139. The sword that cuts the stars (1)

You cut down the scarecrow.

I took a deep breath as I looked at the scarecrow, who still looked fine. Not the correct answer. My body moved as I wanted. The sword’s trajectory didn’t shake, and the confidence in my head to move my arm didn’t disappear either. A cold sweat broke out. Unrealistic reality. The heart is not beating, it is shaking in place. The sword slipped from his hand and crashed into the ground.

“That can’t be….”

I hurriedly approached the scarecrow. The scarecrow collapsed on the floor only when I approached it. As if the space itself had been separated, a cleanly cut section was visible. I picked up half of the scarecrow and exhaled hard. No. It was true that he had reached a new level, but it was not the same as the slashing that the Holy Sword showed. My sword was still resting on the human’s.


I shook my hands. There is no time. External stimuli were completely blocked, but my senses were telling me that it was not long before I left this place. I turned my head and looked at the sword embedded in the floor. A sword that looks just like the Holy Sword. But I couldn’t hear anything.

“… We have to do it again.”

I picked up my sword. Time, like a hound at the smell of blood, tightened my breath fiercely as it drew nearer. I need to empty my head, but my head is full of white noise. Tinnitus was ringing in his ears, and his vision was blurry. The scarecrow rose again from the empty space. I pointed my sword at the scarecrow and spoke.

“What the hell am I supposed to do?”

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t know. If I can’t complete the sword that cuts the comet, there is no one to cut the comet in my place. Even if I died there, the insurance called Arjen could have prevented the giant or the fog. But what about comets? If I can’t prevent this, there is no such thing as a convenient excuse called ‘next’ or ‘insurance’.


I swung my sword. The Scarecrow was cut again. Of course, it couldn’t have been properly cut. As I shook my head, a new scarecrow rose. Wield a sword The scarecrow was cut in half. Again and again. Like a miracle, I swung my sword even though I knew there was no way my slash would be completed.

Arjen of the original story, how did she achieve her third opening?

Memories of the ‘original work’ were fading the longer I lived here. As of now, the story of how Arjen liberated the 3rd level remains in his mind only as vague fragments of words. It’s just Arjen’s strong, unbreakable will, so he was able to achieve the third opening. Information that doesn’t even make sense.

I reluctantly swung my sword. Am I not strong enough? In the end, is this how the karma that caused the world to go in a different direction from the original comes back?

“… Don’t give a damn.”

I gritted my teeth. I have no questions about myself. I have no intention of deciding whether an action is right or wrong. I have no intention of convincing those who rush that it is not right. Because all my thoughts and actions were affirmed by someone’s smile. Because it gave me a reason to move on. So, I had to swing my sword.

One more, one more.

The despair deepened every time a scarecrow fell down.

Cut the stars. Cut the moon cut the world

That was a dream. A dream that no one can reach. A dream that cannot be achieved within certain limits. I aimed my sword at the resurrected scarecrow and stayed still. The Scarecrow was also pointing a sword at me. More than giants, more than fog, more than fanatics. I was more afraid of the scarecrow.

“I have to.”

I told myself and walked away. I don’t think the sight the holy sword showed me was an illusion. Not tired We have to overcome. If I don’t do it, everyone will die.


A holy sword stood where the scarecrow had been. Am I looking at something in vain? I grabbed her sword and glared at her. The Holy Sword was staring at me with its red eyes. Sad eyes. She came towards me and wrapped my grip around her sword.

“I couldn’t.”

I said in a blank voice.

“I couldn’t cut the stars.”


The Holy Sword is calling me. The hand of the holy sword gripped my cheek and fixed it. The holy sword was smiling, but its eyes were wet and shaking as if they were crying.

“If it is you, it is possible. No, only you can.”


“I will allow the third opening.”

At the words of the holy sword, my eyesight returned. The Holy Sword let out a long sigh. She was hesitant, as if to force herself to say something she really didn’t want to say.

“The strain on your body will be enormous.”

“I can endure any burden.”

The Holy Sword shook her head at my desperate answer.

“If it’s just about hurting myself, there’s an excellent healer, so there’s no reason for me to worry so much. There is a price to pay for forcing the unprepared to bloom.”

The Holy Sword then looked at me with her worried eyes.

“Illroy. I don’t want to lose you But I hate myself for having to make this choice.”

It’s because of my lack of ability. If only I could be strong If only I could overcome my limitations and perfect the sword that cuts the stars. At that time, the holy sword gave strength to her hand holding my face.

“It is my greed.”

Remorse lingered in the holy sword’s voice.

“So, don’t blame yourself.”

The hand of the holy sword came down from my cheek and grabbed her hand. I put the sword on the ground and took the holy sword’s hand. She inhaled her breath very deeply, then she exhaled slowly.

“I will start the third opening.”

The Threshold of Hell.

