Chapter 69 You Are Back

“The known universe has lost more than 80% of its life in this millennium. This is a huge loss of the known universe.

“It is true that it must be admitted that one of the main war criminals of this war is the great demon Koronzon that the empire exiled to this universe.

“But it is foreseeable that without the existence of Koronzon, Shinigami Carl will be enough to destroy the entire known universe and transform all life into a void body.”

“Therefore, the Empire has no reason to be responsible for the consequences of this matter.

Weir gave a briefing to the entire universe, and no matter what he was going to do, he must also explain clearly to the universe.

The empire actually owes no one.

Because in this millennium, there have indeed been countless cosmic civilizations accusing the empire of bringing Coronzon to this universe, and accusing the emperor of fighting Karl and Coronzon.

Many of them think that if the eternal empire does not appear in this universe, Shinigami Karl will not necessarily do anything extraordinary.

After hearing Weier’s explanation, there are bound to be people who are unwilling to accept it.

“Even so, I can still declare in the name of the imperial emperor that I am willing to give all civilizations in the known universe a choice.”

“Resurrect all the lives that died because of the cosmic war.”

“But this is from the perspective of the justice and order of the universe, not the empire’s compensation.”

Well’s speech immediately shocked the entire known universe.

Even in the past thousand years, they have had a long-term understanding of the eternal empire, but it is also unbelievable that Vail can resurrect the entire universe who died due to war.

Another year after that, the entire universe emerged from the shadow of war.

At this time, all the existing civilizations in the universe have already begun to prepare for the upcoming Universal Federation Conference.

The meeting will decide by voting whether or not to resurrect those who died because of the war.

This is a very serious issue.

Because in a thousand years, different civilizations continued to multiply, and then died because of the war, the combined population is far beyond imagination.

For example, take the earth as an example. At its peak, the population was only 10 billion. Once everyone who died for a thousand years is resurrected, the population will instantly exceed hundreds of billions.

And it is the common life of human beings of all ages.

This is equivalent to that the people on Earth in 2020 will live together with the people of all dynasties starting in 1020.

Can imagine what kind of situation this is like.

In fact, many scholars have begun to think that this cosmic war is actually a nuclear baptismal existence, and people should face it squarely and accept it.

The current population structure is very superior. Although 80% has been lost, according to the law of development of the universe, the population of the top civilization is not huge.

But if the civilizations of the universe give up the promise of resurrection given by the imperial emperor, they are unwilling.

Because in such an era of great cosmos waiting to be rejuvenated, the most indispensable and lacking thing is population.

Not all civilizations follow the elite line of angel civilization, or they can be indifferent to compatriots who died in the past.

After a whole decade of quarreling in this meeting, the Universe Federation finally reached a consensus.

In the end they demanded to give up the resurrection of the dead.

This choice was a little bit beyond Vale’s expectations. He was almost ready to consume the magic of the universe to do this.

In this case, it would take thousands of years to restore the magic of this universe.

The year 1030 of the Federal Age.

It has been more than a thousand years since Vail and the Eternal Empire descended on the earth.

Above the earth, the original Juxia City.

After thousands of years of wind and frost, dozens of destruction and reconstruction, this place has become the political and economic center of the Earth’s federal government.

Although such a long time has passed, technology has not brought any extreme development changes to mankind.

It’s just that the earth has realized the gene of the whole people, and all the people on the earth are at least equivalent to the previous generation of super fighters.

At this level, a large number of technologies themselves have lost the value and significance of their existence.

Human lifespan has also made a great breakthrough. Although it is only a generation of super fighters, it has been able to live for more than a thousand years.

It is known that the genetic technology of the universe is due to various reasons such as technological level, direction and energy limitation. Sometimes the life span of super fighters of the same generation in different civilizations is also different.

For example, the average age of the civilians of Lieyang Star can live more than three thousand years, but they have given up all powerful forces and completely stack their genes on how to prolong their lives.

Another example is angels. Even the first generation angels have a life span of at least Ten Thousand Years.

This is because angels have developed genetic technology to the pinnacle, reaching the perfect form that a generation of super genes can achieve.

They sacrificed the males of the race, sacrificed the huge population, and only kept a mere one million angel tribe, and they were able to do this in the end.

So angels once said that angels are the most perfect life in this universe.

This is the reason.

If you change to the earth, even if you can live a Ten Thousand Years, but only men or women are left in the entire race, then the population will grow from a scale of tens of billions to only one million people forever.

They will never want to.

Shenhe Civilization rebuilt a huge super seminary in Juxia City.

They are committed to spreading the idea of ​​Shenhe, although under the premise that the eternal empire is now popular, the market is already small.

But Shenhe Civilization does not give up.

After a lapse of thousands of years, Well re-entered this completely different school, feeling a little bit emotional in his heart.

Soon he saw the principal of Super Seminary, the teacher Ryze who had rushed over a thousand years ago.

“,” Your Majesty Vail, I didn’t expect you to come back here|”Ryze hasn’t seen Vail in person for thousands of years.

“For me, it was just a fight.” Vale didn’t think the time spent in the battle counted as time.

A battle of that level, a battle of gods (of money) that takes the destruction of the universe as a bet and price, is nothing but a thousand years.

It has been more than 13.7 billion years since the birth of a universe!

“We basically retain the style of the school a thousand years ago, and you should be able to meet a lot of acquaintances.” Ryze said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Wil has heard a familiar voice.

“You idiots! I’m a goddess! Teaching you here is already giving you a lot of face. You can’t learn such a thing. It’s better to find a pit and bury yourself!

Di Rena remained the same, still the same as in the past, after all, for a god like her, there can be no actual appearance change for a thousand years.

She seemed to feel the gazes of Ryze and Will, and turned to look at them. When she saw Will, she was stunned, and then her face quickly showed joy.

When it came to her lips, she didn’t know what to say, and finally asked.

“You… are back?” Chi,

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