I can extract side effects

Chapter 361 Three New Nicknames, Surgical Pulverizer

Dongshi Aier Eye Hospital, Guangdong Province.

With the support of his son, old man Lu walked into the consulting room tremblingly.

The doctor greeted with a smile: "Mr. Lu, you are here again. How are you thinking this time?"

Old man Lu sat down, sighed, and began to complain: "Hey, my eyesight is getting worse and worse now, and I can't see anything clearly. I can't even recognize people I know on the street walking towards each other."

"It sounds more serious than last time, let me check it for you."

The doctor checked it carefully and concluded: "Your uncorrected visual acuity is only 0.1 now, and the lenses of both eyes are cloudy. This is a typical senile cataract, and you also have corneal astigmatism. I am afraid that only surgery can completely solve it."

Old man Lu's face became ugly: "I'm only in my fifties, I shouldn't be at this age for surgery, can't I take medicine for treatment?"

The doctor shook his head: "You are already very serious now. You need to be implanted with an artificial lens to be completely cured. Medicines cannot treat this. I have communicated with you and your family members before. This disease must be dealt with as soon as possible without delay. Otherwise, it will be later. The worse the surgery will be.”

Old man Lu was still a little unwilling: "But I haven't reached 60 yet, do I have to live with a pair of artificial eyes in the future?"

The doctor patiently advised: "Cataract surgery is a routine operation, very simple and mature, and it only takes ten minutes to complete. The postoperative effect is also very good. The patient's prognosis is completely fine, and he can see clearly immediately, and it lasts for a long time. .”

He took out a thick stack of cases from the drawer, which were all photos of patients after surgery.

"Look, these are patients who have undergone surgery, and they are all in good condition now. After the artificial lens is implanted, it is difficult to tell from the outside, they are no different from normal people, and there will be no presbyopia, glaucoma, etc. Problem. It can be said to be once and for all.”

Old man Lu seemed a little tempted: "What kind of artificial lenses are there? How about the price?"

The doctor's eyes lit up, and he explained with a smile on his face: "Interocular lenses can be divided into many types according to different materials and functions. Different artificial lenses have different prices."

"At present, it is generally divided into hard and soft intraocular lenses. The price of hard intraocular lenses is about 1,000 yuan, and they are generally domestic brands. As for soft intraocular lenses, they are all imported products, which are divided into three types: single focus, bifocal and triple focus. The price is usually around 10,000 yuan, and if other anti-astigmatism or depth-of-field extension technologies are added, the price will be higher, about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan."

"Because you have corneal astigmatism, if you want to completely remove the lens after surgery, you must use astigmatism-correcting trifocal lenses to obtain long-lasting and stable postoperative clear vision. At the same time, we can also combine your vision requirements after surgery , tailor a personalized surgical plan, what do you think?"

"In terms of price, the artificial lens for both eyes plus the cost of surgery is about 60,000 yuan."

"Okay, okay, it sounds very powerful." Old man Lu was delighted when he heard it, and turned to his son and said, "Why don't we try this operation?"

However, the son did not agree, but asked instead: "Dad, you must carefully consider the operation. You can't go back on your word after taking the lens. What should you do if something goes wrong? There is no way to plug it back, and the eyes will be damaged." Blind."

These words made Old Man Lu's face collapse.

The son turned his head and asked the doctor again: "Can this disease not be cured by taking medicine?"

The smile on the doctor's face disappeared immediately, and he said with a straight face: "You may not know that there is currently no specific medicine for cataracts, and many medicines on the market that claim to be able to treat them can only slow down the development of the early stage of the disease. The degree to which it affects vision, that is, like your father, there is no way to reverse it with medicine, and the only way to cure it is to replace the intraocular lens with surgery."

"Let me explain to you that the cause of cataract is mainly the turbidity caused by the deterioration of the protein in the lens, from transparent to opaque, which affects the passage of light and causes people to lose their vision."

"This protein denaturation in the lens is an irreversible process, just like egg whites turn into protein when heated, and the protein can't change back to egg white anyway. Likewise, once the lens develops a cataract, no matter what medication is used, Denatured proteins cannot be restored to their original clarity."

The son thought about it carefully, and said with a smile: "Understood, so it is like this."

Then he asked again: "I heard that Sanqing has released a specific medicine for cataract called cataract clear. It is said that the effect is very good. Can you prescribe a course of treatment for my dad first?"

The doctor's complexion changed, and he said with some resentment: "Hey, you boy, don't search for any messy news on the Internet. Seeing a doctor is a matter of seeing a doctor. You still need to listen to the doctor's opinion. Your father's illness is treated by taking medicine. No, only surgery can cure the disease, don’t feel bad about the money, the most important thing is to cure the disease.”

The son smiled and said, "Well, I think Sanqing is the most powerful pharmaceutical company in China, and the medicines it produces are trustworthy. Since you think surgery is necessary, I'd better think about it again." .”

When old man Lu heard Sanqing's name, he also called out in surprise: "Sanqing, cancer can be cured, and small cataracts are definitely not a problem. Doctor, hurry up and prescribe me some special medicine from Sanqing. "

The doctor's expression turned ugly in an instant: "No, I don't have this medicine here, you can prescribe it elsewhere."

