It’s already been 3 days since I decided to learn seonjutsu through meditation.

All he had been doing was meditating and spreading mana around him.

that’s what changed

“Is this going to happen for real?”

There was no

“You can’t be full on the first drink, can you?”

“If you talk like that, I don’t have anything else to say.”

So far, I’ve only been meditating and letting my mana go, but I haven’t had much success.

They said it would work, and since they actually showed it, it must be right.

Still, there is bound to be a doubt.

The gist of the narrative was as follows.

– Achieve results without a process.

does this make sense?

There is also the sound of catching floating clouds.

However, considering the miracles he showed, it is not wrong, but a problem.

Jinseon created a magical phenomenon without the flow of mana. He didn’t even spread his magic, but the mana itself changed and formed a barrier.

The resulting changes are difficult to perceive even with the naked eye.

If [Contemplation] had not been activated enough to overload, it would have been impossible to notice.

“It doesn’t matter if you quit.”

“It’s what I asked for, and now I’m giving up, isn’t it?”

I was the one who asked you to teach me how to do seonjutsu.

I decided to listen to his request, but isn’t it like going back barefoot?

So, I wondered if there was anything I could get, so I brought it up, and he accepted it surprisingly willingly.

That’s why I’m being blown by the cold wind here right now.

“It is good that pride sometimes produces indomitable will.”

“You only say nice things like that, so the head of the academy has become a nonchalant person.”

“ha ha ha! You ate this one. There is a part of me that has pampered Tia too much.”

Jinseon chuckled as if it was difficult to deny the fact that Tia’s personality was crooked.

For the first time, he defeated Jinseon with words. If this is an achievement, is it an achievement?

“… … .”

Seeing Tia staring at me from afar with expressionless eyes, the achievement seems right. If you leave Bongrae Mountain, you will die and leave only your name.

“Hmm, hmm… … .”

Jin-seon doesn’t seem to want to take my side this time either.

yes it is Wasn’t he also the one who talked behind his back?

“Academy head? It was a joke.”

“… … .”

No answer.

I don’t know what her expressionless expression means. Surprisingly, he may not have been very upset.

I hope so. hopefully

“Hmm, hmm… … . It’s still difficult, so let me explain again. Zen art refers to the method of changing the power contained in mana itself.”

Jin-seon, perhaps trying to change the atmosphere, started the lecture on seon-sul again. However, Tia’s expression did not soften.

Now I have no choice but to pretend to focus on the lecture and get away from that gaze.

no method.

“Is it possible to create magic without a spell? You can’t make a bonfire when you haven’t even lit the wood.”

“Thunderbolts can fall on trees, and embers can spark. What matters is natural change.”

“Um… … .”

I don’t know what the hell you mean. Is it okay to just release mana while leaving it to luck?

Until the spread mana changes naturally? that’s not a skill I just wish for a miracle.

You need to be able to change naturally with a clear will.

It’s easy to say. Yes, it’s easy to say.

“It rains, permeates the earth, is absorbed by plants, and eventually blooms.”

“It is magnificent.”

“Even water that just flows can change in so many different ways, so what about mana?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Look wide. You are not a brush, and mana is not ink, so how can you only think that way?”


I don’t know either.

I expected it, but it seems like something like realization is necessary.

“What… … Don’t be in a hurry. Don’t you have a lot of time?”

“Not so much… … .”


A dull sound then heard. A vibration that resonates with the mountain itself.

And a creepy will mixed in it. I could understand in an instant.

Who could generate the strength to resonate the entire Mt. Bongrae, covered in barriers?

thing I was worried about.

Something that was sure to happen.

Chapter 6 of the main story.

[Yowang] Kang Chul’s attack.

“This bastard… … .”

Tia was the first to react. The pupils became the eyes of a ferocious predator, and the horns radiated heat that shook the surroundings.

“How dare you say this place!!”


It was Jinsun who stopped Tia from running away at once.

He grabbed Tia by the shoulder as she was about to spread her wings, and calmly instructed her.

“Wouldn’t it be good for you to take the rest of the children with you?”

“Yeah… … ?”

“Didn’t you say there was a problem with your nest? Moreover, this place could become dangerous, so only the children should be sent to a safe place.”

“… … .”

Tia looked up at Jinsun with trembling eyes. There’s no way that Tia doesn’t understand what Jinsun is saying.

