I can extract side effects

Chapter 327 The car god wakes up, fans carnival

Corinna finally got the result she wanted-a place in the second phase of clinical trials.

Of course, after donating a sum of 80 million US dollars to the Sanqing Charity Foundation.

A hanging heart was finally let go, and the nerves that had been tense for a long time were also relaxed.

She returned to Haishi's nursing center in a happy mood, and when she entered the door, there was still a smile on her lips.

The vegetative care center is located on the outskirts of Haishi. A row of houses with red bricks and gray tiles are hidden in the lush woods. It is quite quiet and suitable for patients to recuperate.

Corinna is quite satisfied with the environment here, although it is not as luxurious as her own manor, nor as high-end as Ruishi's hospital, and the wards are a bit simple.

The manpower is also a little less, with only two doctors and 20 nurses, one of whom is the dean.

But overall it's not bad, the facilities in the ward are not much different from the hospital.

Not only are there three standing devices in the intensive care unit above the hospital bed: blood oxygen monitor, negative pressure sputum suction device, and oxygen inhaler.

The nursing techniques of the nurses are also very skilled, and it can be seen that they are very experienced.

Nursing centers also have their own set of effective nursing standards, which are very professional and no worse than foreign medical teams.

Schumatz stayed in the best single ward, which was clean and spacious, with a living room and bathroom.

Corinna and the medical team live in the adjacent ward, and the conditions are not bad. They have everything they should have, and they can't find any faults.

Under such conditions, the price is naturally expensive, but for Corinna, it is already high quality and low price, far exceeding expectations.

She immediately had a new understanding of Huaxia's nursing level.

On the hospital bed, Schumatz, who used to be 1.74 meters, is now only more than 1.6 meters, and his weight has dropped to 90 kilograms. He is as thin as wood, like a skeleton.

The long-term bed rest caused all parts of his body to enter a state of disuse, and his muscles and bones were severely degenerated.

Even a billionaire, with a strong private medical team, and the blessing of top-level brain technology, nine years of vegetative state can turn a strong and strong man into a weak patient like a child.

Not to mention those ordinary people.

With such a terminal illness, life is undoubtedly worse than death. How long you can last depends on how great the family relationship is.

After Corinna came in, she squatted beside the hospital bed, looking at her husband's familiar face, feeling extremely sad.

9 years, no one can understand why she can persist for so long.

She heard the death notice from the doctor time and time again, advising her to choose euthanasia, but she flatly refused.

She can't live without her husband's company for the rest of her life. Even if she becomes a vegetable, she still has to stay by the bed every day and accompany him through the last journey of her life.

Half of the family property has been sold, and the remaining money can only last for another 9 years.

If Sanqing didn't appear, she would go bankrupt and watch her husband stop breathing, which might be the best ending for her.

Fortunately, she finally waited for this last glimmer of hope.

She couldn't help holding her husband's hands tightly, calling softly.

She knew that her husband was faintly conscious and could hear some of what she said, but he just couldn't wake up.

This kind of affectionate call is a very good awakening treatment, which can stimulate the brain activity of the patient and speed up the process of waking up.

She has always been like this, telling her husband every day, as if nothing happened to him.

"Michael, I have good news to tell you. I finally waited for this day."

"You will wake up soon, and when you fully recover, you can drive your favorite car again, speeding around the track, winning championships one after another, and breaking records one after another."

"This time, your son can also stand by your side. He has become an F1 driver and has achieved outstanding results in the races. Although he is far behind you, it is also a good start. ..."

Corinna talked about the family and the game in her ear, and she couldn't stop crying as she talked.

It's just that she knew in her heart that these were tears of joy, completely different from the bitterness of the past.


Suddenly, a rush of horns sounded, and Corinna got up and went to the window, just in time to see an ambulance driving into the nursing center.

Two nurses and several family members got out of the car, pushed the mobile hospital bed, and walked to the building where she was.

There were bursts of conversation, and I couldn't understand a word.

But she could tell that when the family members arrived here, although they looked a little overwhelmed, their expressions had already relaxed, and they talked with the nurse from time to time, as if they were explaining something and asking about the patient's condition.

Dean Xiang Yong quickly greeted the patient and took the patient in.

When Corinna passed under the window, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the hospital bed, her scalp went numb and she froze.

It was a car accident patient, half of his head was gone, deeply sunken, and there were fine suture marks all over his head.

"This is much worse than Michael." She murmured to herself, feeling a little lost for a while.

Then she remembered her husband's car accident again, and suddenly felt a strange curiosity, wanting to go down to see the patients in this nursing center.

See what's going on with them?

How is your recovery?

She called an interpreter, walked down the stairs, and came to the first floor.