Old man Lu suddenly became unhappy: "Hey, isn't this an eye hospital? How can you prescribe it without medicine? Don't you just do surgery? Isn't that a scam?"

The son quickly reached out to help him up, and pulled him out the door: "Dad, don't be angry, let's find another doctor to prescribe the medicine."

The old man Lu cursed and left: "Hmph, the Black Heart Hospital only knows how to cheat money. If it wasn't close to home, I wouldn't come here to see a doctor."

The doctor sat there with his nose twisted in anger.

It took a while to slow down, and he dialed the phone angrily: "Hey, this is not good. Now the patient comes and hears that he will have an operation, but he refuses to agree. He says he needs to take medicine for treatment, and he leaves without prescribing medicine. It’s the third wave, and the hospital will close sooner or later.”

"I know it's just cataracts. Other eye diseases still need surgery, but the number of cataract surgeries is the most. Well, intraocular lenses are so expensive, and the profits are huge. How can the profits of other surgeries be so high? This income is gone. How much money do you get every month?"

"Hurry up and think of a way, this damned Sanqing, is this going to overthrow the entire intraocular lens industry? We didn't mess with it, and we performed a good operation, how did it become like this?"

"Damn it, it's still so cheap that we don't have any profit from selling medicine. He's not giving us a way out."

"Okay, okay, I understand, since the dean said that he will find a way, then I will wait."

After hanging up the phone, the doctor angrily opened the drawer, threw all the cases in, and sat on the chair in a daze.

Cataract is a common disease in ophthalmology, the first common cause of blindness, and one of the largest sources of surgery in their hospital.

Ayer Eye Hospital is an ophthalmology empire with hundreds of billions of dollars. It performs hundreds of thousands of cataract surgeries every year. If this income is cut off, it will be a catastrophe. He can't even think about what will happen to the hospital. .

He is very confused now, feeling powerless with impermanence, as if a tiny ant was walking on the road, and suddenly a pot of boiling water fell from the sky, killing all the ants in one pot, without even a little time to react.

However, he is only the lowest level affected by cataracts. An ophthalmologist like him only loses a part of his income, and there is no need to worry about survival for the time being.

At this moment, the owner of the Ayer Eye Hospital and the artificial lens manufacturer are the ones who have the most headaches.

As more and more cataract patients used Shangsanqing's new drug, their condition improved, and the word-of-mouth of this drug began to ferment, and it swept the country through the patient group.

Every patient group is sharing the therapeutic effect of this new drug, and everyone is very excited.

Among them, Sanqing already had a famous new nickname-surgical pulverizer.

After communicating with everyone, we found that this medicine has a miraculous therapeutic effect on early and mid-stage cataracts, and can quickly make the eye lens clear, achieving an effect comparable to that of surgery.

If it is a relatively serious cataract, the lens has already started to harden, and the treatment will be slower, not so immediate, and it may not be able to completely return to the state before the onset.

However, after several courses of treatment, the patient can still recover some eyesight, and can see people and things around him clearly. The impact on daily life is not so great, and he will not become completely blind.

The overall curative effect may not be as obvious as artificial lens implantation, and the cure rate is not so high, but it is natural, without sequelae, and reversible. If the curative effect is not ideal, surgical implantation can also be used as the last solution.

For elderly patients, cataract is an ocular degenerative disease, which is an irreversible aging phenomenon. Even if it recovers, it will recur after a long time. They can only take this drug continuously and treat cataract as a chronic disease treat.

In this way, for some elderly people who are relatively financially struggling, the cost-effectiveness of long-term medication is not as high as low-end intraocular lens implantation.

However, once the intraocular lens is implanted, it means that there is no turning back when drawing the bow. In case of any subsequent problems, such as retinal detachment and other symptoms, there is only one way to go blind.

Therefore, patients with slightly better economic conditions still prefer to take medicine, at least taking medicine can keep the eye lens.

The patient's decision was so unanimous that eye hospitals and IOL manufacturers quickly reaped the bitter fruit.

The capital market was the first to respond. The stock price of Ayer Ophthalmology Hospital plummeted from 20 yuan to more than 10 yuan overnight, and shareholders continued to sell. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this former ophthalmology Moutai stock , Sooner or later it will fall to a few dollars.

Although Ayer Ophthalmology has other ophthalmology businesses, the revenue from cataract surgery accounts for a quarter of the company's total revenue, which is nearly 4 billion. This part of the revenue will disappear completely, which is enough to be the last a straw.

Hunan Province, Shashi Ayer Ophthalmology Headquarters.

President Li Bang looked at the vertical decline in the stock market with a look of despair, his face was extremely pale.

"Damn Sanqing, I obviously didn't mess with you."

"How could this be? Our group has other businesses, shouldn't it have fallen like this?"

"Isn't it a loss of billions in revenue? We'll earn it back elsewhere."

He slumped down on the chair, was silent for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said.

"I was also bankrupt back then, so I got up again, and I will never resign myself to my fate this time."

