I can extract side effects

Chapter 293 Pfizer: Really Smells!

Andre browsed the order page curiously.

This is a separate ordering site called Ordergene, which is run as a global non-profit organization.

There is an entry for 'How to order' at the top, and 'Instructions for ordering' will appear after clicking.

The entire page is clean and beautiful, looks very professional, and the ordering process is very clear.

Any scientific researcher anywhere in the world, as long as they have a computer or a mobile phone, can order the required samples with a few simple clicks.

In the next few days, the product will be delivered to the door, and then the researchers only need to combine it with the guide RNA of the gene they want to cut.

Even this last step can be ordered through the website.

The whole process is similar to shopping online on Amazon.com.

Andre immediately clicked the mouse and tried to make an order.

Orders can only be completed online in principle, and orders by telephone or other methods cannot be accepted. Therefore, personal information must be filled in for registration.

Andre clicked on 'Registration', the first step is to select the country, after selecting the Eagle Country, enter the second step, 'Select Unit', there are three options, research institutions/non-profit organizations, enterprises, or individuals.

Out of curiosity, he tried to select the option of 'Research Institution', and a row of Eagle Country University names popped up in an instant. When he scrolled down, he suddenly saw the school he graduated from.

Select the name of the school you graduated from, click OK, and a list of the college names of the selected university will pop up.

After choosing a college, the names of professors and associate professors working in the college will be further listed.

Andre browsed through it, found the name of his instructor back then, and clicked to confirm.

Immediately entered the last step, you can enter your name, email address and contact number to complete the registration.

The whole process was very smooth, and the most important thing is that so many names of university teachers can be listed.

He couldn't help but secretly marvel, and went back to the second step, choosing the option of 'Enterprise'.

This time, the names of Pfizer, Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Eli Lilly, AbbVie, Biogen, Genentech, etc., Eagle Country Pharmaceuticals and biotech companies jumped out.

Andre chose Pfizer without hesitation, and what appeared in front of him was a list of researchers' names.

He is very familiar with these names, most of them are his colleagues, some are also subordinates of his oncology department.

As expected, he also saw his own name, and after clicking it, he went directly to the last step.

After the account registration is successful, you can enter the order page.

The desired version of the original Bacillus protein can be selected, and the required guide RNA can also be customized.

The former is free, but you need to pay postage, and the latter needs to pay a certain amount according to different needs, but the price is not expensive, probably within one hundred dollars.

In terms of quantity, there is a certain limit. Usually, an order is limited to less than 10 for individuals, and for institutions and enterprises, it is limited to less than 50.

In this way, the site limits orders to academic research and only offers a limited number of free samples at a time.

If you want to use it for large-scale commercial applications, you can only purchase it from Sanqing through formal channels.

During the ordering process, if you have any questions, you can consult the email and telephone provided by the website.

Next, click the 'Add to Cart' button, just like shopping on Amazon.

Then fill in a valid delivery address, pay for settlement, and the order is completed. The whole process is very convenient and fast.

Thanks to the highly developed transportation and delivery system in today's society, after receiving the order, the samples packed into small test tubes will be packed into cartons at a certain time of the day and sent to all parts of the world.

These cartons are managed by barcodes, so that which researcher in the world has purchased the samples, all traces can be traced.

The business is booming, and the website can receive hundreds of orders from all over the world on average every day, and then deliver samples to 38 countries and regions around the world.

The entire website is equivalent to a "trial" system, promoting easy-to-use gene editing tools to the world in the form of free gifts.

This makes it easy for any researcher to purchase and obtain the samples they need.

Andre went to the last step, and placed an order smoothly in the name of the company.

After he was going to get the samples, he asked the laboratory to try them out to see how the actual effect was.

At the same time, it is also necessary to compare it with the CRISPR-CAS 9 technology of the Broad Institute to see which is better.

Although there have been rumors everywhere that Sanqing's new technology is very powerful and will beat everything, he still has some doubts in his heart.

I don't know if this new technology is really as good as it is said in the legend?

Only seeing is believing can he be completely convinced.


A few days later, Andrei received the sample at the company.

