Episode 124 This is truly a great development

Episode 124 This is a truly great development

After that night, Cecilia worked hard to create materials to announce the results.

Because of that, me, Flora, and Mulia also became obsessed with that work. Naturally, other paperwork ended up being left to other ministries, but it didn’t matter to me.

On the contrary, doing just this made me feel much more comfortable physically and mentally than when I was doing paperwork.

How great it would be if I could do this for the rest of my life.

But this will end today.


Because the nobles’ meeting is scheduled to be held tomorrow.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I would like you to review this material here as well.”

Cecilia pointed to one of her materials on her desk. I quickly got up from the chair and headed over there.

As I approached her side, Cecilia handed me her materials. I stood there and looked through her materials.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong.”

“I understand.”

“Mr. Luke! Please review what I have organized!”

This time Flora asked for help.

“Yes. “I’ll be there soon.”

Flora shoved several sheets of material at her. It seemed like a lot to look at from a standing position, so I went back to my seat and checked them out.

There were two things that needed to be corrected, and I checked them.


Is it Mulia this time? ….

“If you have organized anything, I will review it.”

Luckily, Mulia is willing to help me.

I handed her some of her materials. She quickly checked the contents and informed me that there was nothing wrong.

“As expected, you are the secretary.”

“Thank you, Lady Earl of Fordward.”

The material we created was finally completed the day before the noble meeting.

* * *

The day of the noble meeting dawned.

Flora and Mulia were also scheduled to attend this meeting. Just before leaving the office, Cecilia asked us one last question.

“Have you all taken care of your materials?”

“Yes. Your majesty.”

All three of us answered at the same time. Then Cecilia nodded her head once.

“Then let’s move to the conference room.”

In the conference room, both noble and imperial faction members were already seated. They all stood up as soon as we came inside.

Cecilia walked at a leisurely pace to her throne. Her maids and I took our seats on the seats provided under the throne.

Soon, Cecilia sat on the throne.

“Meet Her Majesty Empress Cecilia, Mother of the Empire.”

Immediately after that, her nobles bowed to her.

“Hmm. Everyone please take a seat.”

She gave instructions in a dignified voice, and all the nobles took their seats. Cecilia looked around at their faces and then opened her mouth.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you all. “Has anything special happened so far?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. “While you were away, there were no major problems in the empire.”

The person who answered her question was Duke Kylos. Duke Montersen also spoke next.

“Yes. Nothing special happened. “Even if Your Majesty is not here, the empire is holding strong, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I see… ….”

Montersen began to be subtly sarcastic from the very beginning.

I turned my gaze towards Cecilia, just in case.

She seemed to have noticed this right away, but she did not respond to Yeongtaengi’s provocation. If you start a fight right away, you will get tired, so you can say that you are avoiding it first.

Flora and Mulia sitting next to me looked towards me at the same time.

Those eyes seemed to be asking if this was right.

Well, it makes sense.

Flora and Mulia have only heard about Montersen’s notoriety, but have never experienced it themselves. Besides, it was my first time attending a noble meeting.

I lightly shrugged my shoulders towards them. It means that you should not be too scared because you are that kind of person.

I don’t know if this will be conveyed well.

“Then, let’s start the meeting. “Today, I will announce to you the results obtained through the meeting with the Kingdom of Sergel.”

Cecilia held out her hand towards Mulia, and she quickly stood up and handed over her materials.

Her materials handed over by Mulia contained the content that she had resolved past history issues with the Kingdom of Sergel that had not been resolved for 30 years.

Cecilia, who received her materials, stood up from her throne.

“First of all, some of you may know. There have been unpleasant incidents between our empire and the Kingdom of Sergel over the past 30 years. “The Marquis of Ranker, who was one of the envoys dispatched from our side at the time, murdered the kingdom’s Count Hormeld.”

“Yes. “I know, Your Majesty.”

Some people from the noble and imperial factions responded.

When I checked the faces, they were mostly older people.

Cecilia nodded her head and then continued her explanation. The content is that all of the family members of the Marquess of Ranker will be put on the execution platform in order to clear up the mistakes that we have not been able to clear up.

In addition, it was also announced that compensation and a sincere apology were directly provided to the victims’ families.

Immediately, opinions were divided.

The emperor’s faction says that it is only right that they be punished even now.

The aristocratic faction unanimously said that even though it had been 30 years, this was too much of an action and that it was a shame that the emperor bowed down to a mere nobleman.

However, Cecilia completely ignored the opinions of the aristocratic faction.

“This has already been agreed upon with Betel Seimer, the King of the Kingdom of Sergel. “Reverting this is nothing more than breaking the contract.”

“… ….”

The conference room became deathly quiet.

I checked his signs to see if Marlboro was installed.

…… There hasn’t been much movement yet.

From noble mtl dot com

The Duke of Montersen also just had his arms crossed with a solemn look on his face.

‘Maybe he’s timing his attack.’

Because those people never passed up every noble meeting.

Cecilia also informed us that the Kingdom of Sergel would ask us for 2 years’ worth of the kingdom’s budget as compensation to hold our empire responsible for declaring a 5-year war.

“The amount of compensation appears to be significant.”

