before executing the operation.

What needs to be preceded is estimating the strength of the opponent.

It is unknown whether all professors know about <Tenebris>.

A building for <Tenebris>, which Tia proudly requested to collect information for.

According to Eleanor, End Rod, an advanced alchemy professor, is guarding it.

If so, is Professor N the only one there? Or are professors patrolling in rotation?

Or maybe all the professors are hiding inside.

Well, you can quickly find out that much information by using [Contemplation].

However, the problem is the power that cannot be confirmed even with [Contemplation]. Yes, this is information about Discre Punisher. Even if the others are fine, he is the problem.

As much as he is, if you don’t do your best, you can’t even find it in advance.

If we can reliably pinpoint his location information, we’ll be able to do the rest.

Then what should I do?

Who do I reach out to for location information on him?

A person who is in the center of power but weak, and at the same time shows a crush on me.

“hello. Prince of Oz. Did you sleep well last night?”

… … appeared before my eyes.

I had always thought of going to find him, but I never thought he’d show up first… … .

“It’s sudden, but I think we need time to get to know each other.”

Stasia Van Helios.

It wouldn’t be bad to openly aim for the head at this point.

“Of course it’s fine. In fact, I thought it would have been nice if we had tried to understand each other even a little bit after that night.”

“It’s nice to hear even empty words.”

“Now that it’s like this, why don’t we have a meal together?”

Stasia narrows her eyes and examines me. And the place where her gaze stopped was my forearm.

It is a place where the scars from Marie’s last time still remain.

“A meal… … .”

Where are you talking right now?

I feel like a frog in front of a snake. creepy and unpleasant

“Okay, meal… … . Churup… … .”

Should I change the target?

I think the answer would be to go see Professor Aira right now.

That person may be dumbfounded, but he is an elder-class wizard who teaches advanced magic, albeit temporarily.

A person with that level of skill might know about this incident like Professor N.

“Hmm, hmm… … . Your Highness Stasia? Come to think of it, the only restaurant I can guide you to is the one inside Schientia, after all, the next opportunity is… … .”

“Huh… … ! Joe, good. Prince of Oz. Coincidentally, I was also interested in the restaurant in Skientia.”

I wanted to run away, but I immediately agreed. There is no turning back now.

It would have been nice if he had said that he didn’t eat common people’s food like the royal family, but unfortunately, he seemed interested.

“Will you escort me?”

“… … Sure. majesty.”

Grab Stasia’s hand.

Of course, that stare at the scar on his forearm is still burdensome, so he naturally sticks out his healthy arm. Still, her eyes do not move away.

is that too? is it blood? Are you looking for my blood?

“Well, come to think of it, Her Highness Stasia. I know you swallowed my blood and collapsed last time. Are you okay?”

“Yeah… … . It was very dense and sweet.”

I didn’t ask about the taste.

I don’t even want to know more than that.

Apparently, in the game, it was a setting that they don’t know the taste of blood because they are mixed blood, not vampires.

Maybe it’s because I’ve only swallowed the blood of death row inmates.

“ah! Are you asking about the memories I absorbed?”

“Ah, yes… … .”

Stasia, who was making an ecstatic expression as if recalling the blood she drank that day, moved the topic as if she had remembered it belatedly.

thank god. I wondered how to accept the description of the taste of blood.

“Can you tell me what memories you saw?”

“Whoa, you’re shy.”

It’s not that I’m shy, it’s that you invaded my privacy.

Or do you not know that because you are from the royal family?

“Remember… … .”

She can read memories by drinking blood.

I like that characteristic.

That’s why I didn’t want to give blood… … . What memories will she read if she drinks my blood?

Is it a memory of me? Or is it a memory of Oz?

“Unfortunately, I don’t know.”


“I couldn’t understand it properly because it was tangled up in a jumbled mess, as if paints were mixed together. Is it because Prince Oz is a wizard?”

“I don’t know about that… … .”

Stasia couldn’t read her memories of me.

If you’re lucky, you’re lucky, but you also feel regretful.

If I had absorbed the memories of Oz, I would have been able to get information through him… … .

“If you take one more sip, you might find out.”

“… … I will decline that.”

Judging by the look in his eyes, that 100% doesn’t end with just one bite.

I think I’ll be pulled out until I die.

“Prince of Oz? I am hungry.”

I need to find a restaurant soon.

Originally, it was intended to fit her meal, but since she talked needlessly earlier, she has to find a restaurant within <Skientia>.

What should I feed you? After all, would a western style like steak be good? Or fast food?

A federal-style restaurant with Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisine may be a different experience for her.

That’s how I was thinking about the menu.

“Ah, Oz and… … who?”

“Ugh… … .”

