Episode 131 Flora’s Promise

Episode 131 Flora’s Promise

The dinner menu was a barbecue prepared in advance by the maids.

“I don’t know if it will suit Your Majesty’s taste… ….”

The maids gathered in the dining room stood nervously.

Cecilia looked down at the plate containing the golden brown barbecue. After a moment, she picked up a fork and took a bite of meat.

Only after the maids and I saw Cecilia eating meat first was she able to taste the barbecue.


Cecilia just chewed the meat without any significant change in expression.

Then her maids looked at her even more nervous than before.

“Hmm. “It’s cooked well.”

After swallowing her meat, Cecilia finally had a faint smile on her lips. The maids quickly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

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“Thank God, Your Majesty.”

“The workmanship is not bad.”

This time Cecilia put a ripe onion into her mouth.

“Oh my. Does it smell like fire?”

Flora also expressed her satisfaction, and Mulia also nodded her head.

“Personally, there is one thing I regret.”

As soon as I spoke to the maids, everyone’s eyes were on me.

Cecilia and her ladies-in-waiting noticed me wondering what I was going to say.

In contrast, the maids clearly looked very nervous.

“Barbecue should be eaten outdoors, but eating indoors is a pity.”

“Ah… ….”

The reaction was that I hadn’t thought of it before.

“How does it taste?”

“It’s delicious.”

Only then did the maids show signs of relief.

“Hmm. I’m sure you’ll feel better eating this kind of food outside.”

Cecilia agreed with me.

“I’m sure it would be better that way, Your Majesty.”

“Yes. I think so.”

Continued, Flora and Mullia also agreed with her.

“Next time you come to the sea, prepare for a barbecue outside.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The maids responded in unison.

While continuing our meal, we talked a lot about what we played at the sea today.

When the barbecue plate was almost empty, Cecilia suddenly asked a question.

“By the way, Flora. What were you talking about with Luke earlier?”

Cecilia’s eyes were directed to Flora, who was sitting on her diagonal.

Flora stopped drinking her water and her shoulders trembled. Then Mullia, who was sitting next to her, also gave her her eyes.

‘Seeing Flora so flustered makes her feel fresh.’

But I felt like I wouldn’t be able to properly answer the question.

I think it would be best for me to step forward.

“She is Flor, so we hung out because the lady said she wanted to watch the sunset together.”

“Is there anything else besides that?”

Cecilia looked at me. For some reason, I felt a stubbornness in her ruby eyes.

“We said that we would continue to get along well together in the future. There was nothing else besides that.”

I looked around moderately.


Cecilia as well as Mulia looked at my face closely.

But that alone won’t be enough to see through my lies. Because I’ve been doing this for about half a year, so I’m pretty used to lying.

“I see.”

Only then did Cecilia take her eyes off me. Mulia also seemed to be interested in this topic.

She glanced at Flora and looked relieved, placing her hand on her heart.

Well, I’ve received quite a bit of help so far, so this is nothing.

Then we moved to a spacious room.

There we played card games to our heart’s content until it was time to go to bed.

* * *

Deep night.

Flora tossed and turned in her blanket.

She had a lot of fun playing in the water, so even though her mind and body were tired, her mind was clear.

“Haaa… ….”

She let out her long sigh into the air. Then she closed her eyes again.

The more she thought about it, the more clearly she remembered the time she walked along the beach with Luke this evening.

She was actually called Flo and from the moment she heard that she was going to play at Molly’s Beach, she made up her mind.

At the same time, it was also a plan I had secretly been harboring for several months.

She said, “I was going to confess…” ….”

She muttered in her sullen tone.

She let out another sigh.

She was already aware of her feelings for Luke.

She once worried about what would happen if her family opposed her, but now she realized what she should prioritize more.

She becomes lovers with Luke first.

Convincing her family was only the next problem.

When she got to this point, she naturally started thinking. Decided to confess her feelings to Luke.

Her heart beat so wildly every time she imagined her confessing to Luke with the beautiful sunset on the sea in the background.

Her wild movements brought her nervousness and her ecstasy together.

Today on the way down to the beach during the day,

-I have something to talk about later, is that okay?

By the time she said to Luke, she had already made up her mind.

But when she tried to confess while looking at the sunset-colored sea, her lips did not fall. As if someone had captured his lips.

So she trailed off her words, and in the end, she couldn’t even get out the letter A of her confession.

‘Did Mr. Luke notice?’

But that was a useless idea.

Even if Luke realized what he was trying to say, what good would that do?

The feeling of liking something must be expressed clearly in words to have meaning and weight.

“Ugh. Why did you do that, really…….”

Flora let out her excited voice and tangled my hair with both hands. But that didn’t mean the past would return.

Flora let out a sigh of relief as she stopped writhing in pain.

‘No. ‘What’s the point in regretting something that has already happened in the past?’

Since she unfortunately failed to confess this time, shouldn’t she just aim for the next time?

When she thought that way, she no longer dwelled on her failures.

Because she had a positive personality to begin with, she woke up very quickly.

‘I will definitely achieve it within this year at the latest.’

Flora swore, clutching the hem of her blanket tightly.