“When converted to gold, it is approximately 20 million gold.”

As soon as Cecilia made the announcement, her stomach started to flutter. This was a significant benefit on our part.

“This is how the issue of past history was resolved. Next, I will inform you of the agreement we have made to resume trade with the Kingdom of Sergel.”

This time, I stood up and handed the materials to Cecilia. Please note that this material was created jointly by Flora and I.

Cecilia scanned the material with her eyes and then read out what was written there.

To summarize the contents, it was like this.

Tariffs were abolished and the currency exchange rate was unified to 1 gold to 10 dharks.

The idea is to first trade a few items as a pilot and then start full-scale trade.

“If there are any inconveniences during trade, we will coordinate and improve them. “If anyone has any questions, please raise your hand.”

Cecilia, with her serious voice, looked around her audience.

“I think it is a very great achievement, Your Majesty.”

Kylos immediately showed support. Then, other imperial nobles also agreed with Kylos’ words and applauded.

If this happens, the noble faction will be in an awkward position in many ways.

I kept an eye on Montersen and Marlboro.

…… Could it be that Montersen and Marlboro are just going to get away with it?

If that happens, it will be convenient in many ways.

But unfortunately, my expectations were shattered before long. Duke Montersen, who had remained silent the whole time, raised his hand.

“May I speak, Your Majesty?”


Montersen stood on both his knees and slowly stood up.

I checked Flora and Mulia for signs just in case. There was a nervous look on their faces.

“This time, Your Majesty has achieved great results in many ways, and I am confident that this is a good thing for our empire. However, no matter how good the results were, it is questionable whether it was necessary to resume exchanges with the kingdom at the expense of the empire’s pride. The loss of trade with the kingdom over the past 30 years has had no significant impact on our empire. “I believe Your Majesty is well aware of this.”

In summary, this is this. Why did you do such a useless thing?

‘I’m just looking for a place to live.’

I didn’t know anything else, but one thing was certain. The fact that the results we have achieved are so great that the other side can only say poor things.

“Hmm. Duke Montersen seems to think so.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. “Even if we had not resumed trade with the kingdom, our empire would have run just as usual.”

“Duke. “It sounds to me like you are just trying to find fault with what you said.”

Cecilia scolded coldly.

I looked up at her, her eyes very fierce.

“The bad relationships of the past are something that must be resolved at some point. Is it possible to just put it off and cover it up? And I judged that maintaining amicable relations with neighboring countries would be of great help to the peace and prosperity of the empire.”

“Your Majesty’s words are correct.”

Some members of the imperial faction, including Kailos, gave strength to Cecilia’s argument.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Our Eckhart Empire has the strongest national power on the Arsenia continent. A national power so strong that no one would even dare to think of confronting it! But how can something like a mere kingdom…….”

“Duke. “Let me ask you just one question.”

Cecilia cut out Montersen’s bullsh*t.

“Do you think there will be an eternal number one?”

“Our empire will forever establish itself as the strongest on the continent.”

This time, members of the aristocratic faction gave strength to Montersen’s argument. Cecilia took a moment to catch her breath and then opened her mouth again.

“Personally, as you said, I hope our empire will prosper forever. However, it would not be possible to hold in one’s hands a powerful national power forever. Do you think it is such a bad thing to make peace with neighboring countries in preparation for such a time?”

“… ….”

Monte Lesen seemed to have run out of things to say, so she closed her mouth.

When I saw that, I couldn’t help but laugh. I feel sorry for you, really.

“I think it is a great benefit to have the effect of our empire’s culture becoming more prosperous by accepting the culture of other countries.”

This time too, the imperial faction gave active support to Cecilia’s opinions.

It seemed that the imperial faction had finally decided to give Cecilia as much power as possible.

“Yes. “If that is your Majesty’s will, I understand.”

Montersen finally sat down.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised. Cecilia is pushing him like a horse without my help…….

‘This is truly a huge advancement.’

It seems that the experience of holding several meetings with King Bethel was helpful in many ways.

Perhaps it was because she had suppressed the aristocratic faction’s backlash that Cecilia took her next turn with a more relaxed expression than before.

It was time to hand out the award I had been looking forward to.

“We will then award awards to those who contributed greatly to the resumption of trade. Luke Nedville, Flora Delice Simonian, and Mulia Fordward, please come before me.”

The three of us walked forward, answering in louder voices than usual.

Cecilia came down from her throne and stood before Flora.

“Flora Delis Simonian. “I will give you a reward where you can choose one of the imperial palace’s treasures!”

“I am very grateful, Your Majesty!”

Next, it’s Mulia’s turn.

“Mulia Fordward. “I will also award you with a prize of choosing one of the imperial palace’s treasures!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Finally, my turn has arrived.

“Luke Nedville. You have especially contributed greatly to this trade. “I will award you 20,000 gold as a reward!”

“We salute you, Your Majesty!”

I bowed deeply and expressed my gratitude, just like the maids did.

I felt like I could spend the day in a happy mood today because things went well in many ways.

‘Now that’s what I’m going to do next.’

Deposit 20,000 gold into a secret bank account.

The plan for escape was moving forward, little by little.

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