I can extract side effects

Chapter 284 The whole network boycotts, official interview

"These multinational pharmaceutical companies have frequently recalled various problematic drugs around the world. In the past two decades, there have been hundreds of recalls. The frequent occurrence of drug problems is simply shocking."

"However, they have never recalled any medicine in China!"

"Every time there is a global recall, there is no Huaxia's share!"

"I won't say much about the far away, let's talk about the last few years."

"In 2019, Pfizer voluntarily recalled an antihypertensive drug valsartan from the world because the API contained possible carcinogenic impurities, but it did not include the Chinese market."

"20 years, nearly 40 years on the market, ranitidine, a blockbuster stomach drug with a sales volume of 50 billion US dollars, was also recalled globally because it contained nitrosamine carcinogenic impurities, and was involved in it There are many well-known pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis and GSK."

"However, the Huaxia market is still calm, without any disturbances, and naturally there are no recalls, which have been completely ignored by various pharmaceutical companies."

"In the same year, Merck's daptomycin reagent for injection was also voluntarily recalled around the world due to customer complaints that it contained glass particles, which may threaten the lives of patients, and the Chinese market is still absent."

"In 21 years, 20 years after the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu developed by Roche came into the market, due to the death of patients with breathing difficulties, it was recalled in Sakura Country, Eagle Country, Europa and other countries. In the recalled countries, Huaxia was still absent. None of the patients compensated by the company.”

"As for the recall of antihypertensive drugs this year, everyone knows that there has been a lot of noise on the Internet, but pharmaceutical companies are still pretending to be dead and refusing to recall the problematic drugs in the Chinese market."

"Among these multinational pharmaceutical companies, Johnson \u0026 Johnson has the most frequent drug recalls."

"From 2005 to 2013, in eight years, Johnson \u0026 Johnson conducted 51 international recalls. As the largest funder of Johnson \u0026 Johnson, the domestic market was excluded 48 times."

"These 51 recalls occurred in Eagle Country every time, but the number of recalls in China is very few, and the reasons are all the same. Either the foundry is different from foreign ones, or the drug is not sold in China, or it is directly Play deaf and dumb."

"Double standards, this is most vividly reflected in the recall of multinational pharmaceutical companies."

"What does the 'recall door' incident of multinational pharmaceutical companies show?"

"It means that although they make a lot of money in Huaxia every year, they never take the patients here seriously."

"It is true that our drug supervision may not be as strict as that of foreign countries, but is this the reason why pharmaceutical companies double-standard?"

"Since they don't treat us as human beings, are you still willing to continue using their medicine?"

"We must boycott their drugs and switch from imported drugs to domestic drugs as much as possible, so that they can taste the bitter fruit of double standards and realize the power of the Chinese people."

"Fortunately, our domestically produced drugs have been rising rapidly. Let's not talk about the generic drugs that are collected in a centralized manner. We also have original research drugs. We also have a conscientious national enterprise like Sanqing. The effect is better than imported drugs, but the price is lower than imported drugs. It’s just a good value for money.”

"I am now a loyal customer of Sanqing, and all the regular medicines at home have been replaced by Sanqing's medicines."

"Support domestic products, support Sanqing, start from me."

"If you don't buy it, I won't buy it. Foreign companies dare not double-standard!"



Everyone who read this article couldn't help but feel angry and excited.

People's blood vessels are burning, their hearts are beating violently, and there is only one thought in their minds.

"Damn it, I call you a double standard!"


This call to action against all multinational pharmaceutical companies instantly set off a turbulent wave across the Internet.

The official channels of all the pharmaceutical companies whose names were mentioned have all fallen.

Countless netizens lined up, clocked in one after another, leaving a long list of national curses, and then rushed to the next destination.

And half of the top 10 hot searches are about double-standard incidents of multinational pharmaceutical companies.

Netizens even automatically sublimated the theme, expanding the double-standard foreign companies from the pharmaceutical industry to other industries.

What Nike Adidas, DG Goose, 2-star IKEA, Magnum Haoliyou, etc., are all blacklisted nail households.

