I can extract side effects

Chapter 268 Revising the Patent Law Overnight

Just after Sanqing announced the fourth generation of gene editing tools.

The stock price of the biotechnology company under the name of the Broad Institute and the University of California team plummeted instantly, falling to a horrible figure.

Even Pfizer's stock price plummeted, falling a full 20% before stopping.

Subsequently, a series of counterattacks by Sanqing began.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the patent lawsuit in Kunming City, and Sanqing filed a lawsuit against the Kunming Intellectual Property Court.

Sanqing claims that this is a typical case of anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition.

The Broad Institute has relevant standard-essential patents in the field of gene editing and has a dominant market position, but it has abused its market dominance by charging unfairly high license fees against Sanqing.

This is undoubtedly an abuse of patent rights, which stifles the innovation of knowledge and technology.

The Broad Institute felt that Huaxia had no jurisdiction and claimed that the case should be heard by the Eagle Country Court.

Since Kunming can be used as the place where the infringement results of this case occurred, and the Broad Institute has filed patent infringement lawsuits in other countries, it may have a direct and substantial effect of excluding and restricting competition for Sanqing to participate in the relevant domestic market competition, so Kunming The Municipal Intellectual Property Court claimed to have jurisdiction over the case.

In the end, the Kunming Intellectual Property Court rejected the objection to jurisdiction, quickly filed the case and issued a judgment.

The Broad Institute lost the case and the patent infringement claim was dismissed.

In the first round, relying on home court advantage, Sanqing pulled back a game.

Subsequently, Sanqing also initiated a patent abuse and antitrust lawsuit against the Broad Institute in Eagle Country for the same reason.

The patent war between the two sides in Eagle Country was temporarily stalemate.

Antitrust authorities have historically been very sensitive to issues of patent abuse.

Half a century ago, antitrust agencies forced the monopoly AT\u0026T to share its patents with other companies.

Later, in order to limit the monopoly power of the software overlord Juhard, the authorities also proposed to limit the period of use of its patents.

These methods of restricting intellectual property rights have a positive effect. They not only promote fair competition in the market, but also stimulate innovative behavior.

Now that the Broad Institute and the University of California team have joined forces, this is enough to form a monopoly on gene editing patents.

In addition, in the previous two out-of-court settlements, the Broad Institute proposed extremely high patent licensing fees, and at the same time they cooperated with Pfizer to develop the same gene drug.

This series of actions is undoubtedly an abuse of patent rights and an act of unfair competition against Sanqing.

Sanqing's legal team filed a lawsuit from these aspects, and the odds of winning were much higher in an instant.

Since the other party took legal measures at every turn, Sanqing would naturally not let them down.

Two rounds of counter-suits in succession, three cleanups, one victory and one tie, can be described as a beautiful turnaround.

Just on the legal level, Sanqing has turned the situation around. As long as the patent lawsuit in Yingguo continues, even if the Broad Institute wins in the end, it will be a miserable victory, and it will definitely be peeled off. .

Moreover, there are many interest groups in Eagle Country, which are not monolithic. The Broad Institute has a backer behind it, and naturally there are opponents waiting for the opportunity.

Coincidentally, these interest groups are all beneficiaries of Sanqing drugs.

For a long time, the prestige and contacts that Sanqing had developed by relying on anticancer drugs and AD specific drugs, played a role at this moment.

After all, medicines are different from other products. This is related to the life and death of patients. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, patients will try their best to grab that life-saving straw.

Mobile phones, cars, food, oil, these can be sanctioned, but a unique life-saving drug, no one dares to risk the world's displeasure, to sanction or ban the sale.

After all, who can guarantee that he will not get sick in the future?

Davis of the FDA has been in great trouble these days, and his hair is about to fall out.

Sanqing resubmitted the marketing application for the thalassemia gene drug, this time using a brand-new self-owned technology, but was ruthlessly rejected by the FDA.

The reason given by the FDA is that this technology has just come out and is immature, and the first, second, and third phases of clinical trials need to be re-applied for listing.