Immediately, he rushed to the Rare Disease Division and found the head of the laboratory.

"Dr. Duke, good news, I have brought you a gift, I believe you will like it."

Andre handed over the cardboard box in his hand.

Dr. Duke is gray-haired and over sixty years old, but he is still full of energy and bright eyes.

He took it with a puzzled expression, and when he saw the letters 'Sanqing' on it, his expression changed suddenly.

Immediately opened the carton, and saw a neat row of glass test tubes inside.

Picking up a glass test tube at random, seeing the English label on it, my eyes lit up immediately, full of surprises.

"Wow, Andre, your gift won't be Sanqing's arc1 protein sample, will it? This is a huge surprise!"

Dr. Duke was so happy that he danced and took Andre straight to the laboratory, introducing him eloquently as he walked.

"We are currently conducting research on gene therapy for hemophilia, and there are already some eyebrows, but there is still a certain distance from clinical trials."

"Our researchers isolated epithelial cells on the surface of the urinary tract from the urine of seven patients with severe hemophilia A and reprogrammed them into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). The iPS cells were then gene-edited, Insertion of multiple copies of the normal gene for factor VIII."

"After these endothelial cells were implanted under the skin of hemophilia A mice, they formed a network of blood vessels. The blood vessels directly transported functional factor VIII into the blood, and the secreted protein was sufficient to supply the whole body."

"The results were very encouraging. The mice implanted with endothelial cells had a 600% increase in circulating factor VIII and restored normal blood clotting."

"Currently, this therapy has only been implemented on the mouse model of hemophilia A. As for the experiment in human cells, due to the complicated steps, when using CRISPR-CAS 9 technology for gene editing, the off-target rate is high. , the success rate is not satisfactory."

"However, since you brought these treasures," Dr. Duke smiled and raised the test tube in his hand, his eyes full of expectation.

"I hope Sanqing's new gene technology can bring us new breakthroughs."


Two weeks later, Dr. Duke looked at the experimental results in front of him, dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

"Oh My God! A miracle! It must be a miracle!"

There were exclamations and screams from behind him.

The researchers in the laboratory were staring at the screen, each of them lost their souls, as if they had seen a ghost.

It was Dr. Duke who was well-informed and quickly reacted, coughing lightly to wake everyone up from their gaffe.

"I really can't believe that after so many years of hard research, there was a qualitative breakthrough in just two weeks."

A senior researcher murmured, with a complex expression on his face, joy and annoyance emerged and intertwined at the same time.

"It would be great if we could use Sanqing's gene technology sooner. Presumably our hemophilia gene medicine will be on the market earlier, and the patients will be saved sooner."

The other researcher looked sad, lowered his head, and sighed, as if recalling some not-so-good memories.

Dr. Duke let out a burst of hearty laughter, and cheered up everyone: "It's not too late, haha."

"Today is a wonderful day. Our gene medicine for hemophilia has finally made clinical progress. It is worth celebrating."

There was an instant burst of cheers from the audience, and people smiled one after another, delighted with the results achieved.

Dr. Duke arranged the follow-up work, took the experimental results, turned and went out.

This exciting result must be reported to the company's senior management immediately, and the clinical trials should be promoted as soon as possible, so as to strive for an early listing.

He could already imagine that after Sanqing's fourth-generation gene technology came out, Pfizer would never be the only one to use it to make a breakthrough.

Bayer, Novartis, Biogen, Roche, these greedy and ambitious colleagues must also be working in the laboratory with red eyes, forgetting to eat and sleep, trying their best to break through the difficulties of gene drugs one by one.

With the blessing of new technologies, the time for them to make a breakthrough will only get faster and faster, and the competition will become more and more fierce.

They, Pfizer, as the number one pharmaceutical company in the universe, must not lose at the starting line, let alone fall behind their opponents.


Yingguo Xincun City, Pfizer Headquarters Building.

In the spacious and bright office, it was noisy at the moment, as noisy as a vegetable market.

The company's executives and the directors of the major laboratories gathered together, whispering and whispering.

Pfizer CEO Albert looked around and patted the table lightly: "Gentlemen, be quiet!"

