Chapter Twenty: Reinharut’s Choice and Resistance to Slave Acquisition

Only then did he realize that Vail’s conspiracy against him was not just as simple as using future news to exchange who met Firut first.

Because the opponent found Filut first, it can also be said that Filut is already in the same camp with Ver.

No matter what his purpose is, it is impossible to make up for past regrets by stepping over Will.

In other words, if he wants to support Filut now, it is actually equivalent to supporting Vale.

In a sense, Vere was able to influence him to some extent by influencing Filut.

Of course he can also choose to ignore Filut as if he hadn’t seen anything.

But for a real knight, it is impossible for him to do so.

Since I saw Firut, I must make up for the mistake my grandfather made.

But Reinharut will not regret it.

He just smiled in relief, and then slowly half-kneeled on the ground under Firut’s somewhat panicked gaze.

Your Royal Highness, in order to make up for the mistakes that you have lost in the past, I will become your knight and swear to protect you and take back everything that belongs to you. ”

All this is very easy to understand.

If it weren’t for the negligence of his grandfather Wilhelm, Ferut, as a princess, would not have been left to the people for more than ten years.

If Filut did not leave the people behind, then there is no need for the king to do anything at this time.

310 In the case that all members of the royal family died of illness, she was directly the only heir to the throne.

It can be said that it was because of her grandfather that she lost the throne that should have belonged to her.

Therefore, the Cavaliers believe that Firut is the only one eligible to inherit the throne among the four candidates.

The Asteria family has been loyal to the royal family for generations, and this has never changed.

It is impossible for him to support being the king of his own country as the other two foreigners, let alone accept the Karlstern family as the king of his fellow ministers.

As for the remaining half-elf Emilia, it is even more impossible.

So even if the election of the king did not get the final result, Vail believed that everything was already doomed, and Firut would inevitably become the final winner of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Weir looked at the knight, and the two looked at each other, feeling inexplicably sympathetic.

Because Vil can also understand the anger of Saint Rein Harut’s sword.

The anger of a knight who could not express his anger on his face.

Obviously, Ferut had everything rightly, but was ignored by all the nobles and sage councils.


As the duke of the kingdom, the Karsten family should be a competitor to see the princess of the kingdom.

Are foreign businessmen and leaders eligible to run for the throne of their own country?

And this half-elf…

Rein Harut can clearly see the ground, behind which there is a pair of invisible hands controlling everything, but he can only move forward in accordance with the opponent’s layout.

It is difficult to break the game, and even unable to find someone who can understand him.

But at this moment, he could clearly feel that the emperor not only understood him, but even possessed the ability to break the game.

After Reinharut showed allegiance to Filut, he left Vail’s mansion, and he had other things to do.

And leaving Firut here, he is also very relieved.

Because of what the fourth candidate found, he must immediately report to the Council of the Wise Men and announce that the election meeting will be held soon.

This news was quickly spread to all sides of the mainland through various channels.

The weather here seems to be mostly sunny.

Weir rarely sees rain here, Emilia and Filut are following him, in addition to Subaru Nayuki and Chief Guard Fujitora as his entourage.

“Before leaving here, at least visit the capital city and take a good look at this place.”

That’s what Will said to Emelia, who has been living in the mansion for a few days.

In order not to show favoritism, he also called Firut by the way.

“I am not a person who owns the wealth of a country like you. I am very poor. I am still owed a lot of money by someone.”

Firut said with his arms in his arms.

The Pleiades Caiyue on the side was a bit frantic. He knew that the other party was talking about the fifty gold coins promised by the woman when she stole the badge.

“Hey, hey, that’s not your money.”

Several people were walking on the road when they suddenly saw a carriage going outside the city with a group of people locked in cages.

They are humans and sub-races. They were heavily handcuffed with mirrors and huddled in the car with their faces ashes.

Wilton stopped, squinted his eyes and looked at the carriage, saw the special emblem on the carriage and wrote it down.

He didn’t make any blocking action, even if he knew that all the slave trade in this country should be monopolized by him.

Because he has no way to prevent slaves from other countries from being brought to this country, the other party can choose not to sell them to him, and then take them to other countries for trafficking.

He has given a high enough price and the other party is still unwilling to sell, what does this mean.

The businessman is chasing profit, but Will does not believe that there are people with more money than him.

That is to say, somewhere there is still a force he doesn’t know is obstructing his act of acquiring slaves, and it is through means other than money.

The slaves on the carriage attracted the attention of several people, and both Emilia and Firut fell silent.

At this time, Weier also put forward his own request in a timely manner.

“I have one thing I want to ask both of you.

Filut and Emelia looked at Weier with some doubts.

“Slavery is a savage and evil backward system. I hope that any one of you who becomes a king can abolish this system within your territory.

Emilia and Firut agreed ignorantly, but the Pleiades Caiyue on the side looked at him as if they had met Will for the first time.

Unexpectedly, “You guy is a good king.”

Coming from modern society, he does not have much sense of awe for the existence of the emperor.

Weir smiled and didn’t say a word. He was just thinking about the “death recovery” ability of Subaru Caiyue, whether he should download it or not.

This ability can be said to be absolutely powerful, and the probability of being downloaded by him is very high. After all, it is not an ability of blood inheritance, but more similar to a skill.

But if this ability is downloaded, whether it can play the same role in other worlds is unknown, and he is unwilling to activate it in a deadly manner.

The only way is to change the passive to the active and optimize the upgrade download.

Lord Rom slapped Cai Yueang’s head with a slap, and then said leisurely.

“Idiot, can’t you learn how to be respectful to a king?”

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