Fortunately, I was able to find a way to get through tonight safely in the worst answer that would only be a trap no matter which one I chose.

“The Prince of Oz… … No, Your Highness Oz. This is not your accommodation.”

“Let’s not be petty with the same leaders. Olivia Blue.”

“Shouldn’t we be more strict because we are the same leading team?”

“I don’t think so.”

The place I am now is not Eleanor or Baekyang’s room, but a detention center under the management of the lead department.

Because of the disturbance caused by Yang Baek and Eleanor, he was caught by the dormitory supervisor.

It’s a pity that we have to call this a blessing in disguise, but… … In any case, the worst was averted.

And there is also heating here.

Thanks to you, I can spend the day warmly.

“What about Arrieta?”

“Aren’t you too brazen about being arrested for breaking into your dormitory? Do you have the face to see the saintess’s face in such a situation?”

Of course, it is true that I have been arrested for something unpleasant. But if Arrieta hears the circumstances, she will understand.

yes, so

“I am proud.”

“It is something that should not be taken for granted.”

It’s like a stiff guy.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, but it’s strict.

“And above all, the saintess is not present.”

“It’s the first time.”

“Because you left last night. It wouldn’t be too much trouble if the information didn’t reach you.”

If that’s the case, it’s a bit different.

Even if the information from <Tenebris> is fast, it can’t be helped because it’s not enough to deliver such a short distance.

“You should be at the Vatican by now.”

“Then why are you here?”

“It’s off duty.”

“Unexpectedly, you were living your life properly.”

He was willing to risk his life for Arrieta, so I thought they were always together. But come to think of it, this guy was also a civil servant.

There were quite a few times when he wasn’t with Arrieta in the first place. The church’s working environment seems to be better than expected.

“Yes, to the church… … .”

“Aren’t you curious about what happened?”

“Did something special happen?”

According to the flow of the original work as far as I know, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.

In the first place, Arietta returns to the church during vacation.

Now is the time between final exams and winter vacation, so it’s no wonder I went back a little early.

“The Pope is missing.”

“… … Isn’t that a big deal?”

“It’s a big deal.”

This bastard’s poker face is scary.

I thought it was expressionless, but was it like this?

“I think I heard it at Spellage.”

I met her once in <Spelling>. If she had gone to <Spellage> on her own, the current information would be of great help.

“I know. Because it was an official schedule. But he disappeared right after he stopped by the spellcaster.”


Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like it was improvised or directed towards <Spelling>.

Her path was clear, and it stopped after <Spelling>.

If this is done wrong, it is a problem that can cause resentment between the two countries.

If you find fault with this… … .

“I wouldn’t doubt the spelling. There is no reason for the current speller to do such a thing. If in doubt… … .”

“They must be the groups that carried out the terror in this spell.”

“That’s right.”

that would make sense

Of course, you can use that perception to your advantage by claiming that you assassinated the pope in <Spellage>.

However, due to the nature of the church, there will be no such thing. The denomination hates politics.

It’s just that I don’t choose to do something like that.

“So, did Arrieta go to find the missing Pope?”

“No, he went to take care of things within the church. Because the saintess corresponds to the status of a cardinal and is also the official successor of the Pope.”

“It’s fortunate.”

Lucia Domine is a monster.

Even if he was pushed back in the fight with [Myungwang], wasn’t Thanatos a person who lived a life close to immortality in the first place.

An ordinary person, no, rather, a person who had aged and weakened was blocking it.

A monster whose skin is only human has gone missing. I don’t know if she went off on a whim, but if she was kidnapped or murdered… … .

“If you had to find it in the first place, it would have been an army, not an individual.”

“Yes. It is also true that the saintess died for that. Because you have the authority to move the army.”

“You have more authority than me.”

“A joke… … . Aren’t you the most powerful speller now?”

“It’s just a facade, but that’s it.”

It has authority, but it is a situation where it cannot be wielded recklessly.

Moreover, even if you can wield it, there will be no reason to wield that authority.

Most of the work was left to Shuren.

“Your Highness Oz. Then I will tell you the saintess’ message.”

“Did you stay for that?”

“Because it’s off duty, you should recognize it as if you were in charge of a message.”

Olivia Blue wanted to organize the contents in her head, but soon told me Arietta’s message.

“He said that there is no need to worry, that he could solve the problem himself and that he would return safely, so please wait while recovering from the exhaustion from the arduous trip.”

“As expected, the only thing I think about is Arrieta. It’s a tearful consideration.”

“Even with that consideration, you are now in the detention center.”

Is it because he is from the kingdom of Neris, which is close to the <Borderline Sea>?

It’s a pretty cool eye.

“Wouldn’t it be okay because it relieves fatigue more here than outside?”

“It’s not okay. How would you feel if you found out that you, who returned from your travels, instead of recovering from travel poisoning, infiltrated the women’s dormitory and entered the detention center?”

“It will hurt. Because I am being treated so unfairly.”

“You will be stunned!”

Olivia Blue shouted.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a passionate reaction.

“I beg you, please don’t have an accident while you are inside.”

“I’m always calm in the detention center.”

“I hope you do the same outside. Please do a proper reflection rather than such a superficial reflection.”

