticed that he used a very special surgical knife?"

"I even abandoned the common electric knife, no wonder the surgical field of view is so dry."

"Holy shit, it turned out to be an ultrasonic knife. I have only seen the familiar knife head in the stomach of a patient. I never expected it to appear in the esophagus."

"People are more angry than others. His operation is like Mozart playing a serenade, and my operation is like a carpenter pulling a chainsaw."

"Guys, my patients' wounds are always blackened inevitably, and I urgently need to know the model of this ultrasonic scalpel."

"Brother, don't worry, relax a little, there is a 80% chance that it is a new model of Johnson \u0026 Johnson, just give the Johnson \u0026 Johnson salesman in your hospital a call, and he will run towards you like a dog seeing a Frisbee."

"Great, I'm going to call right now."

The Chinese comments are very neat, and everyone is asking the same question in unison.

"??? Who is this?"

"I've never heard of it, but it's awesome."

"ShengcaiHe (ShengcaiHe)? I don't remember the name at all."

"Is there such a person in Richie Hospital?"

"If it's not written as the chief physician, then it's the deputy high school. Maybe it's a newcomer?"

"Probably from a lower-level hospital for advanced studies."

"Professor Zhou has a lot of Wuyang Wuyang students who study every year. It's normal to know some of them."

"Is that the deputy director of endoscopy in a provincial capital?"

"The technology is so good, 80% of them are here for short-term training, in preparation for promotion to the director."

"I'm envious, I can represent my country in such a grand event, and I'm sure I'll be a top endoscopist in my province when I go back."

"Tsk tsk, I don't know how long this big guy has been studying, and he can reach such a state of perfection. It's really enviable."

"Professor Zhou is the first person in endoscopy in China, and the students he teaches are really amazing."

"If you were a Nascent Soul boss before further training, then you will be a great power in the Mahayana period after further training. If you can win the ranking, then wouldn't you be a god-like figure who ascended immediately."

"The reading upstairs is crazy. It's not like we haven't won the rankings. Unless we are champions, there is nothing rare."

"Yo ho, you don't even like the runner-up and the third runner-up? What if you win the championship?"

"Win the first championship in history, I admit that he can become a master."

"Everyone stop arguing, look at this? An ultrasonic scalpel that can be used in endoscopic surgery!"

"That's strange. I don't know which equipment manufacturer's equipment it is from?"

"It must be imported equipment, does the domestic product have that level?"

"Don't say that, there are also high-level equipment made in China, such as Sanqing."

"That's true, but they don't make ultrasonic scalpels either."

"Hard to say, I remember they did endoscopy, wait, I'll call and ask."

"Don't ask, I'm pretty sure this is Sanqing's equipment."


"Because there is such a prototype of Sanqing in our hospital."

"Which amazing hospital are you from?"

"No, it's the director of the Department of Digestive Surgery at Su City People's Hospital, so we'll be the first to get there, haha."

"Amazing, amazing. From this point of view, our hospital has to contact Sanqing's sales as soon as possible and ask for a prototype to try."

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. As far as I know, this device has not been officially launched yet, and there are very limited hospitals for clinical trials."

"It's okay. I just asked about sales. Digestive disease will definitely come to the exhibition on Wednesday, and everyone can see it by then."

Since the participating doctors were too mysterious, no one knew who they were, so everyone's discussion turned to this magical ultrasonic knife.

After full communication, everyone finally figured out the origin of the equipment and returned with satisfaction.

However, since domestic doctors only choose the Chinese version of the webpage, they did not see those English comments.

The same scene also happened on the English version of the webpage. The overseas doctors thought hard for a long time, but they didn't know anything except guessing that this mysterious Huaxia doctor was a student of Zhou Ruping.

As for the brand-new ultrasonic scalpel equipment they want to know most, many people still found nothing after asking around.


Eagle Country, New Jersey, headquarters of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical Devices.

