The models of these general aviation companies are relatively uniform. Light helicopters only have four seats for R44, six seats for AS350, seven seats for Bell 407, and eight seats for H130. They are all single-engine light helicopters and are widely used in tourism, medical rescue, and security. tasks, as well as agricultural and forestry operations.

R44 is the cheapest four-seater, and the long-term rental price is only 4000/hour. He gave up immediately because the space is too small to fit a stretcher, and it can only be used for short-distance transfer of patients and experts, and its use is limited.

The most suitable is the 6-seat helicopter AS350, nicknamed the little squirrel. As the name suggests, it is the most widely used one. It can hold 2 medical staff and a stretcher. It is very light, flexible and has enough space. big.

The price is also relatively moderate, about 8,000 to 10,000 per hour. If you negotiate a long-term contract for several years, it is estimated that it can be lowered a bit.

As for the seven-seater and eight-seater helicopters, they have more space and are more expensive, starting at about 20,000/hour.

He is quite satisfied with the price, not too much beyond the price in his mind.

"Sure enough, if there is no need for modification, the price will be much lower. I have the impression that an eight-seat helicopter is 40,000 an hour for medical rescue, but now it only costs 20,000."

"A medium-sized helicopter like the AW139 can hold two stretchers, and the price is 70,000 an hour. This is too expensive. Except for emergency rescue and disaster relief, it is estimated that it is not needed in daily life."

"It's still a little squirrel. The price is cheap. You don't need to modify the plane. You only need two doctors and nurses, a first-aid kit and a stretcher. If you can talk to the insurance company about cooperation and find some financial subsidies, it is estimated that the price can be lowered." Cut it down to a level that the patient can accept."

"The main reason is that the general aviation company only needs to send out the crew and does not need to be refitted. In this way, they don't need to occupy their aircraft for a long time, and they can be deployed flexibly. Naturally, the price can be reduced a lot. This is also the normal price of marriage lease and tourism."

Thinking of this, Zhang Aiping suddenly felt relieved.

He found two or three general aviation companies with the lowest price and called them.

"Manager Li, I've checked the quotation. Can it be lowered? 8,000 is still a bit expensive. In fact, your plane is still in storage. Why don't you take it out to do more business when you have time?"

"You know, it is very troublesome to apply for low-altitude flight for commercial activities. The procedures are very complicated. It needs to be reported several days in advance, and it may not be approved. However, medical rescue is different. It can be done on a special basis. Applications can be approved quickly, so your business volume will definitely increase a lot, and your business will be easier to do, don’t you think?”

"What we are after is a long-term and stable cooperative relationship. If we do well, it is no problem to sign a long-term contract for three to five years. After all, we are also a top three hospital. Air rescue is done, and we can advertise for you. , which is beneficial for you to develop business in other hospitals.”

"And we are already talking with PICC. The three parties can work together to include the cost in high-end medical insurance, so that there will be stable performance."

He has done a lot of research, and he knows this area very well. He threw out a set of rhetoric, which made the other party powerless to fight back, and at the same time, he was a little tempted.

Manager Li of Su'an General Aviation hesitated and said, "You are very reasonable. I wonder what price you want?"

Zhang Aiping bargained heavily: "We have taken a fancy to the little squirrel, how about 5,000 an hour?"

Manager Li was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head again and again: "You really know how to joke, this price is not even enough for our maintenance costs."

"That means that your cost control is not good enough, and your management ability needs to be strengthened." Zhang Aiping chuckled: "They are all light aircraft, and there is only one pilot. The difference is nothing more than the difference between the aircraft and the fuel. Besides, we are not every If the flight lasts an hour each time, the rescue round trip in the urban area will probably take more than half an hour."

Manager Li smiled wryly and said: "But the price of the planes varies greatly. The Little Squirrel costs 20 million a plane, while the R44 costs only 4 million. The annual maintenance cost is only 400,000. The Little Squirrel's maintenance cost can cost several million."

"It's not that R44 can't hold a stretcher, otherwise it's pretty good to use this."

Manager Li's eyes suddenly brightened: "Actually, we still have a R66 model, which is a five-seater helicopter. It is smaller and cheaper. If the co-pilot seat is removed, it should be able to fit a stretcher and squeeze it in." Two medical staff can also sit down."

"Oh, that sounds good. What's the lowest price?" Zhang Aiping asked with interest.

"This can give you the price you mentioned, five thousand one hour, because this plane is also cheap, only seven million one."