I thought I could hear a gloomy voice, but Stasia’s expression contorted with faint fear.

In an instant, the escorts come out in front of Stasia and take a vigilant posture.

“… … What did I do wrong?”

Marie, the person who taught her the emotion of fear, began to cry inappropriately for her achievement.

“Are you okay inside?”

“yes? what? Who is the person next to him? He is a pretty person.”

“You’re the type who doesn’t remember the next day when you’re drunk.”

There are all the bad conditions related to alcohol. You really shouldn’t be drinking with this guy.

“Let me introduce you. This is Her Highness Stasia Van Helios. You are the princess of the empire.”



“He said it would be a good hand after his father died.”

“Let’s not talk like that in front of the person in question.”

Stasia’s complexion turned pale. Surprisingly, in <Skientia>, Marie, who is in a position under ten thousand people, is in charge of Stasia, who is in a position above all people.

“It’s nice to see this happen. Would you like to go out to lunch together?”

“it’s okay? What if you wear something like me and the atmosphere gets bad?”

“His Highness is gracious, so he will allow it.”

“… … of course. it’s okay.”

Actually, it can’t be okay. Aren’t you tired of being completely white just now?

However, since I brought up her personality first, she would probably reject it.

Even Marie can be said to be a member of the royal family.

In fact, it’s like a position that is lower than me, but it won’t feel that way to Stasia.

I was lucky. The fact that Stasia is so afraid of Marie means that there can be many gaps.

Even if she is less than a soldier, she is also a member of the royal family. I thought it would be quite difficult to dig up the information, but this will make things easier.

“Wow! Friends increased! By the way, Oz, what are we going to eat?”

“Well… … . I know.”

He alternately looks at Stasia, who has a pale complexion, and Marie, who was born pale.

Mary would pick up anything and eat it, but what should she feed Stasia?

If Mari’s existence is a stick, now I should be a carrot.

“Come to think of it, Oz. I feel a little weird inside. Why would this be?”

“… … You really don’t drink.”

* * *

In a different sense, he leads the two pale-faced people to the restaurant.

Our destination was a federal restaurant.

To be more specific, it is a place that sells food close to Korean food.

I wanted to eat familiar food for the first time in a while, but there was also a food that suited the two of us the most.

There was a feeling that it was difficult for Stasia’s escorts to find a place because the store was small, but it worked out rather well. I’m coaxing her from now on, but if someone else’s meddling comes in, it’ll be an annoyance.

“Oz! no knives what to do?”

“Go, why are you looking for a knife all of a sudden?”


“This is a shop where you don’t need knives, so there is none. number of animals.”

That level of overreaction to just one knife… … . The gap with the Stasia I know is no joke.

While waiting for a meal in the uncomfortable silence of only one person.

Finally the food came out.

“Oh, it’s federal stew.”

Commonwealth Stew.

In other words, it is called soup. This is, after all, an obvious cliché.

Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I’ve been possessed by this world.

I honestly didn’t miss it.

I wonder if my taste has subconsciously become similar to Oz, or if I enjoyed living a luxurious life, I just liked expensive and delicious food.

“I don’t know if federal food will suit your taste.”

“No, does it look delicious? I will enjoy this food.”

He does so, but never raises the spoon first.

Is it burdensome? Or maybe he’s thinking of poison or something.

“I’ll eat well, Oz.”

While Stasia was steaming, Marie took a spoon and sipped the soup without hesitation.

To be honest, I don’t know if this fits Marie’s mouth. If you still have a hangover, you’d better eat hangover soup.

It shouldn’t matter as Mari eats well without covering it.

“Yeah, I like it.”

Mari, who sipped the soup like that, smiled softly as if she liked it.

“Well, then me too… … .”

Seeing that, Stasia finally lifted her spoon. Like Marie, she sipped the soup and then bit off the ingredients.

“ah… … !”

Stasia’s expression, which had always been uncomfortable, instantly fell into ecstasy.

Her escorts also flinched at the sudden exclamation.

“The taste reminds me of a cow walking in a wide field! I never thought it would taste like this… … !”

Look at that specific exclamation.

Am I right in admiring the taste? No matter how you think about it, do you think you’re mistaken?

“I’m glad you like it.”

It seems that he absorbed the memory of the cow through Seonji.

Seonji Haejangguk was also the correct answer.

* * *

“Well, this tea has a strong taste, so it feels unique.”

Stasia smiled with satisfaction as she sipped the jujube tea that came out as dessert, as if she was satisfied with the meal.

I didn’t know that you would like it this much, but anyway, this would have raised the level of likeability quite a bit.

Marie, who was really looking forward to playing the role of the whip, fell asleep… … .

Anyway, shall we get to the point?

“Then do you want to get to the point? The Prince of Oz.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business.”