I don’t know if I’m being sucked into it or if I’m escaping out. However, if there is one thing in common, it is that you can vividly look into it. The wall was the threshold, and outside the wall was hell.

“You’re being pushed.”

From noble mtl dot com

The commander’s voice was calm now. The sun was shining and going down. It has been a miracle that it has survived so far. The battle had been going on for hours without a single lull. People died to protect the walls that were supposed to protect people. It was the commander who constantly poured people into it.

“The other side too…. Is it broken now?”

It was Natalie that the commander was staring at with a bitter look. Natalie, who had already killed a thousand units of monsters, was naturalizing in his eyes. As the battle continued, Natalie’s appearance became more distant from that of a human. The snake’s scales, which only glimpsed his form, became armor that completely covered his body, and sharp fangs sprouted from his mouth, ripping off the scruff of the monster and drinking its blood.

“I don’t know if there was any reason to fight like that.”

Natalie’s mind was calm. There was no reason to fight for her, even the reason for her life was vague, but Natalie fought. Because she was designed that way. Because her death was the purpose of that life. Natalie grabbed the two monsters with her vicious grip and tore off her head. Flesh and blood poured out. As she opened her mouth, disgusting tastes squeezed into her tongue and throat.

“Damn it!!”

It was someone’s angry cry that caught Natalie’s senses as she tried to run forward again. Natalie swung her tentacles through the running monster and looked back.

“You can’t fall down here! Wake up!”

Eugene was holding on to Cora, who was bleeding from his chest. The pupils that were torn like snakes dilated. Eugene forcibly squeezed his mana and pushed away the monsters climbing up the castle wall. Dark red blood flowed from Eugene’s nose, but he didn’t care. Where did the commander go? The commander who was supposed to command the knights and soldiers was nowhere to be seen.

A monster was climbing up the wall. It’s a crawler And, Eugene didn’t seem to notice at all that the crawler was coming up the wall.

The tip of the sunset was touching the head of the twilight. A center line was drawn in the sky, and tiny shiny dots began to appear one by one. The weather was unnecessarily good. The ridges, layer upon layer of ripped plume clouds, still wriggled.

“It’s coming.”

Nella’s voice trembled with impatience. The battle is not yet over, but destruction is coming. There is still enough magic left to be effective. Realizing that the time was approaching, the mages were gathering under the walls. Nella looked at the gathering wizard and bit her lip.


“I have to go. A comet is approaching.”

Nella said that and started to jump down from the wall. Her hand, trying to grab her Nella from behind, stirred the air around her in vain. Daphne is… , She also noticed and seemed to be coming down from the castle wall. The defense of the castle wall was now entirely left to Laura and she had to run to deal with the comet.

“I’ll leave it to you, Marianne.”

Daphne said that in a heavy voice. Marianne nodded her head. Opening her castle window, she was almost alone in blocking a section of the castle wall. The monster collapsed powerlessly under her spear, and even a named monster couldn’t last long. Like Illroy, Marianne held out at the front of the line.

“The walls will not fall.”

Marianne’s words were a support. A crutch that will make her okay without looking back. A support that gives the belief that the castle wall will be safe. So Daphne could run.

“How much mana is left…. It’s still okay.”

It was like a miracle that Nella reached the 6th circle. There was a lot of room in her mana management, and she was able to pour more of her mana before this Mercury. Daphne raised her head and looked up at the sky. The sun shimmered in the west only traces of it, and a purple veil covered the sky.

“Damn it! Daphne!!”

I heard Nella’s cracked screams. During her battles, she seems to be screaming at her cheeks quite a bit. In the past, he would have reacted annoyed to that voice, but now his usual reaction reassured Daphne. Daphne hurried his steps and moved over to Nella’s side.

“You crazy b*tch!! I told you to save her mana!! Don’t use magic to walk!”

At Nella’s shocked reaction, Daphne let out a blank laugh. There was no word of her dignity, and it was very like her.

“I’m in a hurry. Preparations are complete at the Magic Tower, right?”

“You’ve been stuck in the tower since the beginning of the battle. Do you need more time or magic power to drive magic? If it’s not done yet, I’ll kick all of them out of the Mage Tower.”

Nella’s green hair fluttered in anger.

“It seems to work somehow.”

I could see the roof of the magic tower submerged in the shadows of the twilight. Daphne was relieved as she stroked his chest at the vaguely felt harbinger of great magic. It seems that the foundation work could have been done somehow. Nella, who was walking beside her, also let out a sigh and raised the corners of her mouth.

“Okay. There will be no way to kick them out of the Magic Tower.”

The mage tower was beating the pulse of magic throughout the capital. An invisible ring of mana was rotating around the mage tower. Artificial heart. In order to complete one great magic, the Mage Tower became the second heart of the mages. Nella and Daphne looked up after reaching the front of the magic tower.

“Are you watching?”

“… Yes, I must hurry.”

Across the purple sky, a meteor with a pure white tail began to appear.

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