I can extract side effects

Chapter 345: An Influenza Brings Down a Space Station

At an altitude of 340 kilometers above the ground, the International Space Station is flying at a high speed of 8 kilometers per second.

This seemingly indestructible behemoth, after serving for more than 20 years, has been aging day by day, looking like an old, bloated old guy.

Even with the occasional tinkering, it's breaking down all over the place.

At this moment, astronauts from various countries on the International Space Station are facing an accident.

"Damn it, the toilet exploded again!"

"It's all because of those idiots from Eagle Country who eat so much and shit so much every day."

Gritting his teeth and cursing, Ivanov, the astronaut of Maoxiong Kingdom, carefully held the towel to collect the liquid floating in the air.

These liquids exude a pungent smell, forming small yellow-brown water balls in the air, floating everywhere.

The place of the space station is quite cramped, the astronauts don't have much personal space, and the bathroom is only separated from other areas by a curtain, so in the event of a malfunction, suspicious liquids will leak from the pipes and drift around.

Another astronaut, Nina, frowned, followed behind, also collecting liquid with the towel in her hand.

It took a while for the two of them to collect all the liquid. Fortunately, they acted quickly and did not leak into the surrounding lines.

"Fortunately, the water supply pipe was cut off as soon as the failure occurred, and the leaked liquid is not too much."

Nina breathed a sigh of relief, and said while handling the towel.

"Ivan, fix the toilet quickly, otherwise the liquid will continue to leak, and we won't be able to go to the toilet."

Ivan carried the toolbox and got into the toilet without looking back, complaining endlessly.

"Don't worry, we have already changed into diapers, and there will be no big problem in a short time."

"It's maddening to live like this. A $20 million toilet will go wrong every three days. Can you believe it? It's not as strong and easy to use as the $100 toilet in my house."

"Shit, this gas-liquid separator pump can't be repaired at all, it can only be replaced, but the replacement pump won't arrive until the next replenishment, and we have to wear diapers for a month."

He checked and found that the fault could not be solved, so he got out angrily.

"I'm fucking fed up with sucking piss every day. I want to go home right away."

Nina comforted: "Come on, this International Space Station is older than both of us, and there must be something wrong every day. Fortunately, we will be able to go to our own brand new space station next year."

Ivan asked curiously: "You said that the International Space Station will really be shut down next year? Then where are we astronauts going?"

Nina sighed and said, "Where else can I go besides the Tiangong space station? It is said that a new space capsule is already under construction, and we will be able to use the new space station when we cooperate with Huaxia."

Ivan said excitedly: "That's great."

He suddenly whispered: "I heard that Yingguo also applied for a project cooperation with Tiangong, but was rejected."

"That's right, it's not a secret. Who told them to ignore people at the beginning, but now they can't afford it."

Ivan couldn't help laughing: "Haha, why do I feel so happy watching Eagle Kingdom suffer? I can already imagine their expressions of eating shit."

Nina had a gloating expression on her face: "Who made Eagle Country astronauts have the problem of secretly punching holes in the bulkhead? Who dares to put such a person on it."

"By the way, I heard that the solid waste disposal equipment in Eagle Country is broken. Now Noah and Sheldon are probably going crazy. They are much worse than us. They have to manually grab the floating feces."


The two couldn't help laughing as they thought of the scene where the Eagle Country astronauts were floating in the air, chasing shit in a hurry.

Meanwhile, the three Eagle Country astronauts in the Unity capsule.

In addition to manually grabbing feces and manually sucking urine, there is also a huge problem.


Sheldon opened his mouth, breathing quickly, floating in the air, moving his body with difficulty, grabbing the disgusting excrement around him.

At this moment, it can be called the most painful time in his life, not one of them.

Yes, he had a cold and was very ill.

On the ground, a cold is a very simple illness, even if it is uncomfortable, it will not make people too uncomfortable.

A strong young man like him would not even have obvious symptoms, and he would heal by himself as long as he had a good rest.

However, all simple diseases become serious in the weightless environment of space.

Now, not only does he have to manually grab shit, but the congested sinuses also make him extremely uncomfortable. Not only does it completely block the nasal passages, it makes it difficult to breathe, and the nasal mucus is also difficult to discharge smoothly due to the weightless environment.

Originally, the face was slightly swollen, and the nasal cavity environment of a cold was like adding insult to injury.

He had difficulty breathing at the moment, and had to open his mouth to breathe quickly. He was also very uncomfortable, dizzy, and his mood was greatly affected.

Narrow cabin, closed environment, bad mood, and finally bad rest because of the mission.

A cold that can recover within a few days on the ground has not recovered after ten days in space!

"Shit!" Sheldon cursed bitterly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

It's all his own fault. Who would have thought that there was a cold virus lurking in his body, and he didn't know when he was infected. As a result, after his immunity weakened in space, he had an attack not long after.

Due to the weightlessness, the droplets will not settle, but will always float in the air, and will circulate to any corner due to the ventilation system, which is extremely contagious, much more severe than the ground environment.

Moreover, this environment will also reduce the efficacy of antibiotics, causing him to take some regular medicines, but his condition has not improved.