This undoubtedly angered the other party.

Soon, Sanqing issued an announcement, accusing the FDA of groundless discrimination, suspending the sale of all drugs in Eagle Country until it is treated fairly, and said that it would not rule out the possibility of completely withdrawing from the Eagle Country market.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation instantly, and Davis's phone was immediately rang.

Either a member of parliament or a politician, or a wealthy financial backer.

Everyone is either himself or a relative who is taking the medicine of Sanqing.

He deliberately didn't answer the phone, but he couldn't afford to offend anyone.

I had to endure the hard life of being scolded every day.

Such a day, when is the head.

Davis was thinking with great distress, and the familiar noise came from his ears again.

You don't need to look to know that it must be another patient who is short of medicine and ran downstairs to the FDA headquarters to protest.

He closed the window, put on the earphones, opened the file, and started working seriously.

Anyway, he's just a marionette and can't make any decisions.

It's better to immerse yourself in your own world, be a turtle, and wait for the decision from above.


Andre from Pfizer called immediately: "Dear Wei, Sanqing stopped selling anti-cancer drugs in Yingguo, which violated our contract and also affected our interests."

Wei Kang leaned on the sofa calmly: "Andre, we were also forced. The FDA's discrimination against Sanqing is too much, and we cannot tolerate it."

"If you really can't accept it, how about we can negotiate amicably and stop the cooperation on anticancer drugs? Sanqing will definitely compensate you for your losses according to the contract."

"Let me remind you kindly that we are still competitors in terms of thalassemia gene medicine. Maybe ending the cooperation will be more beneficial to your company's development in gene medicine."

Now Weikang is not short of money at all. If Pfizer is unwilling to continue to cooperate, then it is better to withdraw.

Sanqing is fully capable of selling anti-cancer drugs in Eagle Country by itself.

Andre's face twitched, and a sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

How could he agree to end the cooperation with anticancer drugs?

This is the ace drug with an annual revenue of more than 10 billion US dollars, and it has brought inexhaustible profits to Pfizer in the past two years.

Pfizer's own oncology drug production line has become even more sluggish, and it is thanks to this anticancer drug that it can maintain its leading position in the oncology market.

The market has also been developed very maturely. If we give up now, wouldn't we give up all the market and profits?

The investment of so many resources in the early stage was all in vain. It is no wonder that the board of directors can agree to such a stupid thing.

He pondered for a moment and said decisively: "Wei, don't worry, I will try my best to persuade the FDA to treat Sanqing fairly, and I will never give up on anticancer drugs. As for thalassemia gene drugs, we will continue to maintain a friendly relationship." Competitive cooperation, which is also a good thing for patients, isn't it?"

Wei Kang laughed: "Of course, yes, the new generation of gene editing technology we released is also excellent for the development of gene drugs. Compared with the existing CRISPR technology, the off-target rate is very low, and the success rate is greatly improved , the difficulty of application is also reduced, and multiple gene sites can be edited at one time, and more importantly, a major breakthrough in in vivo gene editing has been achieved."

Andre couldn't help being moved: "It sounds great, we are very interested, can you send a copy of relevant materials and samples first, let our scientific researchers study it. By the way, if there is any progress in commercialization , how do you charge the patent licensing fee?"

Wei Kang said generously: "Don't worry, our Sanqing is definitely not a patent hooligan like the Broad Institute, and we will definitely not engage in such shameless activities. The patent licensing fee will definitely be a reasonable ratio."

"Besides, there are so many types of rare diseases that Sanqing can't handle alone. More colleagues are needed to follow up and invest, so as to benefit more patients."

"Pfizer has recently invested heavily in rare diseases, and we are very happy to see the results. With this powerful tool, you will be able to make breakthroughs soon."


Eagle Country, CA.

Adam came out of the pharmacy again with disappointment written all over his face.

The elderly father was waiting by the side in the car, his face full of anticipation.

