I can extract side effects

Chapter 245 Who is better at stealing from the rich and helping the poor?

Eighty million dollars!

One Hundred Clinical Treatment Lists Raised $800 Million in Donations in One Month!

With so much money, it is enough to develop a brand new drug from scratch.

On average, the donations of each rich person are as high as 8 million US dollars.

This number is quite astonishing, and it is enough to prove how eager those sick rich people are for drugs that can completely cure themselves.

Moreover, in the eyes of the rich, being able to obtain the treatment of the latest medical technology as soon as possible is an expensive priority, but it is also worth the money.

Of course, this is not unrelated to Eagle Country's high cost of bone marrow transplantation, which starts at two to three million US dollars.

If it is changed to China, the autologous bone marrow transplant is 100,000 yuan, and the allogeneic bone marrow transplant is 300,000 yuan. Considering complications, the overall cost is about 500,000 yuan or more.

The cost of bone marrow transplantation in China is still too cheap compared to Eagle Country, so the donation threshold for rich people in China has also been lowered a lot according to the national conditions, and it has become one million yuan.

Comparing them in this way, they still feel that it is very cost-effective.

Even if you add a little more, for the priority of treatment, they are willing to spend several million more yuan.

However, Wei Kang didn't have many places for rich people in the country, only fifty.

In this way, 200 million RMB was also raised domestically.

This fundraising was a success beyond imagination.

In the previous research and development of genetic drugs for rare diseases, some diseases had a large number of patients, with thousands of patients, and the cost could be recovered after the drug was launched.

For some rare diseases with only a few dozen patients, the number of clinical trials is not enough, and it is impossible to go to the market at all.

For these patients, Sanqing paid for its R\u0026D and clinical trials out of its own pocket.

Although this is also a kind of charity, Sanqing has no complaints about it, because the company is too profitable and needs to repay the society, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

In the long run, in addition to enterprises, people at the top of the pyramid should also take on more social responsibilities.

This is also another form of wealth redistribution, where the rich first drive the rich later.

The donation raised this time was as high as 5 billion RMB, which not only filled the gap in the previous research and development of rare diseases, but also left a lot of money that can be used for charitable donations of thalassemia after it was launched.

Do the math, if calculated according to the medical expenses of 300,000 yuan per patient, it can pay for the treatment of 10,000 patients.

This is already half of the country's severe thalassemia patients.

If it is replaced by other patients, there will only be more people who can be treated.

Soon, clinical trials officially began.

Overseas patients flew to Kunming from all over the world, while domestic patients also came from all over the world.

There are a total of 500 experimental quotas for the first and second phases of clinical trials, 100 for the first phase and 400 for the second phase.

Excluding the places occupied by rich people at home and abroad, there are still 350 places left, all of which are given to critically ill patients, especially infants and young children.

Probably a ratio of 2:1:7.

Mild thalassemia is more common in adults. Except for easy fatigue, mild anemia, and slightly enlarged spleen, the general symptoms are not obvious, and there is no risk of death. Some people even have no obvious symptoms.

Medium-sized disease is not serious, and if treated properly, it can survive to adulthood, and how long it can live after that depends on luck.

Severely ill patients are generally children, because it is difficult to live to adulthood.

Generally, there will be obvious symptoms shortly after birth. Children with dysplasia since childhood, enlarged organs such as liver and spleen, skin color like loess, and a special appearance of anemia.

Big head, protruding forehead, protruding top, high cheekbones, low nose, small eyes, swollen face, protruding upper teeth, dull facial expressions, these are the typical facial features of anemia.

These lesions will accompany the child throughout his life and become more obvious as he grows older.

Children with children are different from ordinary people since they were young. Not only do they have to travel between hospitals all year round, but they are also discriminated against by people around them. Life is also very difficult when they grow up, and they have to endure indelible pain for a lifetime.

Therefore, Sanqing's free clinical quota will be given priority to critically ill children, hoping that they can get treatment as soon as possible and escape the torture of the disease completely.

After careful selection, the first batch of 70 critically ill children came to Kunming First People's Hospital from the southern coastal provinces.

Since the production of genetic medicines is relatively complicated, Sanqing did not cooperate with hospitals outside the province this time, but placed them in designated hospitals in Kunming.

Everything went well, one hundred patients, each of them received treatment, whether for free or for a fee.

