149 – Ganghwado

“Seonghwan. What are you going to do today?”

“Um…What should I do?”

We filmed Ara’s car unboxing, and the presentation went reasonably well, so it was the end of her class.

So, as soon as early summer came, she didn’t go to school because her vacation started, so she lay on the living room sofa.

And, for some reason, the crazy b*tch she was in the same group with didn’t show up to school.

It was a little scary that he disappeared without a word, but I’m still thinking about it because the CEO isn’t the type of person to kill people.

Ara also had a good day off today, so we were rolling around on the sofa together.

Until yesterday, she had been driving around the city.

I could feel the majesty of this car, the only one of its kind in Korea, as people were taking pictures with their cell phones every time I went there.

It makes you wonder if this is why you drive an expensive car.

“Hmm… Is your sister taking the next three days off?”

“Three days? That’s quite a long break.”

“I guess the person I was filming a variety show with was drunk and driving.”

“Uh huh…”

Drunk driving is no different from murder.

If you want to die, do you die alone? Why do you want to make others die by becoming water demons too?

“Really? Seonghwan, you can never drink and get behind the wheel, right?”

“That’s not true. If you drink in the first place, your sister will come pick you up.”

“hehehe, that’s right.”

When I tell him I’m drinking, he comes to see if he’s worried and picks me up.

He also lifted me up with both hands in a very embarrassing position.

“It’s because you don’t know. That’s the most comfortable position when you’re drunk.”

“Really? Then I’ll try it next time my sister is drunk.”

“Will you do it? Then, sister, it’s good.”

“I don’t know if I can lift it.”

“Who…You’re not that heavy!?”

Ara began to protest, saying it wasn’t that heavy.

I laughed for a while and then started to calm her down by stroking her head.

“It’s a joke. It’s a joke.”

“Chi… Even if he’s a man, a husband shouldn’t do that to his wife.”

“Can my sister do it?”


He started to moan a little as if he was being stabbed.

This look is really cute.

“If you don’t have anything else to do, shall we go see the sea? 2 Days and 1 night.”

“Huh? Sea trip? I want to go.”

As I thought about Ara’s blue Bugatti Chiron, I thought of the cool sound of the waves, and she asked me to go to the sea.

She immediately nodded her head and agreed that she wanted to go.

Actually, when it comes to traveling, it’s fun to follow Ara’s entire plan like when she went to Japan.

It’s really fun to go without a plan, with just money and a car.

“Then let’s go now.”

“Let’s go! Unplanned trip!”

As expected, my wife.

Ignorance…No, it seems like he knows how fun unplanned travel can be.

“Then, shall we just pack a change of clothes in our bag and head out?”

“Yes. What car should I take?”

Ara will be sad if you choose another car here.

I would like to joke about going in a Cayenne or Boxster.

“Let’s ride my sister’s horse.”

“Rottweiler? You mean Baxter?”

“Even though I bought a Bugatti, my Rottweiler is a Boxster?”

“Of course. It’s my sister’s first car.”

You name a car like that Bungbungi.

Still, I’m glad that you still cherish the car you used to drive.

By the way, did they name the Bugatti Chiron as well?

I am a little curious.

“Sister, did you give a name to the Bugatti Chiron?”


“Baxter is a mess, right? Shiron shouldn’t have a name either.”

“Hmm… I guess so when I think about it.”

Because it is not a living thing, there is no need to give it a name.

It was so funny to see Ara’s expression as she began to think seriously.

“Um… Bang Bang?”

“…Isn’t this too rough?”

“Ugh…I don’t know what to do.”

If this continues, I won’t be able to even name my child.

I am very worried.

“It’s a shiron and it’s blue… How about a flutter?”

“Shiron is a nickname that has nothing to do with it?”

“Hey, what do you think?”

Isn’t the furry cute?

It seems like the name of a planet that some frogs came to occupy.

Ara pursed her lips and began to think for a while.

It seems like she doesn’t really like it.

“For now, hold off on fluttering.”

“Well, it’s right for your sister to choose the nickname.”

I don’t know how long I will think about her.

Or maybe I brought this up for no reason….

“Sister, think about the car’s nickname later.”

“Oh, that’s right. We decided to go out and have fun.”

“First, let’s think about where we’re going.”

“Um… Incheon?”

Since she stopped by Incheon to pick up the car, she didn’t…

And there is a very strong perception that the sea there is a port.

“Now, how about going to the island?”

“Island? Ganghwado or…Wolmido?”

“Or wouldn’t The Godfather be okay?”

“Godfather Island?”

It’s an island near Seoul, and it’s a tourist destination, so there’s probably a lot to see.

