Episode 147 Ilayna’s identity is finally revealed

Episode 147 Ilayna’s identity is finally revealed

Il Reina covered her body with an invisibility cloak, making her presence as invisible as possible.

“… ….”

How did you do that?

She thought as she looked at the large man standing guard at the door.

She did not notice any signs of presence outside her door until just before Baron Nedville, the secretary’s father and the head of the family, opened the door with a loud bang.

This was unimaginable to her.

Ileina had such keen senses that she could easily detect signs of presence beyond the wall.

So much so that she is ranked second only to Lucia, the leader, among Luna’s members.

She said that she herself, she did not recognize the man with such a huge size…….

There were only two theories that could explain this.

One of her cases has dulled her own keen sense.

But it was ridiculous for her to lose all of the senses she had developed through long training overnight.

Then the possibility was the second case.

This is if Baron Nedville, who is guarding the entrance, is a man of considerable skill.

‘I have to get out of here first.’

Ileina was wary of Baron Nedville’s movements while also looking for her way out.

Unfortunately, the window, which was the only way out other than the door, was tightly closed.

There was also a way to hang it from the ceiling. But a warning rang in her head that doing something like that with this man was a gamble.

The moment you make even the slightest sound, the Baron will clearly recognize you.

‘I have to pass it well.’

The Herald turned his body and moved slowly. That direction was where Ilayna was standing.

She dodged to the side, making as little noise as she could.

“… ….”

The Herald approached very close to Ileina. At that moment, she unconsciously held her breath.

Only after what seemed like eons had passed did the Baron turn to another direction.

Ilayna felt relieved as she confirmed this.

But her relief did not last long.

The Baron, who thought he was going to turn around and leave, suddenly rushed towards him!

‘What should I do?’

I was able to respond as much as I wanted.

But should we go against the secretary’s father? It’s not even a target.

A moment’s hesitation made her stop in her actions.

When her Baron’s large left arm rushed towards her, Ileina held up her arms and guarded them.

However, due to the huge difference in her physique, she was unable to properly defend herself.


She eventually collapsed on her floor.

“The main character of the voice was this girl.”

The moment she heard the Baron’s husky voice, Ileina felt both her embarrassment and her shame.

* * *

Me and Ileina sat side by side on the bed following her father’s instructions.

My father sat down on a stool across from her and looked at me and Ilaina alternately. Those eyes were so fierce that for the first time in a long time, I felt intimidated by my father.


“Yes, Father.”

“What on earth is this girl doing?”

Ha, f*ck.

What should I do with this?

I can’t pretend to be a stranger…….

I gently turned her head towards Ileina. She lowered her head slightly and maintained her silence.

Once Ilayna’s true identity is revealed, we naturally have to talk about her Luna.

The problem is that the only people who know Luna’s existence are Cecilia and I.

“Why can’t you speak?”

My father let out a low voice.

It’s been a long time since I showed this serious side…….

‘What should I say now?’

“Don’t think about making excuses, just tell the truth. “Why on earth is this girl stuck with a guy like you?”

“Uh… ….”

“Besides, why is he dressed like this?”

The father pointed his finger at Ilaina. As it happened, her current outfit was black full body tights that clearly revealed her body.

This is definitely a bit…… It’s worth pointing out.

“So, that’s… ….”

I was desperately thinking over and over again as I was speechless. But I couldn’t think of a single good excuse.

Then Ileina got up from her bed and she sat down on one knee, facing her father.

“My name is Ileina, and I am escorting Secretary Luke Nedville according to the orders of Her Majesty Empress Cecilia.”


I was startled and called out to her as a reflex.

How could it be that Raina revealed her identity first……

But Ileina could only look up at her father.

“According to His Majesty’s orders?”

“Yes, Baron Nedville.”

“Huh… ….”

Looking at her father’s reaction, it was clear that he was quite surprised.

Since Cecilia was suddenly mentioned, she deserves it.

“I didn’t know you would care so much about my son… ….”

“Your Majesty really cares about you, Secretary.”

This time, I’ll even tell an embarrassing story.

I didn’t know how to intervene, so I kept my mouth shut.

“By the way, Ilaina. Why did you follow Luke here? “It’s not like you have a crush on my son or anything, right?”

“That can’t be possible!”

He suddenly said something so absurd that a retort came out without me realizing it.

My father frowned and covered one of his ears.

