Stasia cautiously asked Lucia who suddenly appeared.

“Are you aware of the situation?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“okay. If so, can you convince me?”

Would you dismantle the plan that the emperor, Antares, gave you an answer that would make you understand it?

Stasia had such expectations. He himself didn’t want this kind of ending, but he couldn’t easily give an answer because of the weight of the monarch.

So I hoped someone would convince me. If that’s possible, you’ll be able to move yourself too.


Lucia, who finally reached her destination after going through a fierce battle, was able to read Stasia’s anxiety.

What she has to do now is not simple persuasion, but an appeal that will change her values.

I could tell without words how hard it was.

Stasia, who has always been curious about the unknown, is now feeling the fear of the unknown.

The graceful and dignified appearance of Stasia is now stained with anxiety and looks dangerous.

That’s why, after reading her anxiety, Lucia said.

“I don’t have the words to convince Your Highness.”

Persuasion is impossible.

That was Lucia’s conclusion after seeing Stasia’s appearance.

It is a question that has no answer in the first place.

No one knows which choice is correct. However, the history and experience accumulated by the monster named Antares cannot be ignored.

To convince that, you have to break her values. have to cheat

You have to become a vassal who whispers flattering words.

But I didn’t want to.

So what can she do?

“So judge for yourself.”

Stasia, who is confused, is only pushing her back so that she can make her own decision.

It will show you a new world.

Lucia rolled up her sleeves and inserted the prepared syringe.

If you want her to know, you must first tell her what kind of person she is.

Things that cannot be counted in words, things that cannot be summarized in a word.

It’s difficult to convey that.

But Stasia is different.

“I don’t want to trick Your Highness into a puppet with flattery, so please make your own decision after watching it.”

Stasia has the ability to understand that even without words.

Stasia, who was watching this, opened her eyes wide in amazement.

Until now, no one had willingly given blood to drink.

This is because everyone fears that their memories will be read and has avoided it.

That’s why the act of blood vampirism was a weapon for Stasia.

An efficient way to hold someone else’s leash. That was her idea, that was Antares’ idea.

But what does this mean?

I never thought that it could be used as a vehicle for remonstrance.

“Because I don’t have a horse. So rather than just a few words, I think using Your Highness’ abilities is the best way to showcase my situation, opinions, and heart.”

“… … .”

“Will Your Highness listen to my rudeness?”

Stasia carefully accepted the blood Lucia gave her.

It was the first time. To use her vampirism in this way.


weakly at first.

Stasia answered cautiously.

The possibility seemed to open her eyes.


And that feebleness is certainty.

Perhaps there is something in this blood that will correct her confusion.

“I will.”

Yes, that’s why Stasia gratefully accepted Lucia’s blood.

not her doctor.

The first blood-sucking act done through the favor of others.

“I will definitely give you the right answer.”

What she was trying to get through vampirism. I felt like I could get the answer to him for the first time at this moment.

* * *

The meeting with Stasia is over.

And now, as if it was a lie that she had been hiding herself until recently, she was leisurely waiting for an answer.

If she decides to join Antares’ plan here, you’ll have to run away with Lucia.

But, well, it’ll be fine.

Her eyes, seen at the point of accepting the blood, were striking.

“Can I sit next to you?”

“as you please.”

It was time to climb up on the roof of the building and enjoy the scenery.

Maybe she had just taken a shower, her hair was wet and her cheeks flushed.

I speak to Lucia, who has carefully sat down next to me.

“You’ve been through a lot.”

“Thank you,”

“That’s right. It’s all thanks to me.”

I don’t lie.

Anyway, the humility I do is not a virtue, but a deception.

Rather than that, I’d rather proudly enjoy this praise.

“Yeah, it’s all thanks to you.”

“… … .”

But when I admit it like that, I have nothing to say.

Lucia, who is sitting next to me, smiles broadly. I don’t know why, but it’s burdensome to see that smile.

“oh my.”

I lay down comfortably with no one watching anyway.

The warmth of spring warms you down.

“Come to think of it, it must be spring.”

