I can extract side effects

Chapter 281 Let the public opinion run wild, never recall

This double standard scene made netizens unable to restrain their anger.

They took up the keyboard and criticized Sanofi in all aspects on the Internet.

The hot search quickly reached the top, and this Gallic national pharmaceutical company instantly turned into a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

#Sanofi global recall of antihypertensive drugs only ignores Huaxia#

The sick are angry, and ordinary people are even more angry.

The double-standard behavior of foreign companies often occurs in China, and people have already developed a stress reaction.

Immediately, he thought of the Bangguo Two-Star Group, which was already completely cold in China.

Back then, its mobile phone also had a battery explosion incident, which was recalled all over the world, but it only denied the incident in China, and even refused to sell after-sales services for the victims, which caused public outrage and completely withdrew from the China market.

Since then, netizens have zero tolerance for this double-standard behavior.

As soon as this happens, immediately attack with heavy blows, must launch a public opinion offensive, beat the other party to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Soon Sanofi's official homepage fell completely, and the following was full of abuse.

"Double-standard dog get out of China!"

"Why isn't there a problem with the drug recall? If we co-author it, we will be inferior and should take poison?"

"Recall! Recall! It's a pity that I have been eating for so many years, and I have such a bad attitude."

"My mother has taken this antihypertensive drug and has already taken it wrong, so she will lose money."

"Junk companies know how to make money, and they will go bankrupt sooner or later!"

Generally speaking, unlike consumer electronics companies, pharmaceutical companies are not well-known among non-patients. Unless they are among the best in the industry, such as Pfizer, they will have enough presence in the minds of ordinary people.

Although Sanofi is also a well-known pharmaceutical company in the world's top 500, it is still a little transparent in the public domain. There are only a poor 1,000 fans, and they are not even members. All they post are news related to their own medicines.

At this moment, the operating personnel were already trembling in the face of scolding.

The first reaction is to turn off the comments, and then report to the leader immediately.

"Mr. Swansea, it's not good. Now about the recall of antihypertensive drugs, public opinion on the Internet is scolding us."

As soon as Swansea, president of Sanofi China Region, returned to the office, he saw the secretary running over in a panic.

He had just talked to the headquarters on the phone, knowing that the headquarters was struggling with the global recall, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Okay, I got it, let the PR department handle this matter coldly."

"It is impossible to recall, it is related to our reputation, and this antihypertensive drug has always been very popular, if Huaxia is such a big market, if all of them are recalled, not only will they admit their problems, but the losses will also be immeasurable .”

Swansea finished speaking with a calm face, and sat down at the desk, ready to deal with official business.

"Okay, I will notify the PR department." The secretary could only shut up obediently.

Swansea looked at the back of the secretary going away, and couldn't help but sneered.

It's just some online public opinion, nothing to worry about. I believe that as long as you keep silent and deal with it coldly, this turmoil will pass soon.

It is impossible to recall, not even in this lifetime.

The headquarters is under a lot of pressure now. This matter has seriously affected the sales volume this year, the revenue is bound to drop sharply, the stock price will also drop badly, and some patients may even be sued. In short, the loss is heavy.

However, the drug supervision in developed countries is too strict, even if you lose money, you have to pinch your nose and recall it, otherwise you may face an astronomical government fine, not to mention the high civil compensation caused by adverse drug reactions.

In short, if there is a problem with the drug in foreign countries and it is not recalled, it will really make the pharmaceutical company feel painful, and the loss will be unforgettable.

Serious accidents can result in billions of dollars in fines, and minor ones can result in hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation.

Compared with foreign countries, China's punishment is much lighter, and it can be said to be neither painful nor itchy.

Generally, it means hundreds of thousands, and if it is more serious, it is almost enough to pay a few million.

Swansea is very aware of this situation, and after some weighing, they decided not to recall them from China.

The low penalty is one of the reasons. The other reason is that the carcinogenic impurities in the antihypertensive drugs are only likely to cause cancer.