It’s not that simple either. Stasia also easily noticed that I had a separate topic.

“Um… … . What would it be? Tenebris? Or Miss Lucia?”

“You seem to know everything, so you should talk quickly.”

I thought it would be easier than dealing with the agents of <Tenebris>, but it’s not that easy either.

Stasia was not an easy opponent either. Despite not understanding human emotions, he reads the situation quite accurately.

“You want to know the situation?”


“This is another bold question.”

Stasia laughed bashfully at my direct question.

For a moment, she seemed like an ordinary girl.

It’s not something I hadn’t thought about in the first place, but I think it’s worth trying to stop her before she becomes a villain.

“Prince of Oz. Will that really help the empire?”

The reason I chose Stasia,

That’s because her principle of action is ‘for the sake of the empire’. Its action principle follows the consequential theory.

Even if the process was devastating, if it was for the sake of the Empire, she was the one who did it without hesitation.

she is looking over

It must have been that way of thinking in the first place, so he absorbed the blood of death row inmates.

As if someone’s sacrifice was natural, it would be okay if it ultimately helped the empire.

“If you help me this time, I will forgive you for selling my information some time ago.”

“Could that be something that irritated your nerves enough to make you quarrel with the Empire? I didn’t know… … .”

“Of course not to that extent. It’s a stupid idea to pretend to be with the empire for just that reason.”

I sold my photos.

It would be funny if that alone could ruin the relationship with the Empire.

Stasia knew that much, so she must have done it without hesitation. I didn’t even think that I would pretend to be with the empire.

Of course, she only sees results without emotions, so she can’t even consider people’s feelings.

But for now, that terrible mindset will help.

“If you don’t cooperate with us this time, you might end up with the Empire.”

“… … Do you want to get revenge on Tenebris? That’s troublesome.”

It’s not unreasonable to think so when it comes out this far.

“Not quite like that. I have no intention of killing them. I just want to meet the cat who sold my photos without permission.”

However, this purpose is not so grandiose. Just disciplining a cat.

Yeah, that’s about it.

Because for her, who doesn’t understand emotions, Lucia’s feelings aren’t important.

“Um… … . I guess it doesn’t matter to that extent. Wouldn’t it be hard though? It is Lord Discre who is protecting her. Even if it’s my order, they won’t easily listen.”

Even after such an accident, there is a wall of reality.

Even if you simply think about it, there is no way to sell the organization’s information or disrupt the system.

That is common sense before emotion.

But my purpose now is to gauge the opponent’s strength.

Through the conversation I just had, I confirmed that Discre was back.

If that’s the case, it’s enough to check the remaining power with [Contemplation].

“Then, how about letting you meet Sir Discre?”

“Um… … . I think it will be difficult to decide on your own.”

Adjust little by little.

Find a way between the line she can allow and the gap.

The minimum information required for me is the location information of the disk. Even [Contemplation] can’t detect its stealth.

If we don’t figure out his location in advance, the plan may fail the moment it starts.

“Then could you tell me that I want to meet you?”

“Um… … .”

Stasia closed her eyes and began to think. are estimating

“If that’s enough… … .”

As a result, it was accepted.

Well, even if it wasn’t for her, it would be easy for her to think about conveying words. That’s it.

“But it’s also like accepting that request.”

“I bet you would.”

Well, I thought so.

So, I prepared a way to convince her.

“How about this?”

He takes out the glass vial containing the blood he had prepared in advance in his bosom.

A few drops of blood in exchange for a favor that is not too difficult for her. It wouldn’t be a bad deal for her either.

Stasia’s pupils are obsessed with disease. It is an easy response.

“… … What can I say to you?”

And, as expected, she took the bait.

“Tonight at 8pm, I will be waiting in front of the front door of your building, so could you ask me to meet you for a while? I want to hear exactly what happened.”

“like. Don’t expect too much though. The choice is always up to Lord Discre.”

“That will do.”

It doesn’t matter if it comes out or not. In the end, what matters is the cause.

As long as I have a justification, I won’t be able to attack first.

Furthermore, if a person like me is waiting, I can’t help but care about the discrees.

I don’t know what move I’ll use, so I’ll watch from a distance.

At least I’ll be able to do as much as I can to hold him.

“Well, that’s now… … .”

“Yes, I will. Sounds like a good deal.”

Give the glass bottle to Stasia.

By the way, I never said that what was inside was my blood. That’s Eleanor’s blood.

He said he didn’t want to give my blood, so for some reason, he readily offered it.

In a sense, it can be said that that blood has its own important value, so I can’t say I was deceived.

Wouldn’t it be possible for her to realize her feelings of resentment through this incident?

Yeah, that was all she said to be good.

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