I can extract side effects

Chapter 279 Fortunately, we have Sanqing

In fact, it is not the first time that antihypertensive drugs containing carcinogens have been recalled.

Sartan antihypertensive drugs, as the clinical first-line drug for the treatment of essential hypertension, are widely used all over the world due to their clear antihypertensive effect, good heart and kidney function, and less adverse reactions.

However, in the past few years, sartan drugs have been recalled many times in 18, 19, and 20 years due to the problem of toxic impurities.

This undoubtedly worries many hypertensive patients.

of the recalled drug.

There are not only original drugs from major manufacturers like Pfizer, but also generic drugs from generic drug giant Teva.

Not only the excipients used in the pharmaceutical process have carcinogenic impurities, but even the raw materials have the problem of toxic impurities remaining.

Not only some imported drugs have been found to be problematic in China, but also raw materials and generic drugs exported to Europa by domestic pharmaceutical companies have been found to be toxic.

In short, similar problems have been emerging one after another, which shows that there are great safety hazards. No wonder the patients are scared to death, fearing that they will be the accident, and want to change to another antihypertensive drug earlier.

You should know that patients with general chronic diseases, if they find a suitable drug, will continue to take it and seldom change the drug.

After all, everyone's illness is different, their physical condition is different, and their tolerance to different drugs is even different.

It is not easy to find a drug that has relatively few side effects and has been effective, so naturally it will not be replaced at will.

This time, they were also frightened by the cancer-causing rumors, so the patients asked to change the medicine one after another.

In fact, the patient didn't understand the specific details. He only felt that the drug was always having problems, or that it caused serious problems such as cancer. Obviously, it could no longer be used.

Even if the doctor earnestly persuades them that the chance of causing cancer is actually very small, and not all sartan drugs are problematic, it is completely possible to switch to the original drug of the manufacturer, and the patient still refuses to take oil and salt, and insists on unshakable self.

The antihypertensive drugs cannot be stopped, and the doctor is actually worried about which drug to change.

Common antihypertensive drugs are diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACEI, ARB, etc., but several of them are deeply involved in cancer-causing rumors.

For example, hydrochlorothiazide, a common diuretic, has recently been reported from time to time that it may induce skin cancer, and it is even listed as a 2B carcinogen.

According to reports in medical journals, people who use ACEI drugs for a long time may increase their chances of developing lung cancer by 14%.

Therefore, from the perspective of safety, there are several fewer antihypertensive drugs that can be used at once.

Although these cancer-causing rumors have not been clarified for a long time, they can only be regarded as rumors, but patients obviously will not gamble on this possibility.

During this period of time, many patients and doctors have turned their heads with worry.

Fortunately, there are Sanqing's antihypertensive drugs that can be used on top.

The patients in the patient group were very excited. Many of them contacted their doctors that night and went to the clinic to change their dressings early the next morning.

The news quickly spread among the patient group and the circle of doctors.

The doctors are also a little curious about Sanqing's new antihypertensive drug, and want to witness the effect on patients in person.

As box after box of antihypertensive drugs was quickly distributed to patients.

The patient group also became boiling one by one.

"Have you taken the medicine? How do you feel?"

"What about it? It's normal. Could it be that the whole body is full of strength? This is an antihypertensive drug, not a Dali pill."

"Old man Zhang, you can really babble with your mouth, so I'll just ask casually, good guy, you talk so much like a machine gun."

"Don't change the subject, let's all talk about your feelings."

"The feeling of heart palpitations disappeared, my head is no longer dizzy, and I feel very good."

"I used to take other antihypertensive drugs, and I always had a feeling of nausea and vomiting, and now it's gone."

"After taking this medicine, the biggest feeling is that I feel a lot more normal, and I don't have many strange symptoms."

"Agreed. After eating, my blood pressure has been stable. Since there is no adverse reaction, I have an illusion, as if I have returned to before I was sick."

"It seems that everyone is very surprised by the antihypertensive drug Sanqing, but you still have to take it for a few more days before looking at it. The side effects of some drugs can only be revealed after long-term use, and you may not be able to discover them after taking it a few times."

"I was probably the first one to get it. I have been eating it for several days, and I feel very good. I have the illusion that I have recovered my health. Hehe."

"If you continue to eat without adverse reactions, and your blood pressure can be stabilized, then you are no different from a healthy person."

"That's right, isn't that the point of taking medicine?"

"Anyway, after taking it for a few days, I have been convinced by Sanqing's antihypertensive drug. I decided to keep taking it and see what happens."

"I am also looking forward to the effect of long-term use. I am very confident in Sanqing. Let us wait and see."

"This time the antihypertensive drug caused cancer, thanks to our Sanqing, we were able to change the drug so smoothly."

"Isn't that right, other antihypertensive drugs, every one, the doctor said a series of adverse reactions, I was trembling, and several of them may cause cancer. Only Sanqing's antihypertensive drugs, what do the doctors say?" Didn't even say anything, just prescribed it for me. Oh, no, I said 'one pill per day'."

"I have a distant relative who immigrated to Eagle Country. He also has high blood pressure. I told him about the recall of sartan drugs. Guess what he said? He thought I was lying to him, so he didn't believe me, and said How can foreign medicine be poisonous. Hehe, fried chicken really makes people stupid.”

"Isn't it because you have been telling him since you bought a house that domestic housing prices have dropped a lot?"

"That's right, don't you have any calculations in your heart? It's because people don't believe you because you always lie to him."

"Tch, I did it for his own good. He sold his real estate in a first-tier city and immigrated to the lighthouse in his heart. I took advantage of it so I can't just rub salt in people's wounds. They are all relatives. How can I be embarrassed, so I had no choice but to comfort him that the housing price had dropped a lot, but who knew he would actually believe it, since there is no internet barrier over there, so I can’t see what’s going on in China? It’s my fault too!”

"Okay, stop arguing, this is a patient group, not a real estate speculator group."

The group of patients was silent for a while, and suddenly a person whose ID was 'Old Man Zhang' asked.

"I just read the news carefully. Why is this sartan drug recalled only in foreign countries, and there is no recall in China?"

"The doctor just prescribed me irbesartan for a month last week, can I take it and return it?"

These words seemed to express everyone's aspirations, and people kept asking the same question.

"Since the drug has a risk of causing cancer, it should be refundable, right? I still have half a month's worth of dose, and I bought it with real money."

"I swiped the social security card, but this also accounted for my quota. If it can be refunded, it will naturally be refunded."

"It's too late now, I'll go to the hospital tomorrow to ask."

"Okay, I'm going too."

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