“I know… … . It was too late to realize it because I was busy walking around.”

It was winter until recently.

I’ve been working hard to survive in the cold.

It seems that I didn’t even know it was spring because I ran so hard.

Trees, vegetation, and flowers that can be seen under the roof are blooming beautifully.



Lucia, who was sitting next to me, called my name.


“so why.”

Even though I answered, he called my name again. A similar situation continued after that. Lucia calls my name and I answer him.


Wondering what the hell she was doing, I raised my head and looked up to see Lucia muttering my name with her eyes closed.

“No, that… … Thank you.”

“What are you thankful for?”

Don’t make me say the same thing over and over again.

Be sure. What are you thankful for this time? I will ask you again and again without backing down until you hear it.

“That, like when you scolded me for my arrogance in the past.”

“Have you come to that now? Rather than that, you already said thank you.”

“Is that so? Then um… … .”

It sounds like you have something to say.

“… … For keeping your promise not to include your wounds in your plans?”

“Why are you a question type?”

“No, um.”

“If you have something to say, say it.”

Lucia hugged her knees and bowed her head. When I looked closely, my face was stained red.

“Maybe I am.”

She opened her eyes again and tilted her head slightly to look at me lying down.

“Uh, maybe he likes you, Joe?”

“… … .”

“No, no.”

“no? What is not?”

“I want you… … . no, that’s not it What I want to say is… … .”

Lucia takes a deep breath.

Her face was already flushed red, so I had a vague idea of what she was trying to say.

“I came to like you.”


“I! That I like you! Are you done now?! So stop!”

“What are you stopping?”

“Stop holding that damn horse! That’s enough!”

Well, if you do this, you have the discipline.

Is it so hard to hear that word properly? A person like Lucia needs to keep a clear word like this so that she can’t say anything else later.

I guessed that she had feelings for me.

Anyway, how many years have you been with her, don’t you know that?

But that’s why I was surprised.

“Did something like that happen?”

“… … Well, just coming to my senses, I feel like this is what happened.”


It wasn’t dramatic. It just happened naturally because we were together.

she said so

It probably started when it was a conversation we had in a house made of piles of junk.

The small stone I threw at that time would have done nothing but cause a small ripple in her heart.

But while that small ripple spread, a new ripple arose.

At the end of the increasing ripples that repulsed and resonated with each other.

“When I came to my senses, I was so caught up in it that I couldn’t control myself.”

It turned into a huge torrent.

“So, well, I guess I can’t express it well in words. It would have been nice if you had the same power as His Highness.”

“You don’t have a horse around.”

“That’s right. It seems I can’t even say the right words in the face of something really important.”

Actually, I am not very different.

This situation is embarrassing right now. I don’t know what to answer.

One thing though.

There is something that needs to be pointed out.

“I know you like me. Then why did you say that?”

“… … uh?”

Lucia looks down at me with a shocked expression. It’s as if you’ve been betrayed.

It is like this too. I also have no speech. I didn’t mean to ask with such a cold feeling, but it’s a big deal.

“How did you get the courage to confess?”

Has this become a decisive blow?

No, there is something lacking in thinking that way.

It’s true that I worked hard for her, but she didn’t see me like that.

This time we moved separately.

Still, there must be a reason for making this decision.

“Ah, that was it. Seeing that makes me annoyed. what is the attitude This is some kind of courage.”

“Because the original body is popular.”

“… … I want you dead.”

“That’s something I hear often.”

Mainly what you said.

By the way… … .

Right. Now I know what kind of feeling was contained in that sale, which was always meaningless.

This guy must have suffered a lot too.

“Courage is… … . Actually I’m not sure. I wasn’t going to tell you, but I don’t know why I got the courage.”

“yes… … .”

I know.

She didn’t have the courage.

It was just that I was freed from the guilt that had been holding me back for so long.

Because Eleanor’s existence has disappeared. Precisely because of the lack of awareness.

That’s why she was able to bring out the heart she must have had.

“You needlessly like people.”


Yes, she was that kind of person.

He has been hiding his feelings for his friend.