Zhang Aiping nodded: "Sounds good. We'll discuss the details when we meet."

Soon, Zhang Aiping reached an agreement of intent with Suan General Aviation Company.

Due to the existence of the portable first aid kit, the hardware requirement for helicopter first aid has become very low, and only a stretcher can be put down. In this way, almost all light helicopters can be used, and the idle rate is greatly reduced.

The general aviation company provides maintenance personnel, fuel and maintenance work to ensure that there are always planes available in Ningcheng, and they can take off at any time when needed.

The hospital provides doctors and equipment to treat patients on board.

Different models charge different fees. Calculated by the hour, the cheapest R66 only costs 5,000 an hour, the more expensive 8,000 an hour, and the more expensive tens of thousands, but this should be difficult to use.

Overall, Zhang Aiping is still very satisfied. The training of emergency doctors is easy to say, mainly because the super high requirements of the hardware are cut off, and the cost is reduced instantly.

In fact, air emergency rescue has always been subsidized, but the amount of the subsidy depends on the situation. Daily patient first aid is only given an hourly subsidy of 600 yuan, but if it is an official task, such as maritime search and rescue, emergency rescue and disaster relief, the hourly The subsidy will be as high as more than 20,000 yuan, so it is almost equivalent to free.

The economic conditions of the people of Suzhou Province are not bad. As long as the air emergency is not as expensive as before, which can cost as much as 40,000 an hour, the citizens should still be willing to try it in order to save their lives.

After all, an ambulance call costs about 500 yuan, and if you go across the city, it costs thousands of yuan. Compared with the 5,000 helicopter trip, the gap is not so unacceptable.

Besides, he can also discuss cooperation with insurance companies such as Life Insurance and Ping An. Insurance companies are most concerned about cost. If they know that air rescue can be so much cheaper, they will definitely be willing to cooperate and add it to high-end medical insurance.

And Su'an General Aviation Company is also very happy, not only talking about a large order, but the utilization rate of the aircraft has increased, and no additional hardware investment is required. If the cooperation is good, it can also cooperate with other hospitals in the province to expand more market.

In short, both parties are very satisfied and are looking forward to the results of the cooperation.


At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Qian Zhong was driving on the expressway into the city.

He had just rushed back from his hometown with his wife, and after several hours of driving, he was already a little tired.

But still trying to stay focused, weaving through the traffic carefully.

The wife sat in the co-pilot, a little drowsy.

Suddenly, not far ahead, a round object fell from a large moving truck.

It looked like a car tire, rolled a few times in the air, landed quickly, and bounced continuously on the road.

Vehicles along the way dodged urgently, causing a riot in an instant.

Qian Zhong clenched the steering wheel tightly, manipulating the steering wheel profusely with sweat, managed to dodge, seeing the tires brushing past him, he was relieved.

Suddenly, there was a "bang".

A car from behind slammed into it.

The whole car flew out in an instant, rolled over and hit the guardrail.

Qian Zhong didn't pass out, the airbag that popped out of his chest saved him, but his wife in the co-pilot was already unconscious, with blood all over her body.

His hands were trembling, he picked up his phone and dialed 120.

A pleasant voice sounded: "Hello, this is 120..."

"I just had a car accident here. Send an ambulance quickly. My wife is covered in blood and has passed out." Qian Zhong said eagerly, with a hint of crying in his tone.

"Understood, please inform the location, we will send an ambulance within 10 minutes."

Qian Zhong immediately told the other party the detailed address, hung up the phone, and waited anxiously.

Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, the phone rang.

It was the 120 staff who told him that because it was the morning and evening peak hours, the roads in the city were extremely congested, and even the expressway where he was located had already started to be congested, and the ambulance could not arrive in a short time.

"Then what should I do? What should I do?" Qian Zhong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot in an instant.

He looked at his wife, only to see that she had multiple injuries to her limbs and abdomen, and blood was constantly oozing out, staining the seat under her body red.

"It can't be done, my wife is bleeding non-stop, when will you guys come over here!"

At this moment, he felt a deep powerlessness.

Do I have to stand aside like this, watching my wife die in the car?

There was already a circle of people around the car, and the passersby looked at this scene and immediately sighed.

"Oops, there's a lot of blood!"

"Your sister, why did the tire suddenly fall from the sky while driving?"

"The owner of the car that hit someone in the back is fine, but the one who was hit was injured. It's really unreasonable."

