Episode 142 Emma’s Small(?) Repayment

Episode 142 Emma’s Small(?) Repayment

“Guest. We have arrived at the Nedville Manor.”

I was taking a nap in the carriage when I woke up to the driver’s voice. Then I opened the window and sniffed.

It was definitely the air of Nedville that I always smelled.

Why do you know that?

Because the smell of manure is everywhere!

It’s a smell I’ve always smelled, so there’s no way I wouldn’t recognize it!

At one time, I thought it was a smell that I hated because it was so bad, but I was glad to smell it after a long time.

I asked the driver to stop the carriage for now. Because I felt like taking a walk from here to Baron Nedville’s residence.

As I started walking along the quiet country road, I heard Ilaina’s voice near my ear.

“Is this your hometown, Secretary?”

“Yes. It’s where I was born and raised. How is it?”

I stared straight ahead and only moved my lips.

There was no immediate response from Ilayna. She seems to be wondering how to answer.

“I don’t feel any danger.”

I wasn’t thinking about the answer, I was just sensing a presence…….

“That’s right. No one here knows me I know all the villagers too.”

“You are amazing.”

Ilayna let out pure admiration.

It’s just because the territory is small…….

But she didn’t feel the need to explain such things to Ilayna. Anyway, he will naturally come to this realization as he wanders around the territory.

That’s right. Now that I think about it, I need to warn you of some precautions.

“Ilayna. “Don’t stick too close to me while I’m out and about.”


“There will be a lot of people coming up to say hello to me. So, it’s better to keep some distance and follow me.”

“Yes, secretary.”

Immediately after I gave her her attention, I was able to spot Uncle Tom walking across from her.

“Oh! Aren’t you a young boy!”

“Long time no see, Uncle Tom.”

I waved Uncle Tom’s hand lightly. After a month, he ran over here, grabbed my hand, shook it up and down, and shook my hand.

“When did you come, young boy?”

“I arrived a little while ago.”

“Hey, people have changed since you went to the capital!”

After briefly chatting with him about my current situation, I started walking again.

But while heading to the baron’s residence, I had to stop several times. It was because I met other young people, starting with Uncle Tom.

They all welcomed me with bright smiles.

I would say it is a recognition that cannot be felt in Deleson.

As I walked along while exchanging greetings, I stopped at a crossroads.

This was because the house where Emma’s family lived came into view in the distance.

‘I guess I’m working in the field now.’

“… ….”

As I was looking at the house blankly, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

Would you like to see Emma first before meeting your family?

But I soon decided to postpone my reunion with Emma just a little longer.

It’s usually better to do what you like the most last.

Just like in a strawberry cake, the strawberries are best eaten last.

As I was enjoying a walk while appreciating the unchanged scenery of the village, the Baron’s residence came into view.

“Luke. “Have you finally arrived?”

“Welcome, my son!”

And the faces of my parents who raise their voices and call me,

“Hey. “It’s been a while!”

“Oppa! Come on!”

I also saw older brother Hans and his younger sister Cyril waving their arms raised high.

Perhaps it was because I saw the faces I had missed for the first time in a long time, and the tip of my nose became sore without me realizing it. But it’s obvious that if I cry here, my father and older brother will make fun of me forever.

I sniffed once, then raised my arms high and waved them.

“I’m here!”

I ran vigorously towards my family.

* * *

Our family gathered at the restaurant to enjoy lunch.

Thanks to the fact that I informed them of the date in advance, various dishes were quickly placed on the table.

“Son. “I asked to prepare something special for my son.”

My mother looked at me and smiled softly.

“Ah. This smell. “I missed it so much.”

I took a deep breath and savored the smell of hometown food.

Although it was good to eat high-quality and delicious food at the imperial palace, it seemed impossible to beat the nostalgia of hometown food.

I won’t be able to eat this in a few years, but…….

“Okay, everything will cool down. “Let’s eat quickly!”

When my father clapped his hands, there was a loud sound. As a signal, I took the fork and knife in my hands.

After an enjoyable lunch, tea time followed.

“Oppa! “Did you buy me a present?”

“This is him! “Do you always give me presents when I see you?”

Even when his mother gave him a beating, Cyril didn’t even blink at her.

As expected, my younger brother is as immature as ever.

Still, it didn’t look all hateful. Because no matter what Cyril does, she only seems like a cute younger sister to me.

“I knew that would happen, so I prepared in small ways.”

As soon as she heard my answer, Cyril clapped her hands and expressed her joy. And her parents and brother Hans also gave me secretly expectant looks.

I asked her maid to bring her leather backpack. The maid immediately handed me her leather backpack.

For reference, the gifts I gave to my family were things I bought at a souvenir shop in the Kingdom of Sergel last time.

The first thing I took out were two bracelets of different colors.

“Wow! “You look pretty.”

“Oh my. “My son has an eye for accessories.”

As soon as Cyril and her mother saw the bracelet, they exclaimed.

I gave the pink bracelet to Cyril and the light green bracelet to her mother. The two people put bracelets on their left hands and hummed happily.

“Hey, Luke. What about mine?”

“I have something from my brother and father. “Just wait a moment.”

I reached into my backpack and took out my cufflinks.