And it was only when it had temporarily disappeared that I could be honest.

“And I’m a piece of trash. I feel it again.”

And in the meantime, I pretended not to see Lucia like that.

My humanity, falling endlessly. It’s awful.

If so, you must rectify this situation before it is too late.

I was sure I was going to see her now.

My foolish mindset hurts people with just that.

“I don’t already have one or two people I like. But are you okay? I might not be the first.”

“I think it’s great that you can say it so confidently. It’s trash, but it’s great courage.”

“Then you came to like that kind of trash. It’s pitiful.”

“Yeah, I really feel sorry for myself, so I can’t stand it.”

Lucia buried her face in her knees again and sighed.

Her face, peeking out from the side, was dyed bright red, and the cat ears growing on top of her head were prickling.

Not to mention the tail.

It’s to the point where my mind is swaying in all directions.

It must be evidence that emotions are intensified in many ways.

After wagging her tail like that for a while, Lucia seemed to have calmed down a bit and raised her head slightly.

“… … If you allow me, I will try to be the first.”

“There will be a lot of sleepy things.”

It can be hard to see me with other people.

Looking at it might hurt her.

“It’s the same as before, because there’s never been a time when it wasn’t like that.”

“It must have been difficult.”

“It did.”

Lucia sighed again.

After staring at him, he asked the next question.

“There will be things you will feel guilty about with the other kids.”

If she can be anxious, the opposite can also happen.

She could also be tormented by feelings of guilt when she sees other people getting anxious.

Isn’t this the girl who tried to give up love for a friend?

No one knows if they will fall into the swamp of guilt again.

“I guess so. Still, I live for you to the extent that I want to endure it all, love… … ugh… … .”

Lucia buried her head between her knees again, unable to finish her words. he’s a cute boy

Is it hard to say that even after confessing?

Well, the shy guy can’t help it. I wouldn’t be able to raise my head if I mentioned him here.

Didn’t you hear a bitter voice when you said it in a similar way earlier?

“Is it hard to say I love you?”

“… … Don’t hold back.”

So I did.

There’s nothing more fun than watching them bewildered without making eye contact.

“I may not be able to give you priority.”

“… … .”

“I am alone after all. There will always come a time when I can’t put you first. Will you be okay though?”

It is a problem that will inevitably arise.

When it comes to loving people, not being able to be the first will inevitably be accompanied by pain.

It can make you feel sad and even embarrassed.

If you can’t stand this, it’s right to close your mind. At this rate, you will grow scars along with love.

It is very painful.


Lucia raises her head again.

He came towards me with the knees he was hugging loose.

Lucia came to me like a cat walking on a roof.

“So that I can endure that moment.”

flushed cheeks.

quivering eyes.

Her hair was damp because she had just come out of the shower.

“You give me a token.”

Get up at Lucia’s request.

It had already been decided. It is impossible to reject her now.

Being a stupid, trashy human being, I couldn’t make the choice to give up on anyone.

I did my best not to hurt them. And then it reached a place too deep in my heart.

I was so soaked up.

The fact that I now want to keep my distance is the same as trying to pluck out that heart.

“What proof do you want?”

“… … I want a proof like what you did for Baekyang.”

I stood up and Lucia leaned down. The distance where their faces touch each other.

“What did I do to Baekyang?”

“… … .”

Lucia glares at me with tears in her eyes. I guess I was teasing too much.

In fact, wasn’t she the one who had a hard time even saying the word ‘I love you’?

“Key, I want you to kiss me.”

“… … .”

“why?! You told me to say it, so I mustered up the courage to say it! But why are you looking at me like that?!”

“No, just… … .”

It’s amazing for a topic that was hard to say I love you.

She may also be a person who is surprisingly faithful to her desires.

Lucia, who had been muttering at me as if she was angry, soon pulled her head back.

“done! Quit it if you don’t like it.”

“I have no intention of quitting.”

“uh… … ?”

I grab onto Lucia’s head, who has drifted away, and pull it toward me. And give her a token as she wants.

yes i caught her

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