I am not satisfied with just confessing to Luke, but I will definitely capture his heart.

* * *

She returned to the imperial palace after a two-day and one-night trip at Mollis Beach.

Before going back to the room, I approached Flora just in case. To catch a glimpse of what she was going to talk about last night. It was because she thought that she might really have been trying to say something else, not a confession.

“I’ll tell you someday. Someday.”

Flora avoided answering with a playful smile.

“As expected. “I thought you wouldn’t tell me, Lady Flora.”

“Don’t you know me too well?”

“Of course. “I already figured it all out.”

As she spoke in a playful voice, Flora lightly slapped me on the shoulder. She then burst out laughing.

She had just spent a few hours of the weekend, and then a new week arrived.

Cecilia reduced the amount of paperwork, as she promised us, and thanks to this, we were able to work with more peace of mind than before.

Today, I was able to finish all my work before 6 p.M.

“Everyone worked hard.”

“Your Majesty also suffered a lot.”

Her maids and I bowed slightly towards Cecilia.

Cecilia turned to us and said that we could just go back and rest.

“Mr. Luke.”

As soon as I left her office, Flora’s cheerful tone captivated me.

“Yes, Lady Flora.”

“Would you like to go have dinner with Mulia and me later?”

Mulia, who was standing next to him, raised her eyebrows once. From the looks of it, it looks like the two of them decided to do it without even discussing it.

“Right now?”

“How about around 7 o’clock? If you come to the front of my room, I will go with you. Mulia, are you okay too?”

“Yes. Great.”

Mulia agreed in a calm tone.

Well, there’s no reason to refuse a place to dine with beauties.

When I replied that I liked it, Flora’s expression brightened noticeably. Mulia also smiled faintly.

“See you later then.”



After saying goodbye to the ladies-in-waiting, I went back to my room. I sat down on my desk chair and let out a languid sigh.

Then he supported the nape of his neck with his clasped hands.

‘Come to think of it, it’s already been a week since I sent a letter to Fonta.’

It will take another week or more for the letter to arrive.

To be honest, I had a desire to buy the mansion as soon as possible. However, as we were carrying out a long-term project to escape the Eckhardt Empire, we needed to relax a little more.

And if you think about it, it was nothing more than buying a mansion to live in Sergel Kingdom. I had to live there for the next few decades, so I needed more money and preparation.

‘I need to think about it carefully.’

I glanced at the calendar on the desk. In the next two or three weeks, I was able to take summer vacation.

If you include the time to go back to your hometown, you should be able to receive it for about a month or more.

Then should I convince my father?

‘But by what means?’

It would be very strange to say that I had to leave my hometown all of a sudden…….

First of all, it seemed like the best thing would be to look at the atmosphere.

Still, I’ll have plenty of time once I throw away my secretary post and go back to my hometown.

As I was relaxing in my room, it was almost 7 o’clock. I left the room to keep my promise with the ladies-in-waiting.

* * *

Vettel and Fonta were spending time looking around outside the imperial palace, not in the office.

The purpose was to inspect the garden, but…… In reality, it was just an excuse to flirt.

“You seem to be letting things go too much lately.”

“When people rest, they should rest.”

Even when Fonta gave him a bruise, Vettel just smirked.

At that time, as they were walking leisurely, a deacon came running in a huff, calling out to the two of them.

“Oh. “What’s going on?”

“A letter has arrived, addressed to His Highness Bettel and Count Huxley.”

The deacon held out to them the two letters he was holding in his arms.

“Ah. “It was sent by Her Majesty Cecilia.”

Betel seemed to know the contents of the letter without even opening it. At least it probably contains information about pilot trade.

“Ponta. Who sent the letter? “Is it by any chance a lady you have in mind?”

“Secretary Luke Nedville.”

“You sure have tastes…” ….”


When Ponta looked at him with a straight face, Vettel laughed heartily. Ponta shot a deliberately harsh look at him, but it had no effect on him at all.

“Your Highness. “I’m going back to my room to check the mail.”

“Why? “Is there anything written that you shouldn’t show to others?”

“Yes. “For now, yes.”

As soon as he heard his answer, Vettel smiled strangely again.

“I don’t know what kind of strange imagination you’re imagining, but it’s absolutely not the case.”

“Huh? “I’m not thinking about anything?”

Ponta wanted to hit Bethel’s head for being obnoxious, but the butler was watching so he decided to hold back.

“Anyway, I’m going to go to my room for a moment.”

Ponta hurriedly walked to his room. When he arrived in his room, he immediately sat down at his desk and opened the envelope of his letter.

To summarize what was written in the letter, it was as follows.

I will transfer 200,000 darcs that I have stored in a secret bank, and I am asking you to find the money and purchase the mansion.

‘You were using a secret bank…’ ….’

Even Ponta knew about the existence of a secret bank. But right now, I couldn’t figure out where the branch was.

‘We also need to find a secret bank branch, and Her Majesty Cecilia also sent a letter… ….’

In other words, work for pilot trade had to be handled in parallel.

“I’m going to be busy again for a while.”

Ponta let out a short sigh.

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