When everyone was quiet, he looked at Dr. Duke seriously.

"Today, I want to tell you the good news. The laboratory has successfully developed a gene drug for hemophilia. The specific situation will be described by Dr. Duke."

Dr. Duke nodded, and told the whole thing one by one with a passionate expression.

"This drug research and development is inseparable from Sanqing's genetic technology. Our previous research has been slow to make a breakthrough. It was not until we used this brand-new technology that we achieved amazing results."

"After using this brand-new gene editing technology, we experimented on human cells, and the effect is astonishing, which can be described as perfect. Not only the off-target rate is greatly reduced, but the gene editing time is also greatly improved."

"iPS cells can complete gene editing in just a few hours, achieve the desired effect, perfectly transform into healthy endothelial cells, and naturally secrete coagulation factor VIII."

"Not only that, but I also tried to inject genetic fluid directly into human cells, and the effect of gene editing is also very good, which means that we can improve the way patients inject drugs, so as to achieve gene therapy in vivo."

"Mr. Albert, I suggest that the promotion of this gene technology throughout the company will definitely greatly promote the research of genetic medicine for rare diseases."

The more Dr. Duke talked, the more excited he became. He directly connected to the projection screen and began to show the experimental results.

The expressions on the faces of the other executives and experts ranged from doubt, to surprise, to shock, staring at the screen one by one, dumbstruck.

Until Dr. Duke finished speaking, the audience was still in a strange silence.

Albert said slowly, "What do you think?"

"Ah~" A senior executive opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but found that his thoughts were disordered, unable to speak, and he could only utter a few meaningless exclamations.

Another executive's face was flushed, his eyes were shining, and he raised his hands excitedly: "Everyone, this is a great event, I completely agree with Dr. Duke, such a powerful gene editing technology can greatly promote Genetic medicine research must be promoted as soon as possible."

"My God, this is definitely the most genius masterpiece I have ever seen." Someone was full of emotion.

"This Sanqing Group is really fucking awesome! But I believe we will be able to overthrow this group of the most awesome guys." Someone shook his head and cursed.

Suddenly, someone said: "Did you forget something? We have a 1.5 billion strategic cooperation with the Broad Institute?"

The sound stopped abruptly, and everyone shut up instantly like a duck being strangled by the neck.

Albert saw everyone's reaction, nodded helplessly and said, "This is indeed a problem. I will report to the board of directors and wait for their decision."

As soon as the words fell, Dr. Duke retorted: "As a scientist, I know what the best technology is. I just want to use the most powerful tools. Tell me, why do I have to use it when I can fly a plane?" Forcing everyone to take a carriage?"

"Indeed, since new technologies can speed up drug development and increase the success rate, there is no need to cling to old technologies. After all, if you are late, you will miss out on a huge amount of money!" Andre was also on the scene, expressing himself strong dissatisfaction.

When he first gave the sample to Dr. Duke, he didn't pay much attention to it, it was just an attempt out of curiosity.

Never expected that there would be such a shocking result.

how so? Others only told him that this thing is easy to use, but they didn't tell him that it would be so easy to use!

He almost immediately thought of the huge income that the last anticancer drug cooperation brought to the company.

Can't help the blood rushing up, and immediately sensed another opportunity to embrace the golden thigh.

Last time, he seized the opportunity and his career took off. This time, he must not miss it.

So he immediately made a high-profile voice and clearly supported Dr. Duke.

Others also discussed heatedly.

The scene was about to get out of control, and Albert slammed the table again.

"Okay, it seems that everyone's opinions are very unified, and I also support Dr. Duke's opinion."

"The cooperation with the Broad Institute will continue. For the time being, it will be limited to the development of thalassemia gene drugs. Anyway, it is almost completed, and the project can no longer be cancelled."

"As for other drug research and development projects, you can use them if you want. In this regard, the company only looks at the results and does not make any restrictions."

Immediately, he looked at Andre in the crowd, showing an encouraging smile.

"Andre, you have always had a good relationship with Mr. Wei. I will leave the matter of the patent licensing fee to you. I believe you can negotiate a satisfactory price."

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