Chapter 116 .


Screams erupted from all over the Grand Hall. Because everything that had just happened was far from common sense.

The Paladin, who had been sleeping for 200 years, has awakened. He slaughtered the bishop with a demonic appearance. A green light flying from somewhere pierced such a paladin.

The cadets couldn’t understand anything. I was just shocked and turned white.

The professor who was sitting in the first row raised his upper body and shouted loudly.

“Don’t panic! Leave the temple for now! Get out of here in order!”

Professor Garp was a man with a lot of practical experience. In a crisis situation, I was well aware of the role of the controller.

Don’t panic your kids. I had to calmly lead and ensure the safety of the students.

“Fabien, Jeanne, go out first! It’s the reverse of when you enter! hurry!”

The entrance was narrower than expected, so it could not handle the rushing crowd. If it rushes, secondary damage will occur.

Fortunately, no such misfortune happened. Most of the students of Imperial Seminary School were elite. The controls were pretty good. It was the result of training in preparation for the real battle.

Two by one, they started leaving the temple.

1st row, even the latest in turn waited for their turn without hesitation. However, he could not take his eyes off the paladin buried in the rubble.

Theseeria said.

“Ah, Elsa. are you okay?”

Elsa was in a state of shock. I saw the bishop’s death up close, and the severed head rolled right in front of me. He was also nearly killed by the paladins.

You can’t be sober.

Elsa opened her mouth with a stiff face.

“Eh, what the hell is this…”

“I don’t know, but one thing is for sure. It wasn’t normal for His Majesty Paladin. That must have been Magi.”

Theseeria was naturally highly sensitive to demonic energy.

Elsa swallowed dryly and nodded.

“······Eyes were also red. Like the demons of the Kyuhwan world.”

Red eyes were a characteristic of those from the Kyu-hwan line of the Demon King.

Theseseria looked at the spilled pile of stones and said.

“Your Empress has never allowed herself to be possessed by a demon. It does not make sense. This.”

It was true. Humanity’s greatest hero, Kassiris. No Bible describes his failure or fall. In fact, it was. Paladins were virtuous paladins until the moment they were sealed away.

Elsa swallowed and said.

“I saw it right in front of my eyes. If it hadn’t come to me… I’d probably be dead.”

Bunches of vines well over 10 meters tall were sticking out from the rubble. It was twisted and looked strong and hard.

Theseeria looked at Pama’s arrow and narrowed her brows.

“It is not a weapon of the church. No divinity at all…”

At that time, the pile of stones moved slightly.

The students who were watching trembled.

“What, what is it?”

“It moved! I saw it!”

“Tea, it must be an illusion.”

Strands of golden light began to emerge. The moment the children backed away, the gauntlet appeared out of nowhere through the rubble.

“excuse me!”

“Ooh, it moves.”

The gauntlet hit the ground. It was trembling and shaking. as if giving strength.

The piled up stones tumbled out.

A golden helmet rises slowly. Starting with the neckline, the upper body gradually rose.

The paladin, armed with golden armor, revealed a new type again. Holy Ganro (神聖干櫓). Green vines were entangled in the shield that blocked it unconditionally.

Dark red eyes stared at the cadets.

I just couldn’t calm down. As a terrible malice oppressed the hall, several vomited and blacked out.

Convulsed, convulsed, or burst into tears. Crowds began to gather at the entrance.

Professor, even Garp froze.

The transcendence was overlaid with demonic energy, giving off a very distant presence.

Garp was brainwashed.

“Everyone, everyone warm up…”

At that moment, Paladin moved. He roared and roared across the ground. In the blink of an eye, he passed the professor and stopped again.

I didn’t even have time to react. The professor’s waist was cut in half. His upper body soared into the air, viscera and blood pouring down.

The pure white floor of the temple was stained red.

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The crucible of frenzy has begun. Everyone screamed and ran towards the entrance.

Theseeria gripped Elsa’s hand tightly.

“Let’s go too! hurry!”

He somehow managed to lead Elsa, who had hardened while nailed to the ground.

