Chapter Fifteen You Fight with the Contemporary Sword Master in a Bloody Battle

What’s this?!

What’s this?!

Man was also shocked and almost threw away the sword in his hand. He had never thought that technological weapons could be used in this world.

Can you even dispense gunpowder?!

Looking at the arrows from a distance, they were indeed bundled with simple explosives.

Diabel took the opportunity to wave the banner and said loudly to the soldiers who had no confidence.

“This is the weapon we will be able to defeat it! In this almost completely real world, gunpowder can also be used!”

Sure enough, the momentum rose for a while, and many players who fled also chose to return together.

This world is a little more humane than they thought. If it can be allowed to be used and controlled by humans, then there is nothing terrible about a monster no matter how powerful it is.

Only Vail’s face remained unchanged, let alone this group of people, even if they completely brought over the highest technology from the outside world, unless it was nuclear weapons that would destroy the world, it would not be enough to walk sideways in this world.

At the level of the players here, even if the missile is made, it can’t cause much damage to the high-level monsters.

Moreover, although thermal weapons can be manufactured, the resources here are limited, and an industrial system cannot be manufactured in a short time.

When the character’s fighting spirit level rises to a certain height, most of the thermal weapons will lose their effect.

The white whale was completely enraged and rushed to the people who were ready for the offensive again.

When it approached the range of fifty meters, a steel gun with explosives was projected out, causing secondary damage to him, finally exploding the heavy 340 fat, revealing the blood red inside.

Even so, the lethality of the Beluga is still terrifying, and a sip of wine swallowed a few players who could not dodge.

They became the first dead soldiers in the boss battle.

The flesh and blood broke apart in the mouth of the white whale, and this sight aroused the anger of many players.

“Laozi fights with you!!

If you are dead in this world, there are still some bloody players who take the initiative to rush and kill.

Kirito also entered the handover shortly after the offensive troops, and the wound on the body of the Beluga whale was constantly hit by the long sword and the spear.

He twisted his body and threw away the crowd, and then flew into the sky.

“Long range attack!”

Diabel was commanding from behind in an orderly manner.

He clenched his fist and saw the dead player as well, but there was no way. He had already realized it when he first saw the behemoth.

Undead is impossible!

“No! We don’t have enough gunpowder!”

A player from a large guild said to Diabel.

“It’s still too hasty, it’s stronger than I thought.

Diabel shook his head when he saw it, and then drew his knight’s sword.

“In that case, I will take the lead!”

He did what he said, and immediately stepped on a war horse and rushed in the direction of the white whale.

Everyone here is the best among millions of players, and it can be said that it is no exaggeration to choose one from a thousand.

Of course, there are also some players with professional and special skills.

It is different from Kayaba Akihiko, who only gave a special skill to the original world line.

Under the rule setting, based on their talents, there will still be some strong players.


A brilliant white light emerged from Diabel’s whole body.

Then he held up the knight’s sword, and the epee smashed a row of teeth of the beluga whale.

Forcibly knocking his body over fifty meters away, even if there is only a negligible distance.

This is the knight’s exclusive skill [Knight’s Sword, which can issue a powerful attack and repel the enemy.

But after all, the level is still very low. After Diabel’s sword, there is hardly enough vindictive support in his body.

The next moment another figure rushed out from him.

It was a serious man in a red armor, and he was the head of the trade union “Knights of the Blood Alliance”.


“Holy Sword!”

With a low cry, the shield and sword in his hand glowed purple.

Blocking the White Whale’s counterattack, he gave it another sword and stabbed it in the head, but it didn’t make much distance.

In fact, he has noticed that his administrator account is invalid at this time, and he has no invincible ability, but there is no way. He tried various methods and finally came to a conclusion.

This world has undergone changes that he could not predict, and he does not know whether this change is related to eternal technology.

He even wondered whether these millions of players and himself had crossed into a real different world!

Because the feeling of this battle is completely different from virtual games!

This skill is not a sacred sword designed by himself.

At the same time, in the process of understanding the world, he gradually denied the doubts about eternal technology in his heart.

He doesn’t think that there are any forces on the earth that can create such a near-real world!

He has investigated the flowers and plants here, and even carried out some physics experiments in this world. It turns out that almost everything in this world is the same as the real world.

What kind of existence can make this world look like this, everything here is no longer data!

So his method of manipulating data (bfj) of course does not work here.

Those NPCs also made him wonder if it was a real human being.

Heathcliff did not generate fear and anger, but had an unspeakable sense of movement for the realization of his dream.

At this moment, even knowing that there is a danger of life.

He still stood up in the direction of his childhood dream without hesitation.


Hit by the huge power of the beluga whale again, the fighting energy in his body was rapidly diminishing.

A dark shadow rushed out, and it was Kirito who couldn’t bear it.

He was originally afraid that his two-handed sword skills would cause unnecessary trouble after being exposed, but now he sees that both Diabel and the leader of the blood alliance knights have similar special skills.

So I simply stopped hiding, and directly drew out the double swords I had prepared.

“Two Swords Meteor Blast Airflow Slash!”

Dou Qi advanced, and the sword in both hands was swung with an incredible high frequency.

If you simply talk about reaction ability and physical fitness, although only a few levels of fighting spirit level, with the blessing of extraordinary power, he has far surpassed the level of a human being in a short period of time.

It can be said that it has reached the realm of inhumanity.

But only in this way, if you can deal with the beluga.

Then how can it be called one of the three major monsters that have ravaged the world from scratch for four hundred years.

Weir watched from a distance as the black swordsman used 16 combos forcibly, causing mosquito-biting injuries to the beluga whale.

Including all the previous attacks, it seems to have caused serious damage to the white whale, but in fact it did not pose a real threat at all.

Kirito was not able to continue, but many fighters with skills rushed to replace him.

It seems that there is still going on in the fight like this.

Until people suddenly discovered that the beluga whale suddenly rose to the heights in space.

A large amount of white mist was spit out from its mouth, and then spread around.

Although I don’t know the effect of white mist, even a fool knows that it is something that cannot be touched.

Where the white mist passed, the flowers, plants, stones, and wild animals under the huge tree were swallowed up.

At the same time, people actually forgot what was there originally!

“Be careful of these white mists!

People keep backing in despair, but there are still people involved in the fog, if not because of the constant reminders of the death of teammates and the decrease in the number of statistics.

Diabel and others couldn’t even notice people’s war!

“These white mists can completely swallow people from our memory!”

This truth emerged in some people’s hearts. They held their breath in amazement, and it was hard to imagine how to defeat this monster.

And the incarnation of Heathcliff Akihiko Kaaba is also terrifying, because it is just a monster, and he can freely delete the memories of all players present!

Is this really just data?!

Weir knew that the white whale who had become serious was not something this new player could deal with.

Asuna on the side was about to rush out when she saw this, but Wil grabbed her shoulders.

“Let me come.”

Asuna only felt a bright sword light breaking through the fog barrier.

A scream of whales resounded across the sky, and a large amount of mist dispersed without wind.

There was a loud noise!

People saw the beautiful scene of a huge beluga whale falling to the world against the light in the sun.

A man with a sword in one hand stood with his back in front of everyone.

A faint white light was shining on his sword.

And everyone got the system prompt at this time–

[You fought bloody battles with the only professional of the legend, the contemporary Juggernaut, so you are protected by low-level temporary protection)

[Low-level blood recovery)

【Low-grade gas】

[Low-level dodge]

【Low-level resistance】

[Low-level damage enhancement][Low-level Hawkeye]

“what is that?”

Heathcliff narrowed his eyes and murmured.

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