At this moment, the little princess who was on the third floor next to the passengers suddenly ran towards the battlefield ahead. She ran directly behind the mercenaries and shouted to them:"Stop it, hurry up. Stop, he is almost dead, you are still beating him, you are a bunch of evil people."

All the mercenaries on the scene were stunned. Everyone stopped moving forward, came back to their senses, and looked at the little girl. Among them Many mercenaries looked at him angrily. One mercenary had an angry look on his face and said loudly to her:"What are you doing? Didn't you see how much harm he did to our brothers? He killed us." You have killed so many of our mercenary brothers, do you know what you are talking about? You actually asked us to stop! Ask those dead brothers, do they agree? Maybe those mercenaries are nothing to you? What about us? , those are the brothers who live with us day and night! More than twenty lives, not lives! None of them were raised by their biological parents, and they all lost their lives because of the attack of this monster,"

Ouyang Zhenxiong saw this After the scene, he hurriedly ran over and said to everyone with an apologetic expression:"What do you mean, everyone continue, everyone continue, this little girl has something wrong with her mind, please ignore him, he is a typical little confused, he is doing Just mind your own business and ignore him." After saying that, he took the little princess and left!

The little princess didn't appreciate it. She broke away from him and said loudly:"These bastards are the ones with the problem. Let me go! Let me finish my words. Otherwise, I'll make a deal with you. You don't want to How about killing this beast and I can compensate you for all your losses?"

"Compensation is up to you. What compensation do you want? That is more than 20 living lives! How can you accompany me, and what compensation can you give me?"A mercenary brother shouted to him, with bursts of anger on his face!

The little princess looked at the corpses on the ground, then turned around and said to the man:"People cannot be resurrected, so please show your condolences, so be it! I can give some compensation to the dead brothers and their families..."

No one present paid attention to the little princess. No matter how much the little girl shouted, no one stopped, because no one believed that he would be responsible for what he said, and no one believed that he would be responsible for what he said. People thought he could do what he said! So everyone attacked the beast crazily. The mercenaries didn't stop until the Tiger King stopped moving at all. At this time, the Tiger King's whole body was cold with blood. It was blurry, and the blood was everywhere. The scene at this time was shocking. It fell to the ground, motionless. Some of the wounds all over his body had even exposed bones! It really made people look pitiful. But I thought Looking at the harm he caused to the mercenaries, no one sympathized with her, except for the little girl who seemed to be the leader!

The little princess looked at the Tiger King lying in a pool of blood, and was really angry and anxious, but she had no ability. There was no way. He could only worry and pray in his heart that the tiger was not dead! If possible, it would be better if it could be rescued. But that was impossible. It was too late for everyone to kill him. Why? Will save it.

After Ouyang Zhenxiong saw the little princess's expression, he shook his head and said to the little princess:"I remember that time, you, the evil little witch, tortured me in all kinds of ways and made me miserable. , and now you are showing random sympathy towards a ferocious beast. Are you mistaken? , you are simply an unreasonable little devil! Can't you sympathize with me? I'm also injured."

After hearing what he said, the little princess said to him angrily:"I want you to take care of it, huh, for me, Tiger King is much better than you, a thousand times better than you, you are the world. The most shameless, vile, despicable bastard in the world, one day I will kill you, one day I will cut you into pieces"

"Look, look, look, did you feel sympathy for that ferocious monster just now? This time you cursed me again. What do you think? Am I worse than that evil beast?"Ouyang Zhenxiong shook his head helplessly.

"Humph, you have to worry about it. Anyway, that Tiger King is better than you, much better than you! Stop them quickly and don't kill him. I know you have the ability!"The little princess looked at her and said, Yang Zhenxiong.

At this moment, someone took a knife and walked towards the tiger king's chest. Are you ready to use it? The knife opened the tiger's abdomen and took out the magic crystal core in her body. , because this third-level Tiger King magic crystal core is absolutely precious, the little princess immediately became anxious after seeing it:"You are not allowed to kill him, he was not shot down by you, why do you take away his magic crystal core? You are really going too far."

After hearing what the little princess said, the group leader walked towards Ouyang Zhengxiong and said to him kindly:"What do you call this brother? He is so skilled."

Ouyang Zhenxiong replied:"Captain, my surname is Ouyang."

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