Chapter 13 The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on upgraded

Can kill ghosts with a gun, why use a knife?

Because of the special nature of the Sunken Knife, it is extremely rare, so it is difficult to use it as a consumable bullet.

But wisteria flower poison, which is a deadly poison for ghosts, is not a consumable!

Although Vail’s gun is more special, it is not a simple wisteria flower poison bullet, but he believes that if the wisteria flower is used as a raw material, the effect will not be much worse.

Chanel watched the huge metal shimmering heavy machine gun closely, stroking the barrel of the gun that was still warm, even if it was a little hot, she still reluctant to give up.

It was the same as the first time I knew that the sun wheel can kill ghosts, and the first time I knew the special ability called breathing technique.

It’s even like the shock of the worldview shattered when I first encountered a ghost.

“How did you do it?”

Chanel picked up the bullet shell on the ground. The purple-gold bullet shell had a special spiral pattern.

“If wisteria flowers are used to make special bullets, even ordinary people can use such weapons to kill ghosts.

Weir picked up a complete purple-gold bullet 15 and handed it to her.

In fact, this bullet has also undergone a special “enchanting process. The last time Ville got Chanel’s Sunwheel Knife, she had secretly shattered her knife slightly.

No matter how rare they are, they are actually a kind of consumable. The frequency of replacement of the swords by the swordsmen of the ghost killing team is not too low.

Basically, it is certain to replace one handle every year. Only the ghost killing team swordsman who is as strong as the pillar level will hold a Sunwheel sword for a long time to prevent serious damage.

After obtaining part of the fragments of the Sunwheel Knife, the Empire conducted experimental research and finally recovered many elements in it.

Facts have proved that it is indeed a knife with a certain amount of radiation, and long-term holding will cause some special effects on the human body.

Weir suspects that the opening of the so-called “Madara pattern” may be related to these radiations.

After all, the poor rely on upgrading, and the rich rely on technology.

With the strength of the empire, of course it is to take a reliable scientific and technological route.

As long as Will is willing, investing a certain amount of time and other costs, it will only be a matter of time before the minerals used by the Sun Wheel Knife are copied.

Even deeper improvements can be made.

At this moment, the empire can take the initiative to expose certain items to the sun’s radiation at close range.

These bullets are the product of Weir’s use of the Imperial spacecraft to be exposed to radiation, and there is also a certain amount of wisteria flower solvent in it.

In fact, this [sun enchantment] cost is very high, and the effect is not very good.

What really killed this ghost was the wisteria flower poison and the powerful physical blasting power.

It is impossible to do much damage to the ghosts with a simple sun-wheel knife, but the wisteria flower poison is different. As long as the measurement is enough, it is not impossible to kill ghosts of this level.

The effect of pure physical blasting ability is very limited. In the original world line, Gui Wu Guowu was seriously injured by gunpowder, but in fact, he can recover soon.

What was really fatal was the special medicine injected by Zhushi afterwards, which greatly reduced his recovery ability.

So in other words, as long as the amount of gunpowder is large enough, even if the ghost Wuqian is not miserable, even if the opponent’s recovery ability is suppressed.

On the basis of this theory, Weier believed that [Mieguirewu] is a feasible way to science and technology.

Chanel was fascinated, and she had thought of countless ordinary people slaughtering ghosts with such weapons, and she fell into excitement for a while.

At the same time, he couldn’t help looking at Will, who was this guy on earth.

“How much can such a weapon be produced?” She asked a key question.

“As long as there is enough land and resources, there is no problem with how much production,” Weier took her to the half-scattered town. “This is the reason we can cooperate. I need land and resources. You want to kill ghosts. arms.”

“It’s only me who can support you to do this in this world.”

Chanel quickly realized that even such a weapon poses a powerful and deadly threat to humans!

The special burst firearm just now, even if she is completely familiar with it, it is difficult to avoid it.

“I understand.”

Chanel nodded, feeling a little complicated and heavy for a while.

There is no initial excitement, is it really a good thing that such a weapon is being used by a human master?

In fact, the empire does not have the ability to manufacture these special bullets in large quantities. It’s easy to say firearms, but bullets require a huge number of wisteria flowers.

Wherever Wil is in Black Snow City, even plants are rare…

The previous batch was purchased especially from merchants who traveled here, and many empire members were sent to other villages or cities to purchase gold.

The cost is really not low, because the quantity required is too large, so it is not cost-effective to use the plane channel to transport.

Weir plans to build several huge planting bases in this world to plant wisteria flowers.

“The lord I’m waiting for has agreed to talk to you. If you don’t mind, you can communicate tomorrow through the mobile phone you created.”

Chanel said to Will.

“This is a letter from the Lord.”

In the words, she subconsciously added honorifics, because although the other party looks very young, but 230 is already enough to have a fair dialogue with the Lord from all aspects.

This is a man who intends to conquer the world.

What’s really scary is that he still has this ability!

After receiving the letter, Weir opened it and glanced at it.

“Sincerely, Wil -kun–”

Probably the content is about admiration for Weier’s creation of a mobile phone, and talking with Weier on the phone.

Early the next morning, Chanel was awakened by the noise outside.

She was stunned and hugged the Sunwheel Knife, washed, dressed and walked out the door, and then saw a huge wastelander robot lining up and walking out of the city gate…

Started a day of hard work.

Some of the drivers driving the pioneers are native humans, not their talents. This is what we learned.

It’s because after Weir gave the mobile phone, using the downloading ability allowed them to acquire basic driving skills.

More than that, in the past half month, Vale has also downloaded many different technologies and capabilities to trusted subordinates in this world in various fields.

Finance, science, smelting, management, geography, driving skills, and even combat capabilities.

This is the core strength that Weier relies on for vertical and horizontal development and development in many planes. Compared with the slow cultivation of others, he can build a mature civilization in a very short period of time.

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