Walking through the corridor, you can see a ward, and through the large glass door, you can clearly see the scene inside.

On the left and right sides are a whole row of hospital beds, ten on each side, and there are monitors above each bed.

A few nurses in twos and threes were feeding medicine to vegetative patients.

And those patients, all of them looked very strange.

Corinna had never seen anyone like it.

No, they no longer looked like people, but like plants.

Lying on one side, curled up, with arms folded, lying on the hospital bed in various fixed positions.

For the convenience of care, both men and women shaved their heads. As for the degree of fatness and thinness, it is usually related to the time spent in bed. The longer you stay in bed, the thinner you are.

Corinna saw a tall patient, but his whole body was wrinkled, leaving only skin and bones.

This situation is very similar to her husband's. She can imagine that the patient's skin is like paper, which can be shaped with a little pinching, and it can't be restored in a few minutes.

Unlike most hospitals and nursing homes, the wards here are brightly lit 24 hours a day, but there is hardly any noise.

Occasionally, there would be a rush of "whoosh...", and it would soon return to calm.

This is the nurses sucking phlegm from the patient.

Most vegetative people can only eat through nasal tubes, their throats are cut, and tubes are inserted for breathing.

Therefore, phlegm often accumulates in the tracheotomy of their throats, and patients will cough or make a "snoring" sound unconsciously.

Corinna couldn't help but smile wryly when she heard the familiar snoring sound.

After taking care of her husband for many years, she was used to the sound.

It's like she's getting used to looking at those people lying on the bed now.

If nothing else, they live like plants and die like plants.

The two walked between the wards in silence and saw many nurses nursing.

When the nurses saw them passing by, they knew that they were new family members of the patients, so they didn't care, but focused on their work.

Sometimes, Corinna would stop and watch the nurses tend to the patients with great interest.

Taking care of vegetative people does not require much medical treatment, but more to prolong life.

There is a set of nursing standards in the nursing center, 5-6 meals of liquid food per day, 200g each time, turning over and patting the back every 2 hours, defecating at 2-3 in the afternoon, and then regularly sucking sputum, etc.

But caring for a vegetable requires more patience than caring for a newborn.

Because the immunity of vegetative people is much lower than that of ordinary people, it is easy to cause some infections. For example, if they lie in bed for a long time and cannot breathe freely, it will cause pneumonia; it may also cause bedsores due to long-term bed rest, causing infection and eventually death.

Generally speaking, family members are not so professional and patient. Most family members can take care of them at home for a month, which is already very good.

In fact, Corinna did not take care of her husband herself, but hired professional nurses to take care of her.

But she likes to see her husband being well taken care of and clean.

Here, too, she sees some impressive patients.

For example, an old woman in a vegetable state has her hair shaved clean, and it is difficult to stretch her limbs because she hugs her legs for a long time.

She didn't know how long the old lady had stayed here, but seeing this scene, she still felt deep sympathy in her heart.

Some patients living here will move their eyes slightly, and when someone passes by, they will cast their eyes there, but this is just following eye movement, which does not mean that they are conscious.

Some patients can move half of their body, and the nurse will play some music and show them TV shows to stimulate their brains.

More patients closed their eyes or stared blankly at the ceiling.

When the nurse fed liquid food through the nasal tube, their mouths would subconsciously chew according to the physiological reaction, but even if they patted their arms, there would be no response.

Corinna shuttled through the ward and discovered something surprising.

The wards are basically filled with nurses, but there are very few family members. It is rare for one out of ten patients to be accompanied by their family members.

She thought for a while before suddenly realizing.

Probably these family members have lost hope after experiencing despair.

It may be possible to actively rescue the patient in the first few months after the accident, accept the reality in a few months, and gradually become hopeless and indifferent after half a year.

It is very rare to have one family member out of ten who will never leave, and treat the patient as he did when he first got sick for several years.

Not every family member has the financial resources and love for loved ones like her.

These family members who are not around are normal people. If euthanasia is allowed like abroad, more than half of the patients in the ward may not be here.

She sighed inaudibly.

It's been too long, and the longer it takes, the more you will accept your fate.

This is also the norm in vegetative families.

After all, being able to send the patient here is considered a good placement.

Family members also have their own lives, and if they can live well instead of being immersed in sadness, the patient must also be happy for their relatives.

Corinna suddenly remembered something and asked the translator to ask the nurse.

"I would like to ask, how long do the patients here live on average?"

The nurse couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, and after thinking about it carefully, she replied uncertainly.

"It's probably more than a year and a half. It's too common for patients to die here."

Seeing that she was a foreigner, the nurse showed great interest, and immediately came to chat, and then told the rules of the nursing center and the general situation of the patients.