Not only was it not good, but it also infected both teammates.

The other two teammates, Noah and Linda, were infected by the ubiquitous droplets within a few days. They also took medicine to no avail. They had difficulty breathing every day and were irritable.

In addition, the toilet explodes from time to time, air leaks, computer viruses, and other malfunctions.

In such an environment with frequent accidents, coupled with the raging cold, the three of them were greatly devastated physically and mentally, and they almost collapsed completely.

Sheldon had reported the serious illness of the three to NASA, and was anxiously awaiting feedback from headquarters.

"Sheldon, come here quickly! We have received a reply from the headquarters."

A pleasantly surprised voice sounded behind him.

Sheldon was instantly excited, picked up the garbage bag and floated towards the console.

He couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to know the reply from the headquarters as soon as possible.

Nothing can stop his firm steps.

Even the remaining yellow-brown fragments in the air have been completely forgotten.

However, when he came to the console, what he saw were two extremely disappointed faces.

Noah and Linda have already read the reply, and their faces are pale at the moment, sitting in the air slumped, too frustrated to speak.

"What happened to the two of you? What did the headquarters say?" Sheldon asked suspiciously while throwing the garbage bag.

"See for yourself." Noah's voice seemed to be twenty years old, hoarse and desperate.

Sheldon looked at the screen, and he was stunned, as if a basin of cold water was poured down from the top of his head, and his heart was completely chilled.

The reply was very concise, just two lines, filled with a cold and ruthless command tone.

"Please bear with it in silence and wait patiently. The cargo spaceship will arrive in three months, delivering replacement faulty parts and more powerful healing drugs."

After staying for a moment, Sheldon suddenly rushed towards Noah.

"Why didn't you tell the headquarters clearly, we can't hold on anymore, at least send us some medicine urgently, otherwise we won't be able to do the work."

Noah shook his head slowly: "I made it very clear. The whole cabin has now become a huge tissue box, so we have to recycle these tissues, you don't understand, they all know this, but they don't care. "

Sheldon froze for a moment.

That's right, the three of them have to send health data every day, how could the headquarters not be clear about it, it's just that they don't care about the situation now.

Linda suddenly grabbed her hair vigorously, looking crazy.

"I can't take it anymore, I want to go back right away. Ah~"

She got up suddenly and rushed towards the other cabins.

Sheldon said in astonishment, "What's going on? She's going to rest when she's feeling uncomfortable. Why are you running?"

Noah pondered for a moment, and said meaningfully: "Maybe we can go down sooner, we have to see her."

Sheldon suddenly remembered that two years ago, this same female colleague was accused of drilling a hole in the wall of Mao Xiong's cabin next door, just to go back early, and fell silent.

For some unknown reason, there was a little expectation in his heart.

In a few days, he knew the result.

One of the first to call was a Bull Nation astronaut, the poor fellow who lived in the same sleeping quarters as them.

Because the International Space Station has only 8 sleeping areas, which are respectively in Maoxiong and Yingguo, some astronauts will board in the sleeping areas of both sides.

If the sleeping area is not enough, the astronauts will go to the floor, find a quiet position in the empty cabin, and hang themselves on the bulkhead with sleeping bags to rest.

Fortunately, it is a zero-gravity environment. Apart from the lack of privacy, it doesn’t matter where you sleep. Anyway, you are sleeping in a sleeping bag.

"Fake, you people from Eagle Country are really not good people."

"I don't take medicine well when I have a cold. If I get cured early, I will come to sleep occasionally, and I will be infected. It's unreasonable."

The bull country astronaut was so angry that his nose was crooked, but he had no choice but to stare angrily.

Sheldon stared back without guilt: "Take your medicine quickly, don't ask for trouble here, do you still want to continue sleeping here?"

"Hmph!" The bull country astronaut dug out some cold medicine and left angrily.

Afterwards, two astronauts from Gaul next door also came over angrily.

Seeing that their noses were red, their mouths were open, and they looked like they were having difficulty breathing, they knew they had a cold.

The two Gaulic astronauts were furious, and their mouths were fragrant.

"Damn, we were sleeping on the floor in the cabin next door, and we were all infected by you. You must have done it on purpose. No wonder I saw that bitch Linda running around like a bitch in every cabin these two days."

Sheldon spread his hands innocently: "I'm sorry, the flu, you know, it's not our fault. Everyone's physical fitness has declined in this environment, and it's normal to get a cold."

"By the way, do you have cold medicine? Our medicine doesn't work. Maybe it's gone after a long time. Can you give us some medicine?"

With a playful smile on his face, he begged the two for special cold medicine.

Speaking of this, he was very angry. Just two days ago, they checked all the cold medicines and antibiotics in stock, and found that many medicines had a long production date. Although they had not expired, they were not very fresh. up.

In the space environment, due to weightlessness and radiation, the shelf life of many medicines will drop sharply, and their effects will soon be lost. Therefore, they must be kept fresh in order to be effective.

It's a pity that they have taken so many medicines, and most of them are expired.

This made the three of them explode in an instant.

