"How should I say it's probably the kind of... the blackening that often occurs in TV dramas and movies, I have always treated others with tenderness, but suddenly I found that my tenderness did not bring good results, and my mentality collapsed and became A uh, bad guy!"

"So, she really is"

"You don't know, your mother was also a very kind person in the past. Although she has the ability to absorb life force and gain youth, she never uses it actively. It's all people in the village who voluntarily donate it!"

Lu Yi is not a beautification, she was like this before.

Of course, it's just her before. Now she's completely changed. On the bright side, she may seem to be good, but secretly she is a person who will do anything to achieve her goals.

Skye used the Force to feel this too.

From the first time she saw her mother, Skye had realized who her mother was.

Just like his own father, there are certain problems.

Fortunately, there was no problem with their relationship.

Others can be ignored temporarily!No matter how many questions they have, they can still have more questions from Lu Yi, "What's the matter with me?"

Lu Yi can't be dumb.

"You said how many things you did secretly, can my parents compare to you?"

All right!Really can't compare!Lu Yi shut up! "How are you going to deal with your parents' problems?" Let's not deal with it temporarily. We have been separated for a while, and we are still very familiar with it. Let's talk about it after we are more familiar with it! "

Skye is not stupid! "up to you!"

"By the way, I told my parents just now that I'm going to accompany them, and I may have to leave for a while!"

"it is good!"

It's human nature, and Lu Yi can't stop it! "There are still some things in the refrigerator, don't forget to eat, by the way, you ate half a bag of corn leftover before"

"Okay, I know it all!"

Lu Yi interrupted helplessly.

If Skye were to go on, it would really be endless.

That's all!Skye and Lu Yi ended their secret relationship

During the call, Skye also told his parents what he had just told Lu Yi.

The two naturally agreed.

Although they say they have no problem with their daughter having a boyfriend, they are more concerned about being able to be alone with their daughter.

Especially after what happened before.

"Lu Yi, send us to my mother!"

Skye seemed to have discussed it with his parents and said to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi also had no objection. After snapping his fingers to send the family of three away, he turned his attention to the body of Daniel Whitehall in a wheelchair.

After a short pause, Lu Yi snapped his fingers again.

The body of Daniel Whitehall was cleaned up.

Lu Yi didn't want to leave a person's body here.

The Daniel Whitehall affair is over for now.

But some other things don't end there!SHIELD

Headquarters!Rumlow looked at the open space in front of him with a headache.

I thought I was a S.H.I.E.L.D.

The inner head of Hydra is a very comfortable thing, but after he really became a leader, Rumlow realized that he thought too much.

Not only did I not become: comfortable, but I kept losing my hair every day.

Sorrow!There are so many things to deal with every day, Nick Fury is still constantly reviewing, there are too many things to worry about every day.

Rumlow felt really bald.

Especially the last few days.

A few days ago, in order to be able to contact a person at the headquarters, Rumlow deliberately provided a piece of information involving Daniel Whitehall, which was barely a successful conclusion of an alliance.

But then, came a very bad news.

The company building where Daniel Whitehall was located was bombed, most of Daniel Whitehall's men were wiped out, and Daniel Whitehall himself disappeared.

All that remained was a trail of blood trailing with the word tragic.

According to some documents from the scene, a guy wearing a very special battle uniform suddenly appeared, then destroyed the building, vaporized a person, and dragged Daniel Whitehall, who was finally excavated, to disappear. in an open portal.

And according to Rumlow's sixth sense, this guy is the guy who contacts him.

Then, everything went a little bad!Now Hydra is frantically searching for the origin of all this, looking for Daniel Whitehall who may have leaked the news.

Once people know that he is an accomplice here, the final result will not be particularly good.

"What is the situation of that guy is a hydra, as for how ruthless?"

Rumlow said more than once.

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