Chapter 8 Finding Wakanda

Zhenjin, one of the most precious metals known on earth.

It is not a product of the earth, but comes from a meteorite that passed the earth thousands of years ago.

Vibrating gold is also one of the hardest materials in the entire earth at the same time. Not only that, but also has a powerful effect of absorbing energy, which can dissolve all material or energy blows.

On the entire earth, except for Vail, this precious metal was originally only present when the vibrating meteorite fell on the earth.

All the vibrating gold in other places has been scattered from that source for thousands of years.

Either because of wars, or for various reasons, for thousands of years, even if the source of Zhenjin’s pursuit is hidden, it is impossible not to escape at all.

But this is indeed a rare non-renewable resource.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Howard would absolutely not believe that besides Wakanda, there would be people in this world who were extravagant to pave the ground with vibrating gold.

Because of this, he felt a little anxious.

But before considering those questions, the nature of Howard’s capitalist still asked him.

“My friend, you said you would give me some, right?

Weir waved his hand indifferently, and said to Bing on the side.

“When he leaves, let him take a ton away.

“Yes, boss.” Bing replied respectfully without expression.

Good guys.

Howard took a breath of air, and this shot was a ton?

Except for Wakanda, there is not so much vibration on the entire earth!

Howard felt that he was really knowledgeable.

But this level is acceptable to him.

After all…Weir already looked like this when he was a kid.

He even worked as a teacher for a period of time and taught him a lot of knowledge.

Howard is a pure scientism, so he thinks Well must have unimaginable achievements in biology.

This is the reason why he can change his genes to show his youthful appearance, and he has a long lifespan.

This is not surprising, after all, the military has also developed a similar super soldier, and it seems that it has successfully produced a monster.

There is no reason why the more terrifying dimension of scientific research is inferior to the military.

He has been trying to spy on Well’s secrets for twenty years, but he has never succeeded.

“I can’t eat a ton, maybe a hundred catties is okay|?”

And “I understand now that the vibrating from Brook Lin came from you. You may not know that there are some people looking for vibrating”

“I mean… Actually, before you came, I had guessed that you had a lot of vibrating gold in your hand, but I didn’t expect that there would be so much.

Howard hesitated, but years of trust made him continue to speak.

In fact, “The vibrato in my hand was not obtained from the military.”

This made Will look slightly, he smiled and put down the cup in his hand, Howard was able to tell him that these really regarded him as a good friend.

So he didn’t sell him to Howard.

“Is it from Wakanda?

Howard was really surprised now.

“You actually know Wakanda?

On the surface, Wakanda is just a poor Blackland country, but in fact it was the fall of Zhenjin thousands of years ago.

So they own the only Zhenjin mine in the world, it can be said that the real home has a mine.

Materials are the foundation of all applied sciences.

With the help of vibrating metal, a powerful metal material, they developed a technology far beyond the earth.

It is currently the most powerful country in science and technology on the planet, and there is no one.

For Wakanda, Zhenjin is a gift from God, their most precious wealth, and it also has religious significance.

Fearing that the outside world would be able to shake up the gold when they knew the truth about Wakanda, they closed Wakanda and disguised the country as backward.

Howard is one of the few outside humans who knows the existence of Wakanda.

His current King Tchaka of Wakanda is a friend, and the two have established a good friendship. Out of trust in Howard, the other party gave him some vibrancy.

At the same time Howard also knew that Wakanda would reclaim all the vibrating oaths left out.

For them, Zhenjin is not only wealth, but also a belief.

After seeing the huge amount of vibrato here in Vail, Howard began to worry that Wakanda would come to him.

“You know Wakanda, you must know their attitude towards Zhenjin.”

“I think if you don’t care about this thing, you can sell it all to me, it is better to return it.” Howard thought for a while and said.

“My Zhenjin here has nothing to do with Wakanda.

Weir smiled and said that he can understand Wakanda’s attitude towards Zhenjin, but his Zhenjin here really has nothing to do with Wakanda’s dime.

“And let me be honest, you may not be able to afford so many vibrates.

This sentence made Howard stunned for a moment, and then said with an awkward smile.

“That’s the same, but are you ready for a conflict with them?”

He actually felt that Wakanda’s practice of taking all the vibrating gold as his own was a bit too much, but who made God prefer them so much.

Before Will answered, he heard Bing suddenly say.

Boss “Here is another guest.”

A car rushed into the villa with a very tough attitude and directly smashed through the large decorative iron door outside.

The shape of the car is very ordinary compared to the car of this era, but its performance is by no means comparable to the car of this era.

Howard’s expression changed slightly, and he immediately realized who the visitor was.

“They are here,” he reminded.

Weier said nothing, but silently watched the car parked in the yard, and the ordinary security guards of the villa surrounded them with guns.

Soon two black people got out of the car. They pressed Wack, the tycoon of the major league shipping industry, who was a fanatic of angels.

Wacker was a bit blue and swollen at this time, but Qian Qian’s angrily looked at the two of them, with a look that he would rather die than surrender.

“Let them come over,” Weir said.

Angel Bing, who was about to take action, nodded immediately and informed the people outside through communication.

Soon the two of them led WACKER into the villa and came in front of Vail and Howard.

Wacker was thrown to the ground indifferently by one of the blacks who were obviously lower in status.

“Ahem! Boss! I didn’t betray you…

Wacker immediately kowtowed to Bing and Weier in fear, he could die or lose everything, but he could not lose the chance to go to heaven.

“Get up.” Will said to him with a smile.

In fact, he told these people who would follow voluntarily and have always had a karma, that they are not a mafia and do not need to be so sincere and fearful, but they respect the pool even more.

Wacker did not dare to say anything, and barely got up and stood limping to the side.

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