I can extract side effects

Chapter 275 Strike while the iron is hot

Although the matter that was put together by the WHO this time can be regarded as recovering all the losses in another way, it has completely passed.

But it still made Wei Kang faintly vigilant and afraid.

If it weren't for a company with strong strength like Sanqing, there would be a high probability that they would have to knock down their teeth and swallow their blood, swallow their anger and continue to apply for this damn WHO pre-certification, and continue to be treated like a monkey in the other party's circle.

This also made him feel very deeply, and he felt very deeply how difficult it would be for Huaxia Enterprises to succeed overseas if there was no cheating and only relying on their own efforts.

There is no need for fierce conflicts, just the rules on the surface can be arranged clearly, making people feel miserable.

This is the power of formulating rules, which is the result of the layout in advance.

To defeat them, you can only defeat magic with magic, and rules with rules.

Start anew, start your own business, make your own rules.

This is how high-end players play.

But now, Sanqing can jump out of the opponent's encirclement, and naturally has the qualifications to become a high-end player.

Judging from the experience of a series of overseas companies such as Juwei.

The competition among high-end players is often crueler and more intense, and is often accompanied by dimensionality reduction blows.

In this process, enterprises must also strive to be the vanguard, make a strong attack, and grab the greatest benefits, instead of shrinking back.

This point, for a powerful enterprise, is actually a dream, and it can also obtain great benefits.

Practice has proved that non-governmental organizations such as enterprises and charities play a more direct role among overseas people, and are more able to capture the hearts of the people, forming a good situation of "loving each other".

Overseas people are actually not wary of enterprises. The two parties have a pure interest relationship and seek each other's needs. After a long period of cooperation, friendship can naturally be enhanced.

Even if a company does charity, they don't think too much about it, but are grateful.

But switching to government aid will cause them to question and criticize: "Why do you give us free buildings?"

For Huaxia enterprises, there is actually a lot to do.

It is completely possible to be an old silver coin. On the surface, he is a philanthropic entrepreneur, with one hand in business and one hand in charity, and in his heart, he is an ambassador of China's cultural export.

In this way, after a long time and great influence, they will naturally be able to establish their own rules.

However, due to their own strength or some other reasons, Huaxia enterprises are actually absent in this cultural export.

Sanqing has already realized this, and the WHO taught him a lesson.

Fortunately, Sanqing's drugs, unlike other products, have become hard currency in many regions.

These are Wei Kang's confidence.

He will become the wolf who strikes out forcefully, travels all over the world, eats and drinks hot food, and establishes his own circle of rules.

Of course, only one wolf is not enough, what he needs is a pack of wolves.

The struggle between overseas companies has reached the point where the sword meets the sword and the bayonet sees blood.

This is a battle of the gods, and the attack of Huaxia Enterprises will inevitably bring about the fall of the gods and the ascension of the new gods.

The Philippine continent, which has long been imported with Western concepts, is undoubtedly an excellent place.

Huaxia already has its own sphere of influence here, companies have a sense of presence, and the local Chinese have also formed a vital force.

However, Huaxia's non-governmental grassroots charities have long been the "missing link".

Take Kenya as an example, there are as many as 3,000 charities in its territory, about 20 percent of which are from the West, and many Kenyan local charities also have Western backgrounds or receive Western funding.

Walking on the streets of Nairobi, you can often see a variety of NGO advertisements, which are dedicated to different fields, from green power generation plans to women's rights protection, from ecological ethics maintenance to autism cure, from tribal elder associations to couple relationship coordination , all kinds, everything is available.

Compared with the increasing presence of Chinese companies in the Philippines, few Chinese charities have set up offices in the Philippines, and the scale of aid to the Philippines is far behind that of the West.

Most of their exchanges with the Philippines are limited to sporadic aid operations in a certain field. Although there are some sporadic bright spots, it is difficult to compare with Western charities in terms of scale and sustainability.

Western charities are widely welcomed in the Philippines, especially those "relief-oriented" and "development-oriented" charities enjoy a high reputation among African people.

Many Africans feel good about the West because of the Western charities that give them bread, medicine, and small loans.

These small favors don't cost much, but they can buy people's hearts.

Under such circumstances, when some charitable organizations supported by foreign countries show unfriendliness and distrust towards Chinese enterprises and Chinese people, the local people are easily bewitched and affect the work progress of Huaxia enterprises here.

Charitable organizations are often referred to as "representatives of public opinion." Strengthening the relationship between Chinese and Philippine charitable organizations is of great benefit to safeguarding the interests of the Philippines.

At present, most of the Huaxia Charity organizations that have entered the Philippines are semi-official, and it is basically impossible to provide any technical assistance and financial assistance.

To provide financial and technical assistance, we can only rely on grassroots charitable organizations from enterprises. In contrast, these domestic organizations have basically never shown up.

In the final analysis, there is still no money, so naturally there is no way to do charity in poor areas.

Such things as cultural export cannot be supported without money.

And the poor in the Philippines are also very practical, no matter how extravagant you say, it is no good, and naturally they will not follow your set.

People in the Philippines understand such simple truths as eating people with short mouths and short hands.

Wei Kang pondered for a long time, and felt that this matter should not be delayed, and he should strike while the iron is hot and make arrangements as soon as possible.

Right now, the heavens are beautiful and keep giving him opportunities. If he is still indecisive, he will miss the opportunity.

With the support of the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce, coupled with the aspirations of the old black people, it is a good opportunity for Sanqing's charity to enter the Philippines.

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