They were genetically collected on the first day for individual analysis and research, customized according to each individual's mutated genes.

One month later, with the powerful assistance of artificial intelligence, each person's unique genetic medicine was successfully produced, and the results of the cell experiment were also very satisfactory.

The patients underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation in batches, and then the gene-edited bone marrow was reinfused into the body, and then there was a waiting period of several days.

A week later, in the ward of the hematology department, cheers rang out one after another.

The patients and their families hugged each other tightly, weeping and celebrating the moment of victory for the complete eradication of the disease.

Waving the inspection report in their hands, feeling the new hemoglobin in their bodies, they all felt full of the power of life.

Even the sick child howled more vigorously than before.

The parents held them in their arms, and their faces showed the joy of rebirth after the catastrophe.

Next, as long as they come back for the second treatment two months later and persist for half a year without any problems, the disease will be considered completely cured.

The newly born patients left one by one.

News of their recovery spread quickly among the patient community.

At the same time, the Sanqing Charity Foundation also updated the new donations and expenditures on its website.

Some interested people often pay attention to the news of Sanqing, and they are surprised to find that the foundation of Sanqing is too strong in fundraising. It has raised 5 billion yuan in such a short period of time, and the whereabouts of the donations every month are clear. transparent.

The salary and welfare expenses of each staff member are clearly listed in the management fee, and the administrative office expenses are also listed in detail.

The most notable ones are the cost of clinical trials, as well as thousands of charitable drug donations.

Soon, some media came to interview, conducted in-depth digging, and planned to make a special report.

Chen Yong, as the first batch of participants to participate in the first phase of the clinical trial, has already received treatment and completely recovered his health.

Although he has donated 3 million yuan, he is still very satisfied that he can get treatment so quickly.

Because he is a well-known actor, he was the first to be approached by reporters.

Facing the camera, he gleefully told his story in as much detail as he wanted.

"I am really lucky to get this clinical quota. You know, I have had this disease since I was a child. I have to go for blood transfusion every month. It is really painful, and it affects me to have a child. My wife has great opinions. .”

"I paid attention to this medicine as soon as it came out, and then contacted Sanqing. They replied to me very politely, saying that there are many people applying for clinical trials, and there are not so many places, but if I can donate money, it will help me Priority access to places."

The reporter opened his eyes wide and interjected, "So you donated? How much did you donate to get the quota?"

Chen Yong said triumphantly: "I have been making money in mainland China for the past few years. You don't know, I am very popular and have many job opportunities, so I have saved a fortune. I donated 3 million yuan, and I will be notified soon. You can participate in the first batch of clinical trials. Let’s see if I’m lucky.”

The reporter frowned and said, "But shouldn't clinical trials be free? As a pharmaceutical giant, isn't it appropriate for Sanqing to make money like this?"

Chen Yong's face darkened: "You are being unreasonable. Who told you that the drug test will be free? You don't need money to go to the hospital? You usually like to go to the restaurant to eat the king's meal? I am not short of money. Treatment, what's the matter with me donating some money? This money will be collected both emotionally and rationally."

The reporter showed a malicious smile and said: "But as far as I know, there are some patients who participated in the experiment like you. They all received the treatment for free and didn't pay a penny. Then why do you have to pay?"

A trace of anger flashed across Chen Yong's face: "Yes, there are indeed many people who are treated for free. We all know this, and I will stay with them in the ward for treatment, but do you know? They are some Children as young as one or two years old, and even babies of a few months."

He said sadly: "I don't know what your intentions are, why you ask such a question, doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"Such a small child, whose family is very poor, shouldn't they receive free treatment when they are sick? My donation is to a charitable foundation. Isn't this doing charity? Free treatment for children is the original intention of my donation ah."

The reporter was at a loss for words, and then said after a while: "It is said that some foreign patients have donated tens of millions of dollars to obtain clinical quotas. What do you think of this?"

Chen Yong sneered: "What do I think? Of course I applaud. As a Chinese, of course I have preferential treatment when I see a doctor in my own home. Why should foreigners donate more if they have money? I can only applaud loudly. "

The reporter asked reluctantly: "Don't you think that Sanqing treats domestic and foreign patients differently, will it cause dissatisfaction among international friends and create a bad impression on our country's reputation?"

Chen Yong's complexion changed, and he cursed loudly: "It's none of my business whether they are satisfied or not, you are so lenient, and the people who paid for it didn't say a word, but you think of others. Do you think you are a bitch? ah?"