"Where's the traffic police? Why haven't they come yet?"

"I can't come. It is said that the road is blocked, and the ambulance is also blocked and cannot come in."

"It's true that misfortunes never come singly. There are traffic jams everywhere at this point, and I can't drive at all."

"This woman won't just lose blood and die like this, it's too miserable."

Hearing the noisy voices around him, Qian Zhong became irritable instantly, and he yelled loudly at the phone.

"Can you come? Do you know that my wife is going to die?"

"Traffic jam, traffic jam, the fucking traffic jam is not today, why didn't you prepare earlier?"

There was a faint voice on the other end of the phone, and after a while, the staff said: "Sir, I'm very sorry, the ambulance may not arrive in time."

"Fuck..." Qian Zhong cursed out a mouthful of obscenities, despair welling up in his heart.

He sat down on the ground weakly, looking at his unconscious wife, tears streaming down his face instantly.

"It's all my fault. Why did you come back today? Why not earlier, or later, just at this point."

Qian Zhong muttered to himself, feeling extremely regretful.

Suddenly, the voice of the staff came from the phone: "Hello? Sir, are you still there?"

Qian Zhong felt ashamed and ignored it.

"There is good news. We can provide helicopter emergency rescue service. It only takes 15 minutes for the doctor to arrive at your place and provide pre-hospital first aid for the wounded. Half an hour later, the wounded can be sent to the hospital for rescue."

These words were like a shot in the arm, and instantly excited him.

"Great, let's send a helicopter over immediately."

"Okay, this is a paid service, and a certain fee may be charged, but the price is not expensive."

Qian Zhong interrupted: "No problem, as long as it can save my wife, it doesn't matter how much money you have. Stop talking nonsense, and send them here quickly."

"Okay, the helicopter will take off right away and is expected to arrive in 15 minutes, please be patient."

After hanging up the phone, a glimmer of hope emerged in his heart.

As for the payment the staff said just now, he didn't think too much about it.

Helicopter emergency rescue, if you think about it, it will definitely be very expensive, and it is estimated to cost tens of thousands.

But it doesn't matter, time is life, and first aid is a race against time.

After all, there are traffic jams everywhere now, and the ambulance is really out of reach, so we can only turn to air rescue.

He also has some knowledge about car accidents, knowing that within half an hour of the car accident is the golden rescue time.

If the helicopter could arrive in time, the chances of his wife being rescued would definitely be great.

If it exceeds the golden rescue time, it may be difficult to save.

So no matter how expensive the price was, he accepted it.

At this time, a few enthusiastic passers-by walked by and asked him if he needed help.

Qian Zhong's heart warmed immediately, he quickly waved his hands, and said, "There is a traffic jam in the city, and the ambulance can't get through. I just called a helicopter for emergency rescue, and it should arrive in ten minutes."

Just when I was about to say that I don’t need help, I suddenly looked at the crowd around me and said again: “Please help me clear out a space so that the helicopter can land.”

Enthusiastic passers-by were taken aback, and one of them gave a thumbs up: "Okay, buddy, air rescue is very valuable. It is said that it is 40,000 yuan an hour. I will also see it today."

Several other people also nodded, showing a hint of excitement in their expressions.

"I've never seen a real helicopter before, but I bumped into it today."

"Yes, take a good look at it later."

Qian Zhong's heart sank, 40,000 an hour is indeed a sky-high price, plus his wife's first aid expenses, it is estimated that he will have to cut down on food and clothing for a whole year.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no other way, but to be slaughtered severely.

While a few passers-by were talking, they had already started to act, and the news was inevitably spread.

The crowd showed excited expressions, stepped aside obediently, and waited for the arrival of the helicopter.

Soon, a large open space was cleared next to it.

And at this moment, there was a whirring sound above his head.

Everyone looked up, and saw a black dot appearing in the sky quickly from far to near.

Amidst a roar, an orange helicopter with "Su'an General Aviation" printed in large black characters descended from the sky, hovered for a while, and then landed firmly on the open space.


"Helicopter! Oh my god, it's so beautiful."

"It's so small, my wife, come and see the plane!"

"My God, so cute, so beautiful!"

"It turned out to be a live helicopter, today is really an eye-opener!"

The crowd of onlookers exclaimed, took out their mobile phones, and clicked to take pictures.

Qian Zhong, on the other hand, was nervous and waved his hands wildly: "Here, here, the injured people are here."