Before they could seep into the crowd, the paladins moved again. I turned my head and looked at Theseeria.

With a strange sensation, she looked back.

Our eyes met. The paladin shot the body and swung the holy sword. A trajectory that flies in a semicircle. Just as he was about to touch Tesseria, a huge hammer fell from the air.

aaang! The mace collided with the Holy Sword instead of Tesseria, and let out a roar.

It was the armament of the 1st strike of the Astral Sanctuary, Mustang.

At the same time, Aspects in black uniforms entered the temple through the space between the ceiling beams.

exclaimed the Mustang.

“Paladin, evacuate the cadets!”

Outdoors, the Distinguished Paladins were controlling the children.

Mustang gave instructions and looked back at Paladin. With her eyes fixed on her, she said to Theseia.

“Tesseria-sama, you too, please leave quickly.”

She nodded and ran straight to the entrance. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the students.

“Do not approach, stay in formation!”

20 members of the Astral Sanctum Corps surrounded the Paladins.

Mustang gave orders again.

“Xerath is coming! Until then, hold on and prepare the mold!”

It was a way to deal with objects that could not be subjugated.

The fire horse, Xerath’s Blue Flame, unconditionally purifies the prisoner bound to the cage, so whoever the opponent was, if they succeeded in restraining them, they could burn them to death.

The Aspects had to wait until he arrived.

“Be surrounded! Move quickly!”

The supplemented personnel formed an encirclement layer by layer around the paladins.

The hymn began. Holy mages borrowed the power of Paidna.

“““Secretary of Heaven, entangle the immoral with the electricity of repentance and judge him.””

A white crack cut through the air. The golden chain crawled out and flew at Paladin in an instant.

Paladin raised his wrist above his head. The holy sword was rotated to prevent the chain from approaching.

Ting ting ting ting! In the place where everything bounced off, only a dull ripple sound remained.

The rotational power of the Holy Sword gradually increases. It tore through the air while spinning at a speed of several tens of revolutions per second.

At the pressure of the wind, the Aspect Execution Squadron 1st Strike Mustang frowned.

At that moment, the holy sword left Paladin’s hand. It flew like a boomerang and swept through the first row of besieged positions.

Wedge love! Everyone who came in contact spurted blood. The neck was cut, the stomach skin was opened, and the face was sunken.

Pieces of flesh that had been ripped off flew into the air and poured out.

Mustang lost his left arm.

The holy sword that created the devastation returned to Paladin’s hand.

Right after that, the paladin jumped up. aaang! I easily smashed the ceiling and headed outdoors.

Under the sky with the sun beating down, the paladin stepped on the roof and looked down.

A huge crowd was gathering one after another.

Hundreds of troops lined up in the park. Xerath’s wagon had already arrived and was positioned in the center of the ranks.

Xerath opened the door and came out. Looking at Paladin, he said to the Holy Gospel Officer.

“Put a barrier on the Vatican.”

Divine Gospel Minister, Grahan replied.

“Everyone inside may die. From the pope to the heads of the Holy Assembly.”

If the divine force field is opened, the paladin will not be able to escape the Vatican. Because it was demonized.

At that time, Paladins will target everyone here. It will be difficult to find the implementers of the barrier, so they will surely try to exterminate them all.

Naturally, the station field will also disappear.

Although Xerath was well aware of this fact, he could not release the paladin outside.

Xerath opened his mouth.

“I can’t let you step on the empire. Since I sent a telegram to the Holy Land, I have no choice but to trust His Holiness Taekwang.”

Besides, the Crown of the highest rank of the Ascendant’s Sanctuary was also heading to this place.

Even at the cost of sacrifice, it had to end here.

“Come on, look around the station field.”

Grahan, who was in conflict for a moment, swallowed his saliva and disappeared somewhere. A form that activates the barrier. The Heretic Inquisition and the holy mages also surrounded Xerath with a barrier.

It is difficult to place high expectations on the latter. It will tear apart in a few hits from Paladin.

Xerath looked to the side. I said to the assailant wearing a visor.