"When the patient checks in, the family members will sign a care agreement, and choose to be completed by the care center in the column of 'death rescue' and will not be transferred to the hospital."

"We also recommend not to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient when he is on the verge of death. The body of a vegetative patient is too fragile. Forced cardiopulmonary resuscitation will easily break the thoracic bone."

"The signs of a patient's death are obvious. Our nurses usually find out two days in advance. No matter what medicine we use, the patient has not improved. He continues to have a high fever and can't even feed. There will be esophageal reflux and abdominal distension. And so on."

"At this time, our dean will notify the family members in advance to prepare for the funeral."

"A lot of family members can't make it, so we still put shrouds on the patients. Because when the patients just died, their arms and legs are still soft, so it's easier to wear them. When the body becomes stiff, they can't be put on."

"After putting on the shroud, push the corpse to the west end of the nursing center, and wait for the funeral service personnel to come. Our work is completely over here."

Corinna couldn't help asking: "Don't the family members come to see their relatives for the last time?"

The nurse smiled wryly and said: "The family members are basically the last to come, and they are all indifferent. When they come, they will not cry or make a fuss, or even have no expression on their faces."

"The family members who have come have already counted, and more family members will not come, so they will go directly to the funeral home."

"After some patients were burnt, how to put the ashes in the urn was arranged by our dean."

"We're all used to it."

She pointed to the patient next to her and said, "Look at this patient, a 14-year-old boy who suffered a cardiac arrest while running in physical education class and became a vegetable after being rescued. He used to be 1.8 meters tall and weighed 200 kilograms, but now Thin and shriveled."

"His hands and feet would keep swinging, and the quilt was often kicked aside. Every time I helped him cover the quilt."

"At the beginning, his parents were too desperate. When they came to visit, they hid outside the door and did not dare to enter the ward."

"Soon, the parents are coming in less and less."

"I heard from the dean that his parents plan to have another child."

"As for this child, just pretend it never happened."

The nurse pointed to the boy's bedside table again, on which was a new set of sportswear.

Corinna saw the familiar three-stripe logo and knew it was an Adidas tracksuit.

"That's his shroud, and his parents have already prepared it."

The nurse said calmly.

Corinna looked at the boy on the hospital bed, and an inexplicable emotion suddenly came to her heart.

She fell into a long silence.

After a long time, I asked: "Isn't there a new medicine from Sanqing now? These patients should be able to be saved."

The nurse nodded, then shook her head and said, "It's still in the clinical trial stage, and the number of places is very limited. We have more than two hundred patients here, and not everyone can participate."

"These patients are in very bad condition. They are all exhausted and may die at any time. In addition, new patients come in every day. Many people may not be able to wait for the day when the specific medicine is on the market."

After finishing speaking, the nurse sighed and said, "You want to see those patients who are awake. They are all on the second floor. There are only a small number of them, just over 20 people. Go upstairs from here, and the ward at the top of the stairs is there."

"The number of people participating in the experiment is really too small. There are 500,000 vegetative people in the whole country, and there will be 70,000 more people every year. I don't know when they will be able to take special medicine."

Corinna didn't know what to say, so she nodded her thanks and walked to the second floor.

Soon I saw a large ward, and the patients in it were in much better condition.

About half of the people have come to life and can communicate with the family members next to them.

The other half of the people, who were probably in a deep coma, also had some body movements at this moment, and their eyes could follow them.

There are many family members here, almost every hospital bed has one, and the expressions on their faces are full of joy and anticipation.

The whole ward is full of joyful air.

Corinna didn't go in to disturb them, but stood outside the door and watched quietly.

She had just come up from downstairs, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she was immediately shocked.

Upstairs is heaven, and downstairs is hell. There is a sharp contrast between sadness and joy.

Fortunately, she has obtained a clinical place and stood outside the gate of heaven.

With just a push, you can enter this wonderful world.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt hot in her heart, and she just wanted to start treatment immediately.

Sanqing Group acted quickly and delivered the needed medicine the next day.

Corinna was at the bedside, watching her husband take the medicine, and the restlessness in her heart calmed down.

Schumatz is a subconscious patient with some body movements and can swallow food, so he can take medicine directly, unlike other patients who need intravenous injection.

After taking the medicine, start to give stimulation and carry out routine wake-up treatment.

Two weeks later, another routine medication and treatment.

Corinna bent down, squatted down beside her husband's bed again, and began talking to her husband in a soft voice.

This kind of family call is also a kind of awakening treatment, and she will come here every day.

"Michael, you should wake up, Mick is still waiting for you to teach him how to train."

"He has already won last year's F2 championship and completed his first F1 free practice appearance. His results are very good. People say that he is indeed the son of Schumatz."