“Why are you suddenly making noise and making a fuss?”

“That’s because you say such ridiculous things.”

As she was arguing with her father again, Il Reina intervened.

“Protecting the Secretary is my important duty. “That mission doesn’t change even if it’s vacation.”

“I see… ….”

After hearing her calm explanation, my father shook his head. It seems like he somehow understood it.

“So that cloak makes you invisible?”


“Hmm… ….”

My father suddenly appeared with his arms crossed and lost in thought.

Well, I don’t think I’ll find out anything if I worry about it that much.

But Ilaina and I patiently waited for our father to come to a conclusion.

“Supporting such a tool would mean that there is an organization that includes you… ….”

This is actually a predictable category.

In the first place, Ileina gave her father quite a hint.

I looked at her out of the corner of her eye, wondering if she was on her mind. It was her usual expression, but her hands resting on her legs were clenched into her fists.

‘You were nervous.’

Actually, it was worth it.

She was hiding with an invisibility cloak, but it wasn’t enough that she was caught, and even some of the confidential information was revealed.

At that time, my father snapped his fingers and made a clicking noise.

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“Come to think of it, I heard rumors that during her Majesty’s time as Empress Olivia, she organized some kind of organization…… “Is one of them you?”


I was truly surprised and opened my eyes wide.

How did a human being who was at best a lord of the border find out such advanced information?

Ilayna looked just as surprised as me.

“hahahaha. “You were looking down on this father.”

My father looked proud when he saw the reaction of the two of us.

No, that’s not the problem now…….

“Even after all this, I have sources.”

“Ah, yes. I see…….”

The father asked Il Reina if she would remain hidden from now on.


“Hmm. “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable for her to continue like that?”

“Yes. “I’m used to it.”

But her father seemed not to like her answer, so he just let out a low groan.

After a while, her father made her an unexpected proposal.

I would like to introduce her only to her family.

“… ….”

Ilayna looked visibly embarrassed. Then she looked in my direction.

What should I do with this? ….

As I was pondering, I was soon able to think of a compromise solution.

“Ilayna. “Then how about using a pseudonym?”

“That looks good. “Originally, I would have been in a position where I should not have revealed my identity.”

Actually, I was worried that Ilaina might not be able to rest comfortably the entire time.

On the contrary, if she shows up like this, the employees at our mansion will also treat Ilaina with sincerity.

Of course, her true identity will have to be hidden until the end.

“Then we can just say that she is a maid who serves me. How is it?”

“… ….”

Ilaina has a serious expression, as if she is in deep trouble.

After a while of silence, her lips opened.

“Yes. “If that is what the Secretary wants, I will follow it.”

* * *

Meanwhile, the carriage carrying Cecilia, Flora, and Mulia was running along a quiet road.

“The Nedville estate is really far away.”

After muttering that, Flora yawned, covering her mouth.

Eleven days have passed since they left the imperial palace.

In the meantime, they continued to travel by carriage and stayed at inns. Because the travel time was so long, Flora could not help but feel bored.

‘I hope I can meet and play with Luke soon…’ ….’

“That means our empire rules over a vast territory.”

Cecilia’s tone was full of pride.

She rested her body comfortably against the backrest, with only her head facing out her window.

There was nothing to see other than the green wheat fields on either side of the road and a few houses beyond, but Cecilia found it a pleasure to look at them.

‘It’s perfect for enjoyment while going to see Luke.’

Cecilia slowly raised the corners of her mouth, imagining her Luke enjoying his vacation.

“My back hurts because I sit for a long time…….”

Mulia rubbed her waist with her right hand.

“Do you want me to massage your back?”

“No. “I don’t believe you.”

When Mulia firmly refused, Flora pouted her lips.

“Then I guess we should take a break.”

“Oh, no, Your Majesty. “I can tolerate this tidying up.”

Mulia waved her hand and appealed that it was okay. Cecilia looked at her with her rather distrustful gaze, but that was all.

In fact, there was only one reason why Mulia rejected her offer.

‘I want to take a quick look around where Mr. Luke lives.’

“How much further do we have to go to Nedville Estate?”

Cecilia answered Flora’s question right away.

“They say it’s scheduled to arrive in three days.”

“Ah. “I hope it arrives quickly!”

“Me too… ….”

Expectation was evident on the faces of the three women.

Actually, Luke was completely unaware that they were coming to the Nedville territory.

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