"Oh, you said you have received calls from dozens of hospitals?"

President Gray suddenly turned around from the large floor-to-ceiling windows, stared intently at the sales director in front of him, and said:

"Those surgical directors who are usually very proud, all took the initiative to call, asking about an ultrasonic knife that can be used in the digestive tract and can be bent at will?"

"That's right," the sales director said with a puzzled look on his face, and then he seemed to remember something, and his face beamed with joy: "I remembered, the company has indeed done research in this area before, but there has been no result. Could it be that there is a new breakthrough?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Gray's eyes, but he quickly concealed it well.

He shook his head and said in a very positive tone: "As far as I know, the company does not have such a new project, nor does it have any relevant clinical output."

"As for the research you mentioned, there is indeed such a thing, but due to the lack of results, it was suspended as early as three years ago, and the relevant researchers are no longer in the company."

The sales director spread his arms and said with a wry smile: "This is the worst news, how should I explain to those valued customers?"

Gray said slowly: "I can only tell them that we are still researching this ultrasonic knife, and we cannot disclose relevant information at present."

"However," his eyes sparkled: "Since they can see it in the video of endoscopic surgery, it means that such an ultrasonic scalpel has already entered clinical use. We must find out this instrument factory, whether it is acquisition or cooperation. , we must take action as soon as possible, otherwise we will fall into a passive position.”

As a large pharmaceutical giant that started from the production of the first batch of sterile surgical supplies during the Civil War in Eagle Country, Johnson \u0026 Johnson undoubtedly has unique confidence in surgical instruments.

In the company's long life of more than 100 years, it has experienced countless trials and hardships, defeated countless competitors, and devoured countless small innovative companies before it can stand today.

When it smelled that dangerous breath, it immediately knew how to deal with it.

The sales director nodded, pondered for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Mr. Gray, I noticed something unusual. The doctors who asked us this time came from all over the world, but there were no doctors from Huaxia, which seemed a bit strange."

"Combined with the fact that the video of the surgery came from Huaxia, maybe the doctors in Huaxia know something."

Gray's eyes lit up immediately: "That's right, you observed very carefully. I'll immediately call Huaxia District President Song and ask him to concentrate on this matter."

He immediately called the president of Huaxia District, but it was a pity that the other party didn't know anything, so he could only tell him to pay more attention, and if there was any new news, he would notify the headquarters as soon as possible.


Kunming City, First People's Hospital, Director's Office.

There was a knock on the door.

Director Zhu walked in with a smile on his face and handed over a document.

"Dean, I have already completed the personnel distribution table for each department of general surgery that you asked me to make."

"Look, here are the lists of doctors in the first department of general surgery, the second department of general surgery, and the third department of general surgery. They have been prepared according to your instructions, including names, ages, personalities, length of service, surgical techniques they are good at, and so on."

"Okay, you sit down first, I'll take a look." Dean Fang nodded, picked it up and flipped through it.

He read it very carefully, almost line by line, and even took out a pen to circle everyone's operations.

It took almost ten minutes to finish reading the thin five pages.

After reading it, Dean Fang stared at Director Zhu for a long time, with a half-smile on his face, which made the other person's heart tremble.

Director Zhu twitched uncomfortably on the chair, and asked cautiously, "Dean, what's your opinion?"

Dean Fang restrained his smile, and slowly spit out four words: "No, do it again."

Director Zhu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked: "Dean, is there a problem? Please explain clearly so that I can rearrange it."

Dean Fang picked up the teacup, took a sip, shook his head and said, "Old Zhu, in the past, your general surgery affairs were all internal conflicts, so I didn't bother to take care of them, but this time they are divided into different departments. It’s not your business, so don’t make it too obvious.”

He lightly poked the document with his finger, and said, "There are currently 19 general surgery staff, 1 chief physician, no deputy chief physician, 7 attending physicians, and 11 residents."