"Gina is 25 years old, she has become a rider, she has achieved very good results in the Europa Junior Equestrian Championships, and also won the first place in the world junior women's rodeo event."

"People say they've got your athletic genes perfectly and they're going to be great racers and riders."

"Do you want to see this scene? Wake up early, let's go to their games together and cheer for them from the audience."

"Come on, Mick! Dad is watching you, you will definitely win the F1 championship!"

"Come on, Gina, Mom and Dad applaud for you together..."

Suddenly, Corinna stopped, shaking all over.

She saw her husband's eyelids move, slowly open a slit, and the pupils begin to focus.

"It's moving, it's moving, he's looking at me!"

She covered her mouth, tears rolling down her face.

The husband really woke up, regained consciousness, and was still looking at himself.

This made her feel very relieved and ecstatic.

After 9 years, the dream has finally come true.

"Madam, please don't cry here, so as not to stimulate the patient's emotions."

The private doctor immediately came over to persuade, and then began to check the patient's condition.

"Michael, look at my hand now, and if you can see it, move your eyes up and down and blink."

The doctor issued 3 command actions to Schumatz, such as blinking, shaking hands, etc., and he completed them accurately.

"Great, he has shown signs of awakening, and he will continue to observe and do follow-up treatment."

The doctor said excitedly: "My God, I actually witnessed a miracle happen. I must call Dr. Erich immediately and tell him everything here."

Corinna had wiped away her tears and regained her composure.

She looked at her husband, and the two eyes met, as if they were glued together for an instant, and could never be separated again.

From her husband's eyes, she saw joy, gratitude, and deep love.

Just like when the two were newly married.

Tears came out of her eyes again, but this time she used all her strength to hold back her tears.

She knew that her husband could always hear every word she said, and knew everything she gave.

9 years of waiting, just for this moment, is really worth it.


Corinna announced the news that Schumatz had awakened, which instantly caused a great sensation.

Although the car god has been in a coma for almost 10 years, he is still the greatest racing driver in the F1 field. The record he set has not been broken so far, and he is still the top superstar in the racing circle.

When they heard that he had fully recovered, all the fans cheered.

Many people leave messages on Corinna's social software, constantly encouraging her and praising everything she has done.

The media rushed to report, especially the overseas media, who rushed to Huaxia, squatted outside the nursing center, and seized every opportunity to interview her.

With the purpose of thanking Wei Kang, Corinna spared no effort to promote Sanqing's new drug to the global media.

Originally, she was not such a high-profile person. In the past, she covered up the news of Schumatz's treatment very well and never disclosed any information to the media.

Now he actually talks in front of the media, telling the whole treatment process from the beginning.

It started with Dr. Erich's advice, moved into a nursing home, then successfully participated in a clinical trial, and finally brought her husband back to consciousness.

All the details are described in great detail, and even the previous treatment process in Ruishi's top private hospital is also mentioned, so that everyone can compare.

The media was stunned, as if they had found a treasure, they wrote the news report at the speed of light and published it.

The number of fans of Che Shen is considered top-notch in the world.

These fans were all dumbfounded when they saw his treatment process.

"It turned out to be the Sanqing Group again!"

"God, I'm so jealous, why is Huaxia's medical level so high?"

"Thanks to this new drug, F1's greatest god can be revived and return to the world."

"I'm still looking forward to seeing him on the field."

"I have been in a vegetative state for 9 years, and my muscles have shrunk all over my body. Now I am paralyzed in bed. I don't know if I can walk normally. It is a dream to appear on the field."

"I didn't say to let him race, can't he be in the audience? Little Schumatz is also participating in the competition, and I hope to inherit the glory of Big Schumatz."

"My idol finally woke up, I'm so happy, I'll be Sanqing's fan from now on."

There are also a large number of fans of the car god in China. They were also shocked after seeing the media reports.

"Nima Sanqing is so awesome, the new drug he developed actually woke up the car god."

"Isn't he being treated in Europa? He hasn't woken up for 9 years, and he woke up as soon as he came to Huaxia for treatment."

"There is still such a vegetative care center in China? It's really an eye-opener."

"These vegetative people are really miserable. Living like this without a human being or a ghost, life is really worse than death."

"Many vegetative people are caused by car accidents. Hey, it's the same sentence. There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first. Driving is not standardized, and relatives cry."

"When I saw the paper before, I thought it would take 10 years to make a clinical breakthrough. I didn't expect that there would be a new drug soon."

"As expected of Sanqing, I have confidence again now, and feel that I can take the elixir of life in my lifetime."

"I don't know when the Rider will fully recover and move freely. I miss his fast figure so much."

"It's probably almost there. With Sanqing here, any miracle can happen."

This chapter is 6500, and I feel that the state has come back a little.

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