Episode 136 Pilot trade just around the corner

Episode 136 Pilot trade just around the corner

The night I discussed with Kylos.

Cecilia took out a black whistle from the bottom drawer of the desk.

“They said that caution can sometimes be poison…….”

After fiddling with her whistle for a moment, she approached her armchair. Sitting with one leg crossed, she put her black whistle to her lips and blew on it.

When some time has passed,

“I came running a month after receiving His Majesty’s call.”

Lucia appeared. She quickly got down on one knee and bowed her head towards Cecilia.

“There is something I want you to do right now.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to go to the dark guild and find out who her client is.”

As soon as she heard her instructions, Lucia thought.

I was just about to ignore it, but it seemed like he was bothered by many things.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Lucia responded in a heavy tone.

“Take Ilayna with you too. The two of you are better than alone.”

This time too, Lucia answered that she would do so.

“And, if they don’t cooperate, you can kill them.”

“Yes. “I will do my best to bring about the results His Majesty wants.”

“Please step back.”

Cecilia waved her right hand lightly.

Lucia disappeared right before her eyes in an instant.

* * *

“Captain. What is your mission this time?”

After answering Lucia’s call, Reina immediately asked her questions.

“She asked me to go to the dark guild and investigate the identity of a certain client.”

‘Suddenly a dark guild?’

Il Reina tilted her head once. Lucia then remembered that she had not told anything to her crew, including Il Reina.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you.”

Il Reina nodded her head once.

Lucia explained very briefly what happened. Ilayna, hearing all that, twitched her eyebrows.

What kind of guts did you have to touch the imperial palace’s cart? ….

“So are you raiding the dark guild to find out information about the client who instigated this incident?”

“That’s the way it is.”

From noble mtl dot com

There was no trace of tension in Lucia’s tone. Compared to the duties she had taken on so far, this was nothing more than eating cold soup.

And it was the same for Ilayna.

“Then let’s go right now.”

“Yes, Captain.”

The two wore cloaks of invisibility.

Lucia moved first, and Ilayna immediately followed. This was possible because Luna members could recognize each other even when wearing the cloak of invisibility.

Not long after they left the imperial palace, they entered a slum located within Deleson.

The reason they were able to move so fast was because of boots that increased their movement speed.

The two women stood on the roof of the dark guild building.

Lucia sent her signal to Ileina. Pointing at the roof with your index finger.

Ileina immediately pressed her ears against the roof and gently closed her eyes. When she focused her attention on hearing, she was able to clearly capture all the sounds coming from inside the building.

“… ….”

After waiting a moment, Lucia threw her question mark.

“How do you feel?”

“There are currently 6 people on the first floor and 7 people on the 2nd floor. “Everyone on the second floor is asleep, and on the first floor they are drinking.”

“I see.”

“Hook is talking about when he will return.”

Ilayna added additional information.

“Then shall we first subdue those who are awake?”

“Is it okay to kill someone depending on the situation?”

“Yes. “His Majesty gave permission.”

Lucia said with a smile on her face.


“I’m going to count to three and then rush in. One, two, three.”

As soon as the countdown was over, Lucia and Ilaina jumped out the left and right windows, respectively. When the window broke with a loud noise, the dark guild members gathered on the first floor reacted in shock.

“What, what? “Why is Yuri suddenly there?”

“Could it be an intruder?”

Lucia and Ilayna moved at lightning speed.

“Ghost, ghost!”

“Who on earth…?” ….”

The guild members were much larger than the two women. However, because they were wearing the cloak of invisibility, they were unilaterally defeated without any resistance.

Soon, six guild members were completely trapped in the rope.

Lucia and Ilayna then took off their invisibility cloaks and revealed themselves. However, since he was wearing a mask, there was no risk of his face being discovered by dark guild members.

“What, what? “What kind of magic did you use?”

“Who are you!”


Lucia raised her index finger and put it to her mouth, but they did not listen. Lucia let out a short sigh and placed her dagger in her hand.

“From now on, only answer what I ask. Otherwise, I will cut off your heads with this.”

No sooner had Lucia’s threat ended than the guild members fell silent. It was because of the completely different skills that these women showed just a moment ago.

Lucia motioned for Ilayna to watch outside the broken window.

Only after confirming that Ilaina was headed to the right location did Lucia approach one of the guild members. She was the smallest of the six.

“Did someone with the pseudonym M visit you a few days ago?”

“Yes, yes…” ….”

“The answer is short.”


The man nodded his head with a face full of fear.

“If you know anything else about M, tell me everything.”

“Oh, I don’t know anything…” ….”

