Chapter 68—Phrakia Empire

The Kingdom of Lugnica is a great country established by the First Generation Lion King.

It once symbolized justice and glory, strength and order.

It is not the largest country, but it is the center of the world.

In many wars with the demihumans, it was the Kingdom of Lugnica that finally made the demihumans defeated.

This is not a huge country, but it hides the strongest power in the world.

Even the witch who maintains the world order to some extent feels threatened.

It is not a threat to their individual, but a threat to the world.

Therefore, a certain witch, with no small price, drove the dragon that was meticulous to this country to the huge waterfall at the end of the world.

After the situation in the Lugonica Kingdom stabilized, the Eternal Empire also had a legitimate reason to send troops in this world.

Invited by the Kingdom of Lugnica, he joined the coalition army that conquered the Witch’s Cult of the Great Sins.

This coalition army was proposed by Vail, and more than five countries have joined it.

The Witch’s Cult, a sect that completely distorted the original meaning, seriously interfered with the order of the world, and has no reason to exist.

Weir dispatched Fujitora and Aokiji to join forces.

15 At this point, the Witch Cult’s affairs have come to an end. The Witch Cult’s chief of crimes have been killed or three arrested. The coalition forces and Fujitora are more than enough to deal with it.

After half a month in this way, the annihilation of the Witch’s Cult was unexpectedly smooth.

A large number of witches of various countries were killed or arrested.

Because of the existence of Regulus, almost all the secret eternal empire of Witch Cult can be taken out.

But after all, the Great Sin Church was not an ordinary person, and he fled to various parts of the world with some believers.

However, these witches teach the sinners and they are not reconciled, and while hiding, they don’t forget who got them into the current situation.

Soon there were rumors in some areas that if they had a mobile phone, they would be taught by the witch. Soon, because of many real examples, it was confirmed by people.

It is true that Witch Cultists will never be soft when they encounter mobile phone holders.

A town in a certain country was eventually slaughtered because of the purchase of a large number of mobile phones.

For a while, mobile phone sales have suffered a major blow. Unless the Witch’s Cult is completely eliminated, it will be difficult to gain people’s trust in a short period of time.

Of course, there is another way, and that is to set up an alarm channel for Mirror Fruit in this world.

But this violates the principles of development of the world of empire and peaceful order.

Regarding the orderly world, the empire cannot forcefully carry out rule and management.

There is no problem in cooperating with people in this world, but if you want to punish the Witch Cultists, you need a large number of powerful fighters.

This is too difficult for a country to befriend the eternal empire.

Aggie Donna gave Vale a suggestion.

“Go to the Frakia Empire, that crazy country, maybe unexpectedly it will fit you well.”

Not all countries will have a favorable impression of the Lugnica Kingdom, which occupies the center of the world, such as the Phrakia Empire in the southernmost part of the world.

This is a country somewhat similar to Sparta.

This country is known for its cruel punishments and systems, and it can be called an iron-blooded country of militarism.

Al, a subordinate of Pricia, one of the candidates for the election of the king, was once a specialty of this country [Sword Slave].

But this country is surprisingly strong in order. Although everything is cruel and cold, it runs strictly in accordance with a certain order that they have established.

This has never stopped for thousands of years.

The scarlet bride Pricia married six husbands. Every time her husband died accidentally, she inherited a huge family property, part of which came from this country.

This is also the region where the entire continent has the most serious boycott of mobile phones, and it does not mean anything friendly to the eternal empire.

Because Wil’s idea of ​​abolishing slavery had a fundamental contradiction with their country.

And it is irreconcilable.

Although it is also an empire, its emperor’s position is seized by the strongest of the country. Before Vil appeared in this world, he had always had the title of the strongest king.

This is a country ruled by force through and through.

Anything can be dealt with by fighting, the strong have dignity, and the weak are the original sin.

It also lags far behind other countries in terms of civilization. Although the Kingdom of Rognika looks like that, it is really quite high in comparison.

Weir walked in the capital of the Phrakia Empire, feeling the sweet air here.

There was a pungent smell everywhere, with blood and putrid smell mixed in.

The vast majority of the people in the royal capital were wearing rough armor, showing a part of the body that was tangled and powerful, and there were few people who didn’t carry weapons.

They swept indifferently to the strangers who walked into the city and the surroundings, and then walked away disdainfully.

Weir only brought Rem, who took care of the daily life, because Fujitora and Aokiji were responsible for suppressing the Witch Cult, and their images were too high-profile.

If the empire itself is not too cold in a country, if Vail is discovered, then the follow-up things don’t need to be unfolded.

A huge arena for battle is in the center of the royal capital. This is the largest arena for battle on the continent.

Wil and Leim stood in front of the majestic building 323, and then stopped.

“Your Majesty, we just come here and don’t welcome our country, don’t we need to report it?”

Lem walked behind Will and asked quietly.

Weir shook his head, handed in the tickets for two silver coins, and then walked in with Rem.

The price is very low, at least too low for fighters fighting to the death in the arena.

The roars and cheers of the crowds rang out, and people shouted the names of supporting fighters.

[Ferocious Pig] and [Black Blood Wolf

They are called that.

I have to say that this name is really not tasteful.

But it is really because there are too many soldiers who fought and died here, so it is difficult to find a few names that have not been repeated.

But it doesn’t matter, people don’t care about it either.

There are not only two people in the primitive and bloody arena.

Lem was shocked to see a huge pighead who looked like Ma Sang, with blood red eyes coming out, and standing opposite him was a black-haired werewolf tribe with three immortal blood stains on his body.

At the same time, more than a dozen human or subhuman slaves were released from several passages, and they walked out tremblingly with their weapons in their hands.

These people are just guys who don’t even deserve a name, and are collectively called–

[Sword Slave].

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