I can extract side effects

Chapter 357 Williams who has been healed of internal friction

On New Year's Eve, there were bursts of laughter in front of the TV.

The family sat on the sofa, amused by the cross talk at the Spring Festival Gala.

Williams watched all this with novelty. He had heard about this traditional repertoire for a long time. Although he didn't quite understand the jokes in it, he could understand the joy of this family.

What amuses them is not the jokes inside, but the festive atmosphere of family reunion.

Everyone smiled happily, their expressions were very relaxed, and happiness overflowed from every cell in their faces.

It's like couples in love who emit hormones every day, even if they look at the air, they will giggle and giggle endlessly.

Although the family relationship is not so warm, but the warm sense of happiness, people can't help showing a satisfied smile.

Williams believes that even if he makes a random face, the family will laugh happily.

This scene made him dazed for a while.

A middle-aged man with curly hair, thick glasses, and a dark cardigan took his hand and came to a long table.

"William, why don't you spend Christmas with us tonight. Lisa's roasted turkey is delicious. People on this street are willing to queue up to eat."

When the picture turned, it was still the middle-aged man, but his hair had turned gray and his face had loose wrinkles. He was sitting at the other end of the long table, waving enthusiastically.

"William, you will always be my best son. Your grades are too dazzling. I have prepared a letter of recommendation for you. Come, tell me, which Ivy League school do you like?"

Countless pictures flashed in front of him like a revolving lantern, all of which were Christmas memories from childhood to adulthood.

A sense of warmth welled up in my heart, and Williams once again experienced this long-lost family affection.

He looked at the TV not far away, his eyes straightened, and he smiled happily.

Huang Qin was at the side, seeing the smile on his friend's face, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, Dawei finally recovered, and he couldn't be irritated anymore.

A hanging heart finally let go.

The next day, the relatives who came to see Williams were as rare as seeing a giant panda.

They surrounded him one by one, asking non-stop questions.

"Dawei, that's a good name. Do you have a wife?"

"You're already 30, and you haven't found a girlfriend yet. That's not okay."

"The lad looks solid and must be able to work."

"How many acres of land? Do you have a house? What kind of car did you buy?"

"You and Xiaoqin are in the same department, and your income should be about the same. Is it hundreds of thousands a year?"

"The capital city, Haishi, have you gone to play? Those are all good places, you must go."

"How are your parents? Oh, I can't ask this question, so let me change the subject."

"Why do you travel so far? Is Eagle Country not good? It takes several days to fly so far away?"

Williams struggled to maintain a smile on his face. The questions of these relatives and friends were really difficult to answer.

However, he could see that these people had no malicious intentions, they were just motivated by curiosity.

He was in awe of Huang Qin in an instant: "Poor Qin, do you have to go through such comprehensive torture every year when you go home? You are really a tried and tested fighter."

Fortunately, when the relatives didn't get an answer, they all thought that his Chinese was not good, so they didn't make any more troubles, and they scattered after dinner.

Williams breathed a sigh of relief, this made him more stressed than torture prisoners in the bureau.

The main reason is that these people are always asking about their privacy, how tricky and how they come from is an angle that he has never imagined.

On the third day, the family drove Williams to the countryside to visit the older generation who stayed in the village.

Along the way, the green mountains and green waters and beautiful scenery made Williams intoxicated.

An hour later, the car drove up a small hill and stopped in front of a two-story building.

Williams got out of the car and looked around, stunned.

He looked at the flat concrete road under his feet, and then looked up at the small buildings on both sides of the road, which were neatly arranged like stacks of tofu.

The whole person was dumbfounded: "Qin, this is the poor village you mentioned???"

"OMG, look at these two-story villas, and the small yard at the entrance, and the cars parked inside. I even saw a BMW. What's the difference between this and the suburbs of Eagle Country?"

"And this road is spacious and flat, and it drives fast and stable. Are you ashamed to call it a broken road?"

God is sorry, at first he really thought that he was coming to a poor and impoverished village, and he had already prepared in advance to dance on the road and step into the village with his feet in the mud.

He's even ready to go to the fabled open-air toilet.

As a result, the place turned out to be picturesque, with brand new buildings and roads, very modern, without any trace of poverty and backwardness.

The imagined slum scenes similar to Tianzhu Kingdom and Lamei did not appear.

He even faintly saw photovoltaic panels on the roofs of some buildings.

Is this also called a poor and backward rural area? ? ?

Williams crossed his arms and glared at Huang Qin angrily, feeling that he had been deceived.

Huang Qin was at a loss for words, but his mother interrupted from the side.

"It used to be very poor, and the roads were broken, and these houses were also made of mud bricks."

"The main reason is that the government has started to help the poor and go to the countryside in recent years. A young township head came here. He looked very knowledgeable at first glance. He rebuilt the road, and then every family can receive subsidies, and then he will create a new one. It takes tens of thousands of dollars to build such a big house.”