After Adam got into the car, he said bitterly, "Father, the specific medicine for AD is still unavailable, and it's out of stock in the whole city."

"I heard from people in the pharmacy that Sanqing has stopped selling this drug, and there may still be stocks in other remote pharmacies, but there is little hope. They have always controlled the goods very hard. Moreover, Sanqing is very likely to sell the drug. The drug has been withdrawn from Eagle Country."

As if struck by lightning, my father turned pale: "Why? Why didn't the ones that were selling well suddenly stop selling?"

Anger appeared on Adam's face: "It is said that the FDA discriminated against Sanqing's drug application and deliberately refused to allow their drug to pass, in order to give up the market for the drug of Yingguo Pharmaceutical Company."

"Father, you should have heard of the recent patent war. Some people just want to make trouble with such a conscientious pharmaceutical company that sells low-priced drugs. So this must be Sanqing's opponents behind the scenes, and the FDA is owned by these people The puppet, of course, has to deal with Sanqing and try to force it away."

As he spoke, his expression became resolute: "I heard from other family members of patients that they are going to petition in DC, and I plan to participate too."

"No matter what, Sanqing must be brought back. Mother needs this medicine."

"Okay, let's go together!"

The father and son looked at each other with determination in their eyes.


Eagle Country, Boston.

In a luxurious office on the top floor of the Broad Institute.

The gray-haired, short-built Durand looked at the documents in front of him and remained silent.

After a long time, he looked at Zheng Feng who was sitting opposite him.

"give up."

Zheng Feng raised his head in astonishment: "Why? If we persevere, we still have a great chance of winning. Just give up like this, and all the previous efforts will be in vain."

Durand's small stature seems to contain huge energy. His eyes are as sharp as a vulture, shining with the light of wisdom. He always sees the problem sharply and directly to the essence of things.

"Since Sanqing came up with the fourth-generation gene editing technology, this struggle has lost its meaning."

"It has already jumped out of the chessboard, out of this chess game, no matter how hard you try, it is just useless."

"And," his voice was a little hoarse, the result of years of smoking: "Do you know how many people called me in this week to make peace for Sanqing?"

"Unconsciously, Sanqing already has so many important customers in Eagle Country, and they are all users of Sanqing's medicine."

A trace of anger appeared on Zheng Feng's face: "Damn it, Sanqing actually resorted to such a despicable and shameless means of withdrawing from the market, hijacking public opinion to force us to bow our heads."

Durand knocked on the table to put a stop to the whole thing: "This is the power of technology, so we should just accept it as soon as it's good, and don't tear ourselves apart with Sanqing and make things difficult."

"Go ahead, this matter should be over by now."

Zheng Feng showed a look of struggle: "Teacher, I'm still not reconciled, do we just admit defeat like this?"

"Hehe," Durand smiled meaningfully: "Don't you know me yet? Am I so easy to be defeated? Anyway, I have my own clever plan. This week I am uniting with some congressmen to prepare to issue a new patent bill .”

Zheng Feng immediately lifted his spirits, and asked impatiently: "I knew the teacher would never give up and would fight to the end. What kind of bill is it? Can it cause a major blow to Sanqing?"

Durand slowly lit a cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and said, "Our current battlefield has shifted from CRISPR technology patents to Sanqing's new patents."

"I intend to promote a bill in the near future to vigorously implement the manufacturing strategy nationwide and create jobs for Eagle Country people, including limiting the rights of foreigners to apply for patents and prioritizing the review of patent applications from universities."

"This bill will increase jobs, boost manufacturing, and support intellectual property protection efforts without incurring new costs, and has a good chance of passing."

"In terms of intellectual property protection, the bill will restrict unnecessary foreigners from submitting patent applications, and will give priority to reviewing patent applications submitted by Eagle Country universities, in order to ensure that high-end technologies are protected as soon as possible and applied to Eagle Country companies as soon as possible. "

"In this way, Sanqing's new gene technology will not be able to apply for a patent in Eagle Country, and will not be able to compete with us. This is still the home of CRISPR technology."