Jin-seon no longer has the strength to stop Kang-cheol. He is burning the last lamp of his life.

That’s why they want to get us out.

“Isn’t your role to protect your children and your family?”

“… … .”

Tia gnashed her teeth and lowered her head.

It would have to be accepted because it made sense. Must be split.

It will be a big decision.

But there are things they both don’t know.

“It is already too late.”

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At that moment, I thought I could hear the sound of breaking glass, but there was a crack in the air.


Then, thick fog began to spread out from the crack with an eerie voice.

It’s a familiar fog.

-Your only understanding has come.

An eerie voice resembling metal scraping resonates throughout Penglai Mountain.

Well, at this point, you’ll understand without me having to tell you… … .

“Because Kangcheol is not an alter ego, but he connected Samdocheon and Mt. Bongrae.”

Even if we try to get out, it’s already too late. Because [Yowang] Kang Chul-i appeared with his body, not his alter ego.

The entire mountain of Bongrae would be covered in Yogi, so it would be impossible for even Tia to escape through magic.

“What is that… … .”

Jinseon was astonished at my words and looked down at the fog of the Samdocheon springing up from the cracks.

And his expression was colored with bewilderment, as if he had seen something incomprehensible.

“How on earth?”

“Probably using the power of the key. This is a guy I know. It’s a dog-like pup that will never exist again in the world.”

“key… … ? should be ah It can’t be. None of the keys have this kind of power.”


No matter how much I said, I couldn’t hide my bewilderment.

Jinseon is the longest-lived dragon.

Even if the life in seclusion was long, even the period excluding that moment was longer than that of other dragons. There’s no way he doesn’t know about the key.

Tia also has the key right now, but Jinseon doesn’t know that.

He must have known about the key more than anyone else, as he had lived for a long time.

He said he wasn’t like that.

Normally, I would have thought he had a key he didn’t know about, but it’s different.

Jinseon spoke as if he knew all about the keys.

“The key is the foundation of this world, not something that destroys it in that way.”

Maybe I’m not noticing the most important fact?

Information about Jinseon’s words, Janus’s power, and the key began to float around in my head.

It was said that the key corresponds to the foundation of the world.

Come to think of it, there was that side.

[Seeker’s Key] is mana.

[The Missionary’s Key] is divine power.

[Immortal Key] is a scam.

[The Key to the Understanding] is harmony.

However, the key Janus held twisted space itself.

destroyed the world itself.

The power of harmony can also be said to be special, but it was a power that literally symbolized [harmony] by weaving the rest of the power into one.

Then, what is Janus’ power?

All I knew was the ability to twist and break space.

But is it okay to relate it to the foundation of the world?

So what if you think about it the other way?

As Jinseon said, what if there is a key other than Janus’s key?

There were just five powers in this world. Among them, Yogi is a power that Kang Chul created himself, so if you exclude it, there is only one left.


The power that demons handle.

That might be the real fifth key that Jinsun knows.

“So what? What is the key that bastard is using… … .”

“Is that important now?”

It was Tia who cut off my accident.

She was putting on a look that was quite noticeable, as if she had received the most heat.

“now. Is that important?”

She said it with a firm attitude, as if it didn’t matter.

“Grandpa Jinsun. This is how it happened. I guess I just can’t get away with it.”

“… … I see.”

Jin Seon muttered with a miserable expression. Yes, it’s an emergency now.

It’s an important thing, but it’s meaningless to think about it right now.

“Oz, you take the kids right now… … .”

“Academy head. I understand, but you’re the only one who can evacuate everyone else from here. I’m an outsider and I’m slow on my feet.”

“that’s… … .”

“Above all, if the headmaster fights, can Jinseon-nim alone protect us all? There are dozens of prawns to explode in a whale fight.”

Currently, Tia is our best force, but it’s better to think of it as the best defense.

If it were her, she would surely be able to win a good fight with Kang Chul-i, who had invaded with Samdocheon.

However, there is no existence that can survive the aftermath.

In order for her to fight, there is something that must be preceded.

“First of all, the head of the academy gathers everyone who lives in Mt. Bongnae and makes it safe. In the meantime, I will block Kang Chul.”

“Oh you bastard… … .”

Tia frowned. You won’t be able to refute it. Because I said the most objective fact.

“What are you up to this time?”

But it will be different for her to feel. In fact, it is.

“You have to experience it. How strong a being close to a dragon is. I want to put it in my eyes and feel it.”

