143. The sword that cuts the stars (5)

I felt strange.

The space within the barrier did not seem to follow the physical and magical rules outside the barrier. Daphne was floating and drifting in the barrier. The inside of the barrier was not dark. An unknown light source was illuminating the field of view. Fortunately, the body moved at will. I could fly if I wanted to fly, I could sit if I wanted to sit. The floor and ceiling were one, and there were no walls. Daphne looked at the comet’s tail, which was clearly drawn even in the barrier.

“… Three years.”

Daphne calculated that. The magic power that currently supports the barrier is exhausted to that extent. Daphne opened and closed her hand over and over again. As it is, the wizards can hold on to the barrier until the end of their lives, but even that won’t last long.

Above all, since the entrance to the barrier has been closed, no one from the outside can intervene, and they don’t even know what’s going on inside the barrier. So, even if Illroy found a way to defeat the comet, until the comet breaks through the barrier and reappears, Daphne stares at the comet as it flies far away, then collapses.

“If I give my all here to strengthen the barrier….”

Life in the wizarding world is more expensive than you think. Magic pays its price and takes lives. Needless to say, the young 7th Circle Mage’s life is worthless. The magical power that can be obtained by exploding all the magical power accumulated up to Circle 7, the lifespan extended by the development of magic, and the potential for development all at once.

“… Even if I can’t do it, it will last for hundreds of years.”

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Hundreds of years, hundreds of years. Until then, can people figure out what to do with this comet? Or will the comet, tired of wandering for hundreds of years, lose its power and fall? Daphne clenched his fists. The process of sacrificing his life is not that simple. Death and life are two sides of the same coin. People feel life only when death is near. When you squeeze out all the magic power remaining in your body and can vaguely feel your own death, the transaction begins.

“You can’t get out.”

Comet was flying far away as if trying to find an exit. Daphne gently shook her head and tried to connect with the barrier. The barrier is directly in contact with the heart, and even now it is drawing mana like a pump. Daphne opened the passage wide. Mana leaked out like water flowing through an open waterway.

“Be locked here, until you die.”

Daphne poured out her mana, hoping so earnestly. Take more, take more Scrape away every single drop hidden in the deepest part of me. The amount of mana poured out was useless. Daphne, pouring out her all for the first time, twisted his mouth as she felt the endless flow of magic power.

“… More. Little bit more.”

Symptoms of magical exhaustion are appearing. My head spins and my limbs lose strength. There is still a lot of magic left. The last of the last. Even a handful of mana hidden in the deepest part of the blood vessel must be released.

Support positions.

The blood vessels that discharged too much mana screamed. It hurts and hurts Bruises spread all over the body like stains. The weaker Daphne gets, the stronger the barrier becomes. The space becomes solid, and the unstable precariousness slowly disappears.

The pain came with every beat of my heart. An hour of ignorant mana extraction. The magic power comparable to the ocean is now showing its bottom.

“… It’s meaningless.”

I remember the look on Nella’s face when she shouted, “If you die, everything is useless.” She’s right. Even if you sacrificed like this to save people, when you die, there is no way to know whether people are alive or dead. One of the reasons why people are afraid of death is that they do not know what will happen after death. Daphne looked down at her trembling hands. It’s not that she trembles due to the exhaustion of her mana.

You know Illroy has done this all the time.

He didn’t know he was fighting behind someone’s shield. More than anything, I didn’t even know what it meant to be that shield. What it is like to use my life to support the lives of others. What other resolutions should I make? Daphne contemplated the amount of magic she had lost. A virtual coffin connected to the barrier extends deep into the body. A handful of magical energy that was tied to his right hand. A small amount of mana stored in his legs, a drop of mana deep in his veins.

“… Scared.”

Muttered Daphne. Even so, it didn’t stop. Willing to invite death. Rather, it is a process of becoming one with the barrier. Magical coffins were inserted all over Daphne’s body. The tube slowly advances toward the heart. All remaining magic power in the body was drained. Now it’s time to extract the most basic mana that makes up the circle.

“As expected, I’m scared.”

Daphne smiled lightly. She was still an ordinary child in a rural village. She lived with the pain of being kicked out of the village and was a scarred monster who had lived a life of being rejected by people. Illroy rescued her from her abyss and searched for her other wounds. Daphne chased after the hero. She sees people’s wounds, she sees the warrior who saves him.