"You bad boy, it's really bad luck for me to meet you!"

After speaking, he turned around and left angrily, leaving the reporter standing there with an embarrassed expression on his face.


On the Internet, a report about the Sanqing Charity Foundation suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of the entire Internet.

"Sanqing Charity Foundation, Stealing from the Rich and Helping the Poor in the New Era?"

I have to say that this title is very gimmick, attracting netizens to click in one after another.

This report introduced in detail the establishment of the Sanqing Charity Foundation and the collection of charitable funds from rich people at home and abroad to pay for high research and development and clinical expenses.

The article seems to praise Sanqing's practice but actually criticizes it, saying plausibly.

"Sanqing's approach at first glance seems to be robbing the rich and helping the poor, but this is not a commendable approach. It may have started a bad start, that is, hijacking the wishes of patients and forcing people to donate."

"The cost of developing drugs for pharmaceutical companies is indeed high, but even if they are eager to recover the cost, they should not use such a crude method to collect money. Drug research and development should return to market behavior instead of kidnapping patients' wallets. Doing so will greatly damage our country. The reputation of the pharmaceutical company."

"Is that really a good thing for our society when you need donations to get medication? Isn't that another moral hijacking?"

However, after netizens watched it, the painting style went in an unexpected direction.

"This article is very well written, and I suggest not to write it again in the future."

"Besides Sanqing, what reputation do Chinese pharmaceutical companies have? Is it the Lotus Pharmaceutical that has been robbed of fraudulent R\u0026D expenses?"

"Wrote such a big call, meaning that donations should not be made, and rich people should also receive free clinical treatment, right? I just want to say one word about this, bah!"

"Don't kidnap the will of the public. We don't care whether the rich are forced to donate. I only care about whether the poor get donations."

"Having said so much, as a proletarian, I just feel so good watching the damn capitalists bow their heads for the sake of their health, hahaha."

"Which one is better by robbing the rich and helping the poor depends on Sanqing. We have talked about equalizing the rich and the poor for decades, but let Sanqing realize it?"

"This author is blind, can't he see the hundreds of free clinical patients?"

"You click on the Longtu app and enter the clinical application page. The conditions are clearly written, and priority is given to severe and poor patients."

"This is the condition of others. If you want to apply for clinical trials, you have to abide by it. Otherwise, don't apply and wait for the drug to be launched. If rich people want to jump in the queue, they can just pay the money. Is this reasonable? Very reasonable."

"Weakly speaking, the article seems to have some truth. If you don't donate money, you won't be given medicine. Does this really constitute coercion?"

"I was surprised to see the Virgin upstairs, why don't you check the balance in your card, and think about which side you're sitting on?"

"You understand that this is patients begging to participate in clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies are not obliged to provide drugs to everyone. If it is not possible, pharmaceutical companies can even stop research and development and just throw the drugs in the warehouse. Is this the result you want?"

"Let me popularize science. Do you know about sympathetic drug use? Sympathetic drug use means that for patients with serious or life-threatening diseases, when they cannot be effectively treated by existing drugs or selected clinical trials, they can apply for use outside of clinical trials. Investigational drugs without marketing authorization."

"Compassionate drug use is a kind of clinical trial, also called extended clinical trial. The cost is generally not included in the scope of insurance reimbursement. Pharmaceutical companies can decide whether to charge or not. The cost can cover drug production, research, development and other processes. Although domestic charges are not allowed , but it is legal and compliant abroad.”

"So it is absolutely reasonable for Sanqing to charge foreign patients for drug research and development as a fee for sympathetic medication. Foreigners themselves have not protested. I don't know why our own people have to come out and reflect."

"Thanks for the popular science upstairs. Some people always think about it. They are born with calcium deficiency. They can only blame their bad genes."

The news reports failed to make netizens reflect, and soon died down, disappearing in the ever-changing Internet news.

But people haven't forgotten Sanqing's charity foundation. They keep pouring into the foundation's website to browse all kinds of detailed donation information.

"This charity seems to be quite reliable. It focuses on donations from the medical industry, mainly to reimburse some medical expenses for patients with family difficulties, and to donate medicines at cost prices."

Someone discovered the New World: "Hey, there is a donation entrance here, and it seems to accept donations from ordinary people."

He went in without hesitation.

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