Without any hesitation, Lucia very slightly stabbed the guild member in the neck with the dagger.

“Even after all this, you still don’t know anything?”

“Sasa, please save me…” ….”

“Status, face, height, etc. “Flow all you know.”

Only then did the guild member reveal M’s appearance and height. However, she appealed that she did not know her exact identity.

“Are you sure that he is about 170 cm tall and has black hair?”

“Yes, yes…” ….”

“And you have blue eyes?”

The guild members shook their heads, saying that this time too.


Only then did Lucia stand up and motion Ilaina to come closer.

They escaped out of the building, leaving the guild members alone.

Although we failed to completely discover M’s identity, we did catch a clue.

As soon as she arrived at the imperial palace, Lucia gave Ileina instructions.

“Ilayna. “I will report to His Majesty, and you can return to your original duties.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Only after confirming that Reyna was heading to her secretary’s room did Lucia take her steps.

Soon, Lucia arrived at Cecilia’s room and reported on M’s external characteristics.

“Please continue the investigation further.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Lucia followed Cecilia’s instructions.

* * *

The imperial palace wagons returned to the imperial palace one by one.

Each wagon was loaded with local specialties or handicrafts, all of which were items for trial trade with Sergel Kingdom.

“Luke. Flora, Mulia.”

Cecilia took her eyes off the documents and called all three of us at the same time.

“The last wagon arrived today, so let’s go check the items.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Cecilia slowly got up from the throne in her office.

Originally, the emperor does not directly intervene in such trivial matters.

However, this was something Cecilia pursued with passion.

It also had the important meaning of opening a new era with Sergel Kingdom, which had been disconnected for over 30 years, so it was only natural for her to step forward in person.

Her maids and I followed Cecilia to the storage warehouse outside the imperial palace.

Several butlers were busy moving around the warehouse. He’s probably unpacking his luggage.

Soon we arrived in front of the warehouse.

“Her Majesty Empress Cecilia has been born!”

I shouted at the top of my voice so that the deacons in the warehouse could hear. The butlers inside stopped what they were doing and immediately came out to the warehouse entrance.

“Meet Her Majesty Empress Cecilia, Mother of the Empire!”

“Hmm. “You guys have worked hard since morning.”


The deacons answered in unison.

“I came to look at the items in person. So, you guys, lay out your items so they are easy to see.”

“I understand!”

Cecilia waved her right hand lightly.

Her deacons bowed to her once more and began to carry out her instructions.

She then turned around towards the three of us.

“Please examine them carefully as these are items for trade.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The three of us followed Cecilia into the warehouse.

The butlers unloaded the luggage from each carriage and laid it out nicely. We walked around with Cecilia and visually checked the condition of the items.

The crafts made of gold and silver were in very neat condition.

The various specialties were in good condition because they were stored properly.

There was no problem with the black tea leaves from Lowell, which were almost replaced.

“Your Majesty. “All items appear to be in good condition.”

When I said the rhyme first, Flora and Mulia also expressed the same opinion. Cecilia looked worried for a moment and then said,

“It seemed that way to me too.”

He nodded his head once heavily.

Cecilia instructed her butlers to store the items carefully so they would not spoil.

“Let’s get back to work.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

We followed Cecilia back to the office.

* * *

Three days later, in the morning, I received a call from the southern gate.

“Your Majesty. “It is said that the top of the Sergel Kingdom arrived in front of the southern gate a little while ago.”

The person who delivered this report was the chief butler of the imperial palace.

“The top has finally arrived.”

Cecilia muttered in an expectant voice.

“You must gather all the employees of the imperial palace into the throne room. And send a message to open the castle gate.”

“Yes, I understand. Your majesty.”

The director left the office.

Cecilia immediately called the three of us by name.

“You all go to the throne room together.”

She stood up from her throne first, followed by me and her maids from her chairs.

When we arrived at the throne room, two butlers opened the door. The throne room was filled with imperial palace employees.

Cecilia sat on the throne, and her maids and I sat on the seats provided below.

“Meet Her Majesty Empress Cecilia, Mother of the Empire.”

Her employees all bowed towards her. After a moment Cecilia ordered her head to be raised.

“The top tier of the Sergel Kingdom is scheduled to arrive here at the imperial palace within the next hour. “You all, prepare to welcome guests at your respective locations!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Cecilia simply gave a few more instructions and then dismissed her employees.

The specific instructions had already been announced a few days ago, so there was no need for a long discussion.

“We should go greet our guests too.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

All three of us answered at the same time.

The pilot trade is finally upon us.

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