Various posts of "counting those foreign companies that implement double standards in China" continue to appear on the Internet, and have received a lot of praise and likes.

The more people look at it, the colder they feel, the more angry they become, and the more unbearable they become.

These big international brands that have flourished in China did not appreciate domestic consumers, but instead treated them as fools and enforced various "double standards".

Although Huaxia consumers have made many famous international brands popular and even become their biggest financial backers, they don't care about domestic consumers at all.

People in China use fruit phones that are more expensive than those in foreign countries, drink more expensive foreign milk powder, and drive more expensive cars, but they are always turned a blind eye when products are recalled.

In other words, no matter how much money Huaxia spends, they will not be respected by international big names.

Why do foreign companies always engage in double standards against China?

Double standards again and again, where does the confidence come from?

To put it bluntly, consumers are used to it.

The essence of double standards is arrogance and even discrimination against Chinese consumers.

In the past, Huaxia's own brand strength was insufficient, and it was unable to compete with international big names.

But now, there are Chinese companies in all walks of life, and none of them are inferior to multinational big names.

Netizens spontaneously set off a "support domestic products" campaign.

Many people began to check the various items they used in their lives, and were pleasantly surprised to find that most of them could indeed be replaced with domestic products without affecting the quality of life at all.

There are three clear drugs, whether they are original drugs or generic drugs, they are among the best. Even if there are no drugs in San Qing, domestic pharmaceutical companies can also produce generic drugs.

Mobile phones, drones, projectors, computers, electric vehicles, etc., all aspects of basic necessities of life can be replaced by domestic products.

For this sudden wave of boycotts, other multinational foreign companies are in awe.

They didn't understand at all why they were suddenly labeled as double-labeled, and then the flagship store was flooded by netizens' scolding, and the sales also plummeted.

Just when the public relations departments of these companies were preparing to dispatch urgently to calm the situation.

Haishi, the headquarters of Sanofi China.

President Swansea was staring at the computer screen and let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked at the vice president of the public relations department next to him, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and he clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"It's really great that you have brought disaster to the east."

"At present, there are very few people who mention us Sanofi. If we continue like this, I believe that in another week or two, we will be completely forgotten."

"Haha, our pharmaceutical companies are really small and transparent. If we want to attract hatred, those well-known international brands are much better. As soon as their double-standard incidents were exposed, netizens immediately turned around and criticized them."

"What about Toyota's 'pedal door', IKEA's 'death cabinet', and the two-star 'explosive door', these accidents are much more serious than our antihypertensive drugs."

The more Swansea talked, the more elated he was, with a smug expression on his face, as if he was winning.

"Okay, this time we finally got through the difficulty successfully. Waiting until tomorrow, we can officially announce the recall of a certain batch of problematic drugs, get a wave of goodwill, and completely clean up."

"As for the lawsuit, no one is paying attention to it. There won't be any disturbances, and an out-of-court settlement will do."

The vice president of the public relations department didn't dare to take the credit, nodded and said, "Mr. Swansea, all this depends on your wise decision."

Swansea showed a satisfied smile, and was about to order his subordinates to prepare the recall notice.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

The office door was pushed open suddenly, and the secretary walked in with a panicked expression, holding a document in his hand.

"Mr. Swansea, it's not good. The Food and Drug Administration has officially sent a letter requesting an interview with our company. We must explain the recall of the problematic drug."


Swansea couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and took the document in a hurry. When he saw the red seal on it, his face turned ashen.

Looking at the letter again, the wording is strong and the attitude is firm, conveying the meaning that the problem is serious and must be resolved as soon as possible.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Fake, we are preparing to take the initiative to recall. Why did the Food and Drug Administration respond so quickly this time, and immediately sent a letter to question."

"Shete, it wasn't like this before, now we can't take the initiative to recall, we have to wait for the official notification."

Swansea slumped down on the chair, feeling hopeless.

How did the well-thought-out plan turn into this?

The vice president of the public relations department cowardly said: "Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do? I'm going to have an interview tomorrow, so hurry up and prepare the explanation materials."

Swansea said angrily, his mind was buzzing, and he felt like he was going to explode.

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