“You madman. It’s not an experience, it’s just trauma? If you want to experience something like that, ask me to do a mock battle!”

“The headmaster won’t kill me.”

“What… … ?”

Earth-shaking sounds and eerie tinnitus shake your ears.

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Kang Chul is climbing Bongrae Mountain in real time.

Instinctive fear and rejection engulf your entire body.

But I can’t help it.

“I have to experience them. You must learn to fight against the malice that accompanies overwhelming force.”

“why… … .”

And that experience will not be limited to me alone.

[Yowang] Kang Chul is definitely a monster.

However, even so, it is weaker than the monster I have to face.

The strongest person in the world who is grunting in front of his eyes. And the ‘existence outside’ that kills her.

Compared to that… … .

“I have to learn to survive against an enemy like that.”

I decided to save Tia.

The world will feel reassured just by her presence.

I don’t want this world to enter a post-apocalyptic state. I hope it’s peaceful.

Isn’t this the world everyone should live in?

If nothing remains at the end of a fight, how can I describe the feeling of loss?

Besides, isn’t there a promise from Jinseon? It is the yard where you have already learned the skill of Jinseon called Seonsul.

I can’t write yet, but he definitely taught me. The reason I can’t use it is because I’m lacking, isn’t it Jinsun’s fault?

he paid the price

“What the hell are you looking at? I know that? Neither you nor Lucia nor Grandpa Jinsun will explain to others what I saw.”

“You don’t know how to explain it. How can we explain what we see only to our eyes?”

Raising Tia from the dead is a plan that has been almost scrapped in the current situation where the fruit of the World Tree has not been obtained.

Then my goal has no choice but to change naturally.

Prevent things before they happen.

Make Tia not die.

The opponent is not a being that can be persuaded, so there is only one option for me to choose here.

Intervening in the battle itself twists the result of Tia’s death.

I am so afraid that just thinking about it gives me goose bumps.

“It’s like Professor Prudence’s idea. I have to get used to it. Well, there must be a difference in that it was voluntary and forced.”

You have to get used to being afraid.

Tia stared blankly at me at my forced words.

It seemed that she was thinking of what I said.

I didn’t say anything wrong.

You have to get used to it.

“If you want to know what I saw, shouldn’t you show me a simple belief first?”

“… … The horse is Cheongsan Reservoir.”

If you can’t trust me even on this level of work, there’s no way you can trust me when I tell you.

Moreover, if it is about your own death, it is even more so.

Even those who are dying right now do not believe in their own death, but I will surely believe my words that they will die sooner or later.

“… … Yes, I have to believe you if you say that. Isn’t believing also a virtue of an educator? Let’s start from here.”

Tia finally let out a deep sigh. It is the first step towards trust.

“Oz, do you know how to repay my trust?”

“I will come back alive and not die. Would that be enough?”

“That is the hardest thing. Please be careful not to give me the nickname ‘the head of the academy who killed a student by pushing him to the limb’.”

“Did you care about that?”

“Not wanting to see the people around you die is the same whether you’re a dragon or a human.”

Tia shrugged and spread her wings. However, the direction she is heading is up the mountain, not down.

“Grandpa Jinseon. I’ll be there first, so come up slowly. you know? Grandpa can’t fight now.”

She left those words and eventually flew in the direction of the people living in Mt.

All that remains is Jin-sun, who has a bitter expression after hearing Tia’s words.

“Jin-sun. The head of the academy said, but more than that, Jinseon-nim is the other person’s goal, so it’s better to stay away from the residents of Mt. Bongnae.”

“Yes, I guess… … .”

he was too old

dying right now

He may still be able to use seonjutsu, but he cannot even be moved on the battlefield.

“… … It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so helpless. But being stubborn here will only make things difficult for you guys.”

Jinseon gave me a soft smile, then tapped my shoulder and started to release the stiff atmosphere.

“However, I will provide my own support, so you do not have to carry such a heavy burden alone.”

It was like that in the game too.

In the first place, the help of the two dragons was essential for the battle against Kang Chul-yi, an opponent who could not be defeated with the straight attack method.

It is an actual event match.

Tia is in charge of firepower, and Jinseon protects her allies from dying through seonjutsu from a distance.

I know it’s an act that hastened his death.

But he already knows that he will die today.

“thank you.”

So I had no choice but to say thank you.

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