In the meantime, I also saw this as a thing that accumulated indelible scars on her body.

The warrior saved his wounds with his wounds. The path the warrior walked is full of bloodstains. And the hero who looks back from time to time is always smiling. Not to worry, like it’s okay.

“I miss you.”

Daphne felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She could die She would give it up for Illroy. And if I was going to give it up, I wanted to do it without Illroy knowing. If he knew, he would surely try to save himself while getting hurt again.

Still, I want you to know. I wish I could see your face The fact that I’ve done this much for you, the fact that I took courage. Daphne dropped to his knees, holding her trembling hands. Her pain is getting stronger. The last of the last. Daphne was crying.

“Look… want.”

I thought it would end with just a few tears. Daphne let out a dejected laugh, then collapsed with excitement. It hurt. Her body, and the memories that kept coming back and piercing my heart. His warmth that I wanted to feel at least once. Daphne bent over him, swallowing the tears that had turned into sobs.

Actually, I wanted to stop you when you went out to face the giant.

Actually, I hated the people who threw stones at you.

Actually, I wanted to go into the mist to find you.

Actually, if I was going to die, I wanted to die by your side.

Now, you are ready to trade. Daphne looked at the strands of golden magic extending from his chest. The strand connects to the core of the barrier. Once Daphne accepts, he has no turning back.

I wanted to call your name for the last time. Daphne bit his lip and tried the name in a trembling voice.


“Did you call me?”

Daphne froze. And, very slowly, he raised his head. Do you see anything in vain? Could it be the world’s last mercy? Her vision caught a glimmer of silvery-white brilliance. Three pairs of shiny wings. Sword in both hands, training ring on top of head. And, brightly shining blue-green eyes. Her ashen hair is fluttering in a vortex of magic.

“The space is a bit strange. You had a lot of trouble coming.”

Illroy smiled awkwardly as he said that. Daphne’s thoughts and actions completely stopped. Illroy looked at the golden coffin attached to Daphne and frowned at her.

“What is this? What are you doing wearing something dangerous like this?”

Illroy bent down, and Daphne hopped back.

“What is it?! What the hell are you doing here!”

“What are you doing? I heard you disappeared into the barrier without listening to Nella, so I came to find you.”

Illroy knelt down and looked at Daphne. Daphne looked at Illroy in disbelief, then slowly approached him. There is a sign. He could also feel the magic.


Daphne put a hand over Illroy’s face. It is touched. Daphne’s hand continued to trace Illroy’s face. Touch. Signs of a fight. The eyelids, the bridge of the nose. And the corner of the mouth that went up slightly.


It’s a real thing.

Daphne let go of his arm, realized that, and cried again. Illroy didn’t move, didn’t say anything, allowing Daphne to feel his full presence. Daphne looked Illroy up and down in disbelief, stammering as he opened his mouth.

“What the hell… how….”

“Sorry for being late.”

Daphne rushed in. At the weight of Daphne’s weak arms, Illroy’s eyebrows rose and then calmly sank. Daphne cried even more sadly at Illroy’s hand patting her back.

“Good job.”

It took another 30 minutes for Daphne to stop crying. Daphne sat down completely exhausted. Illroy sat cross-legged across from her. Stars embroidered in the far reaches of the barrier twinkled. Daphne whimpered, bringing his knees together.

“You can leave it to me now.”

“… I am coming?”

Nodding his head. Daphne looked at him with a little resentment. This man is always, when cornered. When he is in trouble he shows up. Then he does it all too casually and comes back laughing. Daphne looked at him with sad eyes as he tried to embrace him alone.

“Thank you for holding out. Thanks again for stopping the crash. With that, you have already saved tens of millions of people. You can be proud.”

“But…. In the end, things couldn’t have been completely resolved without Illroy.”

“The same goes for me.”

Illroy gently lifted Daphne’s drooping chin.

“You bought me time. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to stop the world from perishing.”

“Did you trust me?”

“I believed it. So, I waited until the end.”

This person reassures me until the end. It tells you that you can rely on it and that you can trust it. He smiles as if he’s not heavy, and he doesn’t fall down. Because he knows he’s hopeful. Because he knows better than anyone else that he will be a beacon that illuminates people’s future path.