So in his mind, it is equal to zero, and there is currently no patient who has cancer to come to his door.

From all perspectives, there is no conclusive evidence that Sanofi's irbesartan has clear safety hazards.

Besides, the Food and Drug Administration has not made a sound, and the hospital has no negative feedback, so why is he in a hurry.

Swansea thought about it, felt that the situation was very good, and the public opinion on the Internet was just a trivial matter, so he immediately forgot about it.

After a few days like this, Sanofi officials have remained silent, not only turning off comments, but also continuing to publish news as if nothing had happened.

"China Organ Donation Day, Sanofi Symphony for Love."

"National Eye Care Day, Sanofi protects the clear vision and lights up a bright future."

"Guard your uniqueness and enjoy a happy childhood!"

"World Multiple Sclerosis Day, speak up for love, connect you and me!"

This attitude of pretending to be dead instantly angered countless netizens, especially patients who have been taking medicine all year round.

After the hot search came down, it was pushed back by netizens.

"You're actually pretending to be dead, this turtle with a shrunken head is acting like a 6."

"I'm already emailing Sanofi's headquarters, and it feels good to berate me."

"I have also reported this bad incident to the Food and Drug Administration, and I believe the relevant departments will respond soon."

"I go to major hospitals every day, complaining that the hospital sells drugs with major safety hazards, just wait, I don't believe it can't be cured."

"The news spread among the patients, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation, saying that they would never buy any medicine from this company again."

Suddenly, a netizen posted a tearful complaint.

"My dad has been taking Sanofi's irbesartan tablets for ten years. Recently, he was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer. It must be because of taking this medicine. This is a major medical safety accident. I have filed a lawsuit in the court for compensation. gone."

"There must be many patients who have been taking this medicine for so many years. It is impossible that my father is the only one who has cancer. For these unfortunate patients, I suggest that you take up legal weapons and sue the court to fight for your due rights. "

This news instantly shocked the entire network, and was reposted by countless big Vs, attracting a lot of attention.

Hypertensive patients who took this medicine could not sit still at all.

At first, everyone felt a little worried. After all, it was only a safety hazard, and no one had cancer.

Now that there are living cases in front of them, everyone panics.

Even if you don't have cancer now, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

What if the chance of getting cancer really increases, and it really happens in two years?

Hospitals across the country immediately received a large number of panicked drug changes from patients, forcing hospitals to stop selling Sanofi's antihypertensive drugs, and even temporarily removed other drugs of the same brand from the shelves.

As for the excess inventory, the hospital called Sanofi's medical representative and demanded that all be returned, citing potential safety hazards.

"What? The hospital asked for a return?"

When Swansea learned the news from the sales department, they were completely stunned.

"This request is too much. There is no problem with our medicine."

Veins popped up on his forehead, his temples throbbed, and his blood pressure spiked for a while.

"The hospital said their request was reasonable and did not ask us to recall the medicines that had been sold, but asked to return the stock in good packaging because no patients would take them and they would never be sold again."

"Besides, Sanofi is now having major public opinion and its reputation has been greatly affected. This violates the provisions of the sales contract, and returning the product is a matter of course."

The vice president of the sales department persuaded with a look of embarrassment: "Mr. Swansea, our main sales channels are hospitals, we must not offend major customers, otherwise it will cause extremely bad effects."

Staring at the court summons on the table, Swansea felt dizzy for a moment, so he waved his hand and said.

"Okay, the hospital can't afford to be offended, so we can only agree to return the product. During this time, you must maintain a good relationship with the major hospitals. This is the top priority."

He started making phone calls: "Is the public relations department? It seems that we have to give in and make an official announcement. The attitude must be sincere and the meaning must be vague. We must calm down the anger of netizens as soon as possible and suppress the public opinion."

The vice president of the public relations department couldn't help being stunned: "Then shall we recall?""

"Just apologize, don't recall, anyway, before there is an official notice, we must hold on."

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