Episode 140 Mulia with courage

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Episode 140 Mulia with courage

We were able to finish all work at 6 PM sharp.

I was wondering if it would be possible in time because I don’t have Flora.

Well, actually, the emptiness that came from not having Flora felt bigger than that.

“Luke, Mulia.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

When we responded at the same time, Cecilia smiled, gently raising the corners of her mouth.

“As promised during the day, I will write you a summer vacation card.”

This time, Mulia and I expressed our gratitude at the same time.

Cecilia took out her two vacation cards from her drawer. Then she filled in the details carefully.

Soon, Cecilia called me first, and I approached her desk.

“When do you plan to start your vacation?”

“I will do it in three days.”

Cecilia wrote this on her vacation card.

“Do you need travel expenses?”

“Yes. “I think we need travel expenses as we are going far.”

“Say the amount you want.”

Oh. So willingly?

Then, thanks to your support, we will give you 1,000 gold…….

For a brief moment, that desire reared its head, but I defeated it right away.

To be honest, I think 1,000 gold for travel expenses is too much. Moreover, the justification is too weak.

It was obvious that Cecilia would be dumbfounded and dismissed.

“I think 30 gold will be enough.”

“I will give you 50 gold just in case.”

I didn’t expect this much more…….

Honestly, I was really moved this time. So I expressed that impression in a loud voice.

“I am very grateful, Your Majesty!”

After I got my summer vacation pass, Mulia approached Cecilia’s desk. She took her summer vacation pass without charging for her travel expenses.

“Now only Flora remains.”

“Your Majesty. How about calling it right now?”

Upon hearing my suggestion, Cecilia waved her hand.

“If I am desperate, she will come to me herself.”

“I think so too.”

Mulia agreed with her opinion.

Is this a common loyalty between childhood friends?

“Everyone worked hard today. “Just go in and rest.”

“Your Majesty also suffered a lot.”

After leaving the office with Mullia, I moved along with her, following her stride.

“The Lady of the Earl of Fordward. I think it would be a good idea to inform Lady Flora on the way back.”

“Yes. “I was already going to do that.”

“You seemed to agree with me.”

I smiled at her at her mischievous laugh. Then, Mulia followed me and laughed lightly.

After a while, we arrived in front of Flora’s door.

“Secretary, please come in now.”

“Yes. Rest well, Lady Earl Fordward.”

I waved at her and then tried to go back to her room. At that time, Mulia called me and stopped me.

“Hey, Secretary Nedville.”


What are you trying to say?

“Maybe…… “Won’t you feel uncomfortable when you call me?”


When I tilted my head, Mulia said,

“Oh, that’s… ….”

He hesitated.

“You may speak comfortably, Lady Earl Fordward.”

“That…… I was wondering if the title might be uncomfortable…….”

Ah, it’s because they called me by my name.

But I don’t know if it’s particularly inconvenient.

“No. “It’s okay because I’ve already adapted.”

“Oh, I see…… “

Mulia lowered her head slightly, showing her disappointment.

Well, if you think about it, she might feel a little sad from Mulia’s point of view. Even so, Cecilia and Flora have been comfortably calling each other by their first names for a long time.

“If you wish, I will call you Lady Mulia from now on.”

“Oh, yes. “Then I’ll call you Secretary Luke.”

“You can feel free to call me Mr. Luke.”

When I smiled kindly, she nodded and said that Mulia would understand.

When she saw the delighted smile on her face, she thought this might not be a bad idea.

* * *

Mulia stared endlessly at Luke’s back as he walked away with his back turned to her.

‘Finally, I said it.’

Mulia raised her fisted hands to the level of her chest.

It was a sign of her joy that she had done it in her own way.

Perhaps because she had gathered courage for the first time in a long time, her heart beat faster than usual.

Mulia placed her hand on her chest and took several deep breaths. Then she could barely calm her mind.

At some point, she became concerned that she was the only one called by her last name.

I must say that she feels as if she is the only one keeping a distance from the secretary.

But she didn’t have the courage to suggest calling her by her name first, so she kept putting it off.

At the same time, she also had somewhat ridiculous expectations.

I thought the secretary would make such a suggestion to me first.

But as time passed, Mulia realized. She knows that nothing happens if you just hope without expressing it.

So Mulia decided to show her courage.

She decided to personally suggest to Luke that they call each other by name first.

She hesitated because she was embarrassed to say that, but luckily Luke noticed her.

‘I need to practice so that I can sing well starting tomorrow.’

Mulia was about to enter her room but stopped.

She thought about it and realized that she had not yet told Flora about her summer vacation.

She turned her steps and headed for Flora’s room.

Flora greeted Mulia while sitting on her bed.

“I came here because I was bored. “Would you like to play?”

“No, I have something to tell you.”

Mulia sighed in her low sigh.

“What is it, what is it?”

Flora flashed her emerald eyes.

Mulia later informed Cecilia to go and apply for her summer vacation.

