I can extract side effects

Chapter 403 Marine plastic sniper battle

Wei Kang never thought that he would enjoy this kind of treatment.

Together with the executive director of the Environment Agency of the League and the heads of the environmental protection departments of various countries, we will discuss how to deal with the global plastic crisis in an online meeting.

The theme of the meeting is Sanqing's super enzyme.

Since the stunning debut of super enzymes, Weikang has become the hottest figure in the global environmental field.

The human planet is in the midst of a plastic waste disaster, and no one is safe from it.

Every country will face the century-old problem of how to deal with plastic waste.

Therefore, the super enzyme that can degrade plastic waste has become a life-saving straw for them.

It directly contributed to the convening of this global environmental protection conference.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Wei Kang logged into the computer in the office and entered the online meeting room.

He was welcomed like never before.

The faces that appear on the screen are all big names who have appeared on the news of various countries.

All of them smiled kindly and greeted him warmly.

"Dear Mr. Wei, good morning, it's an honor to meet you."

"Mr. Wei, have you eaten yet? I am Gore from the Environment Agency of the league."

"Mr. Wei, I'm Steve from Eagle Country. It's a great pleasure to attend this meeting."

The warm greetings and eager gazes made Wei Kang deeply aware.

With the improvement of Sanqing's strength, he has been inevitably involved in the handling of global affairs.

At this moment, he is no longer an ordinary entrepreneur, but has the ability to truly change the world.

With great power comes great responsibility.

He finally realized the meaning of this sentence.

Wei Kang smiled slightly: "It's a pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for participating in this meeting."

"I know that everyone is very eager to obtain the authorization of Super Enzyme as soon as possible to deal with the plastic waste problem in their own country as soon as possible."

"However, I'm afraid we will disappoint everyone. In the current recycled plastics industry, Chinese enterprises have assumed the responsibility of processing and recycling waste plastics, and at the same time have certain benefits. I think it is very reasonable and I have no intention of changing this situation."

Steve, Eagle Country's head of environmental protection, was the first to speak impatiently.

"Dear Mr. Wei, everyone is responsible for environmental protection. Shipping garbage overseas will not completely solve our domestic plastic pollution problem. Please think again for the people of Eagle Country."

Wei Kang smiled lightly, and politely declined his request: "I think that with the economic strength of Eagle Country, it is absolutely possible to use more degradable plastics, and even call on the public to use as little plastic as possible. In this way, the consumption of plastics will definitely be greatly reduced." Utilization rate, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the environment.”

Disappointment flashed across Steve's face, and he didn't speak any more. He also knew that the other party had such technology in their hands, and it was a time when rare goods were available, and he would certainly not authorize it to other countries so soon.

If other countries can recycle plastic waste by themselves, they will definitely not pay to send it overseas for processing.

And the huge profits of China's recycled plastics industry are out of the question.

The smiles on the faces of environmental protection leaders from other countries also disappeared instantly, and they fell into silence one by one.

Yes, in the past plastic recycling was not profitable and polluted the environment, so they naturally didn't want to deal with it.

But now that this business has started to make money, and it's still a huge profit, everyone naturally starts to be greedy.

It's a pity that Sanqing has no intention of authorizing this technology at all, and it seems that this time it came for nothing.

However, there were still some people who did not give up, brazenly spoke again, and kept making the same request.

Wei Kang sneered in his heart, and was about to speak to completely cut off the thoughts of these people.

Suddenly, Al Gore from the Environmental Agency of the ball league interrupted everyone's conversation with a serious face.

"Gentlemen, I am very disappointed in you."

"Every one of you is an expert in environmental protection, shouldering the responsibility of protecting the earth's environment, but only staring at the three-acre land of your own home."

"Obviously there is a perfect solution, Mr. Wei, as the inventor, should also enjoy the profits he deserves."

"Yet you keep wasting time on such unnecessary requests, and you keep wasting everyone's time."

"Did you know? While you are talking nonsense, our ocean is dying."

"And the plastic waste produced by humans is the killer of the ocean and all marine life."

After saying these few words, he looked at Wei Kang apologetically: "Mr. Wei, I didn't mean to offend."