“Oh. “Aren’t these cufflinks?”

“Wow. “This is my first time doing something like this.”

My father was happy, but older brother Hans reacted in confusion. Then her mother personally put cufflinks on her brother’s sleeve.

“Oh. “Do you think I’m gaining some form by doing this?”

“It goes well with your clothes.”

Cyril complimented her brother. It happens a few times a year…….

But I soon found out the reason.

Cyril was placing his bracelet-clad left hand on the table, which was clearly intentional.

“Thank you.”

However, his older brother, who had not been equipped with sense since birth, did not notice him at all. That made Cyril look slightly dissatisfied.

I guess I’ll have to step forward.

“Cyril. “I gave it to you as a gift, but it suits you very well.”

“Thank you, brother.”

Only then did Cyril’s expression brighten.

After the gift giving ceremony was over, her mother looked at me closely.

“What did you ask?”

“No, that’s not it. “I think my son has gained more weight than before.”

“Ah. “It really is.”

Cyril immediately agreed with her mother’s remarks.

“I guess it’s because I like the food eaten in the imperial palace.”

As I spoke with a smile, Hans showed interest in the meal at the imperial palace.

“What do they usually eat there? “Is meat served three meals a day?”

“Well, it’s similar.”

Starting with that, I told my family a bundle of stories about life in the imperial palace. Maybe it’s because I’ve had a variety of experiences over the past six months, but stories keep popping up.

After chatting for a while, we took a short break.

Then my father asked me.

“Is Her Majesty Empress Cecilia still doing well?”

Come to think of it, my father once rescued Cecilia from being kidnapped.


“I see. “Please take good care of me in the future.”

“Of course.”

I’ll have to check out the atmosphere later and ask a quick question.

I wonder if there is another relationship with Cecilia.

* * *

Meanwhile, Emma was working in the fields with her parents, just as Luke had expected.

Then Tom called Emma to her at the top of her voice.


“Ah, Uncle Tom.”

Emma stood up, holding her scythe in her hand.

“Did you know that Master Luke arrived a while ago?”

The moment Emma heard her name, Luke, her eyes widened.

“Master Luke? “Has he already arrived?”

Emma put down her scythe and ran to Tom. Tom informed her that he had already greeted her with Luke an hour ago.

‘It’s already arrived!’

She knew that Luke was coming to the estate today. But she couldn’t pay attention because she was busy helping her parents with their work.

“Go quickly. “Isn’t he your husband?”

“Well, we’re not in a relationship like that!”

Emma shouted, but a deep blush appeared on her cheeks. Tom saw this and laughed.

Tom waved her hand and went on his way.

Emma turned around and shouted at her parents.

From noble mtl dot com

“Mom, Dad! “I’m going to Baron Nedville!”

“Yes! “Go quickly.”

She gestured for her mother to go.

“Emma! You must do as your father tells you! Understand?”

“Yes, Dad!”

Emma ran along the road leading to the Baron’s residence. Then suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks, as if she had hit a wall.

‘There’s no dirt on your clothes, right?’

Emma examined her clothes carefully. Luckily she didn’t have any dirty spots. She also smelled the sleeves of her clothes, just in case, and she didn’t smell too bad.

This was enough for her to meet Luke, she decided.

Emma moved her legs again, and it wasn’t long before she arrived at Baron Nedville’s residence.

“Ha, ha…….”

She caught her breath with her hand on her chest. She then knocked on the door of the mansion.

She waited a moment, then the door opened, and the old butler leaned out.

“Oh, it was Miss Emma.”

“Yes. Mr. Cleanson. Master Luke said he was here, so I came to find him.”

As Emma revealed her business with her bright eyes, the old butler smiled benevolently.

The butler asked me to wait a while as he would call Luke.

‘Now I can see Luke for real… ….’

Emma recalled once again what her father had advised her the day before.

That required some courage and determination. However, if I was excited like I am now, I felt like I could do anything.

Still, just in case, she put her hand on her chest and took another deep breath.

“Emma. I was going to visit you today, but you came first.”

Soon, the person she missed so much appeared in front of her.


Emma hugged Luke, forgetting that the Baroness’s employees were watching.

“Now, wait a minute, Emma…” ….”

Luke let out a panicked voice, but Emma never let him go.

“Wow, why are you hugging me like this? “It’s not usual.”

“That’s because I missed it.”

“Ah… ….”

Luke patted Emma gently on the shoulder.

“Actually, I missed it too.”

Emma was so happy at Luke’s friendly tone that she was dazed for a moment. However, she quickly came to her senses and put what she had to say into her mouth.

“You said you prepared a present for me.”

“That’s right.”

“So, I’m going to repay you in my own way.”


Luke tilted his head. But she didn’t see Luke’s actions because Emma had her face buried in the crook of his neck.

“Yes. “My dad said that since men like this, it will be enough to repay you.”

‘The man is telling me something strange again…’ ….’

But Luke didn’t like her hugging him first. No, it was actually good.

Maybe you know me too well.

Luke closed his eyes and pulled Emma closer to him.

The baron’s employees, who were watching the two people’s friendly embrace, quietly left the place.

However, only one person, Ilaina, watched the two.

Until the two people break their embrace and distance themselves.

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