“I was about to go to His Majesty after a while, but it went well. “How much vacation did you get, Luke?”

“It’s 6 weeks. It’s because my hometown is far away.”

You’re asking about Mr. Luke right away.

As Mullia answered, she thought to herself.

“Aha. I see.”

Flora shook her head.

As she watched that scene, Mullia felt a chill for some reason.

“And…… I have decided to call you Mr. Luke from now on.”

As soon as she informed her in her calm tone, Flora widened her eyes.

“Really? You decided to call me by name with Mr. Luke?”


“Oh my god. Our Mulia is finally in the same name as Luke…….”

After saying that, Flora jumped up from the bed. Then she strode towards Mulia.

Mulia didn’t know what to say, so she just blinked her eyes.

Flora placed her hands on both of her shoulders.

“Congratulations. “I finally got closer to Luke.”

“Yes. Thank you, Flora.”

Flora laughed happily. Then Mulia also raised the corners of her mouth to express her joy.

* * *

From that day on, I prepared to go on summer vacation.

Actually, all I had to do was prepare a few clothes and some money. Anyway, I’m planning on staying at an inn while I’m on my way to Nedville Estate.

It was the night before leaving for my hometown.

I had dinner alone at the restaurant and returned to my room.

‘Tomorrow, I’m finally going to go to my hometown.’

It has already been more than half a year since I left my hometown and stayed here.

It seems like just yesterday when I first set foot in the imperial palace.

“Time flies so fast.”

I rested my head on my clasped hands and thought about what I would do tomorrow morning.

First, have a quick breakfast in your room. Afterwards, I say hello to Cecilia, Flora, and Mulia before leaving.

And then… ….

As I was thinking about it, a question suddenly entered my mind.

‘Then what does Ilaina do?’

I put the black whistle I wore around my neck in my mouth and blew on it.

“Did you call me, Secretary?”

Ilayna immediately appeared and bowed to me.

“You always have a hard time, Ilaina.”

“No. “This is my job.”

Isn’t there a hint of embarrassment in Ilaina’s tone?

But her expression was as calm as usual.

‘I think I was mistaken.’

“Actually, I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“I’m planning to leave for the Nedville estate tomorrow morning. “I was wondering what you would do then.”

“Of course I will follow the secretary.”

Ilayna gave the answer without any hesitation.

I was the one who was rather embarrassed by his confident appearance.

“You’re following me even though I’m on vacation?”

“Even though I’m on vacation, my duty to escort the secretary doesn’t change.”

“Oh, I guess that’s true too… ….”

I was overcome with worry.

If it were Ileina, she would probably walk around in our village while hiding herself well.

But what if the moment comes to introduce Ilaina?

What should I say then?

“Ilayna. “I’m telling you just in case, if someone from our village finds you, how should I introduce you?”

I decided to listen to my own opinion. But Ilaina spoke in a confident tone.

“That won’t happen, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Well, I don’t think your identity will be discovered.”


Ilayna answered briefly and boldly. I could feel trust from that appearance.

I informed her that her business was done.

“I will take responsibility for your peaceful night, Secretary.”

Ileina greeted with unusual enthusiasm and then she disappeared.

The next day, I opened my eyes earlier than usual. After eating a quick breakfast in the room, I quickly changed clothes.

Finally, I was able to leave the room only after I collected my summer vacation card.

While heading to Cecilia’s room, I was able to meet Flora and Mulia.

“Oh my. Mr. Luke. Are you leaving now?”

“Before that, I have to say hello to His Majesty.”

“Then would you like to come with us?”

I nodded yes to Flora’s suggestion.

“Rain…… Mr. Luke. Good morning.”

Mulia spoke in a slightly shy tone. My title still seems a bit awkward.

But if you do it a few times, you will quickly get used to it.

The three of us headed to Cecilia’s room. Cecilia happened to be awake, so she was able to say her greetings to her.

From noble mtl dot com

“Are we leaving soon?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Okay. “Please take care of yourself.”

I bowed deeply to her and then said goodbye to her maids.

The two maids also responded by wishing me a good trip.

‘Now let’s go to Nedville Estate.’

I took long strides toward the outside of the imperial palace.

* * *

Meanwhile, the three women looked at Luke’s back as he slowly walked away.

“What kind of place is Nedville Estate?”

Flora moved her lips while keeping her eyes fixed on Luke.

“I’m curious too.”

Mulia spoke next.

“I have been there once before.”


No sooner had Cecilia finished speaking than Flora and Mulia simultaneously turned their heads.

“Only once.”

“Oh my…….”

“I see… ….”

Cecilia gave her gaze alternately to the two maids.

“Do you guys want to go to Nedville Estate?”

Flora nodded her head vigorously, and Mulia said yes in a low voice.

“Then, let’s leave together for the Nedville Estate soon.”

Unbeknownst to Luke, this was the moment when the three women’s summer vacation destination was decided.

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