Rather, it means that there is nothing worth buying here… … .

I shouldn’t have to say this.

* * *

I’ve had a pretty busy life lately. Furthermore, as I researched the affairs of the kingdom and <Parade>, my life pattern was completely ruined.

Recently, I can only sleep lightly. My nerves were so sensitive that even the slightest sign of it would open my eyes.

That’s why you know. that someone came to see me.

Lying on the bed, I looked up to check out the window.


I saw Eleanor with a mischievous smile in front of me.

“What… … .”

“Master, you are awake. Aren’t you uncomfortable living in a place like this?”

“I am more uncomfortable with the situation now.”

why are you here How are you?

“How did you get in?”

“I broke the window and came in. Do you want to escape because it’s such a long time ago?”

“No, that’s okay… … .”

I glanced around and saw that the window had been smashed.

Is it a frontal break? It’s also bold.

But the fact that they weren’t caught is probably because they used the power of severance.

It’s a crime that even I can’t notice. Perhaps it is the result of practice.

And he is the one who commits a crime as a result.

After all, if this guy wasn’t the main character, I think he would have become a criminal.

“It would be convenient if you could come to my room right now.”

“… … .”


He stretched out his hand and pulled Eleanor’s cheek, who was laughing nonchalantly without understanding the situation.

soft and fluffy

It’s almost like Spina’s cheek I touched last time.

Of course, after that, I was caught by Tia and almost died.

He is an overprotective person.


After thinking about something else for a while, Eleanor released my hand from pulling on my cheek and held it to my face.

I don’t even try to hide the laughter that leaks out of what’s so good.

“You know what? I was quite lonely while my teacher was gone.”


Eleanor, who closed her eyes while holding my hand as if trying to feel the warmth, said in a quiet whisper.

“It’s a big deal. Like my teacher, I will have to lead the country in the future. I guess I can’t live without my teacher now.”

“Could you mind your word choice?”

“hehehehe. It’s not wrong, so what do you think? Or even a place to be stabbed?”

Anyone who hears will know that I did something to you.

“I will continue to do my best to be of help to my teacher. Didn’t Master help me too?”


“So this is my oath to my master.”

Eleanor opened her eyes and put her little finger on mine.

“I promise. teacher.”

As at the party before, she promised me this time.

Then she gently ran one hand through my hair as she lay there and said in a caring tone.

“Even though the teacher is having a hard time, it’s hard to notice because he doesn’t show it well. But is Master also having a hard time?”

This guy is like this.

When I’m having a hard time, I notice that fact faster than anyone else.

It is one of the behaviors that the body has become accustomed to seeing others notice.

Even if you don’t think deeply, you can say that the notice that arrives at the right answer is her weapon in a sense.

“When the teacher is in trouble or in difficulty, I will always be by his side and help him. So, it’s okay to rest for a little bit, for today or so.”

“yes… … .”

Salem’s work still lingers on the inside of me.

How can I just let it go?

It cannot and should not be shed.

“I will trust you.”

She’s still weak, and the power she has doesn’t reach the special level… … .

Eleanor’s strength is her resolute will to stand up even in despair.

It is a warm humanity that makes anyone want to lean on.

Its power is unmatched by anyone.

“I will believe you.”

Eleanor smiled broadly, as if satisfied with my answer.

“Then Master, have a good rest today.”

Eleanor lightly kissed my forehead as I lay with the horse.

It felt more like a relief than a thrill. The tense body gradually relaxes.

“I’ll go before you get caught. Originally, I only wanted to see your face.”

He looks at Eleanor, who jumps out of the window he destroyed.

I thought I could hear footsteps for a while, but at some point the sound disappeared as if submerged in water.

It must have used the power of severance again.

After Eleanor left.

Originally, as Eleanor said, I should rest for a while, but I still have work to do.

“I do. I wish, very simply. There are a lot of good kids around.”

“I would like to try stealing a relationship between students. Head of the academy.”

I turned my head towards Tia, who had been watching this side of me from the detention house door.

The reason I woke up in the first place was on this side rather than Eleanor.

Eleanor didn’t seem to notice, but how could she hide the strong presence of the dragon?

“It’s a mess even though I kept it quiet so I wouldn’t disturb it like last time.”

“Aren’t you supposed to step aside at that time?”

“Do you guys know when the conversation will end and move away? Be thankful for even just closing your eyes.”

“Would you like to do well?”

Tia just shrugged her shoulders at my sarcasm and said nothing.

He just quietly entered the room and sat down near the bed on which I was lying.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“What… … Several.”

“Isn’t it too late to ask that?”

I’ll tell you that when we first met, but pretending to be an adult now doesn’t work.

“No, I thought it would be better to treat him as usual.”

“Then why now… … .”

“No, that, yes. Thinking about it again, I thought it might be good to worry a little.”

a person who is not honest

She must have been very impressed with Eleanor’s behavior just now, as she has been trying to look more mature since Spina was born recently.

Of course, if I said this directly, it’s clear that Tia will be serious. Aren’t you a person who values face?

“Are you ashamed of your own behavior to see Noah acting like a grown-up towards me?”

“… … You have a problem with that snout.”

So I did.

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