“Set up the mold.”

The giant, full of tattoos, nodded. At the same time, he jumped up and threw the marble pillar he was holding onto the ground.

Whoops! The park was shaken once.

Subjugation would be possible if the paladin could be drawn into this mold.

Of course, it was difficult.

With preparations in place, the deputy commander of the Daesung Electric Division spoke to his adjutant.

“Shield battalion one step forward.”

As the adjutant recited loudly, the first row of paladins took a step forward and slammed the floor with their huge shields.

“The Goal of the Changsung Battalion…”

Before he could finish his words, the paladin jumped off the roof.

The deputy commander shouted loudly.

“Aim at the target!”

Spear Knights dropped 5m long spears onto their shields.

The bladers looked at the paladin in unison.

Paladin didn’t care. As soon as it stepped on the ground, it began to run at full speed, radiating golden demonic energy.

There was a roar or a scream that I couldn’t tell.

A long, dangling holy sword cut through the floor and approached.

At the moment of clash, Paladin flew up.

The spears that had lost their way pierced the air helplessly. Some of the shield battalion paladins who were nervous sat down.

The paladin jumped up with far-reaching leg strength and captured the troops at a glance.

The goal is the center. Staring at the dense ranks of key figures, he swung his holy sword.

The air current mixed with magic and divinity swept across the ground like a whip.

Quad de de de de deuk! I broke the barrier at once.

There was amazement on everyone’s faces.

Xerath immediately shouted.

“Calm down!”

At the same time, Xerath and the holy mages cast spells.

A single ember that bloomed in the air ignited the air and spread out. Intimidated, I hit the flying paladin directly.

aaagh! Smoke rose and completely obscured the son-in-law.

“Build a barrier! hurry!”

late. Through the acrid smoke, a silhouette approaches.

Every afterimage of swinging his arm, blood gushed out in all directions. The sliced flesh clung to Xerath’s body.

horrible scream. Humans cut to pieces by the hero they respected screamed and howled.

Amid the turbidity of the son-in-law, the black figure gradually drew closer.

Changed the escort and finally squeezed through the smoke. He met Xerath’s gaze.

The red eyes curved like half moons. He raised the corners of his mouth and let out a fishy voice.

“Your bastard is annoying.”

Saying that, he grabbed the front of Xerath.

Without even a chance to escape, I stabbed the holy sword into my stomach and twisted it.

With a bang, hemoptysis drenched the front of the paladin.

Paladin narrowed his brow.

“Look at this.

The pierced form was a scarecrow created by Xerath’s holy magic.

Chii profit! The blood that splattered on Paladin’s face melted his skin like hydrochloric acid.

Didn’t do any damage.

Whoops! The scarecrow exploded scattering divinity, but the paladin was fine.

Paladin walked away. The moment he raised his sword again, the ground shook.

It was an intermittent vibration, but gradually intensified and the axis itself began to shake.

With that recoil, the smoke dissipated at once.

The son-in-law was open.

The paladin jerked his head into the air. Xerath’s gaze also moved to the sky.

A huge monster was looking at the ground. Earth Dragon, Tofugayaren. An audible soft voice flowed from the gaping void.

It was the highest hymn to Uriel.

Divinity embraced the earth like a spring breeze. He caressed the injured and gave them a warm look.

someone muttered softly.

“And, the saintess of generosity…”

“Yes, then His Holiness Taekwang too!”

“Taegwang is here!”

Hope spread quickly.

A light flashed in the distant sky, higher than the Earth Dragon.

Right after that, a pillar of light fell. It was divine.

Gargantua. The divinity that burned brighter than the sun pierced the paladin in an instant.

It was driving the surroundings into darkness and glowing alone.

Aiden’s voice was heard.

“Xerath, it is your sentence.”

The conditions for the activation of blue flames were met.

Xerath closed his eyes and crossed himself.

Suddenly, blue flames climbed up the Judgment Table and wrapped around the paladin.

Aiden disappeared somewhere along the way.

It wasn’t over.

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