Chapter 50 I am Iron Man!

The Iron Lord was led by Tony to the top of the Stark Tower.

His sanity at this time had dropped to an extremely low level, and it was impossible to detect Tony’s thoughts.

And he is not a technical man, he can barely be regarded as a capital elite.

As the two tail flames drifted across the sky, the two entangled and collided at the top of the Stark Tower.


Hawkeye’s continuous shooting has caused a lot of damage to Iron Overlord, but in fact, he did not operate because of mechanical principles at all.

So even if the electronic system of his body is destroyed, he can still move freely.

“This thing is like a human with broken arms and legs, which can still run normally.” Barton said helplessly.

A rocket of the Iron Overlord nearly injured the innocent people near Stark Industries, and was dangerously blocked by Tony. His face helmet was hit by a magic bullet ~ directly.

This is also one of the defects of the Mark II. The strength and integrity of the material are not strong.

Tony’s face was exposed to people’s sight for the first time. Someone was lucky enough to photograph the real face of Iron Man and upload it on the Internet.

But because of the vagueness and darkness, people just speculated and talked about it for a while.

Because of such a billionaire, the golden boy of science and technology in the United States, could he be the heroic iron man who fought to death on the front line?

This is strange in itself.

“It’s enough here, guys.”

Tony Stark seized the opportunity and instantly overloaded the reactor of the Stark Industrial Building one by one


As a soaring blue beam of light rose from the top of the building, the overloaded high-energy radiation hit the Iron Overlord.

He struggled with his body in pain, but in this huge nuclear power, even the remaining magical power of Domam was greatly affected for a while.


The whole New York people saw the blue beam of light rising from the sky, and the sea of ​​black clouds that directly led to the sky, with a little electric light at the end.

Iron Bawang’s body was fragmented little by little in this kind of high-energy radiation.

“It looks like it’s over.” Natasha said with a sigh of relief.

Tony Stark looked at the fragmented and disappeared Iron Overlord without a word for a long time.

He knows that everything is not that simple.

This overload of high-energy radiation may affect the operation of all electronic equipment and cause irreversible and huge damage to living organisms.

But it is impossible to make such a direct and fragmented disappearance.

So… is this really over?

Tony stood on the spot vigilantly for a long time. After a long time, he still didn’t see the sign and figure of the rebirth of the Iron Overlord. Only then did he return to Stark Industries to meet with Pepper Poz again in confusion.

The aftermath was handed over to the official and S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury was used to it.

This is the first real team battle of the Avengers.

There are AD, assassins, fighters, and wet nurses?

This battle proved that Nick Fury had always imagined that it was exactly what he imagined should exist.

If there were no Avengers, what would an existence like Iron Overlord do in the end?

When many New Yorkers woke up early the next morning, they knew what happened last night.

The number of views on various newspapers and websites has skyrocketed. Although it is not as shocking as the arrival of angels, the identity of Iron Man is also an anecdote that people talk about.

“Mr. Stark, please come out! Someone witnessed him fighting on the streets of New York in a steel suit yesterday. I don’t know what he thinks about it?”

“Is Tony Stark Iron Man?”

“We want to see Mr. Stark!”

Reporters were crowded with reporters everywhere, people were surging, and all kinds of cameras were on the battlefield.

The water confined in front of the Stark Industrial Building was blocked.

This has seriously affected the normal operation of Stark Industries, and Poz and Harpy are discussing how to deal with it anxiously.

But Tony Stark rubbed his temples silently and played with that feather.

He was thinking about whether Obadea was dead or not.

Thinking about what I did yesterday can be evaluated in front of the empire.

Think about what to do to improve the overall human score.

“Tony, are we going to respond? If your identity is exposed, it may have a big impact on you.” Poz said seriously to Tony.

We must know that the technology of steel suits leads the world in all aspects. If the military is not greedy, it is impossible.

Various pressures, both inside and outside of the earth, were all on Tony.

He subconsciously thought, if it were Uncle Will, how would he deal with this situation?

Ask for flowers

“Please give me some more time, Poz.” Tony muttered to himself.

Poz looked at the man distressedly, and then solemnly nodded.

“If you are tired, I can help you respond to them.”

“No, I only need a little time to think… Tony feels that he has already grasped that crucial point.

If this is an exam, test scores determine people’s future.

The empire is the examiner behind it.

What he assesses is justice, goodness and beauty, all positive energy.

Just like the qualities possessed by angels.

Everything that people do affects their score in the Empire, and this final score determines the future of the earth.


Does he still have the qualifications for the exam now?

This can be understood at any time-people who know the answer to the test paper cannot be called an exam.

For example, Tony, who already knows that the empire will conduct assessments, will deliberately cater to the empire when doing anything to get a high score.

This kind of purposeful deliberate may only lower the score in the eyes of the empire.

So he must not tell anyone else about the imperial assessment, because once told them, they will lose the identity of the candidate like Tony.

What he has to do is to carry this heavy hope of billions of human beings, conceal all this, and try his best to guide them towards the development of the empire.

At this time Tony realized that he wanted to be one, and more than just a hero.

So he stood up slowly.

“I see, Poz, let’s go down.”

Tony walked downstairs surrounded by Harpy and Pepper Poz. In front of many reporters, he raised his hand, and everyone closed their mouths for a while.

The shots were aimed at Tony, shooting sounds sometimes sounded, and the flashes kept lighting up.

People just expect Tony to give them an answer.

So he gave it.

On this day, under the background of the reconstruction of the top of the Tony Stark Industrial Building.

Tony waved his hand loudly and forcefully, speaking to everyone.

“I am Iron Man!

This picture freezes for a while, and it will become an eternal classic story, and perhaps it will still be acclaimed by people for more years. corpse

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