I can extract side effects

Chapter 221 The Entire Entertainment Circle Is Boiling

On the second day, Yang Li appeared in Kunming City and accepted the clinical trial drug in a low-key manner.

The scar on her abdomen is more obvious, a red line about ten centimeters, with bumpy and mottled scars, which looks hideous and ugly.

This is unbearable for ordinary women, let alone female celebrities.

But it's a mother's badge of honor, and it's the pain most women must live through.

She has tried her best and adopted the best method, but she has a scar physique, and she still left a terrible scar after all.

Yang Li caressed the scar, sighed, and carefully applied a layer of white ointment.

Probably out of a psychological effect, she tried to apply it thickly, hoping that the ointment would take effect quickly and get rid of this ugly mark as soon as possible.

The ointment has a cooling feeling, which is quite comfortable.

Next, just take it twice a day, morning and evening, and keep it up, and you should see results soon.

She is still very confident in the products of Sanqing Pharmaceutical.

She will stay in Kunming City for this month, and will not go back until the scars completely disappear.

Of course, if something happens in the middle, she will go out for a short time and come back as soon as possible.

The effect of the scar cream came faster than Yang Li imagined.

A few days later, she excitedly stood in front of the mirror, looking at her belly.

"It's amazing that the scars have actually faded!"

The scar on her stomach has turned from red to pale pink, at least not so obvious from the color.

Half a month later, the scar became the same as the skin around it, and it was much smoother to the touch, but there were still some uneven marks.

After another week, the scars have disappeared, and the abdomen has become smooth as before. I believe that after a few days of application, the scars will disappear completely.

She was so excited that she quickly changed into a set of sportswear, with low-waisted sports pants and a sports bra, revealing the clean vest line.

Snapped a selfie in front of the mirror, and then sent the photo to Moments.

"Exercising for an hour a day, it's too difficult for a 30+ woman to keep in shape, the coach has already announced that he has given up on me!"

As soon as it was posted, it immediately attracted countless likes.

She smiled smugly, and was about to put down her phone when she suddenly received a call from her best friend Zhang Qiqi.

Zhang Qiqi is also married and has children. She has a sexy style that is rare in the Chinese entertainment industry. She has a straightforward personality and is very close to her.

"Mom, what the hell are you doing hiding? I don't remember you ever exercising."

Yang Li chuckled and said, "Look at my belly, don't you see it?"

Zhang Qiqi was stunned for a while before she realized: "Tsk tsk, your P-mapping skills have improved a lot, and the scar on your stomach is gone."

Yang Li had a black line on her face: "It's not a P picture, it's really gone."

Zhang Qiqi didn't believe it at all: "You lied to me, I didn't know you. We went to the beach two months ago, and you still refused to wear a bikini."

Yang Li said triumphantly: "I really didn't lie to you. Some time ago, Sanqing released a scar-removing ointment. I rushed over to test the medicine immediately. After applying it for almost a month, the scar on my stomach disappeared immediately. gone."

Zhang Qiqi was stunned: "Is the effect so miraculous? I don't believe it."

"Hey, I'll send you a before and after comparison picture later. I remember you also had a caesarean section, and you also have a scar on your stomach. Although it's much lighter than mine, you can still see it."

"Don't mention it, my agent helped me receive a fitness endorsement, and I wanted to shoot navel sportswear. I was worried about how to reject it. The assistant said that my scars are relatively light, and thicker foundation should not be visible, but I'm afraid to go. Roll over on the spot."

"Hey, if you don't answer, you might as well give it to me."

"Get out, try to steal my mother's endorsement, there is no way."

While laughing and cursing, Zhang Qiqi looked at the photo sent by Yang Li and was stunned.

The comparison photo is very clear, the scar is really gone.

She was suddenly ecstatic: "Do you have any extra scar cream? I want it too."

Yang Li looked at the few samples left on hand, and shook her head helplessly: "I apply a lot every time, and I have used it up."

"Ah, you prodigal woman, you can save some for me." Zhang Qiqi went crazy in an instant.

"Don't worry, I heard from President Sheng of Sanqing Beauty that the scar cream will be on sale in two months, and they will start promoting it next month, and some samples will be released. You can ask your assistant to contact her."

"That's great, you're the one who treats me well, my mother didn't dote on you for nothing. Hahaha."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Li received another call from her husband Li Chao.

"Baby, the scar on your stomach is gone, it's so beautiful!"

Yang Li was very proud: "Of course, it is produced by Sanqing, and the effect must be good."

Li Chao hesitated to speak: "Well, do you have any ointment left? I want to use it too."

"Do you have any scars?"

"Didn't you get injured when you were filming a costume drama before? There is a scar on your back."

"You men still care about this? Don't you all say that scars are the medals of men?" Yang Li was a little surprised.

Li Chao was a little embarrassed: "The scar couldn't be removed before, so I just comfort myself. Now that I can remove it, I don't need a medal."

Yang Li burst into a laugh: "Okay, but I don't have much left, I'll help you get some samples from Mr. Sheng, this scar cream will be on the market in two months, you can help recommend it, and see if there is any." How many men don't need medals."