It also changed from acquiescing to Linda's various behaviors to condoning and even covering up.

"It's all because the headquarters is too ruthless and cruel, and refuses to send us medicine. We can only hope that the cargo spaceships of other countries can move faster."

Sheldon thought silently, and found a reasonable excuse for the behavior of the three of them.

Soon, another astronaut from the Sakura Kingdom was also recruited.

Finally, when Mao Bear's three astronauts were sadly infected with the flu, they ran over and cursed.

Sheldon knew that the flu that had swept across the entire space station was unstoppable and could not be stopped.

All nine astronauts fell down.

All of them had red eyes, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and emotional breakdown.

The sound of severe coughing and nose washing resounded in all cabins.

All were paralyzed, had splitting headaches, and could no longer function normally.

Several of the seriously ill patients even had respiratory tract infections, which would continue to worsen without medical treatment.

Except for necessary maintenance activities, it is already difficult to continue the work of the space station.

After hearing the news, the space agencies of various countries were shocked.

Nima, a flu brought down the entire space station?

This is too outrageous!

Isn't there cold medicine and antibiotics?

No effect after eating? Then there is a steady stream of infection sources?

What? Blame the astronauts of the Eagle Kingdom, are they constantly running around the cabins, poisoning them hard?

The space agencies of various countries fell silent for a moment.

But silence is silence, the matter still needs to be resolved, and the astronauts can no longer continue to be sick in the space station.

Without further ado, they immediately worked out an emergency plan and decided to send a group of new astronauts up ahead of schedule to replace all those who were seriously ill.

NASA held its nose and agreed to this plan. After all, if everyone goes up together, the cost can be shared equally, which is much cheaper.

The matter was quickly resolved, and the seriously ill astronauts all returned to the ground.

The new astronauts did not dare to take off their protective clothing for the first few days, and did not dare to perform normal activities in the cabin until the air had been completely circulated.

The broken parts in the toilet were also replenished this time, and they were directly replaced with new ones.

The International Space Station is finally back to normal.

Seeing that the matter was about to be revealed, Mao Xiongguo's aerospace agency suddenly attacked NASA heavily, and released words in the media, criticizing the other party for being ill and dying, and deliberately poisoning in space.

"...In view of the harsh medical environment of the space station, as well as the despicable people's hearts, we decided to suspend the operation of the International Space Station module we are responsible for ahead of time...."

"At the same time, we have reached a strategic cooperation with Huaxia's Tiangong Space Station. A brand new space station is already under construction. Before that, we are temporarily considering carrying out scientific research activities in Tiangong..."

As soon as the news came out, netizens all over the world exploded.

Everyone was stunned by the coquettish operation of the Eagle Country astronauts.

NASA was even more furious, categorically denied it, and said that Mao Xiong would pay a heavy price for his slander.

However, the Gaul Kingdom immediately came out to make up for it, saying that their astronauts accidentally contracted the flu on the space station, and they were suspected to be infected by the Eagle Kingdom team next door.

Bull Country did not stand on NASA's side this time. Instead, he said that the astronauts had been healthy until they went to the Eagle Country cabin to sleep and caught a cold.

The space agencies of several countries have spoken out, forcing NASA to admit the facts.

The person in charge, Nelson, publicly issued a statement, saying that everything was an accident and it would never happen again next time.

"So that's how it happened. Under the harsh environment of the space station, the colds of the Eagle Country astronauts recurred, and because they were not detected in time, the treatment was delayed for a few days, which made the condition worse, and the cold medicines expired. So it didn’t work after half a month, and finally infected the astronauts in other cabins, leading to the annihilation of the entire space station.”

Netizens were shocked when they saw the media's summary statement.

The dignified international space station, the medical environment is so bad?

How can a space station go to the moon with such poor medical conditions? How to get to Mars?

Eagle country pills, it seems that in terms of spaceflight, we still have to look at the East.

Overseas netizens have set their sights on Huaxia.

After a comparison with the brand new Tiangong space station.

Overseas netizens were surprised to find that the strength gap between the two sides is indeed a bit big.

Not to mention the strength comparison in aerospace technology, even in space medical treatment, NASA is far behind.

People in Huaxia have developed a portable universal monitor, which can monitor the health status of astronauts in real time 24 hours a day.

In such an environment, it is absolutely impossible to miss a minor illness like a cold and drag it into a serious illness.

Look at Huaxia, a brand new space station, high-end medical equipment, unlimited potential, and a bright future.

As for NASA, the old space station and the slum-like living environment are simply appalling.


The glorious image of NASA instantly began to disillusion in people's minds.

Seeing that the public's evaluation of NASA continues to decline, morale has been greatly affected.

NASA's reputation has been greatly damaged, which is bound to affect funding applications.

Nielsen immediately delivered another inspiring speech, which was quickly forwarded by the media.

"In fact, we are also very strong in terms of medical conditions. Our suppliers have made new breakthroughs in the research of portable monitors and are at the forefront of the world."

"Before, it was just because the International Space Station was too old, so there was no equipment for the first time. I believe our astronauts will soon be able to use products that are better than China's."

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