among the crowd.

  He also struggled secretly.

  Some of them have their own acquaintances, and it is a competitive relationship on weekdays.


Chapter 972 Bloody

  Seeing the people of the Yu clan, they actually really stimulated their blood, and they looked like they were about to move.

  Zhou Longsu and the others' faces instantly turned ugly.

  He never thought that the rain disaster... the people of the Yu clan would actually dare to do it.

  a time.

  He even had some doubts that Yu Huo and others were really here for Chen Hao.

  Or their goal is actually to wait for others.

  After all, from the time when it was in the Liu clan.

  With the rain constantly interfering in the struggle between the tribes, he knew that the Yu clan must have some plan.


  Even if he doesn't know what the plan is.

  But no matter what plan it was, it would definitely harm the interests of their Zhou clan.

  Since he secretly dared to do something to harm the interests of the Zhou clan.

  So now, take action to kill a few top geniuses of the Zhou clan.

  Totally not impossible.

  Think here.

  Zhou Longsu's expression was extremely solemn.

  He wasn't worried about his own safety, after all, with Chen Hao by his side, he didn't think that these... Yu clan people could hurt him.

  In front of Chaos-level powerhouses, no matter how many mythical-level powerhouses are, it is not just an ant versus an elephant.

  So, he has nothing to worry about.

  I just thought that the Yu clan would dare to do something to them, not sure that the Yu clan would also do something to others.

  With Chen Hao by their side, they would not be in any danger.


  What about the other talented disciples, although the Zhou clan's generation is young.

  There are five who have the potential to impact Chaos.

  But it doesn't mean that other geniuses are [-]%, no more.

  To know.

  Whether it is in the Zhou clan or other clans.

  Some Chaos-level powerhouses.

  It was also very mediocre at first.

  Later, they were promoted to Chaos level.

  And those... people with unlimited potential, eventually have more than half, and can't step into the Chaos level for life.


  The other genius disciples of the Zhou clan are not disciples who have not been promoted to the Chaos level.

  "The Yu clan really wants to go to war with my Zhou clan"

  Zhou Longsu thought a lot, and finally shouted in a deep voice.

  He didn't know the true strength of the Yu clan.

  But it can be guessed.

  After all, the strength of their Zhou clan, in fact, has already been put on the table.

  After all, the Zhou clan is also a big clan.

  There have been countless years of ruling over the southern region of the Eastern Desolate Region.

  What power does it have.

  It was discovered early on.

  They are not the Yu clan with a short rise time.

  What kind of power does it have.

  It's hard to guess if they don't reveal it themselves.


  Since the Yu clan is still doing things secretly, it can be seen from the side that the Yu clan has such a posture, and it can be guessed that they are not strong enough to crush the Zhou clan.

  Otherwise, it will not, more actions are developed in the dark.

  If there is strength.

  They should have confronted the Zhou clan early.

  Now Zhou Longsu reprimanded him like this.

  That is... I want the people of the Yu clan not to be reckless.


  Their Zhou clan will not back down.

  The Zhou clan can become one of the seven major clans, and it must be bloody.

  Otherwise, how to defend one side of the country.


Chapter 973 Pretending to be tough


  Hearing this, Yu Woo didn't say much, and let out a cold snort.

  His attitude has already made his position clear! Of course, he will not arrogantly say that the Yu clan is not afraid to go to war with the Zhou clan, otherwise... he will provoke first.

  There is no order from the clan.

  If he dares to lead a war without authorization.

  No matter what the outcome, he won't end well.

  After all, the Yu clan is not ready yet, and once the war is launched in a hurry, the casualties will exceed expectations.

  It can be said.

  Even if they defeated the Zhou clan, they were still victorious.

  It is impossible to replace the Zhou clan.

  There is even a possibility that other top tribes will eat black behind their backs.

  After all, in the territory of the Zhou clan, there are also better clans with the strength of the Yu clan.

  Not to mention those... innate humans who have been hiding in the dark.

  If not so.

  The Yu clan had already attacked the Zhou clan.

  They want to replace the Zhou clan, not to plunder and run away.

  In the past when they were desperately short of resources.

  will be so.


  It's different now.

  With the resources that the Yu clan consumes every day, there is no long-term stable source of resources.

  Soon they were again in a situation of lack of resources.

  And continuing to plunder is nothing but putting the cart before the horse.

  want to be strong.

  The only right way like a tribe.

  has its own territory.

  Suppress thousands of tribes and take their resources.

  There have been enough resources to squander for generations.

  If it weren't for the Zhou clan, there would have been thousands of years of qi depletion.

  The Yu clan is an ambitious clan.

  There is no chance of a rise at all.

  After all, in terms of population and resources, the Zhou clan, which has survived for millions of years, is unimaginable.

  It is also now that the Zhou clan is slowly turning green and yellow.

  As a result, there were originally a dozen Chaos-level powerhouses.

  Since it has fallen, only seven Chaos-level powerhouses have survived.

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