Li Chao laughed: "No problem, my buddies all have scars from filming. I guess they know that there is such a thing, so they won't ask for that shitty medal anymore."

Sheng Changya soon received a call from Zhang Qiqi, and she naturally would not refuse the opportunity that came to her.

She did not refuse Li Chao's request.

Anyway, it is to send samples for celebrities to experience and promote, so the more the better.

Zhang Qiqi quickly received the sample, and after trying it out, she was immediately amazed.

The scar on her stomach is much lighter, and she is still young, and her body metabolism is stronger than Yang Li's. In a little more than a week, the scar disappeared.

So she came to the endorsement event with confidence.

Many journalists were shocked when they saw her wearing a crop top.

"Didn't Zhang Qiqi give birth before by caesarean section? Why is there no trace on her stomach now?" A reporter asked a colleague beside her.

The colleague was also stunned: "You ask me, who should I ask? I remember that she was quite high-profile at the beginning. She talked about her childbirth experience, and then exposed this matter. Logically, there should be a knife edge. It's totally invisible."

The reporter looked at the camera next to him, and it was already very close, and the picture was very clear, without any traces at all.

Could it be that Zhang Qiqi did not actually have a caesarean section?

The reporter couldn't figure it out, and the discussion was in full swing for a while.

As soon as the press conference was over, they immediately gathered around.

"Qiqi, can I ask a question?"

A reporter raised his hand and asked, "Didn't you say you had a caesarean section before? Why is there no scar on the abdomen? You can't ask someone else to give birth?"

The reporter's question was very sharp, and instantly attracted the attention of the entire media.

Many female stars have rumors of surrogacy, because their bodies have not changed before and after childbirth, and they can walk as usual after their lives, attend events, do not need to confine themselves to confinement, and even start filming and work during pregnancy, so passers-by and fans often complain All kinds of speculation.

But this is illegal in China, and it must be a big scandal if it spreads out.

The smile on Zhang Qiqi's face disappeared instantly: "You are maliciously speculating, there is no evidence at all, I need an apology."

She looked around with a serious expression on her face: "I want to solemnly declare that my daughter was conceived in October and I gave birth to it myself. If someone spreads rumors without evidence, I will definitely investigate to the end."

"As for the fact that the caesarean section is true, I have had scars for the past two years, but they are relatively shallow. I usually use cosmetics to cover them up."

"Recently, Sanxin released a special scar removal cream. I was lucky enough to get some samples. After using it for half a month, the abdominal scars were completely eliminated."

"Sanqing's special effect scar removal cream will be on the market soon. If you still have doubts, you can buy it and try it yourself, and you will know whether I am telling the truth."

The reporters at the scene suddenly realized that they immediately remembered that Sanqing Pharmaceutical had indeed announced the development of a scar-removing cream.

This news had sparked heated discussions across the Internet before, but the popularity subsided before it was listed.

Now it seems that the effect of this scar removal cream is too good.

Some female journalists' hearts became hot instantly. Could it be that something that even female stars are using is not good?

They also want to use the same type of scar cream that the female star has.

This interview was quickly spread on the Internet, and many people saw it and were shocked by the effect of the scar cream.

They knew that Sanqing's medicine would work well, but they didn't expect it to be so good.

Netizens flocked in and left messages on Weikang's homepage, calling for the product to be launched as soon as possible.

At the same time, Yang Li also spoke online to promote Sanqing's scar cream.

She threw out the Jiugongge photo, praised it lavishly, and even brought her husband along with her.

"I was cooking at home recently, and my finger was accidentally burned, leaving a scar. Thanks to Sanqing's scar cream, the scar disappeared completely after half a month of use."

"Also, my husband was filming before and got scratched on his back. There was a deep scar, which hasn't disappeared after several years. He also used Sanqing's scar cream with me, and it has changed after more than half a month. It faded a lot."

"Sanqing's scar removal cream is really easy to use. If you have a need for it, we both strongly recommend it."

Yang Li has many more fans than Zhang Qiqi, and the ad caused a sensation as soon as it was released.

Some netizens in need frantically called Sanqing's customer service to ask when it would be available for sale.

Sanqing hastened to issue a statement saying that the scar-removing ointment has just passed the approval and will be on the market in a month. At the same time, it opened the pre-sale of the flagship store.

This appeases the raging netizens.

The advertising effect of Yang Li and Zhang Qiqi is very good. Not only ordinary netizens, but also many celebrities have noticed this scar cream.

The female stars saw that the scar cream can actually restore the scars of the caesarean section, not to mention the scars on other parts of the body.

In this way, people who can use the scar cream will definitely have better skin and more resources in the future.

They all rely on their appearance to make a living, so naturally they are unwilling to lag behind others.

And the male star is also very greedy when he sees the effect of Yang Li's husband.

Each of them has filmed costume dramas and fight scenes. It is impossible to have no scars on their bodies. Naturally, they also want the same scar removal cream.

As a result, the entire entertainment circle boiled up.

Sheng Changya's cell phone exploded in an instant.

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