"Actually, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that the young people in the village go out to work and earn money so that they can build buildings."

"Our house is also paid for by Xiaoqin. He managed to get into college, and now he works in a Fortune 500 company, which is quite promising."

Mother Huang hugged her son and looked at the bright and elegant two-story building with a proud expression on her face and a smile from ear to ear.

Williams was even more shocked: "What? This was repaired by the government for you?"

Now even the taciturn Father Huang nodded: "That's right, some farmers in the village have loans from the government, and we all moved to the county town, so we only received subsidies for building houses. There are probably tens of thousands of yuan, which is enough, and it is cheaper to build a house in the countryside, but this building is only 100,000 yuan, which is not as good as in the city."

Speaking of the house, he talked a lot, and a smile appeared on his weather-beaten face.

Looking at all this, Williams couldn't help but not believe it, and an extremely absurd feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

He believed that Huang Qin didn't lie to himself, and everything in front of him was very real.

In the past, this place must have been a poor and backward village, and all the poverty in my imagination existed.

It was just a few years ago that the government spent a lot of effort, people and money to completely erase every trace of poverty.

He was shocked in his heart, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and muttered to himself: "So this is the result of poverty alleviation?"

Huang Qin said triumphantly: "No, I haven't been at home these few years, and I haven't seen the whole process with my own eyes, but every year when I come back, I can see many changes. You know the truth that seeing is believing."

He took out his phone and searched for relevant information.

"It is said that this poverty alleviation program is being carried out across the country. In the past, our counties were all impoverished counties, but now they have been lifted out of poverty. There are hundreds of such impoverished counties across the country. The state invests 700 billion U.S. dollars in loans and subsidies every year. This does not include What about large donations from state-owned enterprises like State Grid.”

"It seems that state-owned enterprises such as the power grid have also invested 120 billion U.S. dollars, and have also arranged for thousands of employees to participate. They have pulled in the electric wires and network cables in this village."

"Not just infrastructure such as transportation, electricity, and communications, but also loans to farmers, teaching them how to plant and breed, to make a living by themselves, and even help sell them on online platforms. Anyway, they have contributed a lot."

Huang's father suddenly pointed to a household diagonally opposite and said, "That's a lame man in the village. He's also made a fortune. He planted some kind of fruit tree on the top of a hill. The harvest is very good. He can earn hundreds of thousands a year. Don't touch anything, I'll open it too."

"There is also the bald man, who used to be the laziest person in the village. He lay at home every day, and his body was about to grow maggots. His hair grew back two years ago. He said he took some medicine, and then he worked outside to earn a lot of money. With less money, I have a wife, a new house is built, and I’m waiting to have a baby.”

"That's old Liu Tou's house. It's very pitiful. He got cancer three years ago. He couldn't get money for surgery. He took medicine and ate up his family's wealth. Later, it was said that there was a big company doing charity and cooperating with poverty alleviation projects. It was cured after receiving free anti-cancer drugs, and I was able to go to the field last year."

"Dad, that's our company." Huang Qin puffed up his chest and reminded him from the side.

"Yes, yes, look at my memory."

"Also, last year the village distributed some gene seeds to the farmers, so that everyone can plant one if they have nothing to do. Anyway, they are idle anyway. There are drops of rice, peanuts, potatoes, and the yield is so high that they can eat everything. If you don’t finish it, you can sell it and make a fortune.”

Huang's father pointed and explained the situation of every household in the village and the current situation of the village in detail, and he knew it like the back of his hand.

Williams' mouth opened wider and wider, and his eyes were as round as brass bells.

It took him a long time to recover from the shock, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Amazing! Unbelievable!"

"My God, I really envy you for having such a good government and such a good poverty alleviation policy."

He gave a thumbs up and praised wildly: "You have done a great job. There is no doubt that this is the most difficult and greatest thing in the world, but you have done it. This will be an event that will be recorded in history." feat."

"The eradication of poverty, which has been the eternal theme of mankind for thousands of years, has been completely realized in the East."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but began to complain routinely again.

"Look at the damned Eagle Nation, what have they done for the poor? Nothing, just keep plundering their pitiful possessions."

"I've traveled to so many countries around the world and seen all the suffering and disasters in these places, and the world is getting worse and worse."

"Only here, things are constantly going up, the city is getting more and more prosperous, people are getting richer, everything is developing in a good direction, it is simply a legendary paradise."

Huang Qin couldn't help but interjected: "Don't you also have welfare coupons, free food, and fried chicken for one dollar?"

"It's okay for the poor."

Williams said indignantly: "What do you know, these are just means to appease the poor. If the poor are full, they won't cause trouble. Besides, these foods are cheap and junk food. If you eat too much, you will get sick." , just enough to make pharmaceutical companies make a fortune, it is a perfect closed loop."