"Look at you, the attending doctor is divided into 5, the remaining two are one on each side, and the other 11 residents are all kicked out to the second and third doctors. Then the director I invited came over. You can't reason with me?"

"Oh, it's all my fault, I didn't explain it clearly to you." Director Zhu quickly distinguished: "That's right, in fact, half of the 11 residents have completed their seniority, and there are also 7 of the 11 residents who will be promoted to attendings at the end of the year." Three will be promoted to deputy high school."

"You see, I'm not partial. I divided two of the three attendings who are going to be promoted to deputy high school to the second and third graders, and the remaining one is for myself."

"That's reasonable." He looked at Dean Fang with a smile: "After all, Puyi is in charge of gastrointestinal surgery, and has the most patients among the three departments. He is usually busy with work, and I am also old. I have to work so much. Pick some senior subordinates?"

"Ahem," Dean Fang was so angry that he almost choked on the tea. He didn't expect that this old Zhu was so thick-skinned that he couldn't get in. He was so eccentric because of his seniority.

He looked solemn, and said coldly: "It's meaningless if you say that."

"The two attendings you threw out, this old king is yours, right? Did you send it out specially to fight against the people I invited?"

"Another Huang Jiafu, he has connections in the Health Commission, you can't deal with him anyway, so just kick him away, out of sight and out of sight."

"There's one left, forget it, I'm too lazy to take care of the rest."

"Anyway, take back your love, Old Wang, and replace it with someone else." Dean Fang pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, let He Sheng be replaced."

"That's not okay," Director Zhu said hastily, "He Shengcai is a person who is relatively independent, doesn't like to get along with groups, doesn't get along well with colleagues, has a bad personality, and can't manage well if he does his own way.

"Didn't he go to a higher-level hospital for advanced studies? He was supposed to come back last week, but I told him to come back and refused to come back, and he even talked back to me. This man is full of lies and bad character."

As Director Zhu spoke, he shook his head like a rattle.

"Hehe, since your character is bad and you don't like it, wouldn't it be better for me to transfer him away." Dean Fang sneered.

"This, this, it's not impossible." Director Zhu hesitated.

"I know about the further study. It's because you are narrow-minded, so don't blame him." Dean Fang showed a look of no surprise, and continued.

"Xiao He specifically called me to make it clear that it was Ruiji's Professor Zhou who admired him and wanted to take him to the International Digestive Disease Weekly Conference. He originally wanted to report to you, but you lost your temper and dragged him away. It's dark, he can't contact you at all."

"Xiaohe, I think he has a pretty good personality. Otherwise, he can get along well with Professor Zhou in Ruiji Hospital? He is also a down-to-earth person, so he can be appreciated by Dr. Jian and Professor Zhou at the same time. You can't be wrong."

Director Zhu's face darkened immediately, and then he remembered that after he hung up the phone that day, he got angry and dragged He Shengcai into the blacklist.

He was angry and anxious, wishing he could scold He Shengcai, but seeing Dean Fang's admiration for him, he could only swallow all the swear words.

Dean Fang tapped his fingers on the table, lost in thought.

"He Sheng just came back from Ruiji Hospital. His skills should pass the test and he is honest. He can help Director Pu Sanxin. He has a long history in this hospital and knows everyone. If he does a good job, I will give him a deputy next year." High, it should be fine."

"Puer 2 has Huang Jiafu enough. He has good skills in hepatobiliary surgery, he is also smart, and he does things properly. The most important thing is that the new director of Puer 2 is obsessed with technology and doesn't like meddling. He can help."

Almost instantly, Dean Fang came to the final conclusion: "That's it, Huang Jiafu went to the second class, and He Sheng went to the third class."

"I changed it as I said just now, and then submitted it again."

He waved his hand at Director Zhu, and laughed: "Just hold your two precious lumps and make a fuss in Puyi."

Director Zhu nodded and got up, and said with a blunt smile: "No problem, leader, change, can I change it? It must satisfy you."

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