The cabin door opened, and two doctors jumped out with a box in each hand.

They took out a stretcher from the back cabin and rushed over quickly.

"The injured person was injured in a car accident, with multiple fractures throughout his body, and he has already gone into hemorrhagic shock."

After the examination, a doctor said with a heavy face, "The result is not optimistic. Stop the bleeding as soon as possible and maintain the vital signs as soon as possible."

The other person nodded, opened the box, took out a portable monitor and put it on the wounded man's wrist.

The two then performed preliminary bandaging and hemostasis, and the fractures were fixed with clamps.

Then the wounded was carefully lifted out of the car and placed on a stretcher.

The doctor carried the wounded to the helicopter again.

Only then did Qian Zhong realize that the helicopter was so small.

The co-driver's seat has been removed, and there were three seats in the back, but one has also been removed.

In this way, the entire stretcher was just put down, and the two doctors were even a little crowded after they sat down.

He couldn't help being a little worried, can such a small plane do it? Can someone be saved in case something happens halfway?

I feel a little unhappy in my heart. Is the 40,000 yuan an hour plane so simple? This money is too good to earn.

But seeing the doctor put the stretcher away, a glimmer of hope still appeared in his heart.

A doctor waved at him and shouted, "City People's Hospital Emergency Department, see you later."

The helicopter took off quickly and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Qian Zhong's heart was empty, as empty as his wallet.

I just called a tow truck, but now there are traffic jams everywhere, so I can't get there soon.

"I don't know when it will be finished. I won't wait until night."

He walked to the side of the road with a heavy heart, waiting for the arrival of the traffic police.

Suddenly, a stylishly dressed young man came over and asked with a smile.

"Brother, I'm a self-media up owner. I just took pictures of the helicopter rescue scene. I'm going to make a video and post it on the Internet. I want to ask for your permission."

Qian Zhong saw that he was a few enthusiastic people who helped just now, so he nodded: "Yes, thank you just now."

"You're welcome." The young man smiled and asked curiously, "How much is the helicopter you called this time?"

Qian Zhong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, I was in a hurry at the time, so I didn't ask. It's probably tens of thousands."

The young man scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "Can I trouble you to ask, we are more rigorous in making videos and want an exact number so as not to make mistakes."

Qian Zhong was surprised and said: "You guys are quite serious. I thought the self-media would just make up a random number. It's okay. I'll just call and ask."

After speaking, he dialed 120 again.

The staff responded quickly.

"Hello, it's like this. The helicopter emergency rescue service you ordered just now, because the distance is less than 100 kilometers, and the time is less than an hour, the cost is 5,000 yuan, plus 150 for pre-hospital first aid, heavy bleeding rescue fee (including Rescue materials, instruments, special hemostatic materials) 100 yuan per time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation rescue fee 100 yuan per time, a total of 5350 yuan."

"You can go to the Municipal People's Hospital to pay after the traffic returns to normal."

Qian Zhong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe his ears.

With a trembling voice, he reconfirmed: "Is this price a mistake? Didn't you say it would cost tens of thousands of dollars an hour?"

"There is no mistake. At present, the helicopter emergency rescue fees in this city are based on the model. Small aircraft are relatively cheap, with a minimum of 5,000 yuan per visit, and a little more expensive one at 8,000 yuan per visit. Only two people will charge tens of thousands."

"Okay, got it, 5350, right? I'll go to the hospital to pay the bill later. Thank you."

Qian Zhong expressed his gratitude to the staff from the bottom of his heart.

He never expected that the price of helicopter rescue would be so cheap, much cheaper than the tens of thousands he expected, only one-tenth of the price.

Thinking of the wallet that has become full again, I can't help but smile.

"How is it? How much is the price? I heard that it is 40,000 per visit, so it shouldn't be more expensive, right?" the young man asked from the side.

"Hehe, you're wrong, it's very cheap, only five thousand once."

Qian Zhong said with a smile, his tone full of joy.

Now that his wife is already on the plane, she will definitely be rescued, and the rescue fee is not expensive, so he immediately feels good.

"What? Five thousand trips? Is it true?" The young man was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Really, if you don't believe me, call 120."

"Damn it! It's too cheap." The young man uttered a swear word, and said in surprise: "This news is so explosive, and the video will definitely become a hit when it is sent out."

After speaking, he ran away, sat directly in the car, took out his portable computer, and edited the video impatiently.

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