"So what if you can eat free food every day, and you don't have a job. Those channels that allow you to learn knowledge and skills are extremely expensive, and the poor cannot afford them."

"If someone didn't give me financial support, I wouldn't be able to go to a good university at all. Even if I have a loan for tuition fees, I will have to pay it back for decades, but the cost of going to university is very cheap here."

"Do we poor need free fried chicken? No, what we need is a job and cheap knowledge."

"At least your $700 billion is spent on eradicating poverty, not on warships and guns like we did."

Huang Qin immediately nodded in agreement: "Brother, your government is really outrageous. You don't spend your money on the people, and spend money outside every day to prodigal. Even an honest person like me can't stand this."

At this time, Dad Huang lit a firecracker at the door.

A loud crackling sound resounded across the entire road in an instant.

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Huang Qin pulled Williams and ran in quickly.


In the evening, the two had enough to eat and drink, and sat on a bench on the balcony to watch the stars.

"The food at home is still delicious. It's the taste I had when I was a child. That's good enough." Huang Qin squinted at Williams while picking his teeth, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Dawei, okay, you, I didn't realize that you can eat spicy food. I can't stand it anymore. You actually eat so much without saying a word."

Williams leaned against the wall, staring at the bright stars in the night sky, dazed.

For a long time, just when Huang Qin thought he was going to fall asleep.

Williams suddenly let out a long breath, and billows of white mist sprayed out, before dispersing in mid-air.

"I finally understood one thing today."

"Our strength is not because of freedom and democracy, but because of exporting freedom and democracy."

"We've been resolving internal conflicts by exporting them, and we've obviously been very successful at that."

"I have been in Kunming City for two years since I came to the East, and I have been to Haishi City as far as I can. What I have experienced is the prosperity of big cities. Although it is very good and powerful, I may be used to all of this, and I don't have too much in my heart. feeling."

"I didn't experience your kindness until I followed you this time to the far southwest, the legendary poor and backward area."

"Look at everything you've done. It's also about eradicating poverty. You've done much better than us."

"Also, look at foreign countries. It is also an export. Your approach is more moderate and easier to accept."

Having said that, he suddenly looked at Huang Qin seriously, and said slowly.

"If there must be a superpower in the world, I hope it will be you, at least you will not let other countries have no way out."

"Depending on us, human beings will only fall into desperate infighting and endless plunder, and there is absolutely no hope of going to the stars and the sea!"

After saying this, he shook his head and looked at the sky again.

Huang Qin stared at him blankly: "You just came here, and you have so many feelings? You can't be the one who neglected the war in the Eagle Kingdom, right? This theory has one set of theories, which makes me feel dumbfounded." Forced, like an illiterate."

Williams shrugged, eyes shining like stars.

"Qin, you are very lucky to meet a once-in-a-century opportunity to rise in your limited life."

"And I, perhaps even more fortunate, can personally witness a once-in-a-million-year miracle."

Huang Qin blinked: "I can't understand what you said more and more."

Williams laughed, and his expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Qin, you are a simple and pure person, so you will be very happy. I wish you happiness forever."

He kept talking, as if he wanted to pour out all his feelings in one breath.

"The more I know about you, the more I admire you. China is the origin of civilization and has rich enough historical experience."

"You are an independent small world, and it is very important to have management experience in a mini-world. And your official thinking and folk thinking are not in the same dimension."

"You have a power that transcends all disputes. This power can run the entire society through a rigorous system. You only need to correct the track by yourself, so you can change slowly, seek common ground while reserving differences, and develop rapidly."

"We don't have such power. We are a mass of scattered sand. If we have problems, we will only beat each other's brains out."

"As I said, Huaxia is the future."

"The world belongs to us, and it will belong to you, but it belongs to all of us."

Huang Qin shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face: "You are more and more like a war ignorant. In fact, we are really a developing country, and we are still far away from any developed country and the sea of ​​stars."

Williams spread his hands: "No, I feel that you are the one who ignores the situation. You have been ignoring the facts and trying very hard to convince me that you are still a developing country, very weak, pitiful and helpless. This is not strategic deception. What is it?"

Huang Qin was taken aback for a moment: "That's right, you keep saying that we are the strongest, and I keep saying that we are weak. Why does it feel like the two sides are fighting and fighting fiercely?"

"Hahaha!" The two looked at each other and laughed wildly while covering their stomachs.

Williams laughed until tears came out, and suddenly felt a long-lost carefree.

He only experienced this feeling when he was a child.

As I get older, this feeling never comes back.

Once, that fatherly man was a light in his life.

Now, he found another light.

The lack in my heart is being slowly filled by something.

At this moment, he became firm again.

Even stronger than ever before.

Because, he saw the way of the future and knew how to go.

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