"Although we cannot restrict Sanqing's drugs from being marketed in Yingguo, we can restrict others from using this technology."

"Sanqing can only use this patent for itself, or it can only be used by others for free. I believe they will definitely make the right choice. In this way, they will naturally not pose any threat to us."

Zheng Feng was overwhelmed when he heard it, and he exclaimed sincerely: "The teacher is still resourceful, this bill is really too powerful."

"Our market in Eagle Country is stable."


Not long after, the patent battle between Sanqing and the Broad Institute made new progress.

The Broad Institute directly withdrew the lawsuit, saying that since Sanqing had already used its own technology, it no longer infringed to a certain extent, so they generously let the past go, and would not initiate any lawsuits against Sanqing.

Sanqing remained silent about this. After all, the other party persuaded him in a timely manner, and it would be good for him to end the war early, so there was no need to taunt.

When the news came out, people all over the world were stunned.

What the hell? Why is there a sudden truce?

Everyone is eating melons and eating them vigorously.

In just one or two months, netizens all over the world have watched a big show.

What's more, it's a series, with frequent means by both sides, which can be described as bizarre twists and turns, one wave after another, people can't stop watching it, and it's addictive.

Every time when the masses eat melons enough to eat, there will be a new reversal, especially the recent counterattack of the Sanqing, which is simply high-ranking again and again, which makes people stand up.

TV dramas are not so good-looking, no wonder it is said that art comes from reality, isn’t that true?

Foreign netizens were puzzled for a long time, so they had to attribute it to the fact that the Broad Institute admitted that it was a coward. After all, it is not a problem to continue to litigate, except for fattening patent lawyers, it is of no benefit to both parties.

Domestic netizens were completely overwhelmed.

"Hey, the Broad Institute has given up so quickly!"

"San Qing didn't go up to A, just beat the opponent to pieces!"

"Farewell, just accept it when it's good. Sanqing should concentrate on researching and developing new drugs. Don't go to court all day long. It's not Disney."

"That's right, we have to do business properly, and the development of new drugs is more important."

"Isn't this really a cool article from the starting point? In my impression, domestic companies have filed a lot of lawsuits with Yingguo, and Sanqing seems to be the first to beat the other party to the point of admitting it and withdrawing the lawsuit?"

"Eagle Country's court did not rule Sanqing as a loser. This really refreshed my understanding of the bottom line of Eagle Country's hooligans."

"It depends on who you are. I'm studying here. I heard that the FDA has been bombed. Every day, people go downstairs to the headquarters to make trouble. They are all patients who can't buy medicine. In addition, the next election is coming soon. , whoever reads it must weigh it.”

"Haha, I'm an employee of the Mars Group. During this period of time, Boss Mabuse was throwing cups in the office every day. He was very angry. You must know that he is the number one fan of Sanqing. Seeing how uncomfortable he looks, I guess it is Is there any medicine that he can't live without, stop selling it."

"Let's take a step upstairs to talk, can you tell me what kind of medicine it is? It's a medicine that even the world's richest man can't live without. A friend of mine also wants to try it."

"If you want to know, you can buy all Sanqing's products and try them out. The company found out that I leaked the boss's secrets, but I will be fired."

"It's so cool. Before, DJI drones convinced the soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom, and later, Sanqing's innovative drugs overthrew the FDA. They are all the glory of China. I only hope that there will be more and more companies like this."

"Sure enough, we still need the technology that others can't do without. Juwei still needs to work hard in this regard. When the fruit goes bankrupt, it is estimated that Juwei's mobile phone will be able to get rid of the sanctions."

"After all, a mobile phone is not a necessity, and there are too many choices in the market, so the other party has no fear, and replaces it with a life-saving medicine. Do you think he dares to sanction?"

"That's right, Sanqing is the same, and so is DJI. I don't know who will be the next one to slap me in the face?"

"Whoever it is, I hope it comes out sooner rather than later."

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