Wei Kang smiled and waved his hand: "I don't mind, please continue to talk, in fact, I am more interested in what you said."

Gore nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Wei, I know that with the super enzyme, there will be no more plastic waste on land. On behalf of the football league, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you."

"However, besides the land, plastic pollution is also very serious in the ocean, even worse than the land."

"The 192 coastal countries in the world are inputting tens of millions of tons of plastic waste into the ocean every year. After decades of accumulation, it has reached an astonishing level. If we don't deal with this problem, it is no exaggeration to say that everyone , every country will face a catastrophe.”

Having said that, he began to share relevant information, showing shocking photos and videos to the participants.

"Look at this picture, taken near the island of Sumbawa in Java, where the ocean is heavily polluted with plastic."

"In deep blue water, a juvenile seahorse is entangled in a pink plastic cotton swab. Before plastic appeared in the ocean, seahorses were usually entangled with strands of seagrass."

"A photo like this, would you like to see it? Anyway, I would rather it not exist."

In the photos he continued to show, countless colorful plastic bottles, plastic toys, and plastic bags floated in the sea and appeared on the bodies of marine animals.

There is a turtle wrapped in a plastic bag, biting through the bag to expose its head and limbs, wandering in the sea, and a large piece of discarded plastic bottles lying in the trench below it.

There are also plastic films suspended in the seawater, covered with algae, and small fish are eating mouthfuls, swallowing algae and plastic debris together.

There are also thousands of albatrosses that have died on the beach, their decomposed carcasses, and under their bare white ribs, you can see the huge amount of plastic waste in their stomachs, which is the garbage that has been swallowed and killed them.

In a video, the food that the mother seabird brought back from the ocean turned out to be a piece of plastic she picked up and fed directly to the baby seabird. Spit it out again.

So the seabird mother pecked the plastic pieces with her mouth, and then continued to feed the little seabirds one by one.

Seeing this scene, Wei Kang couldn't help being silent.

In the end, a photo was frozen on the screen, and the endless plastic waste was soaked in the deep blue sea, with no end in sight, just like a pot of plastic porridge.

Gore said sadly: "This is the huge marine garbage dump hidden in the center of the Pacific subtropical air flow, which is also the legendary 'Eighth Continent'."

"Yes, the garbage that humans dumped into the ocean, under the influence of ocean currents, slowly gathered together and became a new continent. What an irony."

"The eighth continent is composed of 4 million tons of plastic waste, covering an area of ​​1.4 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to a Gaul country, the size of 4 cherry blossom countries, and contains more than 50% of all plastics floating in the high seas."

"Gentlemen, forget about the damn plastic waste in your country and look here, this is where you need to fix the problem."

Gore roared hoarsely, and the expression on his face became ferocious.

"If plastic waste pollution is not stopped, the entire ocean will become a new floating world, filled with huge amounts of garbage, and sooner or later it will become a wall, trapping us all in it."

The faces of the participants all became serious, staring at the garbage continent in the photo one by one, with worried expressions in their eyes.

Wei Kang couldn't help being horrified. Although he knew that plastic pollution was serious, he didn't expect it to be this serious.

In the past, the reports he saw were mainly domestic environmental problems. He really didn't know much about this kind of global marine plastic pollution.

Immediately said: "Mr. Gore, I have to admit that the content you showed successfully moved me."

"Sanqing is willing to contribute to the elimination of marine litter, so let me change my mind."

He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "If companies from various countries are willing to salvage plastic waste in the ocean for recycling, then I am willing to sell super enzymes to them."

"As long as it is marine plastic waste, super enzymes can be used to recycle it, so as to obtain a certain profit and support them to continue this environmental protection cause."

"Of course, Sanqing will also carry out a certain degree of supervision to ensure that marine garbage is recycled, not garbage on land."

"Driven by interests, there should be companies willing to salvage marine garbage to make profits, and at the same time protect the marine environment and make it better."

"I estimate that in the next few years, the garbage continent should completely disappear from the Pacific Ocean. In the future, human beings will not be willing to discard plastic at will, but will recycle it for profit."

"What do you think?"

After saying these words, Wei Kang looked at the heads of environmental protection in various countries.

Gore immediately applauded excitedly and praised Wei Kang loudly.

"God, Mr. Wei, you are indeed a great entrepreneur. On behalf of the ocean and the people of the world, I would like to thank you again."

He stood up directly in front of the camera and bowed deeply.

The other participants' eyes lit up instantly, unable to hide the excitement on their faces, they all nodded in agreement.

Wei Kang's meaning is very clear. From now on, the plastic waste on the mainland will be sent to the East for recycling.

But the garbage on the ocean is handed over to the countries themselves for recycling. He is willing to sell super enzymes and let them profit from it, so as to solve the problem of marine plastic pollution as soon as possible.

As for how much oil and water each country can get from it, it depends on them. After all, salvage of marine garbage is also a technical job.

At that time, everyone will contribute money, contribute money, and contribute their efforts. Each will show his talents, and he will count as much as he can get.

These discarded plastics are no longer garbage, but free plastic raw materials that can be recycled.

With the technology of these rich countries, these free plastic raw materials can be sold at a high price of tens of thousands per ton at any time after processing.

Thinking of this, the breathing of representatives from various countries became heavy.

After the meeting, the world jumped into action.

A battle against ocean plastics has begun vigorously.


On the endless Pacific Ocean, a ship towing a screen glides in the water. It corrects its direction and changes its speed from time to time, collecting plastic garbage in the seawater quickly and effectively.

A 4-metre-deep screen funnels plastic waste from the ocean into a mesh bag that, once filled, is sealed and separated from the system before being brought aboard and dumped on board.

It's a device invented by the nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup to keep collecting plastic from the Pacific Garbage Patch.

The device resembles an artificial floating shoreline that stretches out its giant arms, folds up to catch plastic, and dumps the waste into a woven funnel-shaped net.

The two boats dragged it slowly across the water, and the currents automatically pushed the floating trash towards the giant fishing nets, which collected huge amounts of trash.

Relying on this equipment, "Ocean Cleanup" has successfully pulled 10 tons of garbage from the Pacific Garbage Patch, which is enough to prove that this garbage patch can finally be cleaned up.

The 27-year-old Lester is the founder of this organization. His goal is to remove 90% of ocean plastic waste by 2040.

Since its establishment three years ago, the company has continuously developed and improved equipment for collecting marine plastics, and finally achieved results.

Young Lester, already weather-beaten from years of being adrift at sea, stood on the boat, wearing a chartreuse life jacket, staring intently at the rubbish collection equipment.

He is testing the health of the equipment, and so far, everything is going well.

However, it may not be enough to achieve his grand goal of cleaning the entire world's oceans.

He needs at least hundreds of such devices.

Since "Ocean Cleanup" is a non-profit organization, it can only rely on donations for research and development, so its strength is also limited. At present, the company has only raised millions of dollars in funds, and after three years, it has almost been spent.

Now outside scientists are not optimistic about his organization, and began to question whether he can continue to raise funds to continue this environmental protection cause.

After all, salvaging plastic waste without making money is a loss-making business, and it may be difficult to complete it only by charitable donations.

Thinking of this, Lester couldn't help frowning.

Although he has tried his best to increase income and reduce expenditure, and has used all means, the funding gap is still so large.

Once the salvaged waste is brought ashore, the plastic is recycled.

"Ocean Cleanup" has reached a cooperation with some consumer brands to make some recycled plastic into items such as sunglasses worth $200, sell them for a profit, and use the proceeds to clean up.

But these benefits can only be a drop in the bucket for the high R\u0026D and operating costs.

Apart from work, Lester also has a distressing job, which is to collect donations and raise funds for the organization.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

Lester glanced at it, it was the assistant Jenny, so he connected the phone.

"Leicester, great news, someone wants to invest in you!"

Jenny's excited shouts rang in his ears.

Lester was overjoyed immediately: "Great, which environmental protection fund is it, and how much does he want to invest? One million or two million?"

"It's BASF! They want to invest 50 million yuan!" Jenny screamed excitedly.

"What?" Lester shook his hand and dropped the phone on the deck.

"Come back and sign the contract! By the way, besides BASF, Dow Chemical is also here!"

Lester was stunned for a moment, looking at the mobile phone on the deck, the whole person fell into a dream.

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