His mind was running fast, and he planned to expand new business immediately.

Although cataract surgery is no longer available, cataract surgery is not the only type of eye surgery. Refractive surgery for the treatment of myopia is the main income of the group. Other glaucoma and retinal surgeries have not been affected.

If it is not possible, consider doing more external eye surgery, such as lacrimal duct surgery, eyelid surgery, corneal transplant surgery, or even enter the field of medical plastic surgery, do double eyelid surgery, canthus surgery, it is not impossible to consider.

The only thing worth worrying about is that the launch of specific cataract drugs means that Sanqing has begun to enter the field of ophthalmology.

So, will they be able to develop drugs to treat retinopathy such as myopia in the future, so as to completely reshuffle the ophthalmic medical market?

Li Bang thought about it worryingly, and felt that it was still not safe, and he had to open up a few new businesses.

"Otherwise, do the peripheral business of ophthalmology? Enter the glasses market? This is a piece of fat with huge profits. We must seize every opportunity to survive this crisis."

In the past, he only thought about expanding in the ophthalmology medical industry, opening new outpatient hospitals continuously, thinking about becoming bigger and stronger, but now, he doesn't think so.

Only in one industry, the bigger the spread, the faster you will die when you are stabbed in the back.

"We still have to play it safe and grow in many places around the ophthalmology market, so as to avoid the assassination of Sanqing, the 'surgery terminator'."

He shook his head, thinking with a dejected expression on his face, after all, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, as if he wanted to let out his long-standing stagnation.

Just when Aier's Ophthalmology Hospital suffered a dimensionality reduction blow, suffered severe injuries, and became a frightened bird.

The four major international ophthalmic medical device manufacturers also held high-level meetings to discuss countermeasures.

Intraocular lenses are mainly used to treat cataracts, and are the most widely used artificial organs and implanted medical devices in the world, with a global market size of up to US$5 billion.

Johnson \u0026 Johnson Ophthalmology, Alcon, Bausch \u0026 Lomb, and Zeiss have monopolized the global mid-to-high-end intraocular lens market, accounting for as much as 80% of China's domestic market.

So, this time, they suffered very heavy losses in the domestic market.

Europa, Zeiss Ophthalmology Headquarters.

In an empty conference room, executives are attending an emergency meeting.

Everyone has a straight face, with a look of worry on their brows.

The president of Zeiss looked around and said straight to the point: "Everyone, I have received bad news. In the past month, our intraocular lens business for cataract surgery had zero revenue!"

His eyes burst into light instantly, staring at everyone, and said slowly: "Do you know what this means?"

Then he asked himself and answered: "It means that we will soon completely lose China's artificial lens market."

Everyone's faces became ugly, and someone raised their hands and said, "What's the reason?"

"The reason is that Huaxia pharmaceutical giant Sanqing has launched a special drug for the treatment of cataracts, which can cure cataract patients in the early and middle stages, and can greatly relieve the symptoms of advanced patients, which has caused a huge blow to us."

President Zeiss said blankly: "So, what do you think?"

Someone suddenly said: "If it is Sanqing's drug, it is likely to be marketed overseas, and our intraocular lens business is global..."

He didn't go any further because it didn't make sense and everyone knew what would happen next.

If Sanqing promotes this special drug to the world, then Zeiss' intraocular lens business will disappear completely.

A look of fear appeared on everyone's face, and at the same time, a sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts.

The president of Zeiss was silent for a moment, and continued: "The only solution for the present is to seek transformation."

"Fortunately, we have a deep technical reserve, and we have a unique anti-astigmatism intraocular lens technology, which is still attractive to some very serious cataract patients."

"In addition to cataract, patients with high myopia will also choose intraocular lens implantation surgery. We can develop in this direction."

"I believe that with our strength, transformation should be no problem."

"In addition, we will also increase research and development efforts in artificial eyeballs, hoping to continue our dominant position in the field of eye imaging."

There was warm applause in an instant, and everyone nodded in agreement, showing a hint of smile.

The same scene also happened at the headquarters of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Ophthalmology.

Johnson \u0026 Johnson Ophthalmology also has excellent technical strength, and its depth-of-field extended intraocular lens technology is unique in the world, and it still has a certain application prospect in patients with severe cataracts.

Because even if patients with severe cataracts take the special medicine of Sanqing, the cure rate is not 100%, and they may not completely return to the normal state. Generally, the elderly will have complications such as astigmatism and presbyopia. If a multifunctional intraocular lens is implanted, Then you can fully recover to a healthy state.

This is still an advantage for some elderly patients with good economic conditions.

Johnson \u0026 Johnson Ophthalmology also quickly made a choice to consolidate its existing advantages while opening up new markets.

However, those mid-end IOL manufacturers are not so lucky.

They don't have unique skills like Johnson \u0026 Johnson and Zeiss. Under the blow of Sanqing's Baizanqing, they can only take price reduction measures to see if they can restore some of the decline.

As for low-end manufacturers, not to mention, there are many that go bankrupt directly.

Everyone is well aware that the reshuffle of the intraocular lens industry has come completely.

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