“I’ll be back.”

Illroy looked at the tail of the comet. Otherwise, I will be sent alone again. She will not be able to achieve what she hoped for until her death. Daphne grabbed the back of Illroy’s hand as he tried to turn away.

“Together… “

Illroy’s eyes widened slightly. Daphne was encouraged by his surprised response.

“Come with me.”

Illroy turned around to look at Daphne, then nodded and came closer. Daphne reached out to Illroy, as if asking her to stand up, but Illroy’s actions were unexpected for Daphne.


“This is faster.”

Illroy put his sword in his arms and gave Daphne a mischievous smile. Daphne involuntarily grabbed his arm. White wings spread wide behind Illroy’s back. Illroy floated into thin air. He felt completely different than when he emerged alone. Daphne struggled a little, but now she didn’t have the strength left to deny it.

“Then, let’s go.”

Flap once. Stars became lines of light and brushed past. I didn’t feel the wind or the sense of speed. It was as if the space was shifting to the temple and leading Illroy and Daphne there. The white light passing overhead became more distinct. Illroy grinned and looked forward. Daphne followed Illroy’s eyes and turned her head.

“Hey, they’re running hard.”

Catch up.

Hyesung was continuing her flight, not knowing where she was going. It was they who were hunting now. The side that traps prey in a net and stabs them with a spear. Illroy flew far ahead of the comet and gently set Daphne down. Daphne sat back down on the floor, and Illroy drew his sword.

“I’m watching you from there.”

Daphne nodded and cast a spell on Illroy using a handful of her recovered magical energy. It was the first protective magic cast on Illroy. Illroy opened his eyes wide and smiled broadly.

“Thank you. I am strong.”

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“Keep me away.”

“Of course not.”

Daphne could clearly see Illroy’s back as she walked away, feeling the magical power connected to Illroy. The back of the hero was bigger and brighter than ever.


I warmed up by gently touching the swords in both hands. The pain I got from opening the holy sword. Is it the first time since the first opening? There was even Daphne’s magic wrapped around her body, and the memories of that time came to her mind. Memories have the power to make people smile. That’s why I was able to smile while facing the comet’s huge presence.

“Now it’s your turn.”

The beating of my heart is painful. Moving the body is a bit difficult. But I know what to do. I crossed the veil and the holy sword and held it behind my shoulder. The muscles are tense, and the circulation of magical power is formed. A mixture of aura and the power of the Holy Sword wrapped around the blade. The Holy Sword did not speak. He is quietly watching me.

“The power you forcibly opened. It cannot be wasted.”

I muttered and closed my eyes. There was a comet even beyond the closed eyes. Cut, cut again. Slash until a large block of ice is reduced to the size of a pebble. My mind was full and empty at the same time.

“A sword that cuts stars.”

I couldn’t reach the conditions for the holy sword. Any chance to find out in the future? The mouth wrote. I wanted to know. I wanted to sit there for as long as possible and reflect more on the sword. I wanted to look back on my sword.

“… It would be a luxury to wish for something so innocent.”

I laughed. I opened my eyes. The comet was approaching. The surface of the comet shone red, blue, white, yellow, and green. Towards that midline, I took a big step. The swords cried in response to my gestures. The sword of the veil was sharp and high, and the sword of the holy sword rang low.

Cut it.

I thought to myself.

And just cut down like a scarecrow.

Hyesung seemed to be trying to kill me alone.

You are nothing. If you pass by, you won’t even leave a trace of your existence in this world.

As I said.

Maybe. However,

I put a twisted smile on her lips as I answered the silent question the comet posed.

That’s a comet, isn’t it the same for you?


Finally, strength went into the hand holding the sword. The stepping foot has taken root. The comet appeared right in front of my eyes. I advance towards that pure white shining world.

Then all I have to do is just do it.

Follow the waves. Like flowing. Just draw the sword down along the sword path.




“… Cut.”

I muttered as I looked at the corpse of the comet, which had simply turned into a floating piece of ice.

“[You’ve been cut.]”

The holy sword answered with dry sadness.


The cough was wet. I wiped the blood running down my chin.


“It’s okay.”

I still have work to do.

Until then, I have to endure with this body.

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