And if you want to see the sea, it would be right to choose either Daebudo or Ganghwado.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Or, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go to Ganghwa.”

“Hmm… Then shall we go to Ganghwa Island?”

Actually, Ara looks good wherever she goes.

You might want to run outside and grab the steering wheel right now.

“I do what I want, sister. I’m happy wherever I go.”

“Then let’s go to Ganghwa Island. Quickly, take your clothes and wallet.”

“Yes, yes~”

She chuckled as she watched Ara running quickly into the master bedroom.

They say we need to create a justification like this.


A trip that was suddenly decided.

I thought that an unplanned trip would be fun, so I jumped out, but I am a little worried.

I set out on a 2-day, 1-night trip and took my clothes and underwear with me.

What if I go there and there is no room at the hotel?

“What’s wrong?”

“Sister, I’ll reserve a room for you.”

“Room? It’s still off-season, so you’ll probably have plenty of room?”


A tourist attraction is a tourist attraction even if it is rotten.

Even if it is the off-season, there may be a lot of people.

“Our Seonghwan is really worried~”

“I’ll make a reservation at a hotel that rents grills.”

“Is there a place like that? Let’s buy seafood and grill it up a lot.”

“Meat too.”

“Meat too~”

She lifted one hand from the steering wheel.

It’s like raising a glass of beer.

“Are you going to have a drink?”

“No kid?”

“No, it’s not that it’s impossible. I heard you’ll be off for three days anyway?”


“Then we can go on a staycation tomorrow and go home two days later.”


She saw Ara cheering and lightly stroked her head.

Then she took out her cell phone from her pocket and searched the reservation site for the most expensive hotel with the best facilities.

It was in front of the sea, so you could enjoy the ‘ocean view’.

“Let’s see….”

When I accessed the hotel reservation site and searched the name of the hotel, I found that the room price was set at a low price, perhaps because it was the off-season.

The most expensive room…What? This is also a penthouse.

“As expected, Korea is a good place to travel.”


“The room we stayed in in Japan was very expensive, right?”

“Yes, did you pay 1 million won per person for one night?”

“But the penthouse at the Ganghwado Hotel costs 400,000 won per night.”

“Wow… Then it’s almost 1/5th.”

In Japan, the price per person per night was around 1 million won.

Then, for two people, it is about 4 million won.

Then, you can think of it as just 1/5 level.

Of course, it makes no sense to compare ryokans and hotels.

“I’ll make a reservation here.”

“If you’re on the top floor, there’s no noise between floors, which is great.”

I nodded my head in agreement with Ara and made the payment right away.

Now, I can just wander around and have fun, then check in at the check-in time.

“So, what do you want to do first when you go?”

“I’m going to go have lunch!”

“Then, shall we find a good raw fish restaurant?”

“No, my sister already found it.”

“Oh… As expected, you’re a glutton…”

“Huh? I think my husband just said something…”

“No, it’s a treasure after all.”

“hehehe… I’m embarrassed.”

It looks like you didn’t hear it properly, so let’s move on to the embarrassing compliment.

By the way… I had no intention of reserving accommodations, but did I look for a place to eat in advance?

As expected, Ara is Ara.


“I got spicy stew for free.”

“Please also give me two bottles of cider.”


An open raw fish restaurant on the pier.

Ara and I came to a large restaurant of the type you would normally see in a fishing village.

I ordered one slice of raw fish, spicy fish soup, and a drink.

“This is service.”

“Thank you.”

“Enjoy your meal~”

Looking around, there isn’t a single customer.

Perhaps that’s why the owner sliced some sea urchins and abalone into sashimi as a service.

“There was also a capsize.”

“It wasn’t on the menu.”

“Then is it really a service?”

I bought abalone a while ago and I know that abalone must be quite expensive now.

Of course, it may be a bit different from here, where you can get seafood right away, and in the middle of Seoul.

“What do you have for raw fish?”

“Tuna, flounder, sea bream, salmon, mullet…”

“What are tuna and salmon?”

“And there are sea squirts and sea cucumbers.”

I know the rest, but can tuna and salmon be caught here?

Strangely, when I go to a seafood center or a raw fish restaurant, I see tuna and salmon, but I’m not sure if they were caught locally or bought.

“Well…Isn’t it just a matter of taste?”

“Is that so? Then enjoy it.”

“Seonghwan eats a lot too.”

I don’t really like raw fish, so I dipped it into maeuntang (spicy fish stew) as if I were eating shabu-shabu.

Ara can be eaten plain, dipped in vinegar, sometimes wrapped in seaweed…

I started inhaling while showing various variations.

Next time